by James Dale
Aaracus (Air-ah-cuss) The last Prophet of the Creator Yh. Also called Aaracus the Pure.
Abmongaryon (Ab-mon-Gar-yon) One of the Seven Dukes of Hell. A fallen angel who rebelled against Ail. A chief servant of Sa’tan. Also known as the Destroyer.
Aernin, Tars (Air-Nin, Tars) Last crowned king of Amar. Slain by the demon Urioch during the Second War of the Stones.
Aernin, Tarsus (Tar-sus) Member of the Free Brothers of the Sea, guild of pirates. First Mate, later captain of the pirate ship Seawolf. Last descendant of Tars Aernin.
Annen, Tereil (Tear-ill) Grandfather of Tarsus Aernin. Descendant of Tars Aernin. Regent of Amar until a king is crowned.
Ailfar (Ale-FAR) First Children of Yh. Also called Elves in the common tongue of Aralon. Immune to most sickness or disease. Unless killed in battle, their lifespan reach a thousand years or longer.
Ailfara (Ale-FAR-ah) the language of the Ailfar. Also called Elven tongue.
Ail’itharain (Ale-ith-AH-Rain) Last great forest kingdom of the Ailfar. Also called Goldenbrier. Its capital is Elvendale.
Amar (Ah-Mar) kingdom of southern Aralon known for its stonemasons and the granite mined from is hills. Its capital Tanaevar was destroyed by the demon Urioch during the Second War of the Stones. Known now only as a wild land and for the barbarian mercenaries its sons and daughters have become.
Amorhad (AM-or-Had) small kingdom in northwestern Aralon known for its fur trade.
Andethor Mountains (An-Deth-or) Mountain range in northwestern Aralon
An’Kaera, Kaerstin (An-Ker-AH, Care-stin) Prince of Annoth.
An’Kaera, Kaerl (Carl) King of Annoth
An’Mera (An-Meer-ah) Royal family of Ail’itharain.
An’Mera, Ailicia (Ale-ee-See-ah) Princess of Ail’itharain. Daughter of Cilidon and Ailicil.
An’Mera, Ail’Cil’lena (Ale-cil-lena) Lord of the Staffclave. Sister of King Cilidon. Disappeared after the defeat of the dark-King into the Margalags, into the mountains surrounding Grethor.
An’Mera, A’randraial (Ah-ran-Dray-el) Prince of Ail’itharain. Son of Cilidan and Ailicil. A powerful Spellweaver. Twin brother of Cilandrion.
An’Mera, Aydera (Aa-DEER-ah) Queen of the Ail’itharain. Wife of Cilidon An’Mera, King of the Ailfar.
An’Mera, Cilandrion (Cil-An-Dree-on) Prince of Ail’itharain. Son of Cilidan and Ailicil. A powerful Spellweaver. Twin brother of Al’andrion.
An’Mera, Cilidon (Cil-ah-Don) King of the Ail’itharain Ailfar. Bearer of the Highsword Grimblade.
Annoth (An-Noth) kingdom of Aralon known for its shipbuilding and its powerful navy. Its capital city Caerloth is divided by the River Valaion.
Ara’fael, Lady (Air-FAY-el) Ailfar Spellweaver. Councilor to King Cilidon.
Aralon (Air-ah-lon) large continent divided by the Whesguard River. Split into Whesguardians and Easterlings during the Second War of the Stones.
Arkand (Ark-Hand) City-state of Aralon destroyed during the Second War of the Stones. Its people were scattered and the surrounding land is wild and unsettled.
Arthol, Thain (Air-thol, Thane) Count of Brythond, capital city of Brydium. Chief advisor to Theros Th’nar, King of Brydium.)
Arthol, Thessa (Thess-ah) daughter of Thain Arthol, countess of Brythond, betrothed to Prince Thonicil Th’nar.
Aryogrim (Air-OG-rim) Fallen angel. One of the Seven Dukes of Hell. Servant of Golgar the Sa’tan.
Banar, Cullibranos (Ban-are, Cull-eh-bran-os) Captain of the Seawolf.
Belizet (Bell-ah-Zet) Pirate in the Free Brothers of the Sea. Crewman aboard the Seawolf.
Bergaweld (Bir-Gah-Weld) Known as the Bloody Plains. Vast, open plains between Amar and the land of Grethor. Completely desolated in one the last battles of the Second War of the Stone. Legend claims it is inhabited by the spirits of the slain, doomed to wander the Bergaweld until the Bloodstone and Sunheart are destroyed.
Bloodstone: Supernatural jewel given to the Arch Angel Yh’gar at the dawn of time by Yh. Said to have been formed by the power of creation. When Yh’gar rebelled, the jewel was infused with his evil and became a tool of darkness and destruction.
Bosom of Yh. Spiritual realm where departed souls who worship the Creator Yh go after death.
Bra’Adan, Ljmarn (Bray-Ah-Dan, El-Marn) Last High King of Aralon. First and only bearer of the Highsword Yhswyndyr. Defeated the dark-King to end the Second War of the Stones.
Braedan, Jack (Bray-Dan) former Special Forces Master Sergeant. Transported to Aralon by the Prophet Aaracus with power of the Staff of Mikael. Pirate in the Free Brothers of the Sea.
Brimcohn (Brime-Cone) port city located in the Felnor Islands. Home of the Free Brothers of the Sea.
Brotherhood: Another name for the Free Brothers of the Sea, guild of pirates.
Brydium (Bry-Dee-Um) Easternmost kingdom of the Whesguard. Known for its mining of Ithlemere and its metalsmiths. Capital city of Brythond is located on the shores of Blue Lake.
Brythond (Bry-Thond) Capital city of the kingdom of Brythond. Also called the City of Five Circles.
Caameron (Kay-ma-Ron) Arch Angel. Keeper of the Four Winds.
Caerloth (Care-Loth) Capital city of Annoth.
de’Caerl, Kaiddra (da-CARE-el, Kay-drah) Captain of the Huntress. Pirate of the Brotherhood. Also called Queen of the Seas.
Cythora (Sith-or-Ah) Ailfar word of Power.
Dabominog (Dah-Bom-in-Og) Fallen angel. One of the Seven Dukes of Hell, chief servants of Sa’tan.
Daeon (Day-on) Ailfar word of Power
Darkpool: lake in the kingdom of Grethor, fed by the River Skyg.
Deathbane: See Yhswyndyr.
Denegarth (Den-Ah-Garth) Capital city of Denelad.
Din’Dalia (Den-Dal-ee-ah) small city state in southern Aralon
Doradan (Door-Ah-dan) a port city of Doridan.
Doridan (Door-Eh-Dan) kingdom of southern Aralon. Known chiefly for its breeding of Val’anna horses.
Dorihil (Door-Ah-hill) port city of Doridan on Wheslake. Home to the Doridanian navy.
Dorkarras (Door-Car-as) coin of Doridan. Largest contains an once of pure gold.
Dragonslayer: One of the Highswords. Wielded by the descendants of King Th’nar of Brydium.
Ealanna (Ee-lan-Ah) Arch Angel. Keeper of the Keys of Heaven.
Eaudreuil (Ee-AUD-ril) Val’anna stallion given to Jack Braedan by Princess Annawyn. Stoutheart in the tongue of the Ailfar
Eddard, Einnael (ED-ard, EN-nail) Captain of the Horsemaidens.
Elldoride (El-Door-ride) First King of Doridan.
Ellgaer, Devin (El-Gear) Captain of the Doridanian navy. Cousin to the Duke of Raashan.
Ellgaer, Kiathan (Ki-ah-Than) Duke of Raashan. Swordmaster of Ljmarn Haelfest. Betrothed to Princess Annawyn Ellgereth. Forth in line of succession to the Ivory Thone of Doridan.
Ellgereth, Annawyn (El-gah-Reth, An-ah-Win) daughter of Ellgenn Ellgereth, King of Doridan. Crown Princess and heir to the Ivory Throne. Betrothed to the Duke of Raashan.
Ellgereth, Dorad (Door-add) son of Ellgenn Ellgereth. Disinherited Crown Prince of Doridan. Pirate of the Free Brothers of the Sea.
Ellgereth, Ellgenn (El-gen) King of Doridan.
Ellgereth, Gain (Gane) Knight of the White Horse of Doridan. Nephew of Morgan Ellgereth, Duke of Raashan. Cousin of Ailannawyn and Dorad. Fifth in line of succession to the Ivory Throne.
Ellgereth, Morgan: Duke of Dorshev, brother to King Ellgenn, third in line of succession to the Ivory Throne.
Elohara (El-OH-ha-RAH) Forbidden ritual practiced by the Regents of Amar that gave guidance to the Kings of Amar through conversing with their dead ancestors. Spirit Walk in old Amarian.
Elvendale: Capital of Ail’itharain Kingdom of the Ailfar
Enne’Eoyolas (En-NA-ee-Yo-las) Ailfar word of Power
ErMael, Cullen (Err-Mail) Officer of the Free Brothers of the Sea. Crewman on the Huntress
Eriden (Air-ah-Den) kingdom of eastern Aralon. Home to
fierce, forest barbarians.
Ess, Kreel (Eess, Creel) Captain of the Free Brothers of the Sea, commander of the Ravisher.
First of the Staffclave; leader of the Staffclave, Bearer of the Staff of Mikal. When the Staff of Mikal was lost after the Second War of the Stones, the title was abolished. Leaders of the Staffclave have since been called High Lord.
Forhein (For-Hine) kingdom eastern Aralon. Breeding of War Elefonts make them fierce adversaries.
Free Brothers of the Sea: guild of pirates based in the Felnor Islands. Established after the Second War of the Stones by Eridel, Captain of the Shark’s Tooth. Also called the Brotherhood.
Gaebrel (Gay-Brel) Arch Angel. Sub-Captain of the Hosts of Heaven. Keeper of the Keys to Gol’gar’s chains.
Gol’gar: name given to Yh’Gar after his rebellion. Also know as the Sa’tan. The Lord of Shadows. The Dark One.
Gorthiel (Gor-theel) Fortress fashioned by the power of the Bloodstone by the dark-King. Also called the Iron Tower.
Graith (Grayth) Former Lord of the Staffclave. Finder of the Bloodstone. Self-proclaimed dark-King. Led a civil war against the Staffclave for control of Aralon. Also called Lord of Gorthiel. The Red Slayer. Defeated by Ljmarn Bra’Adan ending the Second War of the Stones.
Grethor (Greth-Or) region of eastern Aralon. Later the realm of the dark King Graith
Haelfest (Hail-fest) Celebration held every four years in the capital city of Immer to commemorate the defeat of the dark King during the Second War of the Stones.
Haazraq (Has-RACK) Fallen angel. One of the Seven Dukes of Hell. Also called Haazraq the Silent
Highswords Five swords of power given to the Kings of Whesguard during the Second War of the Stones by Yh’Adan. The swords possess similar powers but each was forged for a singular purpose. Grimblade. Dragonslayer. Siegebreaker. Seaguarder. Yhswyndyr.
Iranahil, Alnordel (Eh-ran-Ah-hil, Al-nor-Dell) Captain of the Free Brothers of the Sea, Commander of the Laughing Dragon. Called Half-elf because of his mixed parentage.
Jarhkirin (Jar-Keer-en) Race of giants living in the far north. Offspring of fallen angels and the race of man.
Kadin. (Kah-den) Desert kingdom of eastern Aralon.
Kailmax, Jon (Kale-max) Admiral of the Brotherhood. Also called Bloody Max.
Lordsisle. Island seat of power of the Staffclave.
Margalags. Mountain range in the land of Grethor. Raised by the dark King with the power of the Bloodstone.
Mikael (ME-kale) Arch Angel. Captain of the Host of Heaven after the betrayal and rebellion of Yh’Gar
Minbrad (Men-brad) far eastern kingdom beyond Grethor.
Morgamaal (Mor-GAH-mall) Fallen Angel. One of the Seven Dukes of Hell.
na’Ghomari (NAH-go-MAR-ee) Also called Hell Beast. Creature of immense strength and viciousness. Kills out of rage. Created by the dark-King with the power of the Bloodstone from the Ghomari Lions from the Kadinar Desert.
Narkirk (Nar-kirk) Admiral of the Brotherhood.
Staffclave (Staff-Clave) council of Lords. Protectors of Aralon. Able to channel the powers of the earthe from staffs made from Illios, Father of Trees.
Strymag (STRY-mag) Fallen angel. One of the Seven Dukes of Hell. Also called Souleater.
Sunheart. Powerful talisman originally worn by Yh’Adan but later placed in the Highsword Yhswyndyr
Tanaevar (Tan-Eh-var) Capital of the ruined kingdom of Amar
Temple of the Door. Temple placed in the Ailsantain Forest. Focal point on doorway between dimensions.
Temple of the Sword. Location of the Highsword Yhswyndyr on Lordsisle after the passing of High King Ljmarn Bra’Adan
Th’nar, Theros (THA-nar, Thair-OS) King of Brydium. Wielder of the Highsword Dragonslayer
Th’nar, Thonicil (Thon-Eh-cil) Prince of Brydium. Only son of King Theros
Thongril, Ian (Thon-gril E-an) Brydiums ambassador to Doridan
Thongril, Therion (Thair-Ee-on) son of Ambassador Thongril
Tolkaen, Jha’air (Tol-kane Jay-Are) Field Marshal of the Legions of Brydium
Ul’gogrond. Realm of darkness. Prison of the fallen angel Yh’gar. Abode of the departed wicked.
Urioch (YURI-ock) Fallen Angel. One of the Seven Dukes of Hell.
Val’anna (Val-an-ah) Race of superior horses bred in Doridan.
Widewater, Aeralen (Air-ALL-nen) Great Sea off the western coast of Aralon
Yh (Yah) Creator of the Universe. In High Ailfara translated as “Light”
Yharies (Yah-ARE-ees) Ailfar word of power.
Yh’Adan (Yah-Ah-Dan) Only son of Yh, Creator of the Universe. Yh’Adan “Son of Light” Also called the Savior.
Yh’gar (Yah-GAR) First Arch Angel. Rebelled against Yh out of jealousy against Yh’adan. After his fall renamed Golgar the Sa’tan. Also called Lord of Shadow or The Dark One. Imprisoned by Yh’Adan after losing his rebellion during the War of the Stones.
Yhswyndyr (YAH-swen-DEER) Highsword given to Ljmarn Bra’Adan. Also called Deathbane. Sword of Life. Translated from old Ailfara it means Steel of the Lord.
Zsolandar (Zo-Lan-DAR) Jungle kingdom of far eastern Aralon