Star Rider and Bonds of Love: A Sci-Fi Space Opera with a Touch of Fantasy

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Star Rider and Bonds of Love: A Sci-Fi Space Opera with a Touch of Fantasy Page 37

by Heidi Skarie

  “We’re children of the Light and Sound,” Toemeka said. “The negative power can’t hurt us.” She visualized an impenetrable shield of Light, knowing no psychic power could harm them if she kept herself filled with positive energy. The atmosphere around them changed and she felt loving energy vibrating all around her. The psychic creature turned from Toemeka and with a loud roar, sprang at Zanton, knocking him to the ground.

  Zanton yelled for help as he fought off the beast. Its fangs sank into Zanton’s throat and tore it open. Then it rose on its hind legs and howled before starting toward Toemeka, but its form was already dissolving. Toemeka focused on keeping her shield strong. The creature turned back into a swirling black cloud, then dissolved. Stunned by everything that happened, Toemeka clutched the baby to her chest..

  Erling lay on the edge of the ledge and reached down. Moments later, Michio head and torso appeared and he climbed up beside Erling. “Where were you?” Michio asked panting for breath. “I was almost swept back into that raging river of water!”

  Toemeka ran over to him with the baby in her arms. Michio drew her close, staring at Zanton’s mauled body. “What happened?”

  “Zanton conjured up a monster and it turned on him,” Erling said.

  “Why would it do that?” Toemeka asked.

  “You surrounded us with a shield, so it had no one to attack but its creator,” Erling said.

  “Zanton was just learning the black arts and didn’t have full control over his own spell,” Michio said. “Using dark powers is dangerous.”

  Erling looked around. “We need to get out of the rain. There’s a cabin not far away that’s fully-equipped for stranded mountain climbers. It’s a good place to wait for Zac and his men.”

  Erling contacted Captain Zachary on his watch-communicator. After hanging up, he called Koriann. She didn’t pick up. “I wonder why Kori’s not answering. She must be anxious to know we’re okay.”

  “Maybe her communicator is off,” Michio said.

  “Or maybe she’s angry with me for leaving.”

  “We’ll straighten things out when we get to the palace,” Michio said. “Toemeka, do you want me to carry Baymond?”

  Toemeka shook her head, comforted by having the baby in her arms. They started hiking to the cabin. Toemeka was cold in her soaked clothes and her teeth chattered. Worse, the wind blew with such force that it was hard to walk. Michio put his arm around her and helped her along.

  By the time they reached the cabin, Toemeka’s hands and feet were numb and she was shaking with cold. The one-room cabin was equipped with canned food, clothing, blankets and other supplies. Toemeka wearily sat down next to the fireplace with the baby while Michio built a fire.

  Erling tried calling Koriann again, then brought out blankets and placed one over Toemeka’s shoulders. Then he stripped off his wet clothes and changed into dry ones. Toemeka set Baymond on another blanket and removed his wet clothes. He rolled onto his stomach and pushed himself up on all fours. Toemeka wrapped him in the blankets. The movement caused her injured hand to hurt, but it was no longer bleeding.

  Michio fed more sticks into the small flame he’d gotten going. Once they were burning, he changed into dry clothes and sat beside Toemeka with a first-aid kit. He cleaned the cut on her palm with antiseptic and used butterfly bandages to close the wound. “Can you open and close your hand?” he asked. Her fingers were white with cold, but she was able to flex her hand.

  “It appears no tendons were severed,” Michio said. He put his hand under her chin. “Why is your chin swollen?”

  She moved her sore jaw back and forth, then glanced at Erling, remembering the vacant look in his eyes when he was possessed. Erling stared into the fire for a moment before speaking. “Nyla stayed at the palace for a few days. I had no idea she was anyone other than who she appeared to be. She must’ve been weaving her spell on me all along. The night of the ball a great weariness overcame me soon after you left. When the ball was over, I went to bed and was drawn into a world of dark dreams I couldn’t escape from. I was in a trance-like illusion controlled by Seetva. I don’t even remember coming to the mountains—but I must have flown here in a palace aircraft. When Toemeka appeared in the woods, I saw her as an enemy and hit her. Fortunately, she came to me inwardly and released me from Seetva’s spell.” He looked at Toemeka with chagrin. “I’m sorry, Toe.”

  “There’s nothing to apologize for. As you said, Seetva controlled you.” She gave him a tired, forced smile, not wanting him to agonize over hurting her.

  “I didn’t sense that Nyla was negative eitheven after Toemeka warned me about her,” Michio said. “It’s disconcerting to realize you can be drawn into a web without even knowing it. And I’ve been trained to detect sorcery.”

  “You saw what you wanted to see,” Toemeka said. “A young, innocent girl who needed your help.”

  “I didn’t know Seetva was a shape-shifter,” Michio said. “Alone she would’ve never gained that much control over Erling or me. It was the matrix of supernatural powers from the three of them that made them strong enough to draw us into the mountains.”

  “Why do you think Toe was able to sense Princess Nyla wasn’t what she seemed to be and not us?” Erling asked.

  “Seetva used her beauty and sexuality to bring men under her power,” Toemeka said. She handed the baby to Michio, then looked through the assortment of clothing. She found a shirt and slacks that fit her and changed into them.

  A short while later, the door opened and Captain Zachary stepped in, followed by two of his men. They were soaking wet and water from their clothes dripped onto the floor. “It’s a relief to see you all safe,” Zac said. “I’m sorry we didn’t get here sooner. The storm grew so fierce we were forced to stop our search until it passed.” His expression softened. “Prince Erling, Queen Koriann said you’re to call her as soon as I found you.”

  “I’ve been trying to call her, but she doesn’t answer.”

  Zac smiled. “She was busy.”

  “Too busy to be concerned about her husband’s disappearance?” Erling sounded miffed as he told the communicator to call Koriann. After a few rings, her face appeared on the screen. Her hair flowed loosely around her shoulders and she wore a nightgown. “Kori, I’ve been trying to reach you. Did I wake you?”

  A joyful smile spread across her face. “I just gave birth to a baby girl.”

  Erling’s eyes widened. “We have a daughter! Kori love, I’m sorry I wasn’t with you for the birth. Are you feeling all right? How’s the baby?”

  “We’re both fine. Najetta and Suntaka stayed with me the whole time. How are you?”

  “It’s been quite a night, but we’re all right now. Michio, Toemeka and Baymond are with me. We’ll be there soon.”

  “I’ve named her Fawniteen after her grandmother.”

  He nodded. “Fawn’s a good name. I can hardly wait to meet my daughter. I love you.”

  “I love you, too.” He clicked off the communicator.

  “Congratulations!” Toemeka said. “I see you’ve already shortened the baby’s name.”

  “I wish I’d been there,” Erling said, looking crestfallen.

  “None of this would’ve happened if I guarded you better,” Captain Zachary said.

  “It wasn’t your fault,” Erling said. “Let’s get going.”

  “Master Bakka is on his way to Jaipar to perform the consecration ceremony,” Zac said.

  They all left the cabin to greet Princess Fawniteen, the new heir to Jaipar.



  Several months later, Toemeka placed Baymond in his crib and kissed the sleeping child on his cheek, grateful to be with him again. She quietly shut the door and walked into Michio’s office. “How’s the writing going?” she asked.

  “Very well,” he replied, not looking up. He typed a few more lines before swiveling around in his chair to face her. “The book is finished.”

  “Will it be ready for the

  “Yes, I’m on schedule. It’s important for the message of the Secret Teachings get into the world. When people learn the truth about themselves as immortal beings and the Inner Worlds, they’ll be able to see through Samrat Condor’s illusions. They’ll know he’s a sorcerer, not a god.” He glanced at the door. “Is Baymond asleep?”

  “Yes, I just put him down.”

  “Good, because there’s a place I want to take you in the Inner Worlds. Please sit down.”

  She sat on a chair facing him.

  “Meet me in the Moon Worlds.”

  Toemeka closed her eyes, focusing within until she heard a humming sound. She slipped out of her body, moving toward the Sound and put her attention on her destination. In the next moment she was standing in a field. Overhead an enormous orange planet glowed. Michio was waiting and took her hand. She felt a sensation of movement through a starlit sky, then they stopped under a weeping willow tree on the shore of a river.

  Master Bakka appeared beside them a moment later in a brilliant body of Light. Flute music filled the air and flowers danced in the wind along the riverbank.

  Joy filled Toemeka. She gazed at Michio and her love for him expanded to include all living things. She saw everything as part of the Ocean of Love.

  Master Bakka spoke telepathically. “It’s time for Michio to take up his new role as the head of the Adepts of the Eagle. Borko is a free planet and the Secret Teachings can be taught openly once more. The planet is ready for a teacher who will live among the people and travel to spread the message of God’s unconditional love to those who are ready.

  “Michio, you have been trained to be a Master of the Eagle for many lifetimes. You passed all the tests and are now ready to step into the position. I will announce you as the new leader of the Secret Teachings at the upcoming seminar. Part of your responsibility will be to write books on the Secret Teaching to establish a strong foothold in the physical world.

  “The threat from Samrat Condor still exists. Queen Koriann and Prince Erling’s role is to keep the planet united and impenetrable to further attacks.

  “You and Toemeka have gained liberation from the lower worlds. Together you are able to balance one another’s natures and have experiences neither of you could have alone.

  “Michio, with Toemeka’s help you’ve learned more about human love and emotions. It’s served to balance your other qualities and you’ve grown in wisdom and compassion. In turn, you’ve helped Toemeka learn about divine love and helped her grow toward her full potential spiritually. The experiences you’ve both gone through have tempered you, even as a sword is tempered to make it strong.

  “Your love for one another has helped you both pass the many tests you’ve gone through. It’s love that has freed you from the dark forces of evil and kept you on the path to God. Love is the greatest force in the universe and the most important quality of God.”

  “I don’t feel worthy of this position,” Michio said.

  “You would not be chosen if you weren’t ready.”

  Toemeka turned to Michio. “I will be at your side and help you in any way I can.” Michio looked at her with love shining from his eyes. She reflected back his love, knowing her life was blessed.


  On the first evening of the seminar, Erling and Koriann went to Michio and Toemeka’s suite at the hotel. Koriann carried her infant daughter, Princess Fawniteen, in her arms. Erling felt honored to be asked to a private meeting with the new Master. He was still getting over his surprise that Michio was the new leader of the Secret Teachings of Light and Sound. Michio was a good speaker and had given an uplifting talk laced with stories and humor.

  Koriann knocked on the door and Toemeka let them in. Zac and Onolyn were already present, sitting on a couch. Toemeka embraced Koriann and Erling and escorted them into the room. Michio stood and greeted them warmly.

  “Michio,” Koriann said. “You kept your secret well. I had no idea you were training to be the Master.”

  “It wasn’t something to be openly discussed,” Michio said as they all sat down. “Besides, there was always the chance I wouldn’t pass the final tests.”

  Koriann shook her head. “That wasn’t likely. You were already an Ahimsa warrior.”

  “I suppose you’ll be so busy now that you won’t have much time for your old friends,” Erling said.

  “That will never be true,” Michio replied. “I’ll always have time for my friends.”

  Michio looked at Zac and cocked an eyebrow. “So how much longer are you going to put off the inevitable? Onolyn may grow tired of waiting.”

  Zac turned red and looked at Onolyn, who sat next to him on the couch with Baymond in her arms. She beamed at him, her face glowing.

  Erling chuckled. “I’m glad to see you’re still fun to be around, Mich. I was hoping you wouldn’t end up so holy my coarse nature wouldn’t be able to take more than small doses of you.”

  “Oh, that was taken care of. You didn’t think all the tests you went through were just the negative force, did you? You had to be raised in consciousness enough to help with my mission. You made the decision to assist with it before you were born into this lifetime. You’ve grown much stronger in the last year.”

  Erling felt uncomfortable with the compliment, until Michio kiddingly added, “I can almost stand to be around you for long periods of time now.”

  Toemeka burst out laughing. “I think your teasing finally caught up with you, Erling,” she said merrily. She put her hand over her mouth to cover a yawn. “It’s been a long day and I’ll be up during the night with Baymond, so I’d better get to bed. This is only the first night of the seminar.” She stood and the others did the same.

  Onolyn handed Baymond to Toemeka, then she and Zac said goodnight and left. Fawniteen had fallen asleep in Koriann’s arms. Michio looked at the infant. “She’s a beautiful princess.” The baby didn’t stir as Michio kissed her cheek.

  Koriann looked lovingly down at her baby. “Wake up and meet the new Master.”

  “Let her sleep,” Michio said. “She’s already meeting me in the Inner Worlds.”

  Koriann and Michio embraced, then Erling said, “Thank you for inviting us to your room. I’ll do whatever I can to serve you and your mission.”

  Michio looked at him with luminous, piercing eyes and Erling felt a powerful flow of energy. Light and Sound wash over him like ocean waves. Around Michio was a bluish-white light that spread out and filled the room. As Erling continued to gaze into Michio’s eyes, he was drawn into the invisible worlds. He saw all the past Masters in an unbroken chain throughout time. Michio’s eyes contained all of mankind: an infant new to the world, a child at play, a woman at work and an old man at the end of his life.

  Before him appeared a vision of an Eagle flying over the mountains, a lion hunting for food, a tajir racing across fields. The whole universe was contained in his eyes: new stars burning in space, trees growing into forests and volcanoes erupting in vast oceans to form land.

  Time and space collapsed and Erling was in a swirling vortex of infinite knowledge, wisdom and love. He saw in Michio’s eyes the howling wind, the lightning and thunder, the radiant sun, the moon and stars at night.

  In that instant, Erling understood the difference between Michio, his friend, and Michio the Eagle-Eyed Adept. He saw Michio as the true Master and Godman that he’d become.

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  The story reveals the exciting events that led up to Toemeka joining the Coalition and becoming an undercover operative.

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  Many people help with the birth of a novel. I gratefully acknowledge all who have been a part of my journey, especially my husband, Jim, for his encouragement and support.

  I want to thank my critique partners—Stanley Trollip, Gary Bush and Barbara Deese—wh
ose comments and suggestions have made this work a stronger novel. I’d also like to give thanks to family and friends who have supported me on my journey as a writer.

  Lastly, appreciation goes to Coleen Rehm, my editor, for her professional editing and support, and to 100 Covers for the compelling book cover design.

  About the Author

  Heidi Skarie loves writing and making up stories. She especially enjoys writing science fiction and fantasy because it allows for creativity, imagination and freedom of ideas. All inventions come from a feeling or dream of possibilities that can later manifest like computers, cell phones, zoom calls, and self-driving cars. She vividly remembers the amazing day when man took his first step on the moon and the possibility of space travel became a reality.

  Heidi Skarie also enjoys writing historical fiction because it’s an intimate look into the past. We understand more about ourselves today by experiencing another time through story characters. We learn about their culture, ideas and spiritual beliefs.

  As well as being the author of historical fiction and science fiction, Skarie is also the author of fiction and nonfiction stories in several anthologies.

  Skarie teaches classes on writing and has spoken on podcasts, radio and television.

  She lives in Minnetonka, MN with her husband, Jim, and their cat, Lucky. To find out more about her journey as a writer visit her website and blog at

  Novels by Heidi Skarie:

  Star Rider on the Razor’s Edge

  Star Rider and the Golden Threads

  Annoure and the Dragon Ships

  Red Willow’s Quest

  Anthologies Heidi Skarie’s work is in:

  Romancing the Lakes of Minnesota, Valentine’s Day

  You Can Never Go Wrong by Being Kind: 101 Inspirational Stories of Kindness & Generosity

  Where Rivers Converge: Prose & Poetry of Carver County Writers


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