Forever Chance

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Forever Chance Page 5

by CJ Murphy

  Taylor walked down the hall and into the room with Jax. “Our suspect has a few bite marks on him, so I’ll need the shot records for the hospital. The guy terrorized his family. Unfortunately, his wife took the brunt. I’ll never understand it. If anyone ever laid a hand on Penny or our baby, I’d—” She stopped. “Well, let’s just say that person better hope someone else gets to them first. I’ll leave it at that.”

  Jax ran her hands over Zeus, checking for any unseen wounds or any discomfort Zeus might show. She felt down each leg and over each paw. Zeus showed no sign of injury and licked her cheek.

  “Love you too, boy. Let me listen to your heart.” Jax pulled her stethoscope from her lab coat pocket, settled the earpieces in place, and put the bell on Zeus’ chest. The rhythmic thump she heard put her mind at ease. His lungs sounded clear. “Let’s check those teeth.” She lifted his gums and checked the prominent canines for stability. Everything seems to be in order.”

  “Midas took a good hit up against the wall when they took the suspect down. He’s favoring that right front leg.” Taylor pointed to where Midas was holding up his paw.

  “Let’s take a look.” Jax slowly palpated all along the leg. When she reached the elbow, Midas whimpered and withdrew. He showed no indication he would bite, but she used caution. “Hey, Lindsey?”

  “Right here.” Lindsey appeared at her side.

  “Let’s get an X-ray and rule out any fracture. It’s probably a bruise. That won’t show on the films.” Jax turned to Taylor. “We’ll check everything and follow a course of treatment for whatever we find.”

  Taylor nodded. “I trust your judgment. I know Chance does too.”

  “That means a great deal to me. Okay, let’s get him back there. I’m going to put him on a rolling cot to keep him from injuring himself further. Can you pick him up for me? If you keep Zeus busy, we’ll go take a look. I’ll let you know as soon as I see anything.”

  Jax let Taylor pick Midas up and place him on the soft surface before she fastened a Velcro strap across his middle.

  Taylor stroked her dog’s head. “Okay, we’ll be out front.”

  Once in X-ray, she and Lindsey manipulated the limb to get several shots of the affected area. Midas was tolerant, and while Lindsey went to develop the films, Jax wheeled him back to the treatment room. She waved Taylor back and heard the bell over the door ring. Jax stiffened.

  The hair on the back of her neck pricked, as Leland Kurst came through the door. He eyed her from head to toe, then settled on her chest. She’d never been so glad for her lab coat and to have Taylor with her. Kurst masked his gaze when he saw Taylor.

  “I’ll be with you in a minute. I have a patient.” Jax felt him watching her as she continued past him with Midas to the back room, Taylor and Zeus a step behind.

  “That guy gives me the creeps like no one I’ve ever known. Once I get back here, please go check on Lindsey. Chance would shit if she knew he’d come in when she wasn’t here.”

  Taylor adjusted her gun belt. “You aren’t here alone. Zeus, stay with Jax.”

  Jax could hear Leland trying to make conversation with Lindsey, and then she heard the clear order from Taylor telling Leland to let Lindsey pass.

  “I’m not going to tell you again, Leland. Let her pass. Go ahead back to Jax, Lindsey. I’ll handle this.” Taylor’s tone was louder and more authoritative than usual.

  Jax stepped close as Lindsey entered. “Are you okay?” Lindsey was shaking as Jax closed the door and pulled her into her arms. “What did he say to you?”

  Lindsey dropped her head to Jax’s shoulder and wiped furiously at the tears that streamed down her face. “The same crap he used to say in high school. He called Megan a dyke and offered to show me what a real man could do for me.”

  Jax bristled. No one would threaten her staff. She had to keep her head. “You stay in here with Midas and Zeus. Do not open that door for anyone until I come back.”

  Lindsey grabbed her arm. “Don’t go. He takes a threat as a challenge. It will make things worse.”

  “Well, he’s not going to threaten anyone in my place of business, and he certainly will not talk like that to people I care about. Stay here.” Jax walked out and shut the door behind her. Taylor stood almost toe to toe with Leland, her hand resting on her hip near her gun.

  Jax put her hands on her hips. “I want him out of my business. Don’t ever come back, and if you ever say anything to Lindsey again, we’ll slap you with a restraining order. Frankly, I don’t need your business, nor do I want it. Get out.” Jax pointed to the door.

  Taylor took another step toward him. “What did you say to her, Leland?”

  He held his hands in the air. “Nothing illegal about talking to a pretty girl, Deputy Lewis. If so, most of the men in America would be in jail.”

  “Threatening to rape her is more than just talking to her. Now, I want you out of here. Don’t come back, ever.” Jax walked to the door and opened it. “If you don’t leave, I’ll have you removed.”

  “I think you should do as the doc asked, Leland. I can, and will, remove you if you are unable to comply.”

  Leland glared at Jax. “You dykes are all alike. You need someone to put you in your place.”

  Taylor grabbed Leland’s finger and twisted his arm behind his back as she frog-marched him to the door. “If I hear of you being within twenty feet of Dr. St. Claire or Lindsey, I’ll be closely examining your vehicles for violations every time I see you. Last warning, Leland. Take my advice and mind your manners.” They disappeared through the door, and Jax drew in a pained breath with a hand on her chest. She hadn’t realized how badly she’d been shaking until she saw her hands. He’d threatened them. A court of law might not see it that way, but a threat was implied.

  Minutes later, Taylor reappeared at her side. “You okay, Jax?”

  “Yeah, just shaken up. Lindsey’s worse. Chance will shit a brick.”

  “You’ve got to tell her. Don’t keep things from her to protect her. She needs to take care of you, and it would hurt her more to know you withheld the incident, even if you think it’s in her best interest. What she needs most is your honesty and belief in her. Let’s go check on Lindsey.”

  Jax leaned in and let Taylor wrap an arm around her as they walked back to the treatment room. “It’s us, Lindsey, open the door.”

  Lindsey let them in. “Is he gone?”

  Taylor nodded. “What time does Meg get off? I want someone with you, especially when it gets dark. No arguments. Leland Kurst is no one to mess with, and he’s been taking an interest in you for years.”

  “Meg gets off at four, which puts her in town just before five. I don’t want her to lose it and go after him. In high school, he terrified me, because he wouldn’t take no for an answer. He stalked me all over the county. Mom and Dad wanted to pull me out of school, but I begged them to let me stay. They went to the school, and the principal suspended him. I was so grateful when he left town and stopped terrorizing us.” Lindsey broke down in tears again.

  Jax held her in her arms. “Let’s get Midas taken care of, then we’ll call Chance and Megan. I know they’ll want us to be careful. Come on.” She squeezed her. “I’m betting Midas would like to go home. I say we cancel the rest of our appointments, go to my house, and fix dinner for them. Meg can pick you up there.”

  Lindsey wiped her eyes. “I’d like that.”

  “And I’ll follow both of you there with the boys. That way, we can wait together for them to get home. I’ll have Carl take Penny home. No arguments.”

  Jax nodded. “Okay, let’s look at these films.”


  Chance walked out of the emergency room and stepped off to the side of the entrance to wait on Harley. The phone call she’d received from Jax put her nerves on edge. Harley needed to be aware of Leland’s latest threat and be assured that Lindsey was safe. He’s not getting within two feet of either of them, ever again. She started a loop around the perimeter. The
phone call wasn’t the only reason she was pacing in the emergency room’s ambulance bay. The incidents at the Wilson’s had unearthed painful memories of her father’s death.

  “Aunt Maggie, someone’s at the door!” Chance looked up to see a uniformed figure through the glass.

  “Who in the world would be calling at this time of night?” Maggie tightened the belt on her robe and turned the knob.

  Chance watched, as her dad’s boss, Sheriff Owen Knight, took off his hat and ran his hand through his hair.

  “Maggie, I need to talk to you.” He looked at Chance. “In private.”


  “Please, Maggie.” Owen put a hand under Maggie’s elbow as Dee came into the room. “Dee, can you come with us? Chance, stay here.”

  Chance was thirteen years old and knew something was terribly wrong. “Sheriff, where’s my dad?”

  He turned to her. “Chance, let me talk to them first, then I’ll sit down with you.”

  Chance balled both of her fists. “No, if this is about my dad, tell me now!”

  Dee stepped beside Maggie and wrapped Chance in her arms, as she led her into the living room. “Owen, we’re a family. Whatever you need to say, we’ll hear it together.”

  The sheriff followed them into the living room. Dee settled Maggie on the couch with Chance between them and turned off the television. Maggie pulled her close, and all eyes turned to a visibly shaken Owen.

  “Chance, your dad has always been one of the finest officers I’ve ever known, the bravest as well. He took an oath to protect and serve. Tonight, he stood between an innocent and someone who wanted to do harm. I don’t even know how to tell you how sorry I am.”

  Maggie’s hand flew to her mouth but didn’t stop the cry that left her body. Dee wrapped her arms around them both, as Chance sat in stunned silence. Her father was gone, and her whole life would never be the same. In the blink of an eye, everything had changed.

  Harley cleared her throat. “I’d offer a penny for your thoughts, but that look tells me whatever is on your mind might cost me a Benjamin or more. I’m saving for a wedding, so you’ll have to give me a discount.”

  Chance took a deep breath and chased off the ghosts of the past. She needed to deal with the monsters of the present. All the details needed to be taken care of so that Mary Wilson and her children never had to fear Chuck again.

  Harley stepped close and filled her in on the current situation. “Chuck has a dozen stitches and is on his way to the regional jail. Mary’s mother is on her way from Clarksburg to pick up her and the kids. They’ll stay there a while to recuperate. She has a bruised larynx, and the sexual assault happened before we even got the call. No matter how fast we got there, we couldn’t have prevented that horror for her.”

  “At least we’re going to be able to give her the security she needs to know he’s going away for a long time.” Chance looked at her watch; she was supposed to meet with the prosecutor in twenty minutes. “You have my report, and I’ll make you a certified copy of the body-camera footage when I get back to the station. I need to tell you about something that happened at the animal hospital today.”

  Harley’s posture sharpened and she stepped closer to Chance. “Is everyone okay?”

  “Both are a little shaken, but I can assure you they’re safe. Leland Kurst came into the office and made some lewd comments to Lindsey. Jax told him to leave, and Taylor escorted him off the property. After that, they closed the office and went to our place. They made a call to Meg, and she’ll pick Lindsey up at our house when she finishes her shift. Taylor’s going to stay with them until I get home. I can promise you she won’t be alone.”

  “That bastard harassed both of them in school. It was so bad, Lindsey’s parents tried to make her switch schools. I give the girl credit. She refused to leave Meg there by herself. We were all grateful when he moved away.” Harley repeatedly clenched her hands into fists.

  “Apparently, he’s making a habit of showing up at the animal hospital. I ran into him there one time, right before someone kidnapped Doc. He’s got some fixation with one or both of them, and I’m afraid these run-ins are going to continue. You and I both know he hasn’t done enough to warrant a restraining order. Even with one in place, he has to break it before we can do a damn thing.” Chance’s phone vibrated. She pulled it from her pocket and read the text from the prosecutor’s office.

  Prosecutor is in chambers with the judge. Need to reschedule.

  Chance typed out a quick reply and put a hand on Harley’s shoulder. “My day just freed up. I’m going to head home and stay with them until Meg gets there. The girls are cooking dinner, stop by if you can. Don’t worry, Harley. As far as I’m concerned, the surveillance on Leland Kurst moved to another level after his stunt today. He steps out of line, and he’ll find himself a guest of the Huttonsville Hilton. I’m going to suggest Jax put in a monitored camera system and that both of them wear panic alarms. After what happened to Doc, she’ll want to make sure to protect Lindsey. I’ll certainly feel much better about them being there by themselves.”

  “I’m sure that would help ease Megan’s mind. We might want to give both of them a few lessons in self-defense. We can’t be with them twenty-four hours a day, and there are a lot of Leland Kursts out there. They need to be prepared.”

  “Good idea. I taught Kendra several moves to protect herself when she went off to college. Sarah Riker is a Krav Maga instructor. She took a weekend course at a conference several years ago and continued her education after. I’m sure several others would be interested in having a class.”

  Harley held out her hand for Chance to shake. “Thanks for your help today. I felt a lot more confident of the outcome knowing you had my back.”

  Chance shook the proffered hand. “Any time, my friend, any time.”

  Chapter Five

  CHANCE OPENED THE DOOR to Trooper Megan Kincaid. The panic on Meg’s face nearly broke her. Immediately, Megan stepped forward and gathered Lindsey in her arms.

  “I’m here, baby. I’m right here.”

  Lindsey’s sobs were muffled, as she cried into Megan’s chest. “He’s back, Meg. He’s back.”

  “She’s okay, Meg, and we’re going to make sure she and Jax stay that way.” Chance raised an arm and tucked Jax under it as she approached.

  Jax chimed in with a few more reassurances of her own. “I promise you we’re going to make the animal hospital safer and more secure. We’ve already talked about simple steps we can take every day. Let’s have dinner, and we’ll tell you what we’re thinking.”

  Chance saw the fire in Megan’s eyes and realized she needed to acknowledge the anger. “Trust me, Meg. I’m pissed and ready to grind Leland under my boot heel like a discarded cigarette. We’re officers of the law, and we can’t become what we stand as a shield against. It’s not fair, and it’s not easy, but it is the law. The good thing is, it’s on our side and he’s on notice. Take a deep breath and be the strength Lindsey needs, not another reason for her to worry. I’ve got your back on this. Rest assured, Lindsey’s safety is as important to me as Jax’s.” She watched the flames die down to smoldering coals.

  Megan nodded as if she understood. “You’ve always been a straight shooter with me, Sheriff. If you say this is the right way to go about it”—she looked to Lindsey—“then I trust you with the one thing most precious to me.”

  Chance tilted her head in the direction of the kitchen. “There’s a table full of meatloaf and mashed potatoes waiting on us right through that door. I say we tackle that first, then sit down over coffee and lay out a plan.” Megan met her eyes, revealing much more than Chance was sure she intended. Alongside the anger, fear and a sliver of helplessness wavered in the gray fathoms. It would take time for the reassurance to get a foothold.

  Megan shook off the stress and found a small smile to offer. “It smells good, and I’m starving.”


  Platters were passed from hand to hand until
the dinner plates were full and the clatter of forks against the ceramic blended in with the conversation. Jax took in the interaction between the two officers at her table.

  “Mom said you guys had a pretty hairy incident today out near the county line.” Megan lifted a forkful of potatoes to her mouth.

  “It was for a while. It was Chuck Wilson. I’m sure you’ve heard of him. Domestic assault and a list of other atrocities he’ll go away for. I’ve never understood how someone can hurt their family that way. Little Charlie was the hero when he got away and found help. The things he’s seen will take time for him to get over.” Chance sipped her beer.

  “I met Mary last month when I went out to check on some of their goats. She looked like she’s lived a rough life.” Jax spooned some applesauce onto her plate.

  Megan shook her head. “Domestic violence calls are way up. We’ve been running ragged in Elkins trying to serve protection petitions. I did three yesterday. Can you pass me a roll, babe?”

  Lindsey handed the basket to Megan. “I’m grateful I didn’t grow up in a house like that. My dad respected my mom. I never heard them have a harsh word for each other.”

  Once everyone had their fill, they moved to the living room. Lindsey handed Megan a piece of pie and a cup of coffee before settling on the couch beside her. Chance piled up a few small pieces of kindling in the fireplace and lit them with a long wooden match, and then added a few substantial logs.

  Jax patted the front of her chair and splayed her feet for Chance to sit between. She put her hands on Chance’s shoulders and began to rub. “Good Lord, your neck is tight. You carry all your tension right here.” Her thumbs pushed deep into the knotted muscles.

  Chance leaned her head forward to allow Jax better access. “I’m sure I’m still a little keyed up from earlier. Let’s talk about what we are going to do about Leland. Megan, I want you to listen to what I have planned to protect Jax and Lindsey at the animal hospital. If you can think of anything else, I’m all ears.”


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