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Charlie Page 17

by Davis, Siobhan

  I snuggle in to him, glad we’ve reconciled, because I don’t want to live another day without him by my side.

  The door creaks as it opens, and I turn stiff in Charlie’s arms. I glance over my shoulder as blood rushes to my head, making me dizzy. My heart thumps behind my rib cage and bile pools at the base of my throat as I take one look at the doctor’s face. A whimper escapes my lips, and tears instantly spring forth.

  “Ms. Alexander.” The doctor shoots me a sympathetic look as he takes the vacant seat on the other side of Dad’s bed. “I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I think you know this has been coming.”

  Tears stream down my face as I nod.

  “Our latest tests show minimal brain activity and acute organ failure. It’s time.” He stands, smiling sadly at Dad. “Take as long as you need to say your goodbyes.” He rounds the bed, planting a soft hand on my shoulder. “I’m very sorry, Demi.”

  Charlie bundles me in his arms as tears flow freely down my face. Intense pressure settles on my chest, and I’m swallowing painfully over the anguished lump clogging my throat. I cling to Charlie as the dam breaks and everything I’ve been holding inside explodes. My tormented cries bounce off the pale blue walls as I fall apart. Charlie holds me through it all, whispering endearments and reassurances, bolstering me with his strong arms, a slew of promises, his warmth, and his vitality.

  Eventually, I stop—when my throat is raw, my eyes are stinging, and my heart feels like a hollow block of stone in my chest.

  “Do you want me to call anyone?” Charlie quietly inquires.

  “Xena and Mrs. Griffin. I think they’d like to say goodbye.”

  I drape my arms around Dad’s chest as I listen to Charlie make the calls.

  “I have sent a car to pick them up,” he confirms a few minutes later. “Do you want me to leave so you can say goodbye in private?”

  I reach around for his hand, clasping it tight, as I shake my head. “I want you here.”

  He rubs soothing circles on the back of my hand as I face my father. “Daddy,” I choke out, barely able to speak over the lump blocking my throat. My eyes burn and my vision blurs as more tears form. “Thank you for giving me life and for showing me what it means to be a compassionate, caring person. Thank you for loving me like you did. For sacrificing so much to ensure I’m the person I am today. I have so many wonderful memories that I will cherish from now until the day I die. I couldn’t have asked for a better father, and while I hate that our time together has been cut short, I love that you are about to be reunited with Mom.”

  Tears leak out of my eyes as I hang my head and sob. Charlie envelops me in his arms, from behind, offering strong, silent support. “I don’t want you to worry about me, because I’m going to be okay, so you can let go now, Dad.” I straighten up, and Charlie loosens his hold. I bend down, kissing Dad on the forehead. “I love you, Daddy. For now and always. Go find Mom. Be at peace.” I kiss his leathery cheek, noting how he no longer smells like himself. This shell of a body is just that. Dad’s spirit is already floating above this world.

  Xena and Mrs. Griffin arrive, and there are more tearful goodbyes. Charlie is stoic through it all. Holding me up. Letting me know he’s in this for the long haul. When the time comes to switch off the machine, I hold Xena’s hand in one hand and Mrs. Griffin’s hand in my other while Charlie hugs me at the waist from behind. We stand, united as one, watching my father pass from this life to the next, and it’s surreal that I’ll never see him again.

  He’ll never be waiting with a smile and a warm plate of dinner when I arrive through the door in the evening. He won’t ever be huddled in front of the TV, immersed in one of the documentaries he so loved, his eyes alight with excitement while he pats the empty space beside him, eager for me to sit so he can fill me in. He won’t ever again greet me with open arms, ready to offer me comfort when I’ve had a bad day.

  The man who tucked me into bed at night, who kissed my grazed knees, soothed my heartache when my schoolgirl crush broke my heart, ferried me to dance classes and basketball practice, fed and clothed and educated me, is gone, and he exists now only in my memories. I vow to always keep them alive, to never forget everything we shared, and to never forget the man he was, because he truly was one in a million and I’m blessed to have called him my dad.

  Charlie attends to the paperwork while I console a sobbing Mrs. Griffin. Then, we exit the hospital together. Our parting is hazy, because I’m merely going through the motions, as if I’m drifting above the world. I’m vaguely aware of hugging them goodbye, of Charlie ushering me into the back seat of his chauffeur-driven Merc, of resting my head against his shoulder while I lean on him for support.

  We pull up in front of his house some time later. “Demi.” His warm hands clasp my cheeks. “I want you to stay here tonight, but if you’d prefer to go home, I can grab a bag and come with.”

  I stare at him forlornly. “I don’t know if I can face my house.” Not knowing all Dad’s things are still there. That his scent lingers. And memories fill every room. My heart is too fragile to cope right now.

  “Let’s go inside. Get something to eat and get you settled. If you change your mind, we can leave any time.”

  I nod, letting him help me out of the car. His driver removes my bag from the trunk and hands it to Charlie.

  The front door opens, and I attempt to smile at the beautiful dark-haired woman filling the doorway, but it’s an effort because I’m numb inside.

  “Mom, this is Demi,” Charlie says, keeping his arm around my shoulders as we reach the door.

  “Come into the warmth,” Mrs. Barron says, stepping aside to let us enter.

  The instant the door is closed, she hauls me into her arms, hugging me close. “I’m so sorry for your loss, honey, and I wish we were meeting under different circumstances.”

  I can only nod.

  “I made soup and sandwiches,” she says. “I know you probably don’t feel like eating, but you should try.” She eases me out of her embrace, taking my hand in hers. “Why don’t you put Demi’s bag upstairs and meet us in the kitchen,” she says to Charlie.

  “Sure.” He kisses the top of my head. “I’ll be right back.”

  Mrs. Barron leads me into the kitchen, holding out a chair for me at the table. I sit down as if on autopilot. She places a steaming bowl of vegetable soup in front of me a couple minutes later and a large plateful of sandwiches in the center of the table. She takes the chair beside me, her hands wrapping around a coffee cup. “I understand what you are going through, Demi, and I just want you to know that we are all here for you.” She wipes a tear from my cheek. “My son loves you dearly, and I know Lillian and I are going to love you dearly too.” She puts her coffee down, and a look of fierce determination sweeps over her face. “There is no handbook on grief, and it hits every person differently.” She pats my hand. “So, you take whatever time you need.” She brushes my hair behind my ears. “And you are welcome to stay here for as long as you want. Let us take care of you. Let Charlie take care of you because that boy has the biggest heart.”

  I smile through my tears. “I’ve seen that,” I whisper. “And he’s already taking such good care of me.”

  “Because I love you,” Charlie says, walking into the room and overhearing our conversation. “And I’m always going to look after you.”

  In the days ahead, Charlie more than proves his words. He attends the funeral home with me, helping to confirm arrangements. And on the day of the funeral, he never leaves my side. At night, he holds me close as I cry a river, encouraging me to let it all out, never once asking for anything for himself.

  Days turn to weeks, and life slowly goes on. I return to the office to discover Corrinna Smith has been fired. Charlie asks if I want my old role back, but I decline. Now that we are officially a couple, I think it’s best we work in separate divisions within the company.

  A month after Dad’s death, I feel strong enough to return to the house
. Charlie has gradually moved all my things over to his place, but I still need to go through Dad’s stuff. Charlie, Abby, Drew, and Kai help me pack up the house, and it’s cathartic even though it’s heartbreaking.

  I’m not sure what to do with the house.

  All I know is I don’t want to sell it yet. It’s been in my family for over a hundred years, and it’s the house where I grew up and Dad grew up, so I’m not ready to part with it. Maybe, I never will be. All I know for sure is I can’t live there now. The ghosts of the past are too prevalent, and I can’t bear to live there without Dad.

  So, I settle into Charlie’s house. Sharing his bedroom and his life. Getting to know Elizabeth and Lillian and forming bonds with my new family.

  It’s the fresh start I so desperately need, and, as the weeks turn to months, gradually the constant ache in my chest becomes less intense.



  Tears glisten in Demi’s eyes, but this time, they’re happy tears. “Yes, you beautiful, complicated man. Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  Thank fuck. I climb to my feet, slide the engagement ring on her finger, and kiss the shit out of her, and then, I sweep her in to my arms, swinging her around as warmth invades every part of me. Demi’s presence in my life has banished the cold, empty feeling that used to reside inside me, infusing me with warmth and light and more joy than I thought I’d ever experience.

  She lights up my life in so many ways, and I never believed love could be like this. She is my whole world, and I can’t ever imagine living without her.

  She laughs, and the sound does funny things to my insides. Demi was a shell of herself for months as she struggled with grief. I’ve had recent experience with it too, so I knew to let her process it in her own time, and I just tried to be here for her, in whatever capacity she needed.

  Mom has been amazing with her, and they have bonded in a way I only dreamed of. Mom is still grieving too, but having Demi around has been good for both of them. And Lil loves her to bits. They hang out a lot, go shopping, and have spa days, and I know Lil’s confiding in Demi about boys and shit I really don’t want to know. It’s as if she’s always lived here, and she’s helping fill the gap left by Dad’s larger-than-life presence.

  Uncle George was put away for a few years, and I feel good that I had Xavier send a file anonymously to the police. That is one less monster walking the streets preying on innocent kids.

  But the elite threat is all too real, and now, I’m a full member of Parkhurst, along with my friends, we fully intend on doing something about it. It’s clear President Hamilton wants to keep us close so he can control us, but he underestimates our determination. None of us will rest easy until they’ve all been taken down. For now, protecting Demi and keeping her and my family safe is my sole priority.

  “You make me so happy,” she murmurs, drawing me out of my mind. I banish all thoughts of elite shit as I place her feet on the ground, focusing on the beautiful woman circling her arms around my neck.

  “You make me happy too, babe.” I rub my nose against hers. “Especially when you’re naked and spread wide open on my bed.” I waggle my brows as blood rushes to my cock, swelling it instantly. It’s just as well I moved my bedroom over to the other side of the house, far from innocent ears, because we’ve used the last six months to get better acquainted under the sheets.

  Demi has readily handed over responsibility for her sexual satisfaction to me, and I’ve enjoyed pushing her out of her comfort zone as we explore new desires. I think she’s happy to lose herself in me every night because it’s a distraction from her grief, and I’ve loved showering her with pleasure and reminding her that life is still very much for living.

  No matter how often I have her, whether it’s rough sex or intimate lovemaking, I am never sated because I cannot get enough of this woman. Every experience is a new experience, and I crave her body in a way I’ve never known.

  She playfully swats at my chest. “We’re not wasting that gorgeous dinner, and I want a PG-rated memory I can share with our future children.”

  I grab her ass cheeks, pulling her pussy tight against my hard-on. “We can eat dinner, and I’ll give you that romantic proposal story for our kids and grandkids, but I’m having you for dessert.” I nip at her earlobe, and she shrieks.

  “Damn you, Charlie.” She smacks my ass. “Now, I’ll be squirming eating dinner.”

  We grab a couple of selfies before reluctantly leaving the lighthouse. They don’t usually allow visitors into the actual lighthouse, but, like most things in life, flashing the cash worked, and they granted me permission to propose to my girl here.

  “Did my dad tell you he proposed to my mom here?” Demi asks as we stroll hand in hand toward the parking lot.

  “He did.” I glance at her, hoping this won’t upset her. “I was planning on proposing to you six months ago, and your dad helped me plan it.”

  She slams to a halt, pressing a hand to her chest as tears well in her eyes. “He knew?” she whispers.

  I nod, placing my hands on her hips. “I asked him for your hand in marriage, and he gave us his blessing. I was looking for someplace special to propose, and he told me how he proposed to your mom here, and I knew this was the place.” I pull her into my arms and turn us so we’re facing the lighthouse. “I think we’ll have to make it a formal family tradition. One we pass on to our children. What do you think?”

  “I think I love you so much my heart is fit to burst.”

  “Ditto, Mrs. Barron.” I press my mouth to hers. Our kiss is slow and sensual, and a deep sense of contentment fills me as her love wraps around me.

  “I’m not Mrs. Barron yet,” Demi rasps when we finally tear our mouths apart.

  “I’m hoping you will be soon,” I admit, linking our fingers together. “I’d like a short engagement because I can’t wait to officially call you mine.”

  “There’s no need to wait,” she agrees. “I’m dying to marry you.”

  I kiss her more passionately this time, rocking my hips against hers so she feels what she does to me.

  “We’d better leave before I throw caution to the wind and let you take me here,” she murmurs against my lips.

  “Are you trying to kill me?” I joke, adjusting myself in my pants.

  “You do the same to me, you know,” she says, taking my hand and leading us along the path. “You just can’t see it on the outside.”

  That does it. I push her against the railing and drop to my knees for the second time tonight. My hands glide up her legs, inching up under her knee-length dress.

  “Oh my God. You’re crazy,” she pants. “I thought I was dessert.”

  “I’ve changed my mind,” I say, my fingers brushing against her lace-clad pussy. “You’re the appetizer.” I push her thong aside, plunging two fingers into her slick warmth. “You’re as horny as me.”

  “You say that like it’s a surprise,” she says, spreading her legs wide and granting me full access.

  “I don’t take anything about us for granted, babe.” I pump my fingers in and out of her, reveling in the flush staining her cheeks and the way she bites down on her lower lip.

  “Charlie, you turn me on so much. I will never get enough.”

  I yank her panties down her legs, part her folds with my thumbs, and dive in to my own personal heaven. I lick and suck her just how she likes it, using my fingers and my tongue to bring her to the brink of ecstasy. It’s dark out, and the center is closed, but I still keep a lookout, ensuring no one is watching us. When I’m sure it’s safe, I wrap my lips around her tight bundle of nerves and suck hard as my fingers thrust faster inside her. She comes with a scream, clutching onto my shoulders as her legs spasm and buckle, and I keep her steady while I extract every last pleasurable wave from her body.

  “You are a wicked man,” she says as I fix her clothes and stand.

  “But you love me.”

  “I do.” She jumps into my arms, and I hold her under h
er butt as her legs wrap around my waist. “I love you so much.” She dusts kisses all over my face as I walk us to the car. “You’re my everything, Charlie.”

  “You are my universe, my love.”

  Later, after we make it back to the gorgeous house I’ve rented for the weekend, we eat dinner on the balcony, overlooking the sea, with the sound of crashing waves hitting rocks as a backdrop. We feed one another, constantly touching, and as soon as we’ve eaten, I lift her in my arms and take her to bed, where we make love all night long.

  She stirs in my arms the next morning, and I open my eyes, watching as strips of glorious bright light stream through the open window, bathing her in a golden glow. “Morning, babe.” I kiss the corner of her mouth as her eyes blink open.

  She moves her hand to my crotch, palming my morning wood. “Morning, sexy.” She presses hot kisses to the underside of my prickly jaw before climbing on top of me. Grabbing my erection, she holds it in place as she lowers down on top of me.

  I groan as her heat envelops me. “God, you’re perfect.”

  She slides her hands up my chest as she starts rocking slowly on top of me. “Right back at ya. Think of how perfect our kids are going to be.”

  We stare at one another as we slowly make love, and it still amazes me that I enjoy intimacy this much because I’ve never known this until Demi. But I’m equally happy when she’s tied up on all fours as I slam into her with raw need as I am thrusting inside her slowly, exploring every inch of her soft skin with my hands and my tongue as our eyes connect while we make love.

  We come together with the familiarity of two people who know each other’s bodies, and wants and desires, inside and out.

  She lies on my chest, her dark hair splayed out around us as she draws spirals with her finger on my skin. “How many kids do you want?” she asks, looking up at me.

  “At least two, but I’d happily have more if you want.”

  She props up on one elbow, tracing her fingers along the stubble on my chin and cheeks. “I’d love a big family,” she admits. “I always wanted a sibling even though I never told Dad because I didn’t want to upset him or make him feel like he had to find a new wife.” She looks off into space. “I had a happy childhood, and I’ve no real complaints, but it was lonely at times.” She locks eyes on me again, smiling. “I love the thought of a bunch of noisy kids filling our house, of a home bursting with laughter and happiness.”


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