Star Rider and Bonds of Love: A Sci-Fi Space Opera with a Touch of Fantasy

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Star Rider and Bonds of Love: A Sci-Fi Space Opera with a Touch of Fantasy Page 33

by Heidi Skarie

  Michio put the location of their meeting place into the ship’s navigation system. “I wasn’t sure we’d get past the guard. You handled the situation well.”

  “I should have realized my ID was no longer good and checked for Major Daiker’s in case we were carded. I was sloppy and could have gotten us both killed.”

  “You’re being overly critical. We just succeeded in stealing a ship from a guard who was on the look out for us.”

  A half-hour later, Toemeka landed the ship in an open field and kept the engines running. Zac ran over to the ship. When he was sure it was them, he signaled to the others. Onolyn stood guard while Erling and his family ran over.

  “Board quickly,” Michio said. “We don’t want to be spotted.”

  “Where’s Breezy?” Toemeka asked, glancing over her shoulder from the pilot seat as Erling and his family boarded the ship.

  “She’s staying with the Resistance,” Erling said. Toemeka heard the unhappy undertone in his voice. “What’s with the blue skin?” he asked, walking toward her.

  “I needed a disguise.” She raised her voice so everyone could hear her. “Get buckled in for takeoff.” Toemeka flew the ship into the air until it was ten miles above the surface of Alandra, then soared toward outer space.

  Once the ship was enroute to Borko, Erling leaned forward in his seat so his head was close to hers. “You didn’t seem surprised that Breezy stayed to fight with the Resistance.”

  “I wasn’t. I already knew she was thinking about it. She’s in love with Jake.” As she said it, Toemeka realized she might not ever see Breezy and Jake again. She’d greatly miss them both. Breezy was like a sister and Jake was a good friend.

  “I hadn’t realized they were that serious,” Erling said.

  “Then you weren’t paying attention,” Sharma said. “I like your blue skin color, Toemeka.”

  “I rather like it myself. Maybe I’ll dye it blue permanently.”

  “Please, don’t,” Michio groaned.

  She grinned at him. “Can you start the calculations for a space jump to Borko?”

  “I’m on it.” He typed the directive into the computer.

  Toemeka turned to look at Erling’s mother. “How are you feeling, Najetta?”

  “Much better. I got medicine for my cough.”

  “We’ll be home tomorrow and you can see a doctor. I can’t wait to hold Baymond. I hope he’s doing well.”

  “Koriann probably completely spoiled him by now,” Erling said.

  “I hope she gave him lots of love. I wouldn’t want him to be neglected.” Toemeka settled back into the pilot seat. “I’m never leaving Michio and Baymond again, not for anything.”

  “Not until next time anyway,” Michio said, sounding unconvinced.

  Their eyes met. “I won’t; I’m serious about settling down.”

  Michio raised his eyebrows. “I’ll believe it when it happens. In the short time I’ve known you, I’ve had more adventures than most people do in a lifetime.”

  “I’m resigning from the Coalition. While traveling with Erling, I realized it’s time to move on. Defeating Samrat Condor won’t bring back my parents or brother. I have my own family now and have to let go of the past and embrace that gift.”

  Michio clasped her hand and looked at her with love shining from his eyes. “I’m happy to hear it, but I’m afraid this isn’t over with Commander Rochambeau. He still wants you and he knows where we live.”

  Toemeka felt foreboding danger in his words. Would she ever be free of Cadmus?

  The spacecraft entered the first phrase of a jump and the stars turned into streaks of light.



  Toemeka awoke in her seat as the spaceship came out of the jump. From their position in space, she saw Borko’s double moons, like two smiles in the sky, welcoming them home.

  Michio and Erling piloted the ship while the others still slept. At the moment, Erling was talking on the radio, “We’ll be home in a little over an hour, Kori.” He was quiet for a moment, then responded, “I didn’t expect to be gone for so long. Things got complicated.” He paused again, listening to her speak, then said, “I knew you’d be worried, but didn’t have any way to contact you sooner. We were in the wilderness.”

  Toemeka leaned forward. “How’s Baymond is doing?”

  “Kori said he’s doing great.”

  Anticipation filled Toemeka,,she’d see her baby soon. Gazing out the window as the ocean came into view, she wondered how much he’d grown since she’d last seen him.. As they soared toward the City of Silver Light the Marsindi palace came into view. Michio landed the ship on the royal airfield. Lights flickered on inside the cabin and everyone stirred in their seats. Toemeka unbuckled her seatbelt and was the first one out the door. Guards stood on both sides of the ramp and at the end stood Queen Koriann, holding Baymond in her arms.

  Tears of joy blurred Toemeka’s vision as she hurried down the ramp steps and took Baymond in her arms. Unconditional love for her child washed through her. “I missed you, little one. Do you remember me?” Baymond smiled at her and her heart flooded with joy.

  Michio joined her, putting his arm around her shoulder. “It’s good to be be back. I’ve missed you little one,” he said as he gazed down at his son. Baymond started babbling and waving his arms.

  Toemeka felt a pang of jealousy that Koriann had spent time with Baymond while she was fighting for survival in the wilderness. She turned toward the Queen and saw that the others had all deboarded. Queen Koriann was in Erling’s arms with tears streaming down her face. If she was angry with him for going on the mission, it didn’t show in her greeting.

  Erling kept his arms around Koriann as he introduced her to his family, who lovingly greeted her. “It looks like our new grandchild will arrive soon,” Najetta said, putting a hand on Koriann’s stomach. At moment later she smiled, “Oh! He kicked!”

  “Can I feel him kick?” Sharma asked, sounding unsure.

  “Ah…” Koriann glanced at Erling, looking surprised by this personal interest in their baby. “Sure.”

  Sharma shyly put her hand on the queen’s stomach. “I can’t feel him.”

  “His foot is over here.” Koriann guided her hand to where the foot was.

  Sharma’s face lit up for the first time in weeks. “I felt him move. Oh, Erling, this is so exciting. I’m going to be an aunt! When is he due?”

  “In a few weeks,” Koriann said new tears filled her eyes.

  “What’s wrong, Kori?” Erling asked.

  “I’ve been so worried about you I didn’t think about how wonderful it would be to have a family again.”

  “I hope this means I’m forgiven for leaving you with the responsibilities of Jaipar to go rescue them.”

  “There’s nothing to forgive. Let’s hold a ball to celebrate your family’s arrival,” Koriann said. Erling agreed.


  Two weeks later the ball was held at the Fenian-Marsindi palace in the spacious ballroom. The room was elegant with crystal chandeliers, gold-leaf furniture, marble floor, arched alcoves and large doorways on the ocean side that opened onto balconies. As the women danced, their long gowns made a swirl of color.

  Toemeka left the dance floor with Michio and walked over to Koriann and Erling, who were talking to his family. Captain Zachary and Onolyn joined them a few moments later. Toemeka enjoyed the high energy of the large group of people. She wore an off-the-shoulder gown that tapered to her narrow waistline, then flared back out again. She knew Michio liked it because his eyes lit up when he saw her. But he was conservative and commented the neckline was cut too low.

  Earlier she and Onolyn had shopped together for ball gowns. Onolyn purchased a green, form-fitting one that looked gorgeous with her strawberry blond hair and tall, slender build. Toemeka picked a glamorous rose-red gown that reflected her excitement at being home again.

  Toemeka squeezed Michio’s hand as another dance began and Erling’s pare
nts stepped onto the ballroom floor. She was eager to join them.

  “Don’t tell me you want to dance again,” Michio said, smiling at her. “Don’t we get to rest once in awhile?”

  “We’ll rest when the orchestra takes a break.”

  “At least let me get something to drink first.”

  Erling said, “I guess I’d better do my official duty and ask the Princess of Perditta to dance.”

  Toemeka followed Erling’s gaze and saw a stunning young woman, smiling bewitchingly at him. She wore a form-fitting black dress that showed off her ample breasts and had a slit up one leg. “Who is she?” Toemeka asked, feeling strong, dark vibrations coming from the princess.

  “Her name’s Nyla,” Erling said. “Her parents didn’t come to Jaipar for the ball, but she arrived a few days ago and has been staying at the palace. She’s young and will be offended if I don’t dance with her at least once.”

  “I’m sure she’ll get plenty of offers from other men,” Koriann said, sounding annoyed.

  “You never objected when I danced with the Princess of Mithra.”

  “She’s old and ugly.”

  Erling’s eyes danced with amusement. “You wouldn’t want me to be negligent in my duties.”

  “I wouldn’t mind.”

  “Queen Koriann, I’ll sit this dance out with you,” Zac said. “I’m glad to have a break.

  “I’ll sit with you, too,” Sharma said. “I don’t feel like dancing.”

  It didn’t surprise Toemeka that Sharma didn’t want to dance. It was too soon after fiancé Connor’s death.

  “Remind me never to hold a ball again when I’m this pregnant,” Koriann said, putting her hand on her round stomach. She wore a crown in her golden-brown hair and her empire-waisted blue-velvet dress brought out the color of her eyes.

  “You’re the most beautiful, powerful woman here, and carrying the royal heir,” Erling said. “I’ll bet every woman is jealous of you. I’ll hurry back as soon as the dance is over.” Erling kissed her, then crossed over to the princess.

  Toemeka turned to Michio and said, “There’s something about Nyla that makes me uneasy.”

  “Really? Why? She’s just a young woman at a ball for the first time without her parents.”

  “I sense something negative about her and don’t like the way she’s staring at Erling, like she wants to eat him for a snack.”

  “He’s the dashing prince of Jaipar who’s responsible for overthrowing General Bandar, freeing Jaipar, and uniting the entire planet. She probably idolizes him.”

  “No, I trust my woman’s intuition; she’s up to something.”

  Michio shook his head. “I don’t sense anything negative about her.” They both watched as the Princess and Prince Erling glided gracefully around the dance floor.

  Toemeka was puzzled; she valued Michio’s perceptions and wondered if she was wrong. She’d heard of Princess Nyla in the news broadcasts. She was King of Perditta’s youngest daughter and considered a raving beauty.

  Briefly it crossed Toemeka’s mind that perhaps she was jealous, but she rejected the idea. She’d never been envious of other women and Michio would never do anything to cause jealousy. He loved her unconditionally and wasn’t influenced by physical beauty, looking much deeper than that. Although, she thought frowning, he did seem to be charmed by Nyla. The princess had that kind of magnetic attraction. Men followed her with their eyes.

  “She’s not what she appears to be,” Toemeka insisted.

  Michio raised his eyebrows skeptically. “Probably the worst thing she’s done in her short life is break a few hearts and make a few women jealous. I sense something else from her; she needs help or is in trouble.”

  “Are you kidding?” Toemeka said, “She’s self-confident and knows exactly what she’s doing.”

  “Outward actions are sometimes deceiving; it could be a front.” Michio looked at Zac. “Let’s get the ladies a drink.”

  As the two men left for the refreshment table, Toemeka shifted her awareness so she could see the aura surrounding Nyla. At first, she saw positive blue and white energy swirling around the young woman. She went deeper though and beneath the light she saw black sliced with red encompassing Nyla like a dark storm cloud.

  Toemeka sat on a chair near Koriann, Onolyn and Sharma. “Koriann, tell Captain Zachary to keep an eye on Princess Nyla,” Toemeka said. “She’s up to something. Michio’s impression of her is different from mine, but that just increases my uneasiness. We usually perceive things close to the same way.”

  “I sense something off, too,” Onolyn said. “There’s something familiar about her. I feel I’ve met her before, but I know I haven’t.”

  “I don’t like her either,” Sharma said. “She’s been following Erling around ever since she arrived, pretending she’s interested in Jaipar and laughing at every witty remark he makes.”

  “I don’t like any woman who makes an open play for my husband,” Koriann said. “I knew it was a poor decision to marry a ladies’ man.”

  “Erling’s not a ladies’ man!” Sharma exclaimed, defending her beloved brother. “He adores you. I’ve never seen him so in love and he’s excited about the baby.”

  “He just likes to dance,” Toemeka reassured Koriann, “and he feels it’s politically important to befriend people connected to foreign governments.” Toemeka decided to change the subject; Koriann was getting too agitated. “Onolyn, you look lovely, tonight. That dress is the perfect choice.”

  “Thank you. I hope Zac thinks so.”

  “I’m sure he does,” Toemeka replied. Michio and Zac returned with their drinks.

  When the music ended, Erling and Nyla joined them. The princess hung on Erling’s arm, looking up at him adoringly. “You’re such a good dancer, Prince Erling.”

  “It’s easy to dance well when you have a talented partner, Princess,” Erling said, smiling down at her.

  Toemeka saw Koriann simmering. Erling evidently realized it too, for he slid Nyla’s hand off his arm. “Thank you for the dance, Princess. If you’ll excuse me, I promised my sister the next dance.”

  The Princess turned to Toemeka. “I’m thirsty; could I have a drink from your goblet?”

  “I guess so.”

  Nyla lifted Toemeka’s glass off the table and took a drink.

  “Are you feeling as fiery as you look, Toe?” Erling asked with a teasing tone to his voice. “That dress is something else—not at all your usual demure style and color.”

  Toemeka narrowed her eyes at Erling. “Don’t start.”

  Unintimidated, he said, “I’m surprised Mich let you wear it.”

  “One more word and I’ll blast you to Jaipar’s nearest moon!”

  A smug grin curled up the corners of Erling’s mouth. “I’m real worried.”

  Toemeka started laughing. It was good to banter with Erling after all they’d been through.

  “I think I’ll torment my sister,” Erling said. He reached out to Sharma. “Dance with me.”

  “I don’t want to dance.”

  “The ball is being given in our parents’ and your honor. You have to dance.” She reluctantly stood and he led her onto the dance floor.

  Nyla handed the glass back to Toemeka. “Thank you. Can I borrow your husband next?”

  “No, I’m not as generous with him.”

  The Princess turned her attention to Zac. “I guess that leave us.”

  Zac looked uncomfortably at Onolyn, as if hoping to be rescued and Toemeka realized the Princess intimidated him. Nyla slipped her arm through Zac’s and led him to the dance floor. A pilot in military uniform asked Onolyn to dance. Toemeka finished her drink, then she and Michio accompanied them to the dance floor.

  When the dance ended, the musicians took a break. Michio and Toemeka sat next to Onolyn and the pilot. Toemeka felt dizzy and was glad to be off her feet.

  Onolyn introduced the pilot to Toemeka and Michio and the two men immediately started talking about the l
atest aircraft. Toemeka was interested, but at the moment was more concerned about Zac. She scanned the ballroom looking for him, but couldn’t spot him anywhere.

  A short time later, he emerged from one of the alcoves with Prince Nyla. Toemeka leaned over and whispered to Onolyn, “You’d better rescue Zac.”

  Onolyn stiffened. “Captain Zachary can fend for himself.”

  Toemeka shook her head. “I don’t agree. He’s inexperienced when it comes to women.”

  “I’m sure he’s enjoying himself. Besides, you told Koriann Zac should keep an eye on Princess Nyla.”

  “True, but we haven’t warned Zac to be on guard yet.”

  “What are you two whispering about?” Michio asked.

  “Nothing.” Toemeka saw Nyla lead Zac onto the balcony.

  “Will you please excuse me?” she asked. Toemeka went after Zac, catching up to him and Nyla just outside the elegant ballroom doors.

  “Zac, can I talk to you a moment?” Toemeka asked.

  He turned toward her. “What is it?”

  “It’s personal. Will you excuse us, Nyla?” Toemeka locked eyes with the Princess, whose eyes were like daggers. Toemeka felt a negative jolt of energy hit her in the chest. She threw up a shield of Light, frightened by the strong sudden attack. Something was familiar about this woman — an image of Cadmus’ fortress on Devil’s Eye flashed before her.

  “Don’t cross me, Toemeka!” Nyla hissed. “You’re not powerful enough and there’s too much at stake for me to allow it.” She turned and left, heading back into the ballroom.

  Toemeka felt as if she’d been dropped into a nightmare. Her head throbbed and her legs felt wobbly.

  “What’s wrong, Toemeka?” Zachary asked, sounding alarmed. “You look faint.”

  He helped her to a bench. “What was that all about?”

  “Who is she?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Nyla just attacked me with a blast of negative psychic energy.”

  “Are you serious? I didn’t notice anything unusual. You don’t look well. Shall I get Michio?”


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