Her Dream Prince

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Her Dream Prince Page 16

by Nancy Wells

  “A reminder of the night we met,” Elliot said while closing the drapes.

  “I should probably call you, Your Grace. You were a dangerous lord back then,” Emily said, laughing.

  “Sounds interesting,” Elliot chuckled.

  She lay on his knees and closed her eyes when she felt him lifting the skirts of her dress and petticoats. When he lowered her drawers to her knees, she was not sure this was such a splendid idea anymore. There would be nothing shielding her from his heavy hand.

  “Not like this, Your Grace.” She held her hands to her bottom. “I feel exposed.”

  Elliot was not falling for her tricks. He knew she was not feeling exposed because he had closed the drapes. She did not want his hand on her bare bottom and that was why she was making up stories.

  “Your creamy bottom belongs to me. I intend to play with it for as long as I desire. I can do with it as I wish unless you say your magic word. Am I making myself clear?”

  Emily did not feel powerless and scared. She could make him stop any moment she desired. Despite what he claimed, it was nothing like the night they married. There was intimacy in this moment.

  “Yes, Your Grace.”

  Emily did not object when he removed her hands from her bottom. She moaned when he rubbed her bottom. His touch always felt like an enchantment to her. He could wake up a hidden temptress in her with a slight caress.

  “Count the number of blows. I am not stopping until you reach twenty.”

  Emily closed her eyes and let him rub her buttocks. She was waiting impatiently for the burn of his hand on her bottom.

  “Yes, Your Grace,” she said, docilely.

  His hand lifted from her bottom and she tried her best to remain still when a stinging slap came down on her left buttock. Emily hissed and clutched his thighs. He caressed the spot he smacked and was waiting for her to start counting.

  “One,” she said after a few seconds.

  He rubbed the sting away and then smacked the other side of her buttocks with equal precision and dexterity.

  “Two,” she said immediately and moaned when his hand rubbed her bottom.

  She was trying to keep still but his hand was very heavy. He kept slapping the globes of her buttocks alternatively for five more times and then rubbed her globes. When he squeezed her left cheek, she prayed, he did not notice the dew on her womanly folds. She was getting comfortable on his lap because his hand was feeling good. Even his hard smacks were making her cunny weep. She lifted her buttocks in the air, waiting for his hand to strike her. Suddenly, he thrust a finger inside her and she tried to get away. Keeping one hand on the small of her back to hold her in place, he inspected the finger that was glistening with her juices.

  “You are enjoying this,” Elliot accused her. “Well, we have to remedy that. How else will you remember that I am a dark lord?”

  He started landing hard smacks without stopping to rub. She started kicking and shrieking when her bottom became sensitive and flaming red from his hand. His hand felt like wood on her bottom. With every blow, his hand was starting to feel heavier. She tried shielding her backside with her hands when her buttocks became raw and every smack to her bottom felt like flames licking at her. Holding her hands at the small of her back, he draped one leg over her legs and resumed the stinging volleys.

  “Use the word, Emily,” he said, smacking her after every word. “You can make this stop.”

  She started crying but did not use the word, prince. She lost count at sixteen when she felt his finger entering her bottom hole. She squirmed on his lap as the digit went past the tight ring of muscle. It was only his finger, but it still made her sweat hard. When the finger was all the way inside her, he continued smacking her defenseless buttocks while she shrieked and thrashed on his lap.

  “I.” Smack. “Will.” Smack. “Not.” Smack “Stop.” Smack. “Until.” Smack, smack, smack. “You.” Smack, smack. “Count to twenty.”

  She started again from sixteen while the stinging volleys wreaked havoc upon her bottom. When she reached twenty, he stopped with a final blow that was the hardest.

  “I told you, I would stop when you reach twenty.”

  He kept rubbing her buttocks while she was lying limp on his lap. Emily could feel moisture seeping from her nether regions. It was painful and yet she wanted to experience it all over again.

  “Your buttocks look beautiful in this shade of red.” Elliot leaned over and kissed her globes. He sniffed her arousal and smiled against her buttocks. “Look at all this moisture. Someone is a very naughty girl,” he chuckled.

  He turned her over on his lap and draped one of her legs over the back of his neck. She grabbed the seat above her head to remain steady and not fall from his lap. Holding her womanly folds apart with a thumb and forefinger of one hand, he gave her a devilish smile.

  “Try to keep still, Emily. You might not want to fall from my lap.”

  Emily flushed at his bold behavior. He just saw her opening from close range. All her private parts were on display for him. She should feel shame and hide from his view, but she wanted him to look at her with desire in his eyes. It made her feel beautiful and special.

  Bringing his other hand near her cunny, he pressed at the pearl exposed between her folds and she gasped. If he kept doing that, it would be hard to remain still. There was no warning when he started rubbing furiously at her exposed pearl.

  “Oh my God,” she screamed.

  She started moaning loudly when she felt a delicious pleasure, starting from the tip of her toes to the roots of her hair. Her whole body started trembling and he increased his pace. He kept at it until every last shudder left her body. Feeling replete and breathing hard, she went limp on his lap. He made her sit upright on his lap and rocked her while she was floating in the clouds.

  “We are home,” he whispered in her ears.

  She looked out the window and observed they were indeed home. Their new home. Their place of sanctuary. Elliot helped her straighten her dress and together they descended the stairs of the carriage.

  Emily’s cheeks turned scarlet when she found the twins waiting for them near the carriage. They were hiding their smiles and looking away from her.

  “You left your cape and hat in the carriage,” Elliot whispered in her ear.

  Elliot smacked her bottom and went to meet his friends. Elliot was smugly looking at his friends who, for some inexplicable reason, were smiling more broadly than he. Getting suspicious, he tried to look back but was too late. Emily jumped at him from behind and tackled him to the ground. She punched him on his back with her small angry fists.

  “You bastard!” she hissed.

  The twins were laughing at him while he was beaten by his wife in front of his whole household. He did not care that people might make fun of him. Her happiness and his love surpassed everything else.

  “Emily! Pull his ears.”

  “My child, you might harm yourself.”

  Emily looked up at the familiar voices. The kind butler was standing at the entrance with Willy. Tears were streaming down her face as she looked down at the smiling face of her husband.

  “Go,” he whispered. “Consider it a welcoming gift from your husband.”

  When the child had mentioned his name in the village, Elliot was not in his right mind to process the depth of that information. Long after when the dust settled and his mind started to work properly, he recalled the child that had helped him that day. He was Emily’s only friend in the village and was in need of a proper home. He sent the butler after him and asked him to bring the child to his house in London. He wanted to give her everything she ever desired. He wanted to complete her world.

  Emily was laughing at something the child was saying while he remained on the ground, smiling at her joy. Russell offered him his hand, which he accepted with gratitude.

  “What happened to the culprits?” he asked.

  He had handed them the task of taking care of all those who were in
volved in harming his wife. Russell and Shane knew some higher-ups in the system. They could manipulate their punishment into becoming more severe than their crimes demanded.

  “Well… the maid was shipped to the colonies while the aunt was sent to the gallows, and the man was suspiciously found dead in his cell. I had nothing to do with it, I swear.”

  Elliot did not believe for one second that he had no hand in any of it. Whoever fell for the twins’ innocent looks was committing a grave mistake. They could become people’s worst nightmare when they were against them.

  “I am indebted to you,” Elliot said. “I owe you a favor for this.”

  “So… if I could see you whooped again by that small thing.” Russell pointed to Emily. “I believe you would be doing me a big favor.”

  Elliot glared at his friend who shouted his brother’s name and together they made fun of him for a very long time. They poked him, laughed at him and made him regret offering a favor to them. They kept making jokes until Elliot caved and joined in their laughter.

  The End

  Nancy Wells

  Nancy Wells does not reside in one place for a long time. She has the soul of a gypsy and goes where the tides take her. At this moment, she is stuck with her postgrad in RS and GIS, but will be gone the moment she gets her hands on her degree.

  Writing has been a hobby and an outlet for expressing her feelings for long time, but on the suggestion of a close friend, she decided to publish her first piece and is keeping her fingers crossed for a positive response from the readers.

  Her background is in engineering and she is usually found with a screwdriver in hand and a broken appliance because she has no idea how to fix it. Yup, she is not a good engineer and no one should trust her with valuable electronics. ;)

  You can find Nancy on Twitter: https://twitter.com/NancyWe66850411

  Don’t miss these exciting titles by Nancy Wells and Blushing Books!

  Her Dream Prince

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