Bluff (Stacked Deck Book 6)

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Bluff (Stacked Deck Book 6) Page 21

by Emilia Finn

  “I’m cool with it.” Tucker looks to me and grins. “You cool with it?”

  “I don’t have a man.” I look to Evie, then Ben. “I have a pest problem. I have a neighbor that is rude, loud, demanding, and always in my space—”

  “Babe…” Tucker drawls.

  “Charming,” I admit on an embarrassing sigh. “Brave, funny, still quite obnoxious, but—”

  “In an endearing way,” Tucker adds on. “She’s endeared to me. And she also said something about charm and sex appeal.”

  “She didn’t say sex appeal,” Ben throws down.

  I shake my head. “I didn’t say sex appeal.”

  “But she saw me naked, so…”

  Ben’s eyes whip to mine. He’s in full big-brother mode. “You saw him naked?”

  “Against my will!” I argue. “He was standing in the hall.”

  Evie grits her teeth; hesitation, humor. “I saw him naked too.”

  “What?” Ben explodes. “The actual fuck is going on right now?”

  “It was an accident!” Evie exclaims on a laugh. “I swear I looked away the very second I realized.”

  “You’re walking around naked where my wife can see?” Ben booms. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”

  “Well, first,” Tucker reasons in an obnoxiously calm voice, “I didn’t know she was gonna be there. That was my bad. Second, Nora was going out on a date with some other dude, so I had to get creative.”

  “You showed the other dude your dick too?”

  “It was a sacrifice we all had to make,” he says seriously. “Which, by the way, worked out just fine, because here we are, she’s eating breakfast with me, and you’re getting all defensive about it.”

  “I’m not defensive,” Ben… defends. “I’m protective.”

  “Tomato, tomahto.” Tucker picks up a slice of bacon, and tosses it into his mouth. “I’m not even mad that you’re protective. I won’t tell a dude he can’t protect something I care about.”

  “You care?” Ben hollers. But then he stops, quiets, and stares with something else shining in his eyes. “You care?”

  Tucker pulls me closer, so I almost curl into his chest. “We’re exploring. So if you could just toddle along…”

  “Fuck I will.” Ben waves to the waitress to bring him food, then he turns back to us with folded arms and a scowl. “I’m gonna sit right here and ‘explore’ with you till I decide you can be trusted. After that, I’m gonna call Mac, and I’m gonna get a character reference. When I’m done with him, I’m callin’ Ang. I’m gonna work my way right around to your fuckin’ dentist, and then we’ll see what’s up.”

  “Ben’s feeling a little wound up right now,” Evie snickers. “We’re planning a party.”

  “Yeah?” Tucker continues to eat like Ben isn’t mentally setting him on fire. “What kinda party?”

  “A ‘you’re gonna be a grandpa!’ party. It’s a little… sensitive.”

  “No shit?” Tucker looks from Ben to Evie, back and forth, with a big smile pushing his cheeks up high. “Hell, congratulations, guys. That’s the best news I’ve heard all day.”

  Evie’s eyes come to mine in surprise. “You didn’t tell him?”

  I frown. “Not my news to share.”

  “You knew?” Tucker pulls back to catch my gaze. “You just lock that shit up in a vault and don’t even try to hint about it?”

  “No. It’s not my news to tell!”

  “She’s gonna be my baby’s godmother,” Evie sighs. “I’m so excited.”

  “So you’re planning a party?” I ask. “Yellow and green, since you don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl?”

  “Could be a dinosaur.” She shrugs.

  “You’re going to kill your poor father with surprise!”

  “He won’t be mad if it’s a T-Rex, but a velociraptor…” She quivers and shakes her head. “We don’t even joke about that.”

  When I only purse my lips and stare, she snickers. “You guys should come.” She attacks a plate of bacon and scrambled eggs the moment Katrina sets them down. “You too,” she looks up at our waitress with a full mouth. “We’re having something at the estate soon. Come and party.”

  “Oh yeah?” Katrina rocks back on her heels and grins. “What’s the occasion?”

  “Just a get-together,” Evie smoothly lies, and goes back to eating. “Mac and Bean and them will be there. You should totally come.”

  “Sure.” Katrina sets the second plate down in front of Ben, and pretends she doesn’t notice that Evie is already almost licking her plate clean.

  This woman knows things, she knows lots of things, so she only purses her lips and backs away from our table. Then she spins on a dime and bolts toward the kitchen.

  “I’m always so hungry,” Evie groans. “Like, it’s painful. I was always hungry before, but Christ on a cracker.”

  She looks lovingly at Ben’s plate. She doesn’t take, doesn’t touch, but she stares at the bacon like it might save her life, only to then screech with delight when he pushes it in front of her. “Thank you, Sasquatch. I love you so much. Mmm.” She eats like a pig and meets my eyes. “Saturday after next, seven o’clock. Bring Chuck, if that’s still your jam a week from now.”

  “I’m gonna be her jam. Dontcha worry.” Then he frowns. “But I’m not sure I can make it.”

  “You can’t?” Evie attacks Ben’s eggs. “What have you got going on that you’d risk your jam going to a party stag? There will be fighters there. Lots of ‘em, and some might be single.”

  “I… uh…” He looks at me with disappointment shining in his eyes. “I tend to head out to Piper’s Lane on the weekends. I skipped this weekend, so I can’t really—”

  “Piper’s Lane is a deathtrap,” Ben scowls. He points between us. “That’s strike one.”

  “You don’t have to go out there, though, right?” Evie studies us. “It’s not your job. It’s just fun.”

  “Well, it’s sort of my job,” he explains, “in that I fix engines while I’m out there. That’s a lot of spare cash to supplement my salary. Add in race winnings, and I’m kinda stupid to say no.”

  Evie only shrugs. “You do you, boo.” She grins at me. “I’m so excited. Biggie’s gonna need a paper bag to breathe into.”

  “I’m gonna end up in a body bag,” Ben groans. “You’re excited for this party, Eve, but I’m gonna die soon. And you don’t even seem sad about it.”

  She only scoffs and snatches the last slice of bacon. “I’ll protect you.” She turns in the booth and pulls him down until their lips touch. “I won’t let them hurt you.”

  “Lies,” he murmurs. “You’ll be too busy squawking with the women about a new baby, that you won’t even notice the guys took me outside.”

  Not more than ten minutes after they walked in, Ben and Evie stand again, having consumed two full breakfasts – Evie, that is – and a jumbo milkshake with extra ice cream to thicken it up.

  They head toward the door, but before they can escape, I call out, “Hey Ben?” Then I look to Tucker. “Just wait a second? I’ll be right back.”

  I dive out of the booth and race toward the heavy glass door, then I meet the couple on the street. I smile as Evie curls into Ben’s side with a contented smile, the way Ben sort of folds around her, the way his hand goes to her stomach without thought.

  “Do you need an out to get away from Chuck?” he asks. “Because you can ride with us.”

  I start forward with a shake of my head, and place myself between them so we have a three-way hug in the street. “I’m so happy for you guys.”

  “Aw.” Evie wraps her arm around my hips and snuggles in. “We love you.”

  “You okay?” Ben murmurs.

  He can’t remove himself from protector mode. It’s just the way he was built, so I rest my cheek on his chest, and give a happy sigh.

  “I’m great. My best friends are having a baby, I’m going to be a godmother, and I had a date last night that makes me s

  “With Tom?” Evie laughs. “Because I’m not so sure that worked out.”

  I pull back and grin. “Not Tom. Tucker was waiting for me when I got home. Tom kissed me goodnight, and I felt nothing. As soon as he left, Tucker kissed me goodnight, and I felt…” I sigh. “Everything.”

  “You kissed two men in one night?” Evie cackles. “Look who’s finding her wings now, huh?”

  And then I flew this morning. I sat on the back of a motorcycle, and I… flew.

  “I like him.” I look to Ben. “It terrifies me, because he’s too loud, too daring. You heard him; he’s going to race next weekend, and you know that world and mine don’t mix. But he’s so kind, and he smiles all the time. He’s funny, and obnoxious, but he’s a hopeless romantic. He created a pillow fort in his living room.” My eyes itch from emotion. “He knew I was on a date with another man, but while I was gone, while I was being brave and grown and exploring something new, he built the fort and got a movie ready for us to watch. As soon as Tom brought me home, he waited, he let Tom make his move, he saw that I wasn’t interested, then he opened his door, offered a cup of mouthwash, and he made his own move.”

  “So romantic,” Evie swoons. “He offered you mouthwash?”

  I snicker. “He really did. He wasn’t kissing me until Tom was washed out.” Not that Tom got inside my mouth. “Then we watched a movie. We chatted, and laughed, and I had my first glass of wine ever.”

  Ben’s eyes widen. He knows me so well, he knows the control I gave up when I took that first sip.

  “Then I slept,” I whisper. “All night long, and I didn’t have any nightmares.” I meet Evie’s eyes. “That’s got to mean something, right?”

  She pulls me back in for a hug. “It means something. It means a lot, which means Ben is on notice to play nice or else.”

  I snigger. “You don’t have to play too nice. I think he enjoys sparring with everyone in the world. He’s obnoxious like that.”

  “I like him,” she declares.

  Ben turns to Evie and glowers. “He’s loud, obnoxious, rude, annoying, and demanding.” He purses his lips. “Yep, I can see why you like that.”

  “Shut up.” She tickles his ribs and laughs. “I’m happy for you. Go back inside, eat your breakfast, and see where today takes you. Tonight, call me and give me all the gossip.”

  “Not all the gossip,” Ben counters. “If I find out you’re gossiping about dicks, there’s gonna be trouble.”

  “I didn’t… we didn’t…” I swallow and shake my head. “Nope. Not yet.”

  “Don’t gossip with my girl about it when you do,” he grumbles. “Call me if you need an exit plan.” He chucks my chin, winks, and waits for me to nod. “Alright. We’re going home, but we’ll be close if you need to call.”

  I watch the happy couple walk away and climb into Ben’s truck. I smile while Evie waves, and nod when Ben’s eyes lock onto mine. Be good, be careful. Be brave. Call me if you need it. Then I turn around and let myself back into the diner to find Tucker sitting exactly where I left him, eating the food from my plate.

  When our eyes meet, he grins. “You done gossiping about me?”

  “I wasn’t… We weren’t… I mean,” I clear my throat and slide into the booth beside him. “I went out to congratulate them on the baby. But yeah, you came up.”

  “Are Ben and I dueling at dawn? Must I fight for you? Are we using actual swords, or will our lightsabers work?”

  “Shut up.” I snatch my plate back and frown at the single piece of bacon left. “Ben feels protective of the women in his life. It’s the way he is.”

  He chews on the inside of his cheek and considers me. “You and him…?”

  “No. Never.” I swallow the bacon and wash it down with the last of Tucker’s milkshake.

  When he sees I’ve stolen his, the seriousness in his eyes turns to a sparkle.

  “Ben was my friend back before Lisa was…” I swallow. “Ya know. He was my only friend, it’s just coincidence he happens to be male. He’s like my big brother. I know lots of women might say that to cover up something more, but for us, it’s true. Just a brother, but Ben is…” I exhale. “He had it rough when he was younger. His dad was abusive and almost killed his mom. All of that happened when Ben was little, and I guess it really influenced who he would later grow to be, because now he’s like the patron saint of all sad women. He’s the protector, the fighter, the guy who will pick any woman up and help her back to her feet.” I swallow at the guilt that slashes through my stomach. “Even at the expense of his relationship. Ben and Evie had a rough time because of his friendship with me.”

  “But she’s okay with it now?”

  I nod. “She understands us now, she accepts her man for exactly who he is. And, well…” I shrug. “Whoever I happen to date in the future, whoever I happen to decide to be with, he’s going to have to be okay with the fact I have a brother. Not being blood-related doesn’t change that for us. And I would hate for my relationships to suffer because of my friendship with Ben.”

  “So you’re putting me on notice?” he rumbles. “Ben is here, and there ain’t a damn thing I can do about it?”

  I consider his words, the way his chest swells and grows as we speak. Then I nod. “You know what it’s like to protect your sister. You know what it’s like to want her to be safe and happy, and when someone messed with her, you did something about it. If Ben was my brother by blood, no one would bat a lash. But since he’s not, people like to make it into something it’s not.”

  “And it’s definitely not something?”

  “I love Ben,” I admit. “But I love Evie too. I love them together. I love the friendship they give me. I love the strength he’s given me over the years, especially after Lisa was gone. I love the strength he made me realize I had inside me. I love that he took me to therapy for years. Every single week, he sat in the waiting room, he took care of me, and when I came out of Sonia’s office with puffy eyes and a splotchy face, he handed me a handkerchief… Not a tissue,” I add. “But a handkerchief, told me to wipe my tears, then he took me to eat something fatty and gross to cheer me up.”

  Tucker’s eyes soften and flicker over my face. “Like how we got fried chicken yesterday?”

  I smile. “Exactly. I gave you a little part of me yesterday, then we went and ate away our troubles. Ben is my friend, but I promise, we’ve never… ya know.”


  “Absolutely not.”


  I shake my head.

  “Has he touched your butt?”

  I laugh. But then I shake my head again. “Not even once.”

  “He’s hugged you?”

  I nod. “He’s a hugger. But he doesn’t do it just for the sake of hugging. That’s for Evie. He would only hug me now if I was upset about something, and…” I smile. “He thinks I’m clueless, but I know his hugs aren’t hugs at all. They’re just his way of keeping me still, letting me cry out my frustrations in one space, instead of going on a rampage and possibly hurting myself. Did you used to hug your sister just for the sake of it?”

  He shakes his head. “No. Only when she was throwing a tantrum and needed to be stopped before she ran through a wall.”

  I look into my lap with a quiet snicker, and nod. “Exactly. Ben is my friend, my brother, my family. But he’s never been more than that for me.”

  “I touched your butt.”

  I snort. “Yes you did.”

  “Kissed you, too.”

  “With your tongue.”

  “I like to hug you just because I can. I like to keep you close, and not only when you’re throwing shit in a rant.”

  “I don’t rant,” I grumble.

  “And you’ve seen me naked.”

  I giggle like a schoolgirl. “Against my wishes.”

  “Made you look though.” He presses a kiss to the side of my head. “I’m glad you had Ben on your side until I got here. Everyone needs a good
friend, and every girl needs a good brother. I won’t ever get mad about him.”

  I didn’t even realize that I was worried. I had no clue anxiety had coiled in my stomach at the thought of Tucker getting mad about Ben. But now that he’s said the words, my chest loosens, and my stomach relaxes.

  “Thanks. We should probably get going soon, huh? Galileo will worry.”

  Now it’s his turn to snort. “Galileo is having the time of his life with the Bishops, but I can take a hint.” He smacks one last kiss to the top of my head. “Let’s go. Maybe we can try twenty-five miles per hour on the way home.”

  “Reckless,” I hiss as he pushes me out of the booth and drops cash onto the table. “You’re irresponsible and crazy on that bike, Mr. Morris.”

  “Twenty-five miles per hour is just…” He widens his eyes. “Whoa.”

  “Shut up.” I wave goodbye to Katrina and the cooks, and swallow as we emerge back onto the sidewalk and find the bike exactly where we left it.

  It’s old, dirty, scratched, and scary. It’s not a sleek road bike, like many motorcyclists buy. It’s not a Harley, or anything that guys from biker clubs would ride. It’s a dirt bike, tall, narrow, but with wide, chunky wheels that grip the road.

  “How fast do you go when you’re racing?”

  He passes me the red helmet and laughs. “It probably wouldn’t be good for your mental health to know the answer to that question.”

  “Tell me!”

  He thinks about it for a moment, weighs how much truth I can handle, then he shrugs. “I hit about a hundred and eighty, a hundred and ninety on a straight.”

  My stomach drops out. Waves whoosh in my ears. “Miles per hour?”

  He fixes the straps beneath my chin. “Uh huh. Average.”

  “On dirt?”

  He nods.

  “With nothing but a helmet for protection?”

  He grins.

  “Tucker!” I swat his arms with heavy thumps. “What the hell is wrong with you? That’s too damn fast!”

  “I said it would be best if you didn’t know!”

  “We were doing twenty on this deathtrap, and I thought we were going to die!”


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