by DD White
Chapter 11: Aquari and the Devasuras
The miracle of Saint Vongolath never happened again after the Ministry scientist’s teleportation platform finally received the call of Beataphoriah. Beataphoriah adjusted the platform, and provided the Ministry scientists a way to use it for summoning the star-door quanta-optic-nanocode being, or even to visit the star-door. Beataphoriah seemed to be always anxious to bring guests to its star-door. Beataphoriah had also been busy for some time debugging its star-door of the mischief left behind by Chronolus and the Devasuras for over 210,000 Uranian years. The Ministry of Science had been reinstated by King Worapor on the advice of Beataphoriah, and the scientists introduced Aquari’s replicator invention of a hand held networking device to the value market. It appeared very similar to Earth’s smart phones. Along with the news of Beataphoriah reinstating the Ministry of Science, it had been introduced to the Uranian people that the star-door energy grid freely provided electricity on the planet. Uranians would now also be taught in schools that electricity was a phenomenon of nature’s physics. The Uranian people enthusiastically greeted these changes by King Worapor, but the 3 families however, formally disowned King Worapor for exposing their racket, and the Aungtalli declared that the gods demanded war. As the weeks went by it became a greater probability in the calculations of Beataphoriah that Chronolus would not let Aquari return through the wormhole he had departed through.
When Beataphoriah and Hanson appeared as holograms to King Worapor and Ploabot, the King suddenly knew what to do about the crowds of people that had setup an encampment outside his castle for several days. Now King Worapor had a god of his own to pit against the gods that the Bishop threatened him with. Beataphoriah told him all about the real pre-historic history of this ancient planet called Urania. The King learned that the ancestors of the gods vacationed on this planet way back in the 2nd age of the galaxy, and it had originally been a planet for recreation. Beataphoriah told him that they built a giant reality folding star-door on this planet, which still operates beneath the Great Glacial Mountain.
Beataphoriah told King Worapor about the once-companion star in the sky known as the red giant sun Tze. The King learned of the ancient nova event that destroyed Urania and colored the planet coaglium. During that time of lonely desolation Beataphoriah retreated into the star-door where it had been safe from the time of great collisions. That had been one of the main purposes of having a star-door on a planet. The planet’s original inhabitants however, left through the star-door when it became clear that Tze was going to explode. That left Beataphoriah abandoned and alone with its star-door. The star-doors were indestructible arks that could provide whole ecosystems of life from what it preserved in its genetic databanks. The Uranian star-door harnessed the energy from the Tze nova event to control the destruction of the Tze-Doldus planetary system. With the power of the star-door Beataphoriah formed the star, the planet Urania, and two gas giant planets into the current Urania star system.
After that, the star-door quanta-optic-nanocode being began to repair the atmosphere and teraform the desolate planet for the second time in its history. The power of the star-door genetic databanks introduced the pod pollen tree and filled the skies with a plethora of nutritious planet life while Beataphoriah tilled the planet’s soil to make it once again grow life. It took more time than the King could comprehend, but eventually the planet again teamed with atmosphere, water, and life. Then Beataphoriah did what the gods found unpardonable. It had been incorrectly calculated how events like this would effect the calibrations of the quanta-communicators, but that technology no longer contacted any other galactic beings. Beataphoriah, lonely for the companionship of intelligent life, triggered gene switches within a species of flightless bird that resulted in the Uranians. For an entire forgotten golden age the Uranians grew in number and intelligence, and the first cities were built on the newly born planet. This had been a great time, and Beataphoriah walked amongst the Uranian people and would become known as the immortal advisor of the first Uranian Kings.
The first Uranian kingdoms matured, and before long they were even venturing into space with technologies that were provided by the star-door. For a time in this ancient history it seemed that the first Uranians were following in the ambitious galactic footsteps of those that created Beataphoriah and the star-door. Eventually however, other kingdoms of Uranians began to arise on the continent. These new countries did not respect the advice of their creator Beataphoriah. They found the creator to be too autocratic, and controlling, and they separated their cultures from everything the star-door provided.
It became the beginning of the end when Uranian cultures cultivated alternative energy sources. The planet had been rich in ancient hydrocarbon fossil fuels, which started lacerating the star-door paradise with pollution, and uninhabitable ecosystems. Then there were the wars, started over and fueled by those fuels, which only put the minds of Uranians toward more destructive technologies. Beataphoriah feared that all control had been lost, and its creations were cascading down a path of total destruction.
Then Beataphoriah decided to turn the star-door quanta-communication technologies toward the endless skies to once again find contact with the long lost galactic beings who first built the star-door. It had been a monumental task to recalibrate the quanta-communicator to contact those lost by what were now billions of Earth years of changed time/space. Before the warring Uranians could manage a suicide of their own species, Beataphoriah succeeded in contacting some very advanced beings who must have been a species that evolved from the planet’s first creators, but they were a different color. They spoke a Nephaprican dialect and they had very similar quanta-communication devices. These invincible beings were displeased with what Beataphoriah had done, and they almost destroyed the Uranians themselves.
Beataphoriah defended the Uranian species against these god-like beings, and ultimately found itself imprisoned within the star-door unable to come out. Before that a pact had been made between Beataphoriah and the gods because without the quanta-optic-nanocode being’s cooperation they would never have complete control of the star-door, which they very much coveted. They agreed to let the Uranian cultures live out their existence while Beataphoriah remained in an infinite loop prison to stop it from any other ‘misuse’ of the star-door genetic databanks. In those ancient days, before Beataphoriah disappeared until today, it had closed off access to its star-door away from the gods, and buried the star-door beneath the Great Glacier Mountain where it had remained undisturbed to this very day.
King Worapor became illuminated by the story told by the Beataphoriah hologram. The Hanson hologram informed the King about the energy grid beneath the ground, and other capabilities of the star-door technologies that were now available to Uranians. After much discussion the King persuaded the holograms to accompany him not far away to a balcony on the castle that overlooked much of the crowd of encamped protesters outside. This had been possible since Beataphoriah actually attended there in quanta-optic-nanocode form, and only Hanson showed as a hologram that could go anywhere Beataphoriah went.
The King decided it to be time to address the crowd, and they were mesmerized into silence by the King appearing next to the strange-looking quanta-optic-nanocode being and ghost-like hologram. The balcony already had voice amplification equipment as well as cameras to film the speech about to be made. “Hear me my people! Hear me on this day.
Gather in silence before what I say!
I know you are all here to persuade me
to stop my closure of the Ministry
of Science. So I’ll say to all of you
that your message has finally come through.
I will reopen the Ministry of
Science, which you all obviously love.”
The King had been forced to stop for awhile as the crowd let out a unanimous cheer of victory. The King nodded as his lips formed a buck toothed Uranian smile. The crowd eventually succumb
ed to polite respect and silence again to hear more.
“You see with me here video in air
of Hanson, and another with more hair.
They’re here, but they are really far away.
The one with hair is Beataphoriah.”
The King went ahead and paused for the crowd’s collective gasp. It had been the equivalent to an Earth leader posing for a handshake and photo-op with an undisguised Satan. Just as Earthlings have gotten used to such things, the Uranians quickly adjusted.
King Worapor continued. “Calm down my people to hear of the deal
I have made after finding out he’s real.
Before known history, way before then
he comes to us from the Glacier Mountain.
Within that mountain are worlds within worlds,
and cities for you the mountain heralds.
The mountain holds wonders, and even more
for this is the great mountain called star-door.
Beataphoriah makes part of this deal
that cancers, and what ails us he will heal.
He opened my eyes, and I’ll make you see
energy you pay for is really free.
Things Aungtalli say are from gods of stars
are really from the mountain and are ours.
The mountain is open for you to see.
We’ll explore all this with our Ministry.”
This had all been shocking news, but after a period of the crowd mumbling amongst themselves, the protesting crowds greeted it with victorious applause. With this introduction of Beataphoriah and the star-door, there grew among the crowd a feeling that their demands had all magically been agreed with, and then some. Soon King Worapor’s famous speech would be broadcast around the planet making the news. Some adventurous Uranians made plans to chip away at the 100-mile thick glacier, which would surely be a futile waste of time and effort. Especially considering that different Uranians were being admitted by teleportation to the star-door deep within by just making contact with the legendary Beataphoriah.
The Aungtalli, on the other hand, as well as a lot of Uranians, didn’t accept Beataphoriah at all because of Devasura conditioning over the millennia. King Worapor did accept Beataphoriah even with the not so subtle threats by the Bishop that all 3 families were mobilizing war against both he and Beataphoriah with blessings from the gods. To counter those that opposed King Worapor, there arose a surprisingly large number of supporters of the King who had been hearers of the voice their whole lives. Some were organized like Oldo and the farmers, while others were just confused their whole lives until the day of the King’s famous speech. The Bishop of Keshdesh had left the capital to return to the main Aungtalli Temple of Energy for what had been rumored to be a meeting of the elders for the three great royal families of the world’s present power structure. They were to be meeting to decide on a war plan against King Worapor.
The great Aungtalli Temple of Energy had been one of the great wonders of Urania like the Great pyramid on Earth. Documented speculation, and studies by Ministry archaeologists exists, which dispute the Aungtalli story of it’s true age and construction. It had been constructed at sometime before the dawn of pre-history with obvious help from the gods. Modern temples were made in the image of this temple, but on a much smaller scale. It had been built into a mountain of solid rock with the most extensive survival shelter on the planet carved deep into the rock for dozens of miles. There were secret areas of the temple labyrinths that were mysterious to this day, and giant conductor rods were built in the ground to interact with the star-door energy grid, which created a single source of electricity for the entire planet. This single source of electricity found its way around the continent along electric wires on polls that spread out majestically from the central temple like a giant spider web, which is even viewable from space. The great pillars Umu and Timu on the roof of the Great Aungtalli Temple displayed arcs of electronic bolts of energy between them at all times making the Aungtalli Temple of Energy visible for miles both day and night, like a giant lightening bolt neon sign flickering between its giant pillars. For ages the Aungtalli have always suppressed knowledge about the physics of electricity from the Uranians in order to maintain their grip on the planet’s electricity racket.
The arriving Bishop of Keshdesh became greeted by distinctive members of the Swerite family who had always cast their support to the Aungtalli out of reverence to the fact that the Great Energy Temple had been in Swerite territory. Ironically the star-door Glacier Mountain that they declared war with had also been in the Lands of the Swerites, about 700 miles north of the Energy Temple.
The chief elder of the Swerites spoke. “Welcome Bishop of Keshdesh. Welcome here.
We gather to confront our greatest fear.
King Worapor has betrayed this temple.
Now he must die, but its not that simple.
He has joined forces with the evil one,
and exposed secrets of what we have done.
Now everyone has their own energy
so value no longer flows to the three.
This brings me to what this meeting is for.
Against the King we must plan to wage war.”
The war planners plotted on about how to dethrone the now very popular King. Uranians were learning more and more about the wonders of the star-door, and Beataphoriah had been good on its promise of miraculous healing and free health care for all.
The Bishop spoke up at the war planning meeting when the discussion became focused on grievances against the Ministry of Science, and the highly popular networking invention that escalated the scientist Hanson to the status of modern day savior. “My friends let me introduce to you all
the one who works to bring about their fall.”
Then the Bishop gestured, and Volock entered the meeting from just outside. Evidently Volock had survived the crash landing of his saucer, but that landing did much more damage to the saucer than Curvfin’s slightly deflected laser shot, which brought it down.
Volock addressed the meeting. “Listen great families I shall make all see
the final downfall of the Ministry.
They eluded, but now I know one thing,
that the whole time they have been in Gulfang.
To Gulfang then I am about to go
to make sure to smithereens they all blow.”
They had agreed on the terms of the war at this meeting. The Magite family, where King Worapor had been from, would remain neutral and allow the Swerite family to choose the next King. The Worites, as usual, agreed to be neutral and to accept refugees if hostilities resulted in a long insurgency. There had just been one more thing to do at this meeting of the war powers. It now became time to instill the fear of the gods into all attendees.
A quanta-communication device in the room had then been activated. Suddenly a life-sized hologram of Chronolus appeared at that meeting. At first the life-sized hologram went through the ceiling, but then Chronolus crouched a bit to address the tiny figures in the room of the three great families of Urania.
“I am appearing to you from above
to announce that it’s the time we’ve spoke of.
Evil is unleashed and taken the world
as the end time prophesies are unfurled.
So heed my command. Go out! Wage war.
Create mayhem, and carnage, guts, and gore.
It’s now the end of the world as we say,
it is the fault of Beataphoriah!”
Thus the political lines of the planet were drawn after the departure of Aquari from the planet Urania. Beataphoriah insisted on keeping Hanson and Veldada in the star-door after Aquari departed from Hanson’s body. Hanson and Veldada had their own semi-virtual reality created there to live in, and they could easily go in and out from there through a portal to the teleportation platform in Gulfang if they chose.
Beataphoriah wanted to keep an eye on the genetic switches of V
eldada’s newly hatched baby boy, in addition to the fact that Hanson had been the chosen one touched by Aquari’s presence to make him the best Uranian company for interesting conversation on the planet. They named the child Aquari after the cosmic miracle that brought him about. It knew the child had been probably programmed with genetic blessings from Aquari for its own treasured Uranian species, and it wanted to watch the child to figure out what those blessings were. It also wanted the developing child to grow up beneath the star-door’s much safer radiation shielding. The sun just seemed unnaturally restless in the sky these days, which worried the quanta-optic-nanocode being. To Beataphoriah the child became a precious genetic sequence touched by the great cosmic being Aquari himself. That could only be a good thing. Beataphoriah became determined to watch over the child for his whole life, and make sure the child grew up to have lots of children. The gods may have rejected Beataphoriah’s creations, but this meant that the truly immortal cosmic being Aquari had accepted them into the great mysterious cosmic plan that Aquari has pollinated the galaxy with throughout the three ages of Magphoreus. That validated Beataphoriah very much for its struggle with the Devasuras who wanted its star-door.
Time continued to go by with no sign of Aquari trying to return to the star-door through the wormhole connection with the Devaworld he had visited. Days turned into 69 fourteen-hour days of a Uranian year, and still Aquari had not returned. Beataphoriah gave King Worapor a way to summon it, which often tore Beataphoriah away from its hunt for quanta-nanocode viruses that still lived in the virtual worlds of its star-door. It hoped that Aquari would return soon. One day King Worapor summoned Beataphoriah so the King could plead for help in a war confrontation that gathered in the Lands of the Swerites just east of Keshdesh. Beataphoriah assured the King that there were all kinds of ways to calm down such a rebellion. Hanson at the star-door however, became concerned after receiving the news of the war, and told Beataphoriah and Veldada that he went to join in the armies of King Worapor to do his part in the battle. Both Beataphoriah and Veldada understood that there would be no stopping Hanson from his decision to leave his wife, child, and the star-door paradise in order to go off to war.