The Little Spanish Dancer

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by Madeline Brandeis



  Alfonso was only a boy. But some day he would be king, for he was nextin line to his brother, King Henry. After him came his sister, Isabella,a beautiful little girl, earnest and thoughtful.

  Alfonso felt himself to be Isabella's knight and protector. He hadlearned to ride and to use his sword like a true Spanish cavalier.

  One day at twilight Isabella sat at the window, embroidering a Moorishdesign upon a bit of gold cloth. Alfonso, his studies over for the day,was reading to her.

  Better than anything else, the Prince loved to read--which may have beenthe reason for what happened later--at least, for what is supposed tohave happened. For nobody rightly knows the truth of the bitter story.

  As the two children sat together, enjoying the happiest moment of theirday, one of the King's spies secretly watched and listened.

  He heard the Princess Isabella say, "Enough of that for now, Alfonso.Come. Read my favorite book."

  Alfonso put down the book which he had been reading, and the spy notedwell its title, "The Odyssey ([)o]d'[)i]-s[)i])." He also had notedsomething else. Always before the Prince turned a page, he firstmoistened his finger with his tongue.

  Squinting his eyes, the spy smiled wickedly to himself and stole away.

  Several nights later, this same spy crept into the Prince's chamberand, feeling cautiously about, he at last found what he sought. It was abook, "The Odyssey."

  Working with agile fingers, he opened the book, and upon each page hesmeared a deadly poison. Then he returned the book to its place and leftthe room as quietly as he had entered.

  Now trouble and discontent filled the country. Some of the people werenot pleased with King Henry, and they wanted to place young Alfonso uponthe throne.

  The Prince and his sister began to live through turbulent times, andtheir peaceful hours together were over. Alfonso was thrown into prison,then suddenly freed again, to become an important figure in the kingdom.

  He was told that soon he would be crowned king, for the rebels weregoing to overthrow his brother Henry. Whispered plans, secret schemesstirred in the air like poisonous insects. And the poisoned book laywhere the spy had left it. The Prince found little time for reading.


  But today he had managed to meet his sister, and the two were very happyto be together again for an hour of quiet reading.

  Alfonso picked up the book, "The Odyssey," but Isabella said, "No,not that one, Alfonso. Today let us hear this most interesting novel. Ittells why the wind blows, why we smell and taste and hear, all in theform of a story."

  She smiled and handed him the other book. Good-naturedly Alfonso putdown "The Odyssey." Had he but known it, he put from him death!

  Soon afterwards, the prince was again torn from his sister, this time tolive through one of the most dramatic events in his stormy young life.

  One day a splendid procession made its way into the town of Avila. Amongthe cavaliers rode Prince Alfonso. His horse richly decked, he satstiffly upon the saddle, clothed in armor. His boyish face was grave andstern.

  As he passed, the people cried out, "Long live King Alfonso!"

  A throne had been erected out upon the plains. On this throne sat whatappeared to be a king. He held a scepter, and the crown upon his headgleamed brightly in the sun.

  But as the cavalcade drew closer, it was seen that the figure had fallenover on its side like a sawdust doll. And indeed, that is just what itwas--a scarecrow, made to represent King Henry.

  The Prince and his followers stood upon the platform. A colorful crowdhad gathered about them--monks in brown, monks in white and black, lordsin bright-hued mantles, Moors with turbans on their heads, peasants,beggars, young and old.

  Bugles rang out, and drums rolled. The little Prince stood, proudlyroyal, in his armor. His blond hair showed under the visor which hadbeen pushed back from his head.

  Then the Archbishop snatched the crown from the head of the scarecrowking and roared, "Thus lose the royal dignity which you have guardedill."

  And one of the cavaliers roughly kicked the figure off its throne. Therewere cries and shouts and some gasps of horror. Alfonso was seated uponthe throne and crowned King of Avila.

  Petty wars, robberies, and murders followed. Part of the country was infavor of King Henry, while the rebels supported Alfonso. A terriblebattle took place in Toledo. Houses were burned and people massacred.

  A few days later, Alfonso arrived in the town.

  Those who had burned and massacred bowed down to the young king, saying,"We will fight for your cause if you will approve this massacre."


  Alfonso replied, "God forbid that I should approve such horrors!"

  The next thing he knew, Alfonso's country was plunged into war. Therebels were to meet the King's men in conflict.

  The night before the battle Alfonso, rest-less and unhappy, paced hischamber. Why must men fight? Why must they kill one another? The Princeloved power; but better than power, he loved peace.

  Wherever he went, he always took along some of his books. Now upon thetable lay several, and among them was "The Odyssey." Alfonso laid hishand upon his favorite work and was about to take it up when he let itfall again.

  No, he could not read tonight. His heart was too heavy. He missed hissister and, too, he kept thinking of their future--a stormy prospect.For Isabella no doubt would be forced to marry some distasteful noble.And he? With enemies upon all sides, if he were not killed in war, hemight well be murdered in his sleep.

  Next day in full armor, his sword drawn, the boy King of Avila went outto meet his foe. Fighting bravely, by his soldiers, it is said that hewas last to leave the battle.


  There came a time when Alfonso set forth upon a journey, accompanied bya group of nobles. Among his traveling companions were several of theKing's followers, one of them that same spy who had smeared poison uponthe leaves of Alfonso's book.

  As evening overtook the party of travelers, they drew rein in the townof Cardenosa, and planned to stop there for the night.

  As usual, Alfonso had brought along his books. But too often had hisenemies been disappointed, so now they planned a trick. It was a trickwhich would force the Prince into their cruel trap.

  They removed all but one of Alfonso's books from his chamber. The oneleft was placed in plain view upon the table. It was "The Odyssey."

  Wondering what had become of the others, but too weary to find out, thePrince settled himself to read before retiring for the night. As heopened the book he smiled, remembering Isabella and how she had alwaysurged him to read something else.

  Well, tonight he might do as he pleased, for he was quite alone. Tonighthe might read "The Odyssey," which he had not opened for so long.

  Page after page he turned with a finger moistened by his tongue. And anhour passed.

  Late during the night, a messenger rode madly into the town of Segoviawhere the Princess Isabella was living.

  "The King of Avila is dying!" the messenger gasped. "He calls for hissister, the Princess Isabella!"

  Isabella rode furiously through the night and when she reachedCardenosa, she was met by the Archbishop of Toledo. He held out his handto her, and in his face there was pity and grief. Before he even toldher, Isabella knew that her beloved brother was dead.


  Some claimed that enemies had given him poisoned fish. Others believedthat he had died of a fever. Still others told the story which you havejust heard. But whether or not it is true will remain a mystery forever.

  There is a wonderful cathedral in Burgos, whose Gothic spires pointupward like lace fingers. They point to a hill above the city, uponwhich rests the Miraflores Chapel.

  Inside this chapel is a beautiful statue of a boy. He wears a royalmantle and kneels before a praying desk. The boy is Alfonso.

  When Henry died, it w
as the earnest little Isabella who became queen.Today in the Cathedral of Granada--that white and gold and silvercathedral--are the tombs of Queen Isabella and her husband, KingFerdinand.

  They are carved of marble, and Isabella's pillow sinks down deeper thanFerdinand's with the weight of her head. They say that this is becauseher head held more brains than his.

  We know she was a wise, good queen and we love her because she helpedChristopher Columbus and listened to his dreams.


  But just suppose Alfonso had not died. Suppose, instead, that he hadlived and ruled. Do you believe Alfonso would have listened to Columbus'dreams and understood as did his sister Isabella? And, had he not, whereshould we be today?


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