Steamy: A Romance Anthology That Sizzles

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Steamy: A Romance Anthology That Sizzles Page 28

by Johnson, Cat

  Protecting her.

  Loving her.

  I plant a soft kiss on the top of her forehead and close my eyes, finally ready to drift off to sleep after this quiet, lazy, perfect day.

  I’m so happy and content right now that I almost don’t hear the faint scratching sound that’s coming from the living room.


  My eyes snap open and I sit up in bed, instinctively pulling Lauren close as I strain to hear.

  She shakes her head as she moves against my side. “Wha—”

  “Shh.” I nod toward the closet as we both climb out of bed together. “Get in there. Hide. Don’t come out until I tell you to.”

  Thankfully, she doesn’t hesitate and doesn’t ask questions. I still don’t know what caused that noise, but I have a hunch. And I’ve learned over the years that the only thing I can really trust in this world is my gut instinct.

  It’s kept me alive against the odds this far. I’m trusting that tonight won’t be the exception.

  Once I know she’s secure in the closet, I take my gun from the bedside table and crouch near the bedroom door for a moment to peer into the darkened living room.

  My eyes are mostly adjusted to the darkness after lying in bed awake for so long, and there doesn’t seem to be anything out of place as I scan the room. I know what I heard, though. A scratching, scraping noise.

  Metal on metal, like someone trying to bust my lock.

  I hold my breath, waiting to hear the noise again. And then… all hell breaks loose.

  The front door bursts open and two big guys are in my living room with guns drawn. I don’t hesitate. I aim and pull the trigger and the first guy goes down without even making a sound. The other guy shouts and fires in my direction. I duck out of the way and feel a burning in my arm as I return fire.

  I wait a beat and look again. Both guys are down. My heart is beating so fast that I feel a little lightheaded. I absently touch my arm, realizing there’s blood on my hand as I pull it away. I look down and see the wound in my arm but I can hardly feel it.

  Thank God for adrenaline.

  I know it’ll be wearing off soon, though, and then the pain will be excruciating. I need to make sure these guys are taken care of and then I need to get back to Lauren.

  With her safety in the front of my mind, I hurry over to check the nearest guy.



  Moving to the other guy, the one who went down just seconds after bursting through the door, I quickly confirm that he’s also dead. I reach out to close the door, realizing my mistake too late.


  I haven’t secured the perimeter.


  By the time I see the third guy standing outside my door, it’s too late. I pull my gun but his is already drawn and pointed right at me.

  I hear myself cry out as the bullet rips through my side. The pain from this one is instantaneous and it hurts like hell. I stagger and fire my gun, but I know I’ve missed even before I see him walk past me.

  He isn’t even looking at me. I try to call out again to get his attention. I try to raise my arm to shoot him. I try everything I can think of, but my body isn’t cooperating. The already dark living room is getting even darker with each passing second.

  Fuck, why hasn’t he killed me yet?

  I realize why as I slump down into the corner, fighting the darkness that’s closing in all around me. He hasn’t finished me off because he doesn’t care about me. He isn’t here for me.

  He’s here for Lauren.



  I’m crouching in the corner of the closet and I’ve never been so scared in my entire life. I think I screamed when the first few gunshots rang out, but now this silence is almost worse.

  I don’t know if Jesse is still alive. I don’t know if there are other people in the apartment. I don’t know anything because I’m hiding alone in the dark behind all of Jesse’s clothes.

  He said not to move but what if he needs me? What if he’s… no, I can’t let myself go there. I refuse to think the worst. He’ll be coming back in here for me any second and then we’ll both be okay.

  Except… what if he doesn’t?

  I close my eyes for a moment to steel my nerves, then open them again. I still can’t hear anything.

  Slowly, carefully, silently, I push the closet door open a fraction of an inch. The bedroom is still dark but there is a sliver of light from the moon coming in that makes it less dark than the closet.

  I can see just enough to know that nobody is in the bedroom. That’s… good? Maybe?

  Jesse’s name is almost out of my mouth before I catch myself. I can’t call out for him. I don’t want to do anything that might distract him.

  The next gunshot nearly stops my heart and I’m not sure whether or not I’ve just screamed. I’m not even sure I’m still breathing at the moment. I hear Jesse cry out in pain and that horrible sound jolts me into action. I run across the bedroom and grab my phone.

  My hands are shaking so violently that I can barely dial. I just need to call the police. And an ambulance. And…

  “Oh, God,” I swallow hard as I look up and see the man standing in the doorway. The man who definitely isn’t Jesse. “Jesse?” I call out tentatively, hoping he’ll appear out of thin air to help me.

  “Guess again,” the man says. Even in the darkness, I can see the cruel smile on his face. I’m sure I don’t know him but his voice is somehow familiar. “Been a while since we’ve talked, Lauren. I hope this isn’t a bad time.”

  Now I know where I’ve heard his voice. “You,” I whisper. “You’re the one… the one who…”

  I can’t even make myself say the words, but he nods anyway. “The one who killed your precious little husband? That’s right. And now I’ve killed your boyfriend, too.” He heaves a sigh. “I figure we’re almost even now.”

  “What do you mean?” I ask, trying not to sound as terrified as I am. “What do you want?”

  I can hear the dispatcher on the other end of the line asking questions, but I have a feeling it isn’t going to matter. There’s no way anyone can get here in time to help me.

  I’m on my own. And I’m going to die.

  “Your husband and your little boyfriend killed my father and my brother. The rest of my family is behind bars because of them. Two of my best guys are dead in the other room right now.” He shakes his head. “So now it’s my turn to settle the score.”

  Before I can say anything else, he raises his gun and points it at me.

  Oh my God.

  This is it.

  I’m sure my life is supposed to be flashing in front of my eyes, or that I’m supposed to be filled with a bunch of regrets for all the things I haven’t done, but… what’s the point?

  Everyone I’ve ever loved is already dead.

  “Killing me won’t bring your family back,” I say quietly. Not out of any sense of self-preservation, but just because it’s true. “It won’t undo what’s been done.”

  “No,” he admits. “But it’ll make me feel better.”

  I take a deep breath. I close my eyes. Across the room, there’s a gunshot and all I can hear is the sound of my own ears ringing.

  But I’m not dead.

  I open my eyes just in time to see the man fall forward.


  Behind him, Jesse staggers against the door frame, then drops his gun to the floor. “Lauren…” His voice is faint as he reaches out toward me.

  I’m already moving toward him, but I’m not fast enough to keep him from falling to the floor.

  Oh, God.





  I slowly open my eyes, wincing as I shift positions, even though I should be past that by now. It’s been six weeks.

  Six long, hard, painful weeks.

  I’m not sure I would have made it without Lauren here next to me, taking care of me and being pati
ent as my wounds have healed.

  No, scratch that.

  I know for sure I wouldn’t have made it without her. I wouldn’t have made it through that night at the apartment without her.

  “What did the doctor say?” she asks as we leave the hospital after my six-week checkup.

  “He gave us the all-clear to go home and fuck like rabbits as soon as we walk through the door.”

  She bursts out laughing in the middle of the parking lot. “I can’t imagine that nice old man saying anything like that…”

  I shrug. “I might have been paraphrasing. But only a little.” I grin and pull her against my good side. “Seriously, though. You’re not going to hurt me if we go slow. I promise.”

  She gives me a quick kiss before we get into the car. “I know you keep your promises.” Once we’re in the privacy of the car, she reaches over to palm my cock through my jeans. “And it really has been a long six weeks…”

  “Oh, fuck, baby,” I groan. “You’re killing me. Do you want me to come right here? Right now? Because I’m totally down for that.”

  She laughs again. “Tempting, but no. Let’s get home first and make sure we’re not going to aggravate your wounds.”

  I nod, but the only things aggravated at the moment are my two blue balls.

  It’s a short drive back to my apartment but it feels like forever until we’re finally alone in the bedroom with each other.

  “Jesus,” I say, reaching for her and pulling her close. “I’ve been waiting too damn long for this.”

  “Let me help you out of those clothes,” she says, nibbling at her bottom lip as she smiles up at me. “And then I can make you feel good.”

  We’re both naked within about thirty seconds, and my cock is jutting out in front of me, ready and willing for whatever she has in mind as she reaches down to stroke it.

  “Yes,” I nod. “Just like that.”

  “Just like this?” She drops down to her knees and takes me into her mouth. I’m already so fucking horny that I have to hold back as she looks up at me with those beautiful eyes.

  “Oh, damn,” I groan. “That feels… so good. So fucking good.” I can’t wait any longer, though. I gently pull her up and then lay her back against the bed. “I need to be inside you, baby. I need it so bad.”

  “Are you sure?” She spreads her legs as I position myself over her. “You’re okay?”

  “Never been better,” I say, meaning it. I tease her slick folds with the head of my cock for just a second before pushing inside. “Oh, fuck. How is it possible that you feel even better than I remembered?”

  I reach down and gently squeeze her breast as I brace myself against the bed with my good hand. Yeah, I might not be able to keep this position up for too long, but after six weeks of handjobs and oral?

  Don’t get me wrong, it’s been good oral. Really good. But there isn’t a thing in the world that compares to this sweet, tight pussy, and I don’t think we have to worry about me lasting too much longer this first time around.

  “Oh, God,” she moans as she reaches up to run her hands over my chest. “You feel so good inside me. I want you to come. I want you to fill me up.”

  “Fuck,” I grind out through gritted teeth. Her words alone are enough to push me over the edge. “I’m already so close, baby.”

  “Good.” She raises up and meets me halfway for a kiss, always mindful of my hurt side and my arm. Because she’s fucking perfect. “Because I’ve been ready for weeks. We’ll have plenty of time to go slow later.”

  She has a good point. We have all the time in the world.


  Fuck, that’s a nice thought.

  “I love you,” I say, kissing her again. “I love you so much and you make me so happy and… oh, fuck, I’m going to come.”

  She grabs my hips and pulls me deeper into her. It feels like heaven and I know from the way her body tightens that she’s coming, too.

  My vision blurs as our bodies entwine, and I slowly lower myself onto the bed next to her as I keep my cock buried deep inside.

  “Damn,” I murmur into her hair. “You’re so perfect, baby. So beautiful. So… mine.”

  She laughs softly. “And you’re mine. I don’t want to be apart again. Not ever.”

  “We won’t be,” I assure her. “I promise.”

  It’s the easiest promise I’ve ever made. She’s all I need. She’s my whole world. And now that I know she feels the same way, I’m not ever going to let her go.



  It’s been six months and I’m pretty sure we’ve looked at every single house on the market in our price range before finding this one. Mine sold quickly but finding our forever home has taken much longer. But I’m glad we took the time to find it.

  The One.

  Our perfect house that we’re going to live in together.

  It’s new and modern and nothing like anywhere either of us have lived before. Which means the memories we make here will be all our own.

  “Are you ready, baby?” Jesse asks, dangling the house keys in front of me as we walk up to the front door.

  The moving truck full of our furniture is in the driveway, and we have friends coming by to help us move everything in soon. But right now—this minute—is the first time we’re going to walk into this house together now that it’s officially ours.

  “I’m ready,” I say, nodding and trying to commit every single second to memory as he grins and turns the key in the lock. “I never would have thought I’d be so excited to walk into an empty house.”

  He laughs. “Right? I love it, though.” He turns and pulls me into his arms as soon as we’ve cleared the doorway. “And I love you.”

  “I love you, too.” I kiss him and rest my head against his shoulder for a moment. “I can’t believe we’ve really done it. This is ours. Our house.”

  “It’s a first for me,” he says, beaming as we walk hand in hand into the spacious, empty living room. “And as long as we’re talking about firsts…”

  His voice trails off as I look over at him, and it isn’t until he drops down on one knee and fishes a small black box from his pocket that I realize what’s happening.

  “Oh my God,” I whisper as his smile grows even wider. “Jesse? Are you serious?”

  “I love you, baby,” he says again. “You’ve made me happier than I’ve ever been before, and I don’t want it to ever end. I want you in my life forever. I want to be right here by your side. I want to fill this house up with babies and give you everything you’ve ever wanted.”

  “You already have,” I say, swiping at the happy tears that are starting to roll down my cheeks. “I love you so much and I already know you’re perfect for me.”

  “Then I hope you’ll say yes when I ask…” He slides a sparkling ring onto my finger and looks up at me again. “Lauren, will you marry me?”

  “Yes,” I nod. “Oh my God, yes. Of course I will.”

  He jumps to his feet and pulls me into his arms, spinning me around the room as we laugh and cry and hug and kiss.

  This is the best day of my life. For the first time in a long time, I can say I’m truly safe and happy and I can’t wait to find out what the future has in store for me.

  For us.



  About the Author

  Jamie Garrett loves writing about sexy alphas and the smart, sassy women who love them. She’s a mum from Australia who feels blessed to tell stories for a living. There is at least one cat draped over the keyboard at all times and usually a kid yelling somewhere in the background. Being an author is still the best thing she’s ever done.

  You can read more about Bobby and all the men from Red Wolfe Security at

  Waiting on Wood

  L. Ann

  Can a reclus
ive writer ignore the temptation presented to him when he meets his new live-in housekeeper, or will they both end up burned by the fire building between them?



  ME - I look like a busted can of biscuits and, no, I’m not sending you a picture!

  I fired off the text to my sister with one hand while I climbed off the back of Trev’s motorcycle, and attempted to keep my balance on the stupidly high heels I’d worn. Yanking off the helmet, I shoved it at my brother’s chest. He laughed and caught it between his palms before it made contact.

  “You said you were in a hurry,” he pointed out when I glared at him.

  “I said I needed to be at the station before seven, not that I needed to be there in seven minutes!” As I spoke, my cell chimed to tell me Cami had replied.

  CAMI - I absolutely need a picture. The visual in my head is riveting. Send urgently.

  “I’m sure I was swapped at birth,” I muttered, bending to peer at my reflection in one of the wing mirrors.

  Thankfully, my hair had been protected by the helmet, but my brother’s hair-raising handling of his motorcycle had done some damage to my clothes. I’d hung on to him as he threw us around corners, skidded down narrow streets, and performed terrifying maneuvers between parked cars in a bid to get me to the train station on time.

  “You’re here, aren’t you?” He handed me the backpack I’d strapped to the back of his motorcycle. “And you have time for a coffee before you get lost in the station. I’m not seeing your problem.”

  My cell chimed again.

  CAMI - You can’t send messages with those kinds of claims and not follow through. I need to see this.

  I scowled, then peered closer to the screen.

  “Oh no … no no no!” With one finger, I slowly wiped away the raindrop and looked at the name at the top of the text conversation. Dread slithered down my spine. It didn’t say Cami. It said Call. Short for Callahan … aka Callahan Woodrow, my new boss, who I was going to be facing in less than an hour.


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