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Build-A-Harem- The Island Collection

Page 8

by Zachariah Dracoulis

  The truth was I kind of wanted to go hunt down Jesse and get his opinion on how I was supposed to get fitter so that catching people didn’t damn near kill me, but I went ahead and nodded.

  Don’t get me wrong, I really wanted to sleep with her, and as far as I was concerned sooner was better than later, but I knew that I wouldn’t be able to keep myself up with my arms.

  Anyway, Fern found a place on the sand to sit and tapped the spot next to her where I promptly planted my ass.

  “Looks like it’s going to be another nice day,” I said as I watched the sun rise a little higher, “might be able to get a halfway decent tan if things keep up like this.”

  “I don’t tan too well,” Fern said before pulling out one of the purple fruits and tossing it my way, “I just go all red. Only reason I’m not peeling like Jesse would is because I had an umbrella until Cassie broke it.”

  “Wasn’t much sun in the commune?” I asked, avoiding the tetchy subject of how poorly Cassie and Fern got along while also hesitating to eat my fruit as I wondered whether I should peel it or eat it straight.

  “There was enough,” Fern replied slightly confusedly as she watched me watching my fruit, “most of the people there had a tan, but my father being a human from a cloudier part of the world meant I wasn’t as lucky.”

  “Makes sense.” I said, watching as Fern took a bite of the fruit in her hand and taking that as my cue to do the same.

  It was, in a word, amazing.

  It had a similar texture to a mango and tasted sweet and sour at the same time without being so much of either as to be overpowering.

  The best part about it though? It wasn’t juicy.

  I like myself a juicy fruit, sure, but it was nice to not have to worry about getting a bunch of sticky purple liquid all over my face while trying to at least stay mildly attractive in Fern’s eyes.

  “How long do you think it’ll take for the ship to get here?” I asked between mouthfuls, discreetly pushing a piece of fruit into my mouth from the corner of my lips.

  “Twenty minutes maybe?” Fern guessed with a shrug, “My perspective is slightly warped given all that time on the boat with Cassie.”

  “Did you guys ever get along?”

  “Eh, we didn’t really spend much time together before the ship went down,” Fern said, lingering on that for a few seconds before pressing on with another bite and a weak smile, “we weren’t even in the same section.”

  “So, you were both traveling alone?” I asked.

  Fern shook her head at that and frowned, “I was with a business partner on my way… You know what? I don’t even remember where I was going, he kept track of all that stuff.” she weakly chuckled, “Cassie on the other hand… She doesn’t like to talk about it, but I saw her getting around with a few people when the ship first started to go down.”

  There was a part of me that wanted to press some more, find out as much as I could about the two of them and what had happened, but the last thing I wanted to do was push too far and have her start crying.

  I swear that doesn’t come from a place of judgment or anything, it’s just that I was never really all that good with handling crying.

  Yelling, getting hit, that was all stuff I got used to in high school, but crying? Crying was something that I’d almost entirely blocked myself from doing by the time I’d turned thirteen.

  I didn’t know it at the time, but just thinking about those high school years for the nanosecond that I did was enough to unlock a few more memories about life and culture before I went into Re.Gen.

  My brain wasn’t having any of it though, and before I could delve far enough to start absorbing everything I could on Star Wars it shut the floodgates and forced me to focus on the subject at hand.

  “So…” I trailed off, pretending I hadn’t just gone silent for almost a full minute, “twenty minutes, huh? You think we could get anything done in that time?”

  “Nothing of immense value, no.” Fern replied as she finished her first fruit, which had no seed or core, then pulled another out of the bag, “Do you have any ideas?”

  “I have a couple.” I said slyly before realizing how weird it would be for me to start talking about having sex immediately after she’d told me her friend had died.

  I was stuck between a rock and an awkward place though. Fern had heard me, obviously, and was waiting for me to tell her about my ideas.

  “You alright?” the caring half-elf asked as I dug myself into a deeper, more uncomfortable hole with each second.

  It was Hell.

  If I said the wrong thing I could piss her off, make her sad, or any number of other things, but if I went on saying nothing she’d probably assume I’d had some kind of stroke.

  “We could go help Cassie out.” I practically blurted out right before Fern could check on me again, “You know, get some more stuff ready for when the ship pulls in.”

  Fern didn’t seem all that psyched with the idea of going to spend any more time with Cassie than she had to, but she also didn’t seem outwardly pissed off with me which was a good thing as far as I was concerned.

  “Alright,” Fern finally sighed after a few seconds of waiting for another suggestion that wouldn’t come, “let’s go then…”

  “Or…” I trailed off, stopping Fern midway through standing up, “we could find a… funner way to spend our time?”

  In case you hadn’t noticed, I wasn’t all that great at being assertive, especially seeing as the girls I was with were so real.

  It was like Westworld if there were no visitors and some of them were more or less aware they were in a construct.

  Yes, I did make that connection then.

  No, I wasn’t conscious of the fact that it was a sign that I was unlocking more of my previous, real life and the references that came along with that.

  Honestly though, I’m kind of glad I wasn’t noticing, I don’t think it would have done my mind well to start dissecting and chopping up the world around me.

  “And what would this ‘funner’ thing be?” Fern asked after taking a moment to realize what I meant and dropping back into a comfortable sitting position.

  “Well, I don’t know,” I replied, struggling not to stammer, “I mean, we could skip stones, or-”

  I didn’t get to finish my sentence as, without any warning, Fern put her hand on my upper thigh.

  Okay, I know that that doesn’t sound like much, Hell, it wasn’t that much, but it was enough to indicate to me that she was at least somewhat interested in what I was suggesting.

  “I mean, we could skip stones,” Fern said after it became clear that I was struggling to find any more words, “but are you sure there isn’t something else that you’d rather do?”

  I knew what she was doing.

  She was going to make me ask.

  I didn’t know what to do though. When they’d first gotten to the island I was more than happy to go the ‘let’s bang’ route, but again, they were people, probably about as much of a person I was, and… Well, ask yourself how many times you’ve actually gone up to someone and propositioned sex and then you can tell me how lame I was being.

  After about ten seconds my brain knew exactly what it wanted me to say, but my mouth was still hesitating out of shame, embarrassment, or whatever the Hell else it was that wasn’t causing my tongue to become as good as useless.

  It wasn’t until Fern pulled her hand away with an expression of undeniable embarrassment across her face that I decided to make an executive decision and kissed her.

  I didn’t lock lips with her or anything, it wasn’t even what I’d call an actual proper kiss, it was more of a quick peck on the lips, but it was enough to let Fern know that I was a hundred percent ready to go.

  “Alright then,” she said with a smile as I waited for what she’d do next, “let’s have some fun.”


  At first I thought we’d adjourn to my mattress-floored cube, but before I knew what was happening
Fern had slightly hitched up her skirt, climbed up on top of me, and started kissing me passionately.

  I certainly didn’t mind it, but it was interesting to discover how different she was from Cassie, specifically her insistence on making out.

  There wasn’t much room in my head to think about that though, as she started to slowly but forcefully grind against me and play with my hair.

  Before that point I’d never been into public displays of affection, though I’d never been in a position to be grinded on by a hot, blonde wood elf either.

  Suddenly she broke away, catching me off-guard for a moment before I realized that she was simply letting out her hair and, before the wavy cascade of gold could hit her shoulders, had come right back.

  I’d reached the point where I was as hard as I was going to get, but Fern didn’t seem particularly interested in going further than we already were.


  I wanted to demand more, to further experiment with being a confident, take-charge sort of guy, though that was a pretty difficult task given how Fern’s chest was pushing against mine and, oh yeah, her lips were completely blocking mine.

  Then, right as I felt like I was going to explode, Fern broke the kiss again and, with a sly smile, shuffled off my throbbing member, eliciting an unexpected groan from me.

  I went to ask what she was doing, but before I got the chance she’d already started moving down my body, kissing all the way, before reaching my pants.

  “Well,” Fern said coyly as she grabbed the waistband on either side of my hips, “these just won’t do at all.”

  “What do you mea-”

  That’s all I could get out before Fern, with a surprising amount of speed, had pulled my pants down and off, “They were far too much of an obstruction for me to have any fun.” she said as she discarded them to her left.

  Again, I went to open my mouth but was stopped as Fern started kissing her way up my thighs and to my slightly pulsating cock.

  For a while she lingered right at the top of my thigh, her fingers slowly creeping their way up my other leg as I watched on, paralyzed with excitement.

  “Is this… fun enough?” Fern practically giggled as her fingers finished the journey, coming to rest at the base of my cock as her hair lightly brushed against my legs.

  “I’d say so,” I replied, maintaining a strong enough voice as Fern looked up at me with a playful look in her eyes, “I mean, it could be funner.”

  “Yeah?” Fern asked, “How so?”

  “Well, for one thing, you could-”

  She didn’t let me finish my sentence.


  I didn’t mind the interruption though, as it came in the form of her licking my rock hard member from base to tip where she, after a few electrifying moments of slowly swirling her tongue, slipped down, taking a good half of my cock before using her hand to make up the rest of the distance.

  “Mmm…” I groaned as Fern waited there a while, the warmth of her cheeks and tongue wrapping around my member as if she was trying to get a rough idea of what she was getting in for.

  Then, after what felt like an eternity, she finally started to move, her warm lips running up the length of my shaft while her tongue continued to swirl around the tip as best as she could before pushing her way back down, her hand firmly massaging where her lips couldn’t reach.

  There was a part of me that wanted to goad her into taking me all the way, but at the same time she seemed to know what she was doing and, despite years of watching porn telling me otherwise, I knew that pushing for that could end unpleasantly for the both of us.

  However there wasn’t a ton of mental processing power left over to think about that as Fern expertly worked her way up and down, her hair running over my thighs as she went.

  Before long I was starting to get close, something which was only egged on by the fact that Fern had started using her cheek, pushing the head of my cock against it.

  Then, with a long groan, I came, grabbing the back of Fern’s head with one hand and using the other to keep me stable as an electric sort of tingle racked my body while she continued to suck and gently massage the base, swallowing every last drop.

  Needless to say, I was having some trouble staying upright, so when Fern finally pulled away with a pop I had little choice but to flop back onto the sand, a satisfied smile on my face while Fern went ahead and wiped the corners of her mouth with her thumb.

  “I take it that was… good?” the thoroughly impressed with herself Fern asked as she came over and laid down beside me, propping her head up with her hand while her elbow sat in the sand.

  “More than good,” I chuckled weakly in response, “great.”

  “Good,” Fern replied happily, “I’m glad.”

  For a while we both just laid there, Fern looking awfully smug, me struggling to keep my eyes open as the combination of being freshly… relaxed and the warm but not overpowering sun gently guided me towards sleep.

  Then, almost out of nowhere, I was dreaming.

  They say dreaming is just how you process your day, your brain utilizing a variety of methods to sort through and categorize important memories and events, but the people who say that had clearly never experienced Re.Gen.

  The conglomeration, no, cacophony of images that started to bombard me as soon as I was truly asleep was, funnily enough, exhausting.

  I was struggling to keep up with it all, but it seemed that my mind had safeguards for that and would occasionally wall off a specific string of memories that was proving to be too intense or convoluted.

  It’s hard to explain.

  You know that scene in Doctor Strange? The one where he has his first quasi-LSD-fueled trip at Kamar-Taj? Yeah, picture that except with the added fact that I was only just then remembering and re-learning about Doctor Strange and Kamar-Taj in order to make that comparison.

  It was a very confusing experience.


  By the time I woke up it felt like I’d been under for hours, days even, but the sun was pretty much in the exact same spot and Fern showed absolutely no sign that she’d been holding herself up for more than a few minutes.

  “Sorry,” I said, rubbing my eyes and sitting up, “how long was I asleep?”

  “I didn’t even know you were asleep,” Fern replied as she too got into a seated position while I grabbed and pulled my pants back on, “you closed your eyes for a few seconds and then… well, then it was now.”

  “Oh… weird.” I chuckled after I was forced to stand up to get my pants all the way on, “You ever have that happen? You have a power nap and you feel more rested than after a full eight hours?”

  “Yeah, I think so,” Fern said, dusting herself off and standing as she did, “I’ve always liked it, removes that stress you get when you start thinking about all the time you’ve lost.”

  “Ain’t that the truth.” I replied with a smile before looking out to the ship which appeared to have moved no more than a couple of feet closer, “So, I suppose I should return the favor, hey?”

  Fern was briefly confused by my statement, then made a face of realization and finally let a cute little smile spread across her face, “I mean, if you’d like to. I could use some more food though. Something different.”

  “Alright then,” I said with a nod, “you stay here, keep an eye on the ship, and I’ll go check on the garden.”

  “Are you sure you don’t want me to start maintaining it?” Fern asked right as I turned to go, “You’ve done fine, and I really liked the ones you brought, but being a part of a commune and all blessed me with a pair of pretty amazing green thumbs.”

  There was a part of me that wanted to tell her that I kind of needed a little break to collect myself, but at the same time I couldn’t think of a way to tell her that without letting slip that I was from the ‘real world’ and, as a result, causing something bad to happen.

  “Are you sure?” I finally asked after realizing I’d left Fern without an answer
for a while.

  “Of course,” Fern replied, a slightly relieved tone in her voice, “as much as I don’t like aligning myself with her in any sense, I’m like Cassie. I’m a part of this little harem thing you’re starting, and if I’m going to reap benefits I should be working too.”

  Initially I thought she was referring to the blowjob she’d given me as a benefit, but then the less fantasy-craving aspect of me kicked in and I realized she meant stuff like the fruit.

  “Are you okay?” Fern asked, alerting me to the fact that I’d been staring at the empty satchel on the ground for a while.

  “Yeah, sorry, of course,” I replied, deciding not to tell her that I’d briefly thought she enjoyed giving me head so much that she’d decided to join the harem, “just thinking about stuff and… things.”

  “Ah,” Fern let out with a little smile as she put her hair back up into a ponytail, “I too like to think about stuff and things.”

  I laughed at her little joke at my expense then started walking towards the house while at the same time trying to discretely get the sand that had managed to get in every nook and cranny when my pants were off.

  “After you.” I said, gesturing into the jungle.

  Fern hesitated then let out a little laugh, “Sorry, for a second there I thought that this might’ve all been a trick so you could feed Jesse.”

  “Oh, I wouldn’t worry about that,” Jesse chuckled as he made his way towards us from up the beach, “I tend to prefer my meals on the less talky side of the spectrum of life.”

  “You get up to anything interesting?” I asked, internally cursing as the opportunity to rid myself of a sandy crack was ruined.

  “Nah, just did some lookin’ around, went and checked on Cassie and stuff.”

  “How’s she doing?” Fern asked as she stepped into the jungle, causing me to let out a sigh of relief.

  “Yeah, she’s holding up,” Jesse replied before letting out an amused huff after seeing me doing a funny little dance to get the sand off, “keeps sayin’ how she can’t believe you two are so lazy though.”


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