Rose in Bloom

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Rose in Bloom Page 4

by Louisa May Alcott



  While the travellers unpack their trunks, we will pick up, as brieflyas possible, the dropped stitches in the little romance we areweaving.

  Rose's life had been a very busy and quiet one for the four yearsfollowing the May-day when she made her choice. Study, exercise,house-work, and many wholesome pleasures, kept her a happy, heartycreature, yearly growing in womanly graces, yet always preserving theinnocent freshness girls lose so soon when too early sent upon theworld's stage, and given a part to play.

  Not a remarkably gifted girl in any way, and far from perfect; full ofall manner of youthful whims and fancies; a little spoiled by muchlove; rather apt to think all lives as safe and sweet as her own; and,when want or pain appealed to her, the tender heart overflowed with aremorseful charity, which gave of its abundance recklessly. Yet, withall her human imperfections, the upright nature of the child kept herdesires climbing toward the just and pure and true, as flowersstruggle to the light; and the woman's soul was budding beautifullyunder the green leaves behind the little thorns.

  At seventeen, Dr. Alec pronounced her ready for the voyage round theworld, which he considered a better finishing off than any schoolcould give her. But just then Aunt Peace began to fail, and soonslipped quietly away to rejoin the lover she had waited for so long.Youth seemed to come back in a mysterious way to touch the dead facewith lost loveliness, and all the romance of her past to gather roundher memory. Unlike most aged women, her friends were among the young;and, at her funeral, the gray heads gave place to the band of lovinggirls who made the sweet old maiden ready for her rest, bore her pall,and covered her grave with the white flowers she had never worn.

  When this was over, poor Aunt Plenty seemed so lost without herlife-long charge that Dr. Alec would not leave her; and Rose gladlypaid the debt she owed by the tender service which comforts withoutwords. But Aunt Plenty, having lived for others all her days, soonrebelled against this willing sacrifice, soon found strength in herown sincere piety, solace in cheerful occupation, and amusement innursing Aunt Myra, who was a capital patient, as she never died andnever got well.

  So, at last, the moment came when, with free minds, the travellerscould set out; and on Rose's eighteenth birthday, with Uncle Alec andthe faithful Phebe, she sailed away to see and study the big,beautiful world, which lies ready for us all, if we only know how touse and to enjoy it.

  Phebe was set to studying music in the best schools; and, while shetrained her lovely voice with happy industry, Rose and her uncleroamed about in the most delightful way, till two years were gone likea dream, and those at home clamored for their return.

  Back they came, and now the heiress must make ready to take her place;for at twenty-one she came into possession of the fortune she had beentrying to learn how to use well. Great plans fermented in her brain;for, though the heart was as generous as ever, time had taught herprudence, and observation shown her that the wisest charity is thatwhich helps the poor to help themselves.

  Dr. Alec found it a little difficult to restrain the ardor of thisyoung philanthropist, who wanted to begin at once to endow hospitals,build homes, adopt children, and befriend all mankind.

  "Take a little time to look about you and get your bearings, child;for the world you have been living in is a much simpler, honester onethan that you are now to enter. Test yourself a bit, and see if theold ways seem best after all; for you are old enough to decide, andwise enough to discover, what is for your truest good, I hope," hesaid, trying to feel ready to let the bird escape from under his wing,and make little flights alone.

  "Now, uncle, I'm very much afraid you are going to be disappointed inme," answered Rose, with unusual hesitation, yet a very strong desirevisible in her eyes. "You like to have me quite honest, and I'velearned to tell you all my foolish thoughts: so I'll speak out, and ifyou find my wish very wrong and silly, please say so; for I don't wantyou to cast me off entirely, though I am grown up. You say, wait alittle, test myself, and try if the old ways are best. I should liketo do that; and can I in a better way than by leading the life othergirls lead, just for a little while," she added, as her uncle's facegrew grave.

  He _was_ disappointed; yet acknowledged that the desire was natural,and in a moment saw that a trial of this sort might have itsadvantages. Nevertheless, he dreaded it; for he had intended to chooseher society carefully, and try to keep her unspoiled by the world aslong as possible, like many another fond parent and guardian. But thespirit of Eve is strong in all her daughters: forbidden fruit willlook rosier to them than any in their own orchards, and thetemptation to take just one little bite proves irresistible to thewisest. So Rose, looking out from the safe seclusion of her girlhoodinto the woman's kingdom which she was about to take possession of,felt a sudden wish to try its pleasures before assuming itsresponsibilities, and was too sincere to hide the longing.

  "Very well, my dear, try it if you like, only take care of yourhealth: be temperate in your gayety, and don't lose more than yougain; if that is possible," he added under his breath, endeavoring tospeak cheerfully and not look anxious.

  "I know it is foolish; but I do want to be a regular butterfly for alittle while and see what it is like. You know I couldn't help seeinga good deal of fashionable life abroad, though we were not in it; andhere at home the girls tell me about all sorts of pleasant things thatare to happen this winter; so, if you won't despise me _very_ much, Ishould like to try it."

  "For how long?"

  "Would three months be too long? New Year is a good time to take afresh start. Every one is going to welcome me; so I must be gay inspite of myself, unless I'm willing to seem very ungrateful andmorose," said Rose, glad to have so good a reason to offer for her newexperiment.

  "You may like it so well that the three months may become years.Pleasure is very sweet when we are young."

  "Do you think it will intoxicate me?"

  "We shall see, my dear."

  "We shall!" and Rose marched away; looking as if she had taken apledge of some sort, and meant to keep it.

  It was a great relief to the public mind when it became known thatMiss Campbell was really coming out at last; and invitations to AuntPlenty's party were promptly accepted. Aunt Clara was muchdisappointed about the grand ball she had planned; but Rose stoodfirm, and the dear old lady had her way about every thing.

  The consequence was a delightfully informal gathering of friends towelcome the travellers home. Just a good, old-fashioned, hospitablehouse-warming; so simple, cordial, and genuine that those who came tocriticise remained to enjoy, and many owned the charm they couldneither describe nor imitate.

  Much curiosity was felt about Phebe, and much gossip went on behindfans that evening; for those who had known her years ago found it hardto recognize the little house-maid in the handsome young woman whobore herself with such quiet dignity, and charmed them all with herfine voice. "Cinderella has turned out a princess," was the generalverdict: and Rose enjoyed the little sensation immensely; for she hadhad many battles to fight for her Phebe since she came among them, andnow her faith was vindicated.

  Miss Campbell herself was in great demand, and did the honors soprettily that even Miss Bliss forgave her for her sad neglect ofWorth; though she shook her head over the white gowns, just alikeexcept that Phebe wore crimson and Rose blue trimmings.

  The girls swarmed eagerly round their recovered friend; for Rose had beena favorite before she went away, and found her throne waiting for hernow. The young men privately pronounced Phebe the handsomest,--"Butthen you know there's neither family nor money; so it's no use." Phebe,therefore, was admired as one of the ornamental properties belongingto the house, and let respectfully alone.

  But bonny Rose was "all right," as these amiable youths expressed it;and many a wistful eye followed the bright head as it flitted aboutthe rooms, as if it were a second Golden Fleece to be won withdifficulty; for stalwart kinsmen hedged it round, and watchful auntskept guard.

Little wonder that the girl found her new world an enchanting one, andthat her first sip of pleasure rather went to her head; for everybodywelcomed and smiled on her, flattered and praised, whispered agreeableprophecies in her ear, and looked the compliments and congratulationsthey dared not utter, till she felt as if she must have left her oldself somewhere abroad, and suddenly become a new and wonderfullygifted being.

  "It is very nice, uncle; and I'm not sure that I mayn't want anotherthree months of it when the first are gone," she whispered to Dr.Alec, as he stood watching the dance she was leading with Charlie inthe long hall after supper.

  "Steady, my lass, steady; and remember that you are not really abutterfly, but a mortal girl with a head that will ache to-morrow," heanswered, watching the flushed and smiling face before him.

  "I almost wish there wasn't any to-morrow, but that to-night wouldlast for ever: it is so pleasant, and every one so kind," she saidwith a little sigh of happiness, as she gathered up her fleecy skirtslike a white bird pluming itself for flight.

  "I'll ask your opinion about that at two A.M," began her uncle, with awarning nod.

  "I'll give it honestly," was all Rose had time to say before Charlieswept her away into the parti-colored cloud before them.

  "It's no use, Alec: train a girl as wisely as you choose, she willbreak loose when the time comes, and go in for pleasure as eagerly asthe most frivolous; for ''tis their nature to,'" said Uncle Mac,keeping time to the music as if he would not mind "going in" for a bitof pleasure himself.

  "My girl shall taste and try; but, unless I'm much mistaken, a littleof it will satisfy her. I want to see if she will stand the test; for,if not, all my work is a failure, and I'd like to know it," answeredthe doctor, with a hopeful smile on his lips, but an anxious look inhis eyes.

  "She will come out all right,--bless her heart! so let her sow herinnocent wild oats and enjoy herself till she is ready to settle down.I wish all our young folks were likely to have as small a crop, andget through as safely as she will," added Uncle Mac, with a shake ofthe head, as he glanced at some of the young men revolving before him.

  "Nothing amiss with your lads, I hope?"

  "No, thank heaven! So far I've had little trouble with either; thoughMac is an odd stick, and Steve a puppy. I don't complain; for bothwill outgrow that sort of thing, and are good fellows at heart, thanksto their mother. But Clara's boy is in a bad way; and she will spoilhim as a man as she has as a boy, if his father doesn't interfere."

  "I told brother Stephen all about him when I was in Calcutta lastyear, and he wrote to the boy; but Clara has got no end of plans inher head, and so she insisted on keeping Charlie a year longer whenhis father ordered him off to India," replied the doctor, as theywalked away.

  "It is too late to 'order:' Charlie is a man now, and Stephen willfind that he has been too easy with him all these years. Poor fellow,it has been hard lines for him, and is likely to be harder, I fancy,unless he comes home and straightens things out."

  "He won't do that if he can help it; for he has lost all his energyliving in that climate, and hates worry more than ever: so you canimagine what an effort it would be to manage a foolish woman and aheadstrong boy. We must lend a hand, Mac, and do our best for poorold Steve."

  "The best we can do for the lad is to marry and settle him as soon aspossible."

  "My dear fellow, he is only three and twenty," began the doctor, as ifthe idea was preposterous: then a sudden change came over him, as headded with a melancholy smile, "I forget how much one can hope andsuffer, even at twenty-three."

  "And be all the better for, if bravely outlived," said Uncle Mac, withhis hand on his brother's shoulder, and the sincerest approval in hisvoice. Then, kindly returning to the younger people, he went oninquiringly, "You don't incline to Clara's view of a certain matter, Ifancy?"

  "Decidedly not. My girl must have the best, and Clara's training wouldspoil an angel," answered Dr. Alec, quickly.

  "But we shall find it hard to let our little Rose go out of thefamily. How would Archie do? He has been well brought up, and is athoroughly excellent lad."

  The brothers had retired to the study by this time, and were alone;yet Dr. Alec lowered his voice as he said with a tender sort ofanxiety pleasant to see,--

  "You know I do not approve of cousins marrying, so I'm in a quandary,Mac; for I love the child as if she were my own, and feel as if Icould not give her up to any man whom I did not know and trustentirely. It is of no use for us to plan; for she must choose forherself: yet I do wish we could keep her among us, and give one of ourboys a wife worth having."

  "We must; so never mind your theories, but devote yourself to testingour elder lads, and making one of them a happy fellow. All areheart-whole, I believe, and, though young still for this sort ofthing, we can be gently shaping matters for them, since no one knowshow soon the moment may come. My faith! it is like living in apowder-mill to be among a lot of young folks now-a-days. All looks ascalm as possible, till a sudden spark produces an explosion, andheaven only knows where we find ourselves after it is over."

  And Uncle Mac sat himself comfortably down to settle Rose's fate;while the doctor paced the room, plucking at his beard and knittinghis brows, as if he found it hard to see his way.

  "Yes, Archie is a good fellow," he said, answering the question he hadignored before. "An upright, steady, intelligent lad, who will make anexcellent husband, if he ever finds out that he has a heart. I supposeI'm an old fool, but I do like a little more romance in a young manthan he seems to have; more warmth and enthusiasm, you know. Bless theboy! he might be forty instead of three or four and twenty: he's sosober, calm, and cool. I'm younger now than he is, and could goa-wooing like a Romeo if I had any heart to offer a woman."

  The doctor looked rather shamefaced as he spoke, and his brother burstout laughing,--

  "See here, Alec, it's a pity so much romance and excellence as yoursshould be lost; so why don't you set these young fellows an example,and go a-wooing yourself? Jessie has been wondering how you havemanaged to keep from falling in love with Phebe all this time; andClara is quite sure that you only waited till she was safe under AuntPlenty's wing to offer yourself in the good old-fashioned style."

  "I!" and the doctor stood aghast at the mere idea; then he gave aresigned sort of sigh and added like a martyr, "If those dear womenwould let me alone, I'd thank them for ever. Put the idea out of theirminds for heaven's sake, Mac, or I shall be having that poor girlflung at my head, and her comfort destroyed. She is a fine creature,and I'm proud of her; but she deserves a better lot than to be tied toan old fellow like me, whose only merit is his fidelity."

  "As you please, I was only joking," and Uncle Mac dropped the subjectwith secret relief; for the excellent man thought a good deal offamily, and had been rather worried at the hints of the ladies. Aftera moment's silence, he returned to a former topic, which was rather apet plan of his. "I don't think you do Archie justice, Alec. You don'tknow him as well as I do; but you'll find that he has heart enoughunder his cool, quiet manner. I've grown very fond of him, thinkhighly of him, and don't see how you could do better for Rose than togive her to him."

  "If she will go," said the doctor, smiling at his brother'sbusiness-like way of disposing of the young people.

  "She'll do any thing to please you," began Uncle Mac, in perfect goodfaith; for twenty-five years in the society of a very prosaic wife hadtaken nearly all the romance out of him.

  "It is of no use for us to plan, and I shall never interfere except toadvise; but, if I _were_ to choose one of the boys, I should inclineto my godson," answered the doctor, gravely.

  "What, my Ugly Duckling!" exclaimed Uncle Mac, in great surprise.

  "The Ugly Duckling turned out a swan, you remember. I've always beenfond of the boy, because he's so genuine and original. Crude as agreen apple now, but sound at the core, and only needs time to ripen.I'm sure he'll turn out a capital specimen of the Campbell variety."

  "Much obliged, Alec; but it w
ill never do at all. He's a good fellow,and may do something to be proud of by and by; but he's not the matefor our Rose. She needs some one who can manage her property when weare gone; and Archie is the man for that, depend upon it."

  "Confound the property!" cried Dr. Alec, impetuously. "I want her tobe _happy_; and I don't care how soon she gets rid of her money if itis going to be a millstone round her neck. I declare to you, Idreaded the thought of this time so much that I've kept her away aslong as I could, and trembled whenever a young fellow joined us whilewe were abroad. Had one or two narrow escapes, and now I'm in for it,as you can see by to-night's 'success,' as Clara calls it. Thankheaven, I haven't _many_ daughters to look after!"

  "Come, come, don't be anxious: take Archie, and settle it right upsafely and happily. That's my advice, and you'll find it sound,"replied the elder conspirator, like one having experience.

  "I'll think of it; but mind you, Mac, not a word of this to thesisters. We are a couple of old fools to be match-making so soon; butI see what is before me, and it's a comfort to free my mind to someone."

  "So it is. Depend on me; not a breath even to Jane," answered UncleMac, with a hearty shake and a sympathetic slap on the shoulder.

  "Why, what dark and awful secrets are going on here? Is it aFreemasons' Lodge, and those the mystic signs?" asked a gay voice atthe door; and there stood Rose, full of smiling wonder at the sight ofher two uncles hand in hand, whispering and nodding to one anothermysteriously.

  They started, like school-boys caught plotting mischief, and looked soguilty that she took pity on them, innocently imagining that thebrothers were indulging in a little sentiment on this joyful occasion;so she added quickly, as she beckoned, without crossing thethreshold,--

  "Women not allowed, of course: but both of you dear Odd Fellows arewanted; for Aunt Plenty begs we will have an old-fashioned contradance, and I'm to lead off with Uncle Mac. I chose you, sir, becauseyou do it in style, pigeon-wings and all. So, please come; and Phebeis waiting for you, Uncle Alec. She is rather shy you know, but willenjoy it with you to take care of her."

  "Thank you, thank you!" cried both gentlemen, following with greatalacrity.

  Unconscious Rose enjoyed that Virginia reel immensely; for thepigeon-wings were superb, and her partner conducted her through theconvolutions of the dance without a fault, going down the middle inhis most gallant style. Landing safely at the bottom, she stood asideto let him get his breath; for stout Uncle Mac was bound to do or dieon that occasion, and would have danced his pumps through without amurmur if she had desired it.

  Leaning against the wall with his hair in his eyes, and a decidedlybored expression of countenance, was Mac, Jr., who had been surveyingthe gymnastics of his parent with respectful astonishment.

  "Come and take a turn, my lad. Rose is as fresh as a daisy; but we oldfellows soon get enough of it, so you shall have my place," said hisfather, wiping his face, which glowed like a cheerful peony.

  "No, thank you, sir: I can't stand that sort of thing. I'll race youround the piazza with pleasure, cousin; but this oven is too much forme," was Mac's uncivil reply, as he backed toward the open window, asif glad of an excuse to escape.

  "Fragile creature, don't stay on my account, I beg. _I_ can't leave myguests for a moonlight run, even if I dared to take it on a frostynight in a thin dress," said Rose, fanning herself, and not a bitruffled by Mac's refusal; for she knew his ways, and they amused her.

  "Not half so bad as all this dust, gas, heat, and noise. What do yousuppose lungs are made of?" demanded Mac, ready for a discussion thenand there.

  "I used to know, but I've forgotten now. Been so busy with otherthings that I've neglected the hobbies I used to ride five or sixyears ago," she said, laughing.

  "Ah, those were times worth having! Are you going in for much of thissort of thing, Rose?" he asked, with a disapproving glance at thedancers.

  "About three months of it, I think."

  "Then good-by till New Year," and Mac vanished behind the curtains.

  "Rose, my dear, you really must take that fellow in hand before hegets to be quite a bear. Since you have been gone, he has lived in hisbooks, and got on so finely that we have let him alone, though hismother groans over his manners. Polish him up a bit, I beg of you; forit is high time he mended his odd ways, and did justice to the finegifts he hides behind them," said Uncle Mac, scandalized at thebluntness of his son.

  "I know my chestnut-burr too well to mind his prickles. But others donot; so I _will_ take him in hand and make him a credit to thefamily," answered Rose, readily.

  "Take Archie for your model: he's one of a thousand; and the girl whogets him gets a prize I do assure you," added Uncle Mac, who foundmatch-making to his taste, and thought that closing remark a deep one.

  "Oh me, how tired I am!" cried Rose, dropping into a chair as the lastcarriage rolled away, somewhere between one and two.

  "What is your opinion now, Miss Campbell?" asked the doctor,addressing her for the first time by the name which had been utteredso often that night.

  "My opinion is that Miss Campbell is likely to have a gay life if shegoes on as she has begun; and that she finds it very delightful sofar," answered the girl, with lips still smiling from their firsttaste of what the world calls pleasure.


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