Star Rider and Bonds of Love: A Sci-Fi Space Opera with a Touch of Fantasy

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Star Rider and Bonds of Love: A Sci-Fi Space Opera with a Touch of Fantasy Page 35

by Heidi Skarie

  Suddenly demons appeared and surrounded Michio. “No!” she screamed. She jolted awake, shaking with trepidation. She rolled over in bed and reached for Michio. His half of the bed was empty and the sheets felt cold, as if he’d been gone for a while. Was he just feeding the baby or was he in trouble? Deep inside she was afraid it was the latter; someone or something had drawn him from the house and he was in danger.

  “Michio! Michio! Where are you?” She bolted out of bed. The cool night air hit her skin and she shivered in her thin sleeveless nightgown. She threw on her robe and glanced at the clock—2:58 a.m.

  “Michio.” She heard the baby whimpering and went to his room. He was still asleep, but a restless, uneasy sleep. She hurried downstairs, calling her husband’s name again. She couldn’t find him anywhere. The world spun and she leaned against the wall. A thick unexplainable negative energy pulsed in the air. As she tried to identify it, the hair on the back of her neck stood up. Cadmus! It was his distinctive energy. Then she remembered sensing his presence right before she’d fallen asleep.

  “Oh, God. He’s come for me!” She tore upstairs and hurriedly changed into a shirt and slacks. Then she went to the nursery and lifted Baymond from his crib. “Cadmus won’t take me from you again, little one.” Adrenaline pumped through her. “Michio, where are you?” She thought back on her dream and shuddered as the vision of him surrounded by demons flashed in her mind. The dream, though probably symbolic, clearly showed him being attacked. She dressed the sleeping baby in warm clothes, including a hooded jacket, then carried him downstairs into the office.

  After placing Baymond on a cushioned chair, she opened the safe. Inside was a blaster, knife and gun belt holster. She fastened the holster around her hips and put the blaster and knife in it. Then she searched through the cupboards, looking for a globelight. She jerked open a cupboard drawer and it fell to the floor with a loud bang. Baymond started crying. She looked at the mess and among the assortment of items scattered on the floor was the globelight.

  Toemeka took a deep breath. Get a hold of yourself. Panicking won’t help. She lifted Baymond into her arms and swayed gently until he quieted. Her mind raced. Where was Michio? He never left her and the baby alone at night. He hadn’t wanted to leave the protection of the palace, but she’d insisted. What could be so important that he would leave the house in the middle of the night? Then the image of Nyla came to her; instinctively she knew the woman was a witch. The Master had said she wasn’t the only target. Samrat Condor wanted to destroy Michio as well because he could stop the sorcerer’s spread of power throughout the galaxy.

  Toemeka breathed in the baby’s sweet scent as she told her watch-communicator to call the palace. A female servant’s image appeared on the screen. “Hello,” she said in a sleepy voice.

  “Hi, I’m Toemeka Kimes, a close friend of Prince Erling. I know it’s late, but I need to speak with him.”

  “At this hour?”

  “It’s an emergency.”

  “Just a minute.” The servant’s image disappeared from the screen as Toemeka patted the baby’s back.

  Soon the servant reappeared. “He’s not here. You’ll have to speak with Captain Zachary Kwao.”

  “Not there! Put Zac on.” Toemeka held the baby close. The room seemed increasingly dark and forbidding. She wondered if the negative energy swirling around had something to do with Michio’s disappearance.

  Zac face appeared on the screen. “What is it, Toemeka?” Zac asked.

  “Where’s Erling?”

  “I don’t know. He’s gone. Princess Nyla’s gone, too. Lady Koriann is distraught. Naturally she suspects —”

  “That’s nonsense. Tell Koriann I said as much.” Toemeka felt a sense of dread. Pieces of the puzzle were falling into place. “Michio’s gone as well.”

  Onolyn’s image appeared on the screen. “We think Nyla is really Seetva.”

  Toemeka’s stomach flipped. “I was wondering that myself. If not Seetva, then another powerful witch. She psychically attacked and drugged me. But how can Seetva appear as Nyla?”

  “Seetva’s a shape-shifter,” Zac said. “Where do you think Michio and Erling are?”

  Toemeka sank onto a chair. “Seetva and Cadmus are near. I feel their energy. They must’ve combined their powers to entice Michio.” She tuned into Michio while silently chanting Shonu. When she saw a vision of him, she began breathing in short, irregular gasps. “He’s in the mountains close by… they’re attacking him. King Zanton Duborginact as well as Cadmus and Seetva. Come quickly with soldiers.”

  “We’ll set out immediately,” Zac said. “You’d better come to the palace. You’re not safe there.”

  “I’m going to find Michio.”

  “No!” Onolyn exclaimed. “Get Baymond to safety first.”

  “There’s no time. I’ll be on the mountain.” Toemeka turned off her watch communicator and set the baby down to put on a jacket. The communicator rang. She ignored it, knowing it was Zac or Onolyn. She placed the baby in his carrier and swung it on her shoulders.

  She paused, noticing the sheathed death sword of King Zanton, She might need. Fastening the sheathed sword to her gun belt, she left the house. Outside, she lit the globelight and headed into the woods, letting her inner linkup with Michio guide her. Toemeka kept up a fast pace, despite the added weight of the baby and still being in a weakened state from being drugged.

  She hadn’t gone far when she felt Michio’s agony — a deep piercing in his heart. “Michio!” she screamed, breaking into a run.


  The Trap

  Borko’s double moons bathed the mountain valley in soft light. Michio wondered if this valley would be the last thing he’d see in this world. A powerful psychic spear penetrated the shield of Light surrounding him and pierced his heart. He sank to his knees. Seetva, Zanton and Cadmus circled him, continuing their psychic attacks and he felt his life force ebbing away. Michio slid free of his pain-ridden body. It would be easy to die; worlds of beauty awaited him. He turned toward the Light and a deep inner peace filled him. He paused before completely separating from his physical body. Deep sorrow washed over him at the thought of leaving Toemeka and Baymond. He also regretted not fulfilling his life’s mission.

  Something tugged at the edge of his consciousness. Tuning in, he sensed Toemeka nearby. He looked through the translucent veil that was already forming between him and his dying physical body. Toemeka burst out of the woods, death sword flashing in her hand and Baymond on her back.

  Michio returned to his pain-ridden body and staggered to his feet. “Toemeka, go back!” he yelled. Inwardly he tuned into the Eternal Life Stream. He felt a rush of power energizing him and visualized his enemy’s spears dissolving, unable to harm him. The agony lifted and the shield around him grew strong and brilliant with Light. Toemeka’s love and strength flowed out to him. Michio recognized another soul’s love as well: he was surprised to realize it was Baymond’s.

  In the supernatural worlds, Toemeka and Baymond held glittering swords of light that radiated around them. Baymond came not as an infant, but a full-grown man in a robe of light. The strength and intensity of positive force coming from his son astonished Michio.

  Toemeka and Baymond fought their way through the circle of dark magic to Michio’s side. He felt a cushion of love all around him and his bruised inner body began to heal. As he was strengthened, the spells began to recede.

  In the physical world, Cadmus and Zanton drew death swords and attacked Michio. He was too weak to stop them and his shield began to fade. Toemeka ran toward him yelling, “Here, take this!” She threw the death sword. He caught it by the handle in midair and swept it toward Zanton, blocking his blade.

  “Get out of here, Toemeka,” Michio yelled. “Go back.”

  She drew her blaster and fired it in the air. “Drop your weapons!” she yelled. Cadmus and Zanton drew back, but Seetva hurled an arrow of psychic energy. It hit Toemeka’s hand and she dropped the blaste
r. Toemeka strengthened her Light shield to protect herself and the baby as Seetva raised her hands in the air, gathering dark power.

  Cadmus and Zanton renewed their sword attack on Michio. “Run, Toemeka!” Michio yelled.

  As she turned to flee into the woods, Zanton swept his death sword toward her. Both Michio and Cadmus saw the movement and swung their swords toward Zanton’s. Sparks flew as three swords clashed together.

  “Harm her, Zanton, and I’ll kill you!” Cadmus yelled.

  All three men drew back. Toemeka tore toward the dark woods, but before she could reach it, the ground before her burst into flames. She stumbled to a stop as the baby wailed in terror.

  Seetva laughed a shrill, hate-filled laugh. “Michio, see what Toemeka’s love for you has done. It’s drawn her to her death.”

  “Don’t touch her, Seetva!” Cadmus said, his voice filled with hatred. “She’s mine.”

  “Did you really think I would let her live?” Seetva sneered. “Her power over you is too strong.”

  “She would never use dark powers to control me. She’ll be a great enchantress someday.”

  “You’ll never succeed in turning her into a enchantress. I say she dies.” Power sizzled around Seetva.

  Zanton thrust his sword at Michio, preventing him from rushing to Toemeka and Baymond’s aid. Michio parried the blow and the two swords clashed together. Cadmus threw a spear of dark power at Seetva and she blocked it with a spell.


  The fire that blocked Toemeka spread quickly, forming a flaming circle around her and the baby. With Seetva’s attention on the fight with Cadmus, Toemeka seized the moment to break free. She tore through the supernatural ring of fire. It heated her face and bit into her skin, but she kept running. Within moments, she was through it and reached the woods.

  Where was Zac? Why wasn’t he here yet? She shone the globelight on the ground ahead of her as she wove through the trees, afraid Seetva would come after her.

  In the astral world she and Baymond continued to battle alongside Michio, and Toemeka realized the physical world reflected this inner battle. Toemeka tripped over a root and fell onto her hands and knees. The glass of the globelight shattered, leaving her in darkness under a canopy of trees where little moonlight penetrated.

  She scrambled to her feet, terrified they would kill Michio before Zac arrived. Baymond’s crying turned to sobs of distress. Toemeka sang HU to him as her eyes adjusted to the faint light, then she began moving slowly down the trail. The baby gradually quieted.

  On the trail ahead, she made out a shadowy figure coming closer and she called out breathlessly. “Who’s there?”


  “Thank God!” Toemeka ran over to him. “Michio needs help. They’re trying to kill him.”

  When she reached Erling, he swung his fist toward her face. Reacting from years of training, she ducked out of the way. He swung again. She jumped back awkwardly with the baby on her back and his fist grazed her chin. She cried out in pain, backing away from him. “Condor’s blood, Erling! What’s wrong with you?”

  A cloud moved away from one of the moons and a shaft of light hit Erling’s face. His eyes were glazed and vacant. “Oh no!” Toemeka gasped. Seetva’s taken control of him. She plunged off the trail. As she pushed through the dense undergrowth, she heard twigs breaking behind her as Erling charged after her. Her heart pounded so loudly it reminded her of drums beating. The bar on the baby carrier snagged on a tree branch. Toemeka slipped off the baby carrier and set it on the ground with the stand out to keep it upright. Baymond started crying again.

  “Shh, don’t cry,” she whispered, squatting in front of him. “Please be quiet.” She heard a branch snap and swung around to see Erling standing a few feet away. He grabbed her arm, pulling her to her feet.

  “Erling, it’s me, Toemeka,” she pleaded.

  He dragged her back through the brush to the trail. “You belong to Seetva,” he said in an unnatural voice. “Start walking.”

  “I can’t leave Baymond.” Inwardly she left Michio’s side, where he still battled their enemies, and started searching for Erling’s Light Body.

  “Move,” said Erling.

  “Erling, wake up. Don’t let Seetva control you. You’re stronger than she is.” She sent love to him on many different levels.

  His fist swung toward her face again. Toemeka swung her forearm upward, blocking the blow. Then she grabbed his arm and pulled him forward and down, tripping him as she did. He grabbed her as he started to fall, bringing her down with him.

  Inwardly, the bond of love between them led her to him and she found Erling in the astral world. She saw a dark cloud of energy surrounding him and forced her way through it.

  Outwardly, Erling flipped Toemeka off and they continued to wrestle. She noticed he seemed to fight without a will of his own and wasn’t as quick or skilled as usual. With her knowledge of his fighting method, she was able to hold her own despite his larger build. Continuing to operate in dual consciousness, she perceived that the dark energy surrounding him was from Seetva’s spell. “Erling, you have Master Bakka’s protection. Seetva can’t control you.” She focused on pure, unconditional love and an opening gradually appeared in the dark energy. Inwardly Erling tore through the gap and soared free.

  Outwardly, Erling gained the upper hand and held her down with his body weight. His fist flew toward her face. Too winded to move, she tensed anticipating the blow. At the last second, his fist hit the ground next to her head with deadly impact.

  “What’s going on?” he asked, confused, and moved to help her up. “Did I hurt you?”

  “You were under Seetva’s control. Seetva, Cadmus and Zanton are attacking Michio. We must go help him.” Baymond’s cries pierced the air and Toemeka gasped, “Baymond!”

  She pushed her way through the dark bushes, moving toward the sound of her baby’s cries. She reached him and kissed his soft cheek before putting the carrier back on. When she arose, she saw Erling followed her.

  “You brought Baymond?”

  “I didn’t know what else to do. I couldn’t leave him home alone and I knew Michio was in mortal danger. I contacted Captain Zachary, but we can’t wait for him to find us. We have to save Michio.” Toemeka led Erling through the woods to the place where she’d left Michio. When they reached the moonlit clearing, they found Michio backed up against a tree, fighting Cadmus and Zanton with his death sword. Erling suddenly went rigid, his eyes blank, and he roughly grabbed Toemeka, pulling her toward Seetva.

  “Let go!” Toemeka cried, terrified Erling was under Seetva’s influence again. She struggled as Seetva walked toward them.

  “This is better than I planned. You’ve captured Toemeka,” Seetva said, slashing a death sword toward her.

  Erling sprang at Seetva, grabbed her arm and twisted it. The sword dropped to the ground. Seetva roared like a demon and sent a wave of negative power at Erling. He lost his hold on her and staggered back as if from a physical blow.

  Seetva’s eyes held fire as she changed her shape into that of a large black beast. She pounced on Erling, knocking him to the ground. Her claws ripped at his flesh and her vicious fangs tried to tear out his throat.

  Toemeka drew her knife and plunged it into the beast’s back. The creature roared and turned its red, deadly eyes on Toemeka. She froze, terror pulsing through her. Erling drew his knife and slashed it across the beast’s throat. Blood sprayed and the creature collapsed on the ground. As the beast’s blood flowed out, its form shifted back to Seetva.

  Erling grabbed the sword from the ground and charged at Zanton, who swung away from Michio and met Erling’s sword with his own. The two deadly weapons clashed against each another.

  “You’ve killed Seetva!” Zanton yelled, slashing his sword at Erling. “For that you die!”

  Now fighting one-on-one, Michio battled Cadmus with renewed energy.

  Toemeka heard the sound of spacecraft and looked up to see it landing near
her and Michio’s home. Thank God, she thought, pulling out her communicator to contact Zac.

  Suddenly, from thin air, an enormous, black swirling mass of energy appeared before her. It formed into the shape of a fanged, black-haired beast.

  “Michio!” she screamed. She ran over to where she’d dropped her blaster searched for it in the dim light. Finally recovering it, she aimed and fired at the creature. It grew larger.

  Both Michio and Erling turned toward her. Erling swung his death sword at the beast and it grew larger still.

  “Don’t!” yelled Michio. “Surround yourself with love.”

  Cadmus and Zanton turned and ran into the woods in two different directions.

  Toemeka heard Michio’s words, but they didn’t make sense. In her panicked state, she kept firing her blaster.

  The monster became larger and even more powerful. Its form was fluid and kept changing, taking on the shapes of various monsters she’d encountered in her life. It became a tawkus, a large reptile-like bird, then shimmered and turned into a giant night buzzard. Continuing to change it became a huge, black, scaly monster. Toemeka continued firing at it.

  “Stop firing, Toemeka!” Michio yelled. “You’re giving it more power!” He tried moving toward her, but was blocked by an invisible force field.

  Fear pulsed through Toemeka and Baymond started crying. As her concern turned to her baby, her heart opened and the creature started getting smaller. Michio’s words sunk in and she began thinking of everything good in her life: Baymond, Michio, Erling and Master Bakka. She filled herself with love. Images of things she loved came to mind: red roses, soft summer nights, the feel of wind on her face. She felt a celebration of life. She looked at Michio and Erling with love in her heart.. As her fear desolved the creature faded away.

  The force field dissolved and Michio hurried over and drew her into his arms. “It was just an astral illusion they mocked up to escape. The more negative energy it was given, the stronger it became, but it couldn’t stand up against the positive force.” He looked at Erling. “Did you use the Marsindi knife to kill Seetva?”


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