Conspired: A Young Adult Dystopian Romance (The State Series Book 6)

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Conspired: A Young Adult Dystopian Romance (The State Series Book 6) Page 9

by M. J. Kaestli

  What more could they possibly do together than combat training? Chastity went through similar training when she was young, yet she had never had further contact with the military.

  “Freya, we have something to ask of you,” James began, “something that could potentially be dangerous. We don’t often ask a Council member as young and inexperienced as you to do such a thing, but you could help us out greatly. We have word of rebel forces gathering and need to put someone in place. If we sent Lewis to independent living, well, he would look suspicious to the rebellion. It’s not often we have a female who would be suitable to send as a partner. The two of you could pass as a couple. It would give Lewis a better chance at gaining intel.”

  Chastity couldn’t hear Freya’s response over the ringing in her own ears.

  They’re sending her on a mission to be a spy? How can they do this? She’s too fragile. She’s too young. She’s broken.

  Victor broke the awkward silence. “Freya, you would not be coupled with Lewis, not really. You would need to share an apartment to keep up appearances, but that’s all. I told you that you don’t have to get re-coupled, and I keep my promises. You were not just someone to help establish his cover identity—you will be working alongside him. It is difficult to find a female to pair with a spy, you see. There are women in the military but there it’s something about the nature of a military personnel that you put two together and a fake relationship and everyone can tell.”

  Freya’s mouth tightly clamped shut; her gaze cast to the side.

  Victor continued. “You and Lewis have such a great rapport—we noticed it right away. We’ve been developing this plan since you started your training together. The State needs you, Freya. We need you to help uncover the rebellion’s plans so that we may use that information to protect our people. You have seen the crazy things these rebels think. You could save thousands of lives by doing this.”

  Chastity felt nauseous.

  This isn’t right. They shouldn’t put Freya in such a situation.

  Then it suddenly struck her, why Freya? Why wasn’t Chastity ever asked to go on a mission? Was it because her civil duty was more valuable? Or was there something specific about Freya?

  Victor retrieved his tablet and showed Freya photos of her target. “This is Ursa.”

  Chastity nearly choked. She covered her mouth as she fought an overwhelming urge to vomit. Tears filled her eyes, but she forced them back. No matter what came next, she had to keep it together. Ursa always knew the risks, and that’s why they stopped speaking to each other. Chastity had to be strong, for both of them.

  Victor showed a picture of Ursa’s partner Rowen next. “They are the reason we need you, Freya, and you alone. This couple—they are Colin’s parents.”

  Chastity’s head was spinning, and she felt as though she could faint. There were only two people under the dome she cared about. Now they were both at risk. She knew that if Freya wanted to be successful at this mission, she would be. Regardless of her emotions, she would finish it. Freya would be the undoing of her oldest friend, her family, and possibly her own. Everything her mother had done, sacrificed, would be undone. The rebellion would fail; the State would remain in power, forever.

  Before she knew it. The meeting had adjourned, and Lewis escorted Freya back to her room. Chastity stood in place, frozen in uncertainty.

  Victor looked up at her. “That’s all Chastity. You may take your leave.”

  Her feet were fused in place. She had to do something, but what could she say or do without implicating herself? Or reminding the State that she had a close relationship with Ursa—a known rebellion leader?

  She took one step forward and jabbered. “Victor, are you certain about this? I don’t think Freya is ready.”

  Victor nodded and looked at James. “We are aware that Freya is delicate, but that is exactly why she is such an asset. She won’t be successful because she is ready, but because of a lack of control over her emotions. They will see her genuine pain and trust her because of it.”

  This mission couldn’t happen. She had to stop it. “What if this destroys her? What if this takes the last bit of her shattered heart?”

  “Yes, Chastity, I’m aware of the risks, but this is necessary.” Victor looked down, his face filling with remorse. “We have reason to believe this couple are conspiring to take down the dome, as well as other sabotaging tactics for colonization. I’m afraid they have grown beyond our control. They’re an infection, a virus that has spread throughout our people. They could be the undoing of the State, and I can’t allow that. Freya is my family too, Chastity. I share your affections for her, but I have our nation, the continuation of the human race to worry about.”

  Chastity knew there was nothing more she could say or do, if she ever could say or do anything to begin with. Victor had left her in a coupling when she was in danger. Why would he care if Freya couldn’t endure this task?

  If she couldn’t stop the mission, she had to at least do something. “Victor, I want to help Freya in any way that I can. I want to know her location and I’m willing to travel through the military underground if she needs emotional support. If she is at risk of breaking, I will meet her in a clinic and help her. I think I’ve proven my capacity to care for her.”

  Victor looked back at James again and they both nodded. “You know something, that’s not a bad idea. If we need you to take care of Freya, I will call on you for that task. Thank you for your offer.”

  Chastity knew she was being dismissed. It took her a moment to get her cemented feet to break free from their location and head toward her own apartment.

  She didn’t know what she could do to help Freya, or to protect Ursa from Freya. All Chastity knew was that she still had her role to play. Her true target was colonization, and she had to be ready to assist if the opportunity arose, as she promised her dear friend Ursa that she would.

  Chapter 14


  Lewis hardly slept. Restless energy consumed him. He got up from his bunk and headed to the showers. Once he sat at his desk, he opened his tablet and began to scroll.

  Only moments later, an alarm chimed on his tablet: a message on the secured line. He opened it expectantly.

  I doubt Freya is sleeping. Go check on her and ensure she is ready to ship out today.

  His tablet was clearly monitored. It couldn’t be a coincidence. The message sent only moments after he logged on. There was no signature, no other information, but Lewis knew it had come from the Head of State, even though the sun had yet to rise. He trudged down the hallway and crept up the stairs, concerned Freya would feel violated by him entering her room uninvited. He slowly opened the trapdoor and poked his head through.

  “You sleeping?”

  She looked over at him, her eyes wide open. “No. I haven’t slept all night. What are you doing down there?”

  He licked his dry lips. “I want to talk to you. Can I come in?”

  Without saying a word in response, she sat up fitfully in her bed and gestured for him to enter her room. She moved over as though he would sit on her bed with her, but he felt he should keep his distance. With her displeasure at appearing coupled, he knew that the slightest inkling of couple-like behavior could push her over the edge.

  He pulled up a chair from her desk and moved closer to her.

  “So, how are you feeling about last night?”

  Freya leaned against the wall and looked away from him with a huff.

  He shifted in the hardwood chair. “That bad, hey?”

  “I just don’t know what to think of all of this.” She crossed her arms. “I didn’t get the impression I have a choice.”

  “Freya, everyone knows what you’ve been through. We know this isn’t a comfortable position for you to be put in; however, I do agree with them. From what I have seen working with you, I know you are capable of this.”

  She seemed to mull over his words. He didn’t know if he could sway her as Freya didn’t s
eem like the kind of woman to easily bend. Regardless, she was talking to him; she let him in her room. As long as he was welcome, he would do everything within his power to push her in the right direction.

  “I have to ask, what is it that’s bothering you most?”

  “Uh, all of it.” She laughed bitterly. “I don’t want to leave here. I know we aren’t really coupled, but it still feels too close for comfort.”

  She continued to ramble on about all of her hesitations. Lewis partially listened to see if she revealed anything he could work with.

  It became so clear to him that it would be a mistake to seduce her. She wasn’t ready. She wasn’t the kind of girl to be easily lured by a man. Even if he seduced her, he doubted it would sway her. She didn’t need a man to distract her from Colin; she needed to feel safe and in control again. She needed to believe in herself, and so he focused on making her feel brave.

  “I can’t help but notice that none of those reasons have anything to do with danger.”

  She winced. “Should it?”

  “Most people who go undercover, it’s their number one fear: whether they will be killed or captured.”

  Freya looked thoughtful and paused for a time before proceeding. “Well, wouldn’t you come and get me if I were captured?”

  He laughed. “I would sure try.”

  A soft smile lingered on his lips.

  If she really believes that, then maybe I’ve done better at gaining her trust than I realized.

  “I can’t promise I could keep you safe. I do, however, feel that you should do this. I think you have so much potential. It would be such a waste to keep you working in the gardens. Do you really want to be a worker for the rest of your life?”

  In his mind, she was born for greater things than working in a garden. He knew she was greater than any menial civil duty. She could do so much more with her life. She could be strong and courageous while remaining sensitive and emotional. The military trained their personnel to disconnect from their feelings, not to use pain to grow stronger like she had.

  Maybe that’s exactly why she’s entering the military the way she is. It’s exactly how she needs this to happen.

  “Who knows? If you pull this off, you could someday be someone very important, possibly even the Head of State.”

  He parroted the Head of States words in hopes it would inspire her; it could help give her the confidence boost she needed. If she could just believe in herself and believe she was special, the way he knew she was, he knew they could succeed on this mission.

  “Look, Freya, I’m sorry. I’m sorry about what happened to you. I’m sorry—this is so insensitive to your feelings, but you have to understand how important this is. Yes, they are taking advantage of your misfortune, but we have to take every advantage we have. The threat is real. Sometimes, I lay awake at night and think about the what ifs. What if the rebellion succeeds and we are all killed, and right before we had a chance to make a difference? Right before we set up the colony world and our lives would be changed for the better forever. I can’t sit idly by and hope that they don’t do anything stupid in the next 22 years. I just can’t.”

  Freya fell silent as she mulled over the information. There was no way to know if his visit was effective, but it was all he could do. If he stayed too long, it may have a reverse effect and she may push back. Freya was stubborn, and he wanted her to feel supported, not pressured.

  “I have to go now. Think about it, please. Take as much time as you need, but please think this through. We need you, Freya.”

  He got up and left the room. The first thing he needed to do was to send a message to the Head of State. Lewis was tempted to give a full report on every word spoken, every tactic he attempted, but he decided instead to keep it short. Regardless of if she rejected the mission, or they dispatched immediately, he could honestly report he had gained her trust, as requested.

  I’ve done all I can. I think she needs time to process. She needs to feel like it’s her decision.

  He sent the message, knowing every second would feel like an eternity until he received his next assignment.

  An alert almost immediately chimed. It contained an attachment with direction to an apartment in a different section of the city, along with one simple message.

  I have confidence in you. Head now to your new apartment, and I will get her there as soon as I can.

  Lewis took a deep breath and tucked his tablet away. He wasn’t as confident as the Head of State was with his victory, but he was given a direct order. It was time to leave. He no longer held any control over if this mission got off the ground or was scrubbed before it started.

  There was nothing to pack with him, only to change from his fatigues into civilian free time clothing. He headed through the military underground and occasionally took the distance at a Sprint. It was a long way to travel by foot, and it seemed the Head of State wanted him there immediately.

  This section of their city was not unfamiliar to Lewis, as he had served two missions in this area before. As it was the furthest distance from the State House, the people there tended to have less loyalty toward the State which made it the perfect breeding ground for the rebellion. It contained the parents whose children were sent to an education center and moved from a larger apartment to a smaller one. Those people who worked in maintenance and other manual labor jobs—the people who were less important to the State.

  He worked his way to his new apartment and scanned in. The space was already prepared with uniforms and other necessary supplies.

  It was important that he appear to be a normal civilian to any Security officers monitoring his apartment. He settled in, showered, and played on his tablet until he heard a plate slide into the meal-slot in the wall.

  Lewis opened the slot and nearly gasped: there were two plates. He quickly recovered and grabbed one and ate. It was difficult to contain his smile, so he covered his mouth with his napkin often. Two meals could only mean one thing; Freya was on route.

  A niggling had pressed at the back of his mind while he traveled that he would live in this apartment for a few days, a month even, then possibly get called back. He hadn’t expected Freya to depart immediately.

  Not long after he finished eating, he heard the door’s lock unlatch. He sucked in a deep breath in anticipation. He didn’t know what he was more nervous about: if Freya messed up the mission, or he did.

  The door opened, and he instantly jumped up. “You must be Freya. How nice to meet you.”

  He walked over to the door and shook her hand. She looked both uncomfortable and irate. He knew he needed to guide her and do most of the talking as this was her first mission.

  “I’m Lewis. Come, take a seat. Can I get you a glass of water or tea? There were two meals delivered here. I’m afraid it will be rather cold, but you should eat something.”

  He served her a plate of food and sat by attentively. His leg bounced nervously as he nearly held his breath in hopes she would remember that they needed to appear to be strangers.

  She remained silent, and so he pressed for conversation again in hopes he could carry the performance for both of them.

  “So, I know you are a greenhouse worker, and that is about it. Tell me about yourself.”

  She hardly looked up from her plate. “That about sums it up.”

  Lewis groaned internally. “Not too chatty, I see. Well, let’s see. I work in maintenance and construction. I was coupled once before—”

  “You were?”

  Lewis almost smiled at hearing her say anything, which made it difficult to stay in character.

  “Yes. It’s a sad story, actually. My partner died in childbirth. It doesn’t happen often, but it does still happen. Once I felt ready to be coupled again, I requested to not have children. My son didn’t survive either. I just don’t want there to be a chance to go through something like that again.”

  He waited for Freya to respond, but she gazed at him blankly.

She finally seemed to realize she needed to say something. “I’m sorry.” She awkwardly placed her hand on his. “That’s really terrible.”

  He couldn’t imagine how difficult that must be for Freya as she was opposed to pretending to be a couple. It was such a delicate balance to steer the conversation in a natural direction without upsetting her. “Is this your first time being coupled?”

  “No. I was coupled for just under a year, but he left for the colony world.”

  “Wow, I’m sorry. That must’ve been so hard for you.” He feigned surprise at her news. “I must admit, I am pleased to hear that you have been coupled before. I was concerned that if they put me with someone who hadn’t, there would be some jealousy or insecurity. I loved my partner very well, and I’m sure that I will grow to love you also.”


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