Path of Kings

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Path of Kings Page 41

by James Dale

  "It will not be long now my dear," a hard voice laughed.

  Jack tore his gaze from the grisly vision of his defiled face to the black draped throne. The identity of the speaker was hidden by the hood of a dark robe. But there was no mistaking the voice. Kiathan!

  "Please," another voice pleaded weakly. At the foot of the throne was a woman, naked and bound with heavy chains. Had it not been for the crown of fiery auburn hair, Jack would never have recognized the battered, bleeding figure, her back scored by the marks of the lash. "Please master. Have mercy."

  "Anna!" Jack bellowed, rage exploding in his chest like molten fire. "Damn you Kiathan!"

  Kiathan's head wiped up at the shout, his hood falling back to reveal surprise and anger at the unexpected intrusion. White light flooded Jack's vision as Ailicia once again broke their contact with the dream.

  "We've got to go back!" he cried. "He's going to kill her!"

  "It was only a dream!" the princess assured him shakily. "A dream!"

  "But Annawyn..."

  "Is likely sleeping safely in her own bed."

  "Find her!" Jack said, trembling with rage. "Now!"

  "That one?" Ailicia said, pointing to a brilliant, blue hued star.

  "I am a thread of light. I am the dream," Jack whispered fiercely.

  "Cousin! Wait for meeee....."

  Blue light enfolded him, drawing him quickly into the weave. He could still feel Ailicia's presence, but the link between them was a tenuous thread as she struggled to keep pace. He plunged deeper into the pattern as swiftly as a lightning bolt. No fog this time. The strength of his emotions took Jack immediately to the heart of the dream. A lush, green meadow surrounded him, filled with bright yellow flowers and the sweet aroma of spring.

  "Do not ever do that again!" Ailicia said breathlessly, appearing at his side. "I almost lost you!"

  "Where is she?" Jack cried, frantically searching the dreamscape.

  "There," the princess answered, pointing him toward a stream flowing through the center of the meadow. "See? By the brook beneath the willow."

  Annawyn was kneeling at the edge of the stream, her attention fixed on something in the water. Without hesitation, Jack simply willed himself closer, and was instantly standing on the far bank, only a few feet of water separating them. Seeing his dark reflection suddenly appear on the surface of the stream, Annawyn scrambled back in fear and began to fade.

  "Wait!" Jack cried desperately. "Anna! Please!"

  "Who...?" she began, then her sea-green eyes widened in surprise. "Jack…?"

  Throwing down his sword, Braedan splashed across the stream and swept the startled princess from her feet, showering kisses on her face and neck and lips until she hung helpless in his arms.

  "You've...come...back." she panted against his neck, her breath coming in quick gasps.

  "I never left," he whispered into her hair. "I have carried you in my heart since the moment we parted."



  "Do you love me?"

  "With all my..."

  "Cousin!" Ailicia cried, her shout ringing with fear.

  "With all my heart I..."

  "Jack!" Terror now. Stark Terror. "Something...Someone is coming!"

  "No!" he shouted, holding Annawyn tighter.

  "We must go!"

  A low rumbling of thunder jerked Jack's gaze to the east where the sky was a boiling mass of dark, swirling clouds. Lightning flashed across the heavens, forking tongues of fire the color of blood.

  " it?" Annawyn asked. "Jack?"

  It was the First Law of Dreamwalking. The Lord of Shadow is not bound.

  "We must go now!" Ailicia cried desperately.

  "Go Anna!" Jack said, reluctantly releasing the auburn-haired princess. "Wake up! Now!"


  He pulled her close and kissed her fervently, trying to convey the depth of his love in one simple act, then pushed her away. "Go!" he cried.

  Jack turned and ran, wading across the stream to join the anxious Ailfar princess on the far bank. Reaching the other side, he paused for one last look, but Annawyn had already vanished and the meadow faded even as he watched. "I love you Anna!" He shouted at the emptiness, hoping, praying she could hear. "With all my heart!"

  The storm was rushing closer, a maelstrom of wind and fury that shook the heavens. Taking Ailicia's hand, the two Dreamwalkers closed their eyes and stepped from the dream.

  Jack's eyes snapped open as he sat bolt upright in the chair. He threw off his blanket, startling Arrinor who was leaning over him.

  "Easy cousin," the Ailfar prince said soothingly. "It's only me."

  "Is everything okay?" Jack asked quickly. "Is there a storm coming?"

  "A storm? No. Why?"

  "It was just a dream," Jack explained.

  "A bad one by the look of it," Arrinor nodded. "Little wonder considering what has happened tonight. Maybe you should have a talk with Ailicia about in the morning. She is a Dream-walker."

  "I know," Jack replied quietly, settling back down into the chair.

  "Go back to sleep cousin," Arrinor smiled, retrieving his blanket from the floor. "Though you might want to change out of those breeches first."


  "Your trousers," the prince replied. "They're wet."

  Jack looked down in surprise at his pant legs, soaked to the knees and dripping water on the floor. How did…Crossing the stream? But it was just a dream. Wasn't it?

  "I've a pair you can put on until those dry," Arrinor said. "They should fit well enough."

  "Thanks," Jack whispered, staring at the pool of water at his feet. It was just a dream. Wasn't it?

  "Is something wrong cousin?" the prince asked. "You look... pale."

  "No. Well,'s nothing."

  "Talk to Ailicia."

  "I will," Jack promised. A nice long talk.

  "I'm off to bed," Arrinor yawned, then patted Jack on the shoulder. "It's been a long night."

  Jack bid the Ailfar prince a good night as he struggled out of his wet trousers, hanging them over the back of his chair. After slipping on the dry pair Arrinor provided him, he wrapped the blanket around his shoulders and settled down once again, drifting quickly off to sleep. This time however, he took great care not to dream.

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Gentler Company

  Jack felt a hand on his shoulder, gently shaking him awake. He opened his eyes to diffused daylight filtering through the thick canopy outside. “We have been summoned by father,” Arrinor informed him.

  “What time is it?” asked Jack.

  Braedan felt like he’d barely closed his eyes. Little wonder after the hectic events of the previous night. Not only had he endured an attack by winged monsters, but Braedan had also…he’d been Dreamwalking! He had physically entered a dream, of a sort, and traveled to Dorshev. Twice. The first had been a horrible nightmare but the second time, he’d held Annawyn in his arms. He could still remember the smell of her hair, the taste of her lips. If the world of dreams was only a figment of his subconscious, it had been the most realist he’d ever experienced.

  “It is well after sunrise,” Arrinor replied. “There’s food. Let’s have a quick bite. We have time yet.”

  The two shared the simple breakfast of fruit, cheese and bread, then set off for Woodhaven's council hall, escorted by Liam and Olen.

  They found Cilidon and Queen Aydera already seated on their thrones. Theros and Princess Ailicia were present as well. As were the twins, Ambassador Mandaran, Lady Ara’fael, Celliwic, General Meridion and several more of Cilidon's advisors. The two were quickly shown to the last remaining empty chairs around a large conference, and took their seats with the others.

  "How are your injuries Lord Thonbor?" Cilidon inquired after he was seated. Not nephew. Not even Jack. Whatever was to be discussed this morning, apparently his identity was not be a part of it.

  "The arm is much better sire," Jack repli
ed. "But my chest is still a little sore."

  "I trust you learned your lesson with the Krayga?" the Spellweaver Ara’fael asked with a smile. More of a smirk actually. Though the Ailfar knew his heritage, it appeared she was not impressed by it at all.

  "I learned several lessons last night Lady," Jack answered, returning her smile with one of his own. "The greatest being you are a far more formidable foe than a few frosty, winged monsters.”

  "A lesson everyone in Elvendale learns sooner or later," Cilidon laughed quietly, and was joined by the others gathered at the table. Laughter being the best medicine to dispel the painful memories of the preceding night, Cilidon let it run its course before continuing. When the room had finally quieted, the Ailfar king stood and began to walk back and forth along the table.

  "I shall come right to the point. You are all aware there has been an unusual amount of activity from our grim'Hiru neighbors to the north in the last few months. Brydium has also been experiencing similar difficulties with the Kadinar of late. Separately, these troubles would be of little concern. We have suffered through times of uneasy peace before. With the attack last night however, and the report I received yesterday of stirrings in the south, I fear things are much worse than we could have imagined."

  "Sire?" General Meridion inquired hesitantly. "By the south, do you mean..."

  "Agash Thugar," Cilidon nodded gravely.

  "What report sire?" his general asked slowly.

  "Galen Severa has resurfaced."

  "Galen? Alive?" Celliwic whispered. "This is ill news indeed if it is true. Who brings this...rumor to our ears?"

  "It is more than rumor," the Ailfar king replied. "Jack Braedan, Duke of Thonbor has come to Elvendale bearing eye witness account of the events transpiring in the south. If you would Duke Jack, please recount your tale for the council."

  "Of course sire," Jack nodded, rising.

  "There is no need to give your...credentials to this body," Cilidon advised him with a meaning-ful look. "I will vouch for you."

  "As will I," Theros added. "This man is a Knight Defender of Brydium and Duke of Thonbor."

  "Is this man not also Jack Braedan the Pirate?" Celliwic asked. "Late of the Free Brothers of the Sea who was sentenced to death by King Ellgenn of Doridan."

  "That is true," Jack admitted slowly, "but..."

  "I will vouch for him as well," Ara’fael said unexpectedly.

  "And I," Ailicia said, adding her own voice on his behalf.

  "Three Ailfar have testified for this man in the presence of Ahvendalia," Queen Aydera announced formally. "By the laws of Ail'itharain, his words are marked as true and fair."

  Celliwic regarded Braedan for a long moment, then finally nodded, "I am satisfied." He was joined by General Meridion and several others at the table.

  "You may begin Duke Jack," Cilidon said, resuming his seat.

  For the second time in as many days, Jack spoke his tale in the Council Hall of Woodhaven, recounting everything from the attack by the grim'Hiru in Tanaevar, to handing over the Talon of the Hawk to Theros in Brythond, omitting only the parts directly identifying him as the heir of Ljmarn.

  "Little wonder the Krayga were sent to silence him," Meridion remarked gravely when he had finished.

  "My thinking exactly," Cilidon said, seizing upon the idea before they could consider other reasons. "Therefore, I propose we escort the Duke of Thonbor with all speed to Immer. There will be Lords of the Staffclave at Ljmarn Haelfest. They should hear his tale as soon as possible."

  "The Bloodstone found," Celliwic whispered. "Kiathan Ellgaer a traitor. It matters not whether it is actually the dark-King revived or someone else summoning these forces to Agash Thugar. The Whesguard must be warned."

  "We leave at daybreak tomorrow," Cilidon announced. "With Theros and his Dragon Guard and a company my Rangers for escort. That force and the last two Highswords should be enough to protect him until we reach Immer."

  "A strong company," Theros nodded at Jack.

  "We are coming as well," A'randraial and Cilandrion said together.

  "And me!" Arrinor cried.

  "I also." Ailicia added quickly.

  "You are staying here child," Ara’fael said firmly. "I am not letting you out of my sight until Lord Sheva returns."

  "She will not be out of your sight Ara’fael," Cilidon smiled. "I will have need of the strongest Spellweaver in Ail'itharain. You will be traveling to Immer as well."

  "Sire," Ara’fael nodded, accepting her king's command without argument. His daughter however, did not look at all pleased the stern Spellweaver would be coming along.

  "My heart," Cilidon said turning to Queen Aydera. "I leave Elvendale in your capable hands. Celliwic. Meridion. The queen speaks with my voice until I return."

  "Sire," his chief advisor and the general bowed.

  "That is all," the Ailfar king finished. "There are preparations to make if we are to be ready to travel by tomorrow. See to them."

  As the council began to disperse, Ailicia joined Jack and Arrinor. "I had hoped to show you more of Woodhaven today, but now...Would you care to join me for a picnic later?"

  "I would be delighted," he replied. "May I invite Kirk and boys? I'm sure they wouldn't want to miss spending the afternoon with the Princess of the Ailfar."

  "I insist your Golden Lions accompany us," Ailicia nodded.

  "Would you care to join us brother?"

  "Of course," Arrinor smiled. "It will give me a chance to tell you again how I saved our...guest."

  "I can hardly wait," the princess sighed wearily. "Noon then? That should give us ample time to pack."

  "Until noon," Jack bowed, kissing her hand. "Arri," he said, turning to the prince as Ailicia was quickly taken in hand by Lady Ara’fael. "do you think maybe we could find me a new sword this morning? I seem to have...misused the one King Theros gave me. Perhaps an elven forged blade will last me a little longer."

  "I'll have Caellin select you a suitable weapon. His grandfather is one of the best swordsmiths in Ail'itharain."


  After Caellin was sent to find Jack a new sword, the pair returned to Arrinor's quarters. Jack had little to do since he had yet to unpack after arriving in Ail'itharain, and was already prepared to travel, so he and Liam and Olen helped the prince prepare for the journey to Immer. Caellin soon returned carrying a long, slender object wrapped in white linen. Removing the cloth, he presented Braedan a finely crafted blade of blue-white steel, with a hilt of wire bound leather and cross-guards of polished Ithlemere.

  "This one should serve you well Duke Jack," Caellin said confidently. "Grimrorr is its name. Grandfather made it for the Rhogalond campaigns. There are fell creatures in those hills. Krayga flesh will not harm it."

  "My thanks to your grandfather Caellin," Jack said, admiring the blade reverently. "Tell him I'll put it to good use."

  "After last night your grace," the Ailfar warrior bowed, "I have no doubt you will."

  After Jack did all he could to help Arrinor prepare for tomorrow's journey, he and his elven shadows went in search of Captain Vanar to inform the Lions of their imminent departure from Elvendale and Ailicia's picnic invitation. The quarters where the Golden Lions of Thonbor had been billeted was located in the lower branches of Woodhaven, and by the time they arrived word had already reached the men of Brydium.

  "Ambassador Mandaran stopped by about an hour ago," Kirk informed him. "We're packed and ready to go your grace. Pity we're having to leave so soon."

  "Well maybe this will make up for our short stay," Jack grinned. "Princess Ailicia has invited us to a picnic this afternoon."

  "Do you think there'll be a few Ailfar maids coming along?" Brian asked hopefully. "I'd be a shame to come all this way and not get a chance to see, well…the sights."

  "I'm sure they'll be a few ladies-in-waiting attending the princess," Jack laughed. "And I expect you to mind your manners and behave like officers of Thonbor."

bsp; "Your grace!" Brian cried, doing his best to sound offended. "Of course we will."

  "Guys," Jack said, suddenly remembering his own manners. "This is Liam and Olen. My...guides while we're in Elvendale." He didn't want to offend their pride by revealing to his men the Ailfar archers were actually extra guardians while he was in Woodhaven.

  "Liam. Olen. These are the Golden Lions of Thonbor. Their dashing leader is Captain Kirk Vanar and here is also Cyran and Michael, Erlwin, Anghol and Brian," he said, pointing each out in turn.

  "We've been hearing rumors," Kirk said as handshakes were exchanged all around, "last night you killed three Krayga with nothing but your sword."

  "Well...that's not entirely true," Jack replied slowly. "I..."

  "Lord Braedan only slew two of the Krayga," Liam interrupted with a casual air. "But I am confident he would have dispatched the third as well if Lady Ara’fael had not intervened."

  "Who is Lady Ara’fael?" Kirk asked.

  "She is a Spellweaver," Jack explained, then briefly recounted the details of his violent encounter with the horrid beasts.

  "Merciful Father Yh,” Brian whispered.

  "My da's troop ran into some of them in the Garhon Mountains many years ago," Anghol said with a look approaching awe. "It took an entire platoon to kill three of the buggers and they lost eleven men."

  "I was lucky," Jack shrugged. "Hell Brian, quit staring at me like I just sprouted wings and a halo. You Lions would have done as well faced with the same situation."

  "Perhaps," Kirk smiled, "but to stand against them alone?"

  "They were just a couple of overgrown bats." sighed Jack "And I wasn't..."

  "Bats m'Lord?" Cyran interrupted, a grin tugging at the corners of his lips. "And I suppose dragons are only overgrown cave lizards with a bad case of indigestion? Will you be slaying one of them after sweet cakes this afternoon?"

  "There aren't any dragons in Ail'itharain Cyran," Michael chided his comrade. "Are there Liam?"

  "No," the elf smiled, amused by their banter.

  "That's why his grace is going to wrestle a mountain trull instead," Michael said seriously. "After he's had a nice piece of blueberry pie."


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