The Story of Air Rescue

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The Story of Air Rescue Page 3

by Lon Maisttison

  The white paper titled: Undersea Technology called for the development of four submersible devices that could be launched from the ship, much like life boats, but more automated. All four devices are robot submersible (no human), twenty feet long, four feet wide and five feet tall with three foot wings and two foot tail fin. They would operate autonomously, but under control from the remote control room, and feedback video from on-board CCTV cameras. Their express mission is to operate within 500 to 1000 yards from the ship, using decoys & sonic blasts to alter torpedoes path and if all else fails, self-destroy the incoming torpedoes. Under certain battle conditions, the submersibles would be outfitted with more destructive weapons to attack submarines and underwater mine fields.

  It was late in 1995, and Global Rescue was in the Mediterranean when an emergency mission came up which involved supporting Jimmy West in a rescue. It involved Global Rescuer crossing the Atlantic Ocean to Colombia, South America to rescue an airplane load of passengers kidnapped by a Drug Lord and held for ransom. Jimmy West organized and executed the mission titled: "The Girlfriend I Almost Lost," because it was Jimmy's girlfriend Phyllis who was on the airplane and rescued her.

  When Global Rescuer returned to the Mediterranean from the mission in South America, the ship headed through the Suez Canal en route to dry dock in India. But, at that same time, Madam President's airplane was landing in Cairo and was attacked by terrorists on the runway. She was taken hostage and Jimmy West was sent in to do the rescue with Global Rescuer supporting the emergency, very secretive, cloak and dagger mission title: "Kidnapping Madam President." Jimmy succeeded in rescuing Madam President from a grand house in Cairo, and got her to Port of Suez by car. There, they boarded Global Rescuer and sailed down the Suez Canal, secretly smuggling her out of the country.

  A week later, Global Rescuer reached dry dock in India and the modifications to accommodate 100 Scorpion Missile bank located in the front of the ship began. While the ship was out of water, two pockets (cavities), one on each side of the ship, two decks above the water line, were cut out to house the submersibles and transporters. Two mechanical launch channel mechanisms were installed on each side of the ship. This feature allowed submersible transporter to mechanically scale down the side of the ship to just below water level to launch the vehicles. This mechanism gave the Captain the ability to launch the underwater vehicles automatically in under 30 seconds if the ship became under attack. As the robot submersible hits the water, they automatically activated their preprogrammed mission of protecting the ship and launch.

  Once the ship was re-floated and back out at sea, eight Skyspy, and four Gunrunner aircraft were flown out to the ship for flight training.


  Upgrading the Fast Attack

  While Global Rescuer was in dry dock in India, Air Rescue engineers removed and modified the .30 Cal Gatling gun pod on the Fast Attack gunships.

  The idea originated back in the late 90’s, after several years of experience in flying the Fast Attack gunship. Pilots talked about the need to keep guns locked onto target even after the gunship was past the target. This led to the idea of multiple guns on a single target from multiple gunships dubbed guns-on-target.

  The “B” version Fast Attack weapons upgrade involved removing the three 7.62 mm (.30 Cal) GE/Dillon, 4,000 RPM mini-guns from the left side weapons platform and extending the barrels. The three mini-guns are then mounted in a rectangular, swivel pod with a radar transponder dish to keep the guns locked on target. The gun pod is then mounted to the fuselage belly of the airframe. The subflooring of the airframe is modified to accommodate 7.62 mm shell belt feeds from the ammo bank. This modification gives the Fast Attack the capability of 359 degrees right to left, left to right rotation with 180 degree forward /down / rear rotation gunfire. Replacing the mini-guns on the left side weapons platform are four tube fired, turbofan, Air Rescue Scorpion missiles, previously mounted on the airframe.

  Several months later, after dry dock and weapons modifications in India, Global Rescue returned to the Mediterranean by way of the Suez Canal. It was on this return voyage that Global Rescuer encountered a cruise ship in distress in the Gulf of Aden also known as "Pirates Alley and helped rescue them.


  Pirates of the Gulf of Aden.

  Global Rescuer's current location: Gulf of Aden / Arabian Sea, Latitude: 11.781325, Longitude: 44.868164 - 200 miles East of Djibouti, 75 miles South of Aden, Yemen.

  In the Gulf of Aden, a cruise ship has come under attack by pirates.

  Boom….. boom again….as the cruise ship shudders.

  Over the ships PA system, "This is the captain… everybody leave the top deck and get inside the ship and take cover and stay away from windows.”

  Boom…..and the shattering of glass could be heard all the way up to the captain’s bridge.

  The captain picks up the mike for the ship to shore radio.

  "This is the MS Ocean Breeze."

  "Mayday….Mayday….Mayday, we are being attacked by pirates."

  "Can anyone hear my voice, we need help?”

  Radio silence….just static.

  Again, "Mayday….Mayday, we need help."

  The Captain hears nothing on the radio, but silence.

  In the electronics officers helmet receiver on the distant helicopter….a faint signal can be heard…Mayday, mayday, mayday…we need help, we are being attacked by pirates.

  "Hey Jake," as the electronics officer reaches over and taps the pilot on the helmet.

  “I am receiving a mayday distress signal from a ship,” remarks the electronics officer.

  “Roger,” replies the pilot. "Let me know if you hear it again?"

  From outside the cruise ship, over a loud bull horn used by the pirates can be heard…."Captain, stop your ship so we can board you or we will fire more rockets."

  On the bridge the captain gives the order to increase speed to try and out run the small pirate boats.

  Boom… the cruise ship shudders again

  Captain grabs the mike for the ship to shore radio.

  “This is the MS Ocean Breeze….Mayday, Mayday, Mayday."

  "We need help. We are being attacked by pirates.”

  "Hey Jake, there it goes again…I am receiving a mayday distress signal from a ship called the Ocean Breeze,” says the electronics officer.

  “Roger,” replies the pilot.

  “Flight Computer…do a trace on the mayday signal.”

  “Roger," replies the Flight Computer.

  And again on the Captain's ship to shore radio, he hears nothing, no one responds.

  On the ship to shore radio again, the Captain begs for help…"mayday, mayday, mayday.”

  Again silence.

  From outside of the ship, once again the pirates yell, "Captain, stop your ship or we will fire more rockets."

  “Flight Computer!”

  “Roger Flight," replies the pilot.

  I have triangulated the signal and the mayday is coming from a ship that is at 11:00 o’clock of our position about 10 miles.

  “Flight Computer take me to the signal,” commands the pilot.

  “Roger,” responds the Flight Computer.

  The helicopter starts turning as the Flight Computer adjusts the flight path to intercept the ship 10 miles away.

  A small pirate's boat approaches the ship and a man aims an AK-47 rifle and starts shooting…ratatatatatt.

  Pop, pop, pop can be heard on the bridge as bullets hit the ship.

  Once again, the pirate's demand, "we told you to stop your ship Captain."

  Again, the pirates shoot at the ship….ratatatatat.

  Pop, pop, pop, as bullets can be heard hitting the ship again.

  “Flight Computer!”

  “Roger Flight Computer,” replies the pilot.

  “The mayday signal is coming from the ship directly ahead”

  “Roger Flight Computer,” replies the pilot.

  The pilot look
s ahead and sees a cruise ship in the distance, with pirate boats on both sides of the ship firing AK-47 assault weapons and RPG's at the cruise ship.

  The pilot keys the mike, “cruise ship Captain, do you have your ears on?”

  On the cruise ship’s, ship-to-shore radio, the Captain hears, "cruise ship Captain, do you have your ears on?"

  The Captain looks at one of the ship's crew members… “Who is this dumb ass?” he demanded.

  The Captain picked up the mike and keys it, “Who are you? Is this some kind of joke? We are being attacked by pirates?”

  In the helicopter pilot and electronics officer's helmet receivers….”Who are you? Is this some kind of joke? We are being attacked by pirates.”

  The pilot and electronics officer by now are laughing… “Man, this guy is uptight”….laughs the pilot.

  “Wouldn’t you be, if someone was shooting your ship full of holes,” replies the electronics officer.

  “Global Rescuer!”

  “This is Flash”…replies the pilot, “Are you watching my video transmission?”

  “Roger Flash, we see the ship in trouble from the video you’re sending.”

  “Flash! This is the Commander.”

  “Roger Commander.”

  “These pirates have been a pain in the ass for everybody in the shipping business. I am activating your weapon systems, go help them.”

  “Roger Commander,” replies the pilot.

  On-board the gunship…”Weapons systems activated,” announces the Battle Computer.

  “Ok,” replies the pilot, “we are in business, let’s go get them.”

  “Roger,” replies the electronics officer.

  “This is Air Rescue, cruise ship captain; do you need a little help?”

  “A little help!” Yells the Captain, “We are being attacked by pirates.”

  “Roger on the pirates, Captain.”

  “Keep the boat straight and steady; I am coming down your right side first.”

  “Who are you?” demands the captain.

  “This is Jack-Flash,” replies the pilot.

  “Battle Computer come up online!”

  “Battle Computer!”

  The pilot picks up the digital pin and circles all the small boats on the battle’s computer display screen.

  “Battle Computer, these are bad guys….go get them……plot a course to the target."

  "Roger,” replies the Battle Computer.

  “Bring me up to full attack speed; let’s go get them…execute.”

  The attack gunship starts to speed up, heading towards the small boats.

  The pilot responds to the Captain’s comment… “No Captain ….. I am a gunship…I am going to solve all your problems in about 10 seconds.”

  The captain butts in …"Is this some kind of joke?”

  “No Captain,” the voice replies as the radio signal fades and the captain can’t hear the reply -“I am a gunship.”

  The signal returns and the Captain only hears, … “I am going to solve all your problems in about 10 seconds.”

  The pilot keys the mike, “Keep it steady Captain. Keep it steady.” The gunship is approaching the small boats on the right side of the ship.

  “Battle Computer,” shouts the pilot.

  “Battle Computer!”

  "Guns down," replies the pilot.

  “Arm guns."

  Under the gunship the three mini- guns arm.

  “Lock guns onto target,” commands the pilot.

  In a split second, the gunship automatically fires a laser beam at the target to find the range to the target, the gunship shifts its position to set guns on target.

  “Guns locked! Ready to fire,” announces the Battle Computer.

  The Captain hears on his ship to shore radio…. “Keep it steady, Captain, keep it steady.”

  As the captain yells orders to his bridge crew, he walks over to the right side of the bridge.

  “Battle Computer,” shouts the pilot.

  “Battle Computer! Fire, execute"....ratatatatatatatat and the pilot can see flashes of fire coming from the left side of the gunship.

  The Captain can hear the crackling of automatic cannon fire ratatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatat. Being curious, he looks out of the right port window to see small boats flying in the air in a gray cloud of lead.

  In that second, a flash of an object passes by the bridge windows at high speed and he hears the high pitch sound of helicopter rotor blades.

  “What the hell is that thing?” asks the Captain…as the object flies several miles ahead of the ship.

  “Battle Computer,” replies the pilot.

  “Battle Computer!..... Cease fire on guns,” “roger”, responds the Battle Computer.

  The gunship is still moving at high speed and goes several miles ahead of the ship…

  “Battle Computer come up online,” commands the pilot…

  “Battle Computer!” …The pilot circles the small boats being displayed on the screen on the cruise ships left side…bad guys.

  "Battle Computer….go get them….plot me a course to the target."

  "Roger”, replies the Battle Computer…

  “Flight Computer,” commands the pilot…

  “Flight Computer!”

  “Bring me around 180 degrees, hold altitude, start your left turn now…execute.”

  The gunship banks to the left and starts its turn. The gunship lines itself up with the small boats.

  “Battle Computer,” commands the pilot.

  “Battle Computer! Take me to target; bring me up to full attack speed….execute.”

  “Roger,” replies the Battle Computer.

  As the pilot gives the command, the gunship starts to accelerate forward towards the small boats on the left side of the ship.

  One of the crew replies to the Captain, “It’s a helicopter gunship.”

  In the distance, they see the helicopter turn and then comes straight back at the ship.

  The gunship pilot keys the mike, “Keep it steady, Captain, I’m coming down your left side.”

  “Battle Computer,” replies the pilot.

  “Battle Computer…. lock guns on target!”…. “ready," replies the Battle Computer.

  “Fire …..Execute,” commands the pilot.

  And the 3 mini-guns start to fire. Ratatatatatatatatatatata tatatatatatatatatat, and a flash of fire can be seen coming from the left side of the gunship.

  At a distance in front of the ship, he can see the flashes of gunfire from under the helicopter as it approaches at high speed.

  All the Captain can do is look out the left port window to see pirate boats flying in the air in a gray cloud of lead and water spraying into the air.

  "That should do it Captain," announces the voice on the radio, as the helicopter gunship passes by the bridge of the ship.

  “Battle Computer,” commands the pilot.

  “Battle Computer!.... cease fire on all guns,” replies the pilot,

  “Roger,” replies the Battle Computer.

  The gunship pilot keys the mike, “Cruise ship Captain, my Commander will be landing on your ship in a few minutes. Don’t be afraid, your ship is safe.”

  “Roger,” replies the cruise ship Captain.

  From the bridge, the Captain can see in the distance the approach of a helicopter, as it comes up to the back of the top deck of the ship. A rope is dropped and down assails an individual dressed in black. Then, he holds the rope for another person in ship’s uniform to assail down the rope.

  The two security guards look at each other and one says to the other, “You go tell him, he can’t come on this ship.”

  The other guard took one look at the individual dressed in black with the sword handle towering above his head and holding an AK-47 assault rifle. The security guard shakes his head sideways to indicate no. “No, says the security guard… I am not going to tell him to do anything.”

  The two guards decide the best course of ac
tion is to walk up to the two people who had just landed on their ship and see what they want.

  Once the two strangers had landed on the deck of the ship, the command helicopter pulled away from the ship to wait their passengers return.

  As the two guards approach the two strangers, one of them says to the security guards, “Take us to your Captain.”

  “Yes Sir”, replies one of the security guards.

  "Follow us to the auditorium," and they lead the way to meet the captain.

  “Command helicopter, you got your ears on? This is Flash." "Roger Flash …What do you need?”

  “You guys have any spare jet fuel? I am running on fumes.”

  “Roger,” replies the command helicopter as it lowers its midair refueling pod.

  “Flight Computer,” replies the pilot.

  “Flight Computer!” “Dock with the refueling pod,” commands the pilot.

  “Roger,” replies the Flight Computer as it pulls the gunship up behind the command helicopter and docks with the pod and starts taking on fuel.

  The two strangers walk into the packed auditorium, but it is not the Commander who entered first that everybody was looking at. It was the Commanders bodyguard who followed him, who was dressed in commando uniform that got all the attention.

  As the bodyguard entered the auditorium, a lady with a little kid was standing at the entrance and he tugged at his mummy’s dress. He shouted, “Mummy, mummy, look at the man in black.” She took one look at the bodyguard and grabbed the kid in a flash to protect him.

  “Don’t worry, you’re safe.” he replied as she just stared at him.

  The Commander noticed that things got real quiet in the auditorium as he looked back at the lone figure, then the commander laughed.

  He turned to the people and raised his hands to calm them as he spoke…“It’s ok everybody. He’s my bodyguard…. It’s ok.”


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