Hood River Zero (Hood River Hoodlums Book 4)

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Hood River Zero (Hood River Hoodlums Book 4) Page 18

by K. Webster

  “N-No!” I shout out, tears quickly forming against my will. “It’s the grandfather!”

  His lips thin out. “What’s your name, miss?”


  This is why I want to become a cop.

  Too many shitheads like this guy running the show and not getting anything done. What a disgrace.

  “I have to go,” I choke out. “My dad is going to worry if I don’t get home soon.”

  “How old are you, kid?” He arches a brow. “From the looks of it, not quite an adult. Tell me…How old is this boyfriend of yours? If he’s old enough to have a kid, he’s probably a helluva lot older than you.”

  I don’t like where he’s going with this.

  Quickly, I rise to my feet and hightail it out of there.

  Fuck Officer Browne.

  Fuck Jack.

  Fuck everyone.

  I’ll just have to gather all the proof myself.


  “What are your intentions with my girl?”

  I roll my eyes at Jace. His massive frame blocks the doorway of Garrett’s loft, keeping me from entering. “Dude. Move.”

  “When Garrett’s off rubbing elbows with rich fuckers, I’m the stand-in dad.” He smirks. “You know Penny’s a kid, right?”

  “Penny’s more grown up than your ass,” I throw back. “Move. I’m taking her out today.”

  He eyes me up like he can see inside my head. “I need the words, Terrence.”

  “I’m not here to defile Penny,” I growl. “Jesus. I want to take her to lunch and talk to her. She’s been distant and weird. Is that okay, your royal asshole-ness?”

  “It’s okay. For now. If I get word you’re fucking my girl, I’ll bash in the other side of your head, man. I’ll put you in a forever sleep.”

  I poke his hard chest. “First of all, Penny can decide who she wants to fuck, not you. That’s her decision, not ours. Secondly, I would never do anything to hurt her. Ever. Thirdly, if I for some reason unintentionally hurt her, we both know Penny can handle her own. She’d probably stab me in my good eye.”

  He laughs. “My girl has balls of steel.”

  “Fuck yeah she does. Now let me in so I can try and bring her back to us. She’s dealing with shit on her own. I don’t like it.”

  “Garrett know you’re dating his daughter?” He arches his brow, still not moving from the doorway.

  “No, and I’d appreciate it if you kept that to yourself.”

  His amber eyes glint in an evil way as his grin widens. “It’ll be our dirty little secret until I can’t stand it anymore and want to fuck with Gary.”

  “Are you done being an asshole?”

  “Never,” he says, “but I am for now. Good luck. Penny came out earlier to grab breakfast and nearly bit my head off. She’s in a mood. Probably on the rag.” He points at my face. “She’s got one helluva shiner. Might have something to do with it.”

  I push past him, entering the loft. Striding down the hallway, I find her room and knock.

  “Go away, pet. I don’t have the patience for your shit today,” she grumbles.

  I twist the knob, pushing into the room. Penny is on her side, curled into a fetal position. She’s so small, her baggy clothes swallow her. I close the door behind me, kick off my shoes, and then crawl into the bed with her.

  “Who let you in, Smash?” she grumbles but puts up no fight when I pull her against my chest.

  “Your guard dog but not before an intense interrogation where I had to proclaim my intentions for you.” I chuckle as I stroke my fingers through her hair. “I’ve missed you. This. Us.”

  Her body trembles. She tightens her hold around me as though now that I’m here, she can’t bear for me to leave. I want to drill her with questions and demand answers. I want to know what’s going on inside her head. But I know this girl. I can’t push her. She’ll come around in her own time. I just need to be here for her when she does.

  “You going to be okay for tonight’s game?” I ask, my voice a low rumble. “Maybe you should sit this one out.”

  “And miss beating Rockford’s ass? Duh.”

  “There’s my girl.” I let out a heavy sigh. “Let me take you to lunch. We can ride in my new car.”

  “Is it as cool as mine?”

  “Way cooler.”

  She sits up, her blue eyes finding mine. A dark bruise is forming, confirming what Jace told me. Her hair is a mess and dark circles ring her eyes. Something I don’t usually see from Penny flickers in her gaze.


  Not of me.

  Someone else entirely.

  “Eli been fucking with you?” I ask, reaching up to rub my thumb over her bruised cheek.

  “Nope. I got that from basketball practice. Your cousin is crazy with her elbows.” She swats my hand away. “Are you going to kiss me or keep staring at me like you want to?”


  Got it.

  I’ll play her game for now, but I will get to the bottom of this. Sliding my hand to the back of her neck, I draw her to me. Her lips softly brush against mine. A gasp—one of relief—escapes her. I take that opportunity to lash my tongue out at hers, tasting her. She’s so sweet and I fucking missed her all week.

  She kisses me back more passionately than she ever has. Needy and greedy. As though my mouth has answers she desperately needs. I try to offer them with each swipe of my tongue. To tell her through a kiss that I’m here for her, that I need her too, that I’ll protect her at all costs.

  Tearing from our kiss, she sits up and strips out of her hoodie. Her gorgeous tits are bare, her nipples peaked and eager for attention. I palm her tit, my dark skin mesmerizing to look at as it rubs over her pale flesh. I pinch her nipple, tugging at it until she whimpers. Rolling her onto her back, I kiss down her neck to her collarbone. She arches her back up, desperate for more. I suck her nipple into my mouth, loving the whine that tears from her throat. I nip at her hardened peak and then circle the tender flesh with my tongue. Once I’ve teased that nipple enough, I kiss my way to her other one, wanting to taste it too.

  “Terrence,” she breathes. “I need—”

  Deep voices resound in the living room. Fuck. Garrett must be home.

  “That’s our cue to leave and go grab lunch. We’ll continue this tonight when you’re in my bed,” I promise, pressing a kiss to her swollen lips. “Get dressed, beautiful. I’m taking you out.”

  Penny is hot on her worst day. But when the girl dresses up? She makes me weak. Today, I hung out with Garrett and Jace while she got ready. Garrett eyed me with suspicion but didn’t say anything, even when his dumbass best friend kept smirking at me. Penny came out of her room looking sexy as fuck. I pretty much dragged her out of there so her dad wouldn’t see the hard-on I was sporting.

  And now, as we walk hand in hand along Main Street, I keep sneaking in peeks at her. Her tight jeans hug every muscular curve she has, especially her perfect ass. She put on some boots that made her a little taller than normal, so I don’t have to bend as far to steal a kiss. Her top is fitted, showcasing her narrow waist. The leather jacket she’s wearing has silver buckles and is edgy. With the dark gray beanie she wears and her blond hair in messy waves, she looks like a fucking model.

  “Where are we going?” she asks.

  I check her out again because she’s my girl and that’s my right. “Mmm?”

  “I know you cracked your head open, Smash, but you’re not dumb. Focus.”

  I release her hand so I can smack her tight ass. “I was taking you to get ice cream, brat.”

  She smirks at me and grabs my hand again. Penny can be so standoffish and gruff, but deep inside is a woman I can’t get enough of. I know she feels the same. When she’s not withdrawing into herself, she enjoys being with me.

  We finally make it to the ice cream shop. I open the door and hold it for her. She walks in and perks up. This place is pretty awesome. I’ve been wanting to try it but keep forgetting. Sin
ce we had lunch at a bistro nearby, I thought it would be the perfect time to give it a chance.

  “I’m definitely going to bring Zella here as soon as I can,” I tell her, flashing her a happy grin.

  She grimaces. “She’ll like it.”

  I don’t understand the face she makes. I know she’s happy I’m getting Zella in my life, but something’s up.

  “She was looking for you,” I tell her as we wait in line.

  “Oh?” She keeps her attention on the refrigerated cases with bins of different ice cream flavors.

  “I told her she’ll see you soon.” I slide my hand into the back pocket of her jeans, letting it rest there. “What flavor are you getting?”

  “Cookie dough.”

  “I imagined you more of a chocolate girl.” I flash her a playful grin.

  Her lashes flutter as she rolls her eyes in exaggeration. “Let me guess. You want vanilla? Don’t be such a dork, Smash.”

  “Vanilla? Fuck vanilla. Too plain for me.” I give her ass a squeeze. “I like rocky road.”


  “How do you figure, woman?”

  “Marshmallows in ice cream is a sin.”

  “But raw cookie dough isn’t?”

  “No,” she drawls out. “That’s sinful. Learn the difference.”

  “What flavor do you think Zella likes?”

  She tenses. “I don’t know. Why would I know that?”

  “Just a question,” I say with a frown. “I’m guessing anything pink or orange or rainbow.”


  The line moves up a little, but we’re still several people back from the man scooping up orders. I dip down and kiss her cheek.

  “Everything okay?”

  “I’m fine,” she mutters.

  My arms wrap around her from behind and I hug her to me. “You can talk to me. I’m your man. That’s what we do. Listen to our women. Neither of us is very good at the relationship thing, but I want to try. Tell me what’s up so I can help.”

  “I don’t need help.” Her voice is an icy purr. “I can help myself.”

  “Just because you can doesn’t mean you should. I know you like giving us Hoodlums shit, but we’re stronger as a team. We’ve always had each other’s backs. When one of us is in trouble, the other three show up with bats and nasty fucking attitudes.” I squeeze her, nuzzling her soft hair. “I want to be that for you, Penny. Let me in.”

  Her body relaxes. “I’ll try.”

  Better than the prickly way she’s been thus far this week.

  “That’s all I ask, baby.”

  Rockford is good.

  They’re good because they’re sneaky and get in jabs whenever they can. Each girl on Rockford’s team is dripping with unrestrained aggression. The referees are blind to it and aren’t calling half of what they should. Rockford’s team quickly learned that Penny is our star player because they are relentless, continually jabbing elbows at her or knocking her down.

  And Tierra?

  She’s playing like shit. Her head isn’t in the game. I knew this would happen. Those girls she used to play with when she went to Rockford are the same ones who knew all about her sexting with a grown-ass man. I’m pretty sure one of them is Sage, the man’s daughter, based on the way she cringes whenever number sixteen nears her.

  Our girls are barely keeping up. If Tierra wasn’t distracted, we’d defeat them easily. But, since she’s fucking up left and right, Penny doesn’t really have anyone watching her back.

  Penny is trying to get Tierra’s attention when one of the girls on the other team slams her elbow back, right in Penny’s face. She falls on her ass just as the whistle is blown. Fucking finally they make the call. When Penny turns her head, blood is running down her chin.


  I run out onto the court and kneel beside her. “She got you good, Zero.”

  As I help Penny to her feet, I holler for Liv to replace her. Garrett shows up, ready to assist his daughter. She plops down on the bench, red-faced and still bleeding. No tears. Penny doesn’t cry. She gets even. I can tell she wants to kill every last one of Rockford’s girls.

  “She nailed you pretty good on the lip,” Garrett says. “It’ll heal without stitches, but it’s going to bleed awhile. You’re not playing anymore tonight.”

  She groans but lets him fuss over her. I turn my attention back to the game, yelling at my girls to get it together. To play defense. To open their fucking eyes. The minutes fly by until we’re nearing the end. Rockford is just two points ahead of us.

  Tierra steals the ball and runs it down the court. Three-pointers aren’t her thing, but I can tell she’s going to try for it since Penny isn’t there to do it. The one I’m pretty sure is Sage flies after Tierra, quickly catching up to her. Before Tierra can make the shot, with seconds left on the clock, Sage bumps into her from behind. Hard. Tierra falls face first, elbows slamming the floor with brutal force.

  The buzzer blares.

  They fucking lost.


  The other team shouts, jumping to their feet on the bleachers, now that the game is over. My eyes are locked on that bitch Sage. The one who pushed her.

  It all happens in slow motion.

  Tierra on her knees and elbows, planting her palms down so she can stand up. Sage lifting her leg. My cry of warning that gets washed out in the chaos. Sage slamming her foot down on Tierra’s.

  The snap.

  The snap.

  Snap. Snap. Snap.

  A sound that will haunt me on repeat. Over and over and over again. A sound that somehow pierces the dull roar of voices and penetrates me right in my skull.

  “Daddy,” I croak out, pointing to Tierra.

  Her scream chases the snap, pained, horrified, shocked. Dad flies off the bench, pushing past players to get to Tierra. Terrence rushes after him, limping, but not letting it slow him down. I finally snap out of it and chase him. A crowd has formed around Tierra. She holds her knee to her chest, screaming in pain, tears running down her cheeks. The referee and Rockford’s coach are yelling at Sage. She glares at them, satisfaction gleaming in her eyes.

  That bitch.

  Liv walks toward Tierra, her giant metal water bottle in her hands. I don’t think twice. I snag it from her and heave it at Sage. It smacks her in the forehead. She squawks in shock or pain or what the fuck ever. I don’t care. Ducking between some people, I make my way to Tierra. Dad is squatted beside her, assessing her ankle. I kneel down next to her, not sure how to comfort her. Terrence strokes her forehead and holds her hand, his face scrunched in worry.

  “Her ankle is broken,” Dad growls, anger seeping in his tone. “She needs to get to the hospital.” He motions toward Sage. “Terrence, make sure that bitch gets in trouble for this.”

  “It hurts,” Tierra sobs. “It hurts so bad.”

  “I know, honey,” Dad croons. “I’m going to take you to the hospital. I’m going to pick you up now.”

  She cries harder as Dad scoops her up. Terrence stalks over to where the referee and other coach are still yelling at Sage. She’s no longer wearing that stupid smirk. Her cheeks are wet with tears and her forehead is bleeding. Good.

  “Grab her bag and meet me at the car,” Dad says to me. “Hurry.”

  I take a second to flip Sage off with both fingers before I grab our stuff and get the hell out of here.

  Dad is quiet on the drive home from the hospital. I’m glad Tierra had him by her side while he barked out orders to the doctors and nurses. Somehow, despite not working there, everyone knows him and listens to him. Wannabe Mayor Hoodlum just doing his thing. He basically told them what was wrong with her, ordered all the tests, and then micromanaged them as they did their job. As a result, she didn’t have to wait for anything and was taken care of properly.

  I sat in the waiting room with Terrence and Rhetta for hours. The satisfaction of smacking Sage in her sneering face was short-lived. I wish I’d punched her in the fucking mouth

  “She’s out for the season,” Dad mutters in an absent tone as he parks in the garage under the building. “Fuck.”

  Sadness plucks at my heart. Tierra loves basketball. It’s her absolute favorite thing in life. Sage stole it by being a psycho bitch. Tierra may have made some bad decisions and upset Sage, but that was no reason to break her damn ankle.

  “She’ll be okay,” I murmur. I hope.

  “We’ll make sure of it.”

  I glance over at my dad. He hurt my mother and brother years ago. Both were mistakes on his part—mistakes he’s been working hard to atone for ever since. But Dad is a good man, no matter what he’s done. His good deeds far outweigh his few bad ones. I’m so happy he moved to Hood River. It’s nice having him to count on him.

  After we park, we drag ourselves upstairs and to the loft. Jace is sitting in a chair, glaring at the floor. Charlotte and Cal are sprawled out, watching a movie. Loden is stretched out on the floor, the glow of his phone lighting his face.

  Jace snaps his head up, his stare softening when he sees me. “Tierra okay?”

  “Her ankle is broken,” Dad says, walking over to him. “She won’t play any more basketball this season.”

  Cal sits up, scooting Charlotte to sit next to him. “Where is she now?”

  “Terrence took her back to your place,” Dad tells him. “She wasn’t in the best mood when we left. Try not to give her your usual shit.”

  Cal flips him off. “It’s pretty much my duty in life to give her hell.” He kicks Loden. “Get your shit. Let’s go.”

  Charlotte and Loden stand up. She hugs Dad while Loden flirts with Cal. Jace seems unusually moody tonight because he’s not amused.

  “I’m going to bed,” Jace grunts as he stands. He pushes past Loden, walking up to me. “Night, kiddo.” He tugs on my ponytail.

  “Night, pet.”


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