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The Lord's Scandalous Bride

Page 13

by Emily Tilton

  Nele looked at Susan, whose mouth hung slightly open at this little speech of Esther’s. Nele wondered whether her surprise was due to prim-looking Esther Allen’s ability to shape such salacious thoughts in proper-sounding terms, or to that ability’s matching so very well with her own inclinations and her own skill at doing the same, when called upon by Nele to do so.

  To Samuel he said, wishing to continue the delightful game and see how deeply he could make the girls blush, “And did you find Mrs. Allen’s charms pleasing, sir?”

  “Very pleasing, my lord,” Samuel replied dryly. “I have accustomed her to receive me thus quite thoroughly now, and she behaves herself very well even during the sort of long session we had last night.”

  Susan looked at Esther with sympathy. “Are you very sore today?” she asked.

  Esther bit her lip and nodded. “Samuel was rough with me.” As if to demonstrate, she shifted a little on the seat and winced.

  “As is my right,” Samuel said. “But, my lord, I believe you and I agree on that point, do we not?”

  “We do,” Nele replied, “but perhaps it makes the more sense for Susan to distract you, Mrs. Allen, with the tale of the first two gentlemen who had her in their power. It may, I warn you, pose a bit of a danger to the absolute comfort of our journey, since Captain Allen and I cannot tell you girls to remove your clothing as we might like, but it appears that we are all experienced enough in the enjoyment of voluptuous tales that I suspect we shall find other means of restoring that comfort.”

  Samuel chuckled. “It also appears that we are all accomplished players of this most enjoyable of games. Let the innuendo flow, Mrs. Loomis, along with the liquor of Cupid and his wanton mother in those parts that we may not unveil but that we nevertheless may find ways to satisfy!”

  Thus Susan told of Mr. Greatrex and Mr. Oldham, using phrases like had me, took me, and not the natural way.

  “I knelt before him in the railway carriage,” she said just before the four travelers adjourned to the dining car to direct their conversation in a more discreet direction, “and I made it plain to him that I would do anything necessary to secure his aid, using the skill Mr. Greatrex had taken such pains to instill in me to ensure that Mr. Oldham understood me to be well worth his effort in protecting me.”

  “You wicked girl,” Esther whispered. “Did you truly? In the railway carriage? And have you been punished for it, ever? I do not like to think what Samuel would have done, had I done that to a strange gentleman!” Her eyes had stayed very bright during Susan’s recitation, and Nele had observed her clenching her little hands into fists several times, as if to keep them from drifting. He wondered whether Samuel had to chastise his young wife often for illicit self-pleasure.

  Susan looked at Nele. “Indeed, his lordship was in the midst of caning me for that part of my story when the earl broke in upon us at an inn.”

  Nele said, looking at Esther, “I count her as having paid for everything done with Mr. Greatrex and Mr. Oldham.”

  Esther’s eyes had gone wide. “The cane,” she whispered, and looked fearfully at her husband. “They say it is much worse than the belt.”

  “It is certainly worse than the strap,” Susan said. “Gentlemen in England do not wear the sort of belts I believe American men do when they work, so I have not felt one of those.”

  Samuel laughed. “Nor do I wear mine except when I am visiting a worksite where I’m selling supplies to miners and diggers and lumberjacks. The one I use on Esther’s bottom I carry about in my valise without ever putting it on.” He turned to Esther. “Do you think perhaps you should have the cane, when you must learn a very important lesson?”

  Nele felt his lips curl into a grin.

  “Oh, Samuel,” Esther said. “You wouldn’t, would you?”

  But Nele could tell that she meant that she knew he would, and that despite herself she might try to earn herself a caning.

  “Wait and see,” Samuel said. “It sounds as if perhaps you have more to learn about the proper use of your mouth, if Mrs. Loomis here could persuade an upstanding gentleman as she did, in that railway carriage. I have half a mind to have you kneel before me in this railway carriage, and borrow Mr. Loomis’ cane in order to punish any faults in your conduct.” Then he turned to Nele. “Have you found that Mrs. Loomis’ skill with her lips and tongue answers to this part of her tale?”

  “Had I been Mr. Oldham,” Nele said. “I would most certainly have been persuaded.”

  Samuel turned to Susan. “And did your efforts, while you were upon his knees before him, produce, shall we say, the seed of a new hope?”

  Susan blushed at the clever double entendre. “They did, sir,” she said. “And I confess that I received that seed as reverently and gratefully as I could, which seemed to prepossess Mr. Oldham very much in my favor.”

  Over a luncheon of fine shrimp-salad sandwiches, they spoke of the route they must take from Chicago to Council Bluffs in Iowa, and thence through Nebraska, the Dakota and Utah territory, the new state of Nevada, and finally California. Nele found he could hardly believe that a land existed where one could travel so far, so fast, in a more-or-less straight line without reaching the sea. It seemed to him almost as marvelous that the Allens seemed to take it entirely for granted.

  “Now, Mrs. Loomis,” Samuel said when they had returned to their seats, “please continue if you would. Where did Mr. Oldham take you?” The wilds of Pennsylvania passed by the windows now, with endless vistas of wooded hills.

  “To a boardinghouse, Captain Allen,” Susan replied frankly, “where four of us lived—girls like myself, fallen and in the power each of a gentleman who paid her rent.” She told of the three other girls, then, and Esther—whose clearly and helplessly wanton reaction to the story made Nele’s cock very stiff in his trousers—seemed to have more difficulty with her hands as each little tale was told:

  The girl who, as Susan told it, bore the marks of her terrible chastisement bravely despite her gentleman’s never giving her so much pleasurable consolation as to claim her charms with his upright virility.

  The girl who must answer the call of nature while her gentleman caller stood by observing.

  The girl who was required to employ upon herself a device in imitation of a masculine lance, while her gentleman spoke to her of her wickedness, and promised to recompense it with the greatest severity as he enjoyed the rights to her person that he had acquired through a knowledge of her lewd character.

  Esther breathed very hard indeed at that, though she tried to conceal it. Again Nele saw her look at Samuel as if to inquire whether he might be so tyrannical as ever to enforce such a wicked discipline upon her. When she had caught her husband’s eye, though, she turned her own gaze back to Susan’s face in confusion. “And you?” she whispered.

  “Truly my own life in Mrs. Wantage’s house seemed to me much easier. Mr. Oldham was not so accomplished a protector as my fellow lodgers’ gentlemen, nor did he come to the house as frequently—only once a fortnight, though he did stay all night, then, and employ me for his pleasure four or even five times, making me repeat my performance in the railway carriage, and then lie upon the bed, on my belly, to receive him as often, it seemed, as the sight of my uncovered hindquarters revived his vigor. On those occasions I was not permitted to rise or even to look at him, but must, when instructed, move myself naughtily to show that my furrows, both front and back, stood in need of further stern attention from my protector’s plowshare.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Susan lay in Nele’s arms upon the lower berth created by the porter, passing through a few minutes before. The Allens were abed above them, and Susan thought that even over the noise of the engine and the rattle of the wheels below them she heard Esther sigh in a way that suggested that perhaps Susan’s story had had a strong effect upon the young wife. Surely Captain Allen had his hand under Esther’s shift. Had he pulled up his own shirt and told Esther she must please him with her hand, behind the c
urtains and under the covers? But surely one was not permitted to touch even one’s wife that way in a Pullman coach!

  The motion of the train, with its gentle rocking and its hypnotic rumble, seemed to Susan to have produced a rather remarkable effect upon her, together with the voluptuous memories that had of course flooded back into her mind as she told her tale. The sounds of Captain Allen beginning to enjoy his wife in the upper berth made Susan long for Nele to do the same. But surely one mustn’t, must one?

  But Nele said softly in her ear, “Turn about, Susan. Your bottom to me. I shall fuck you now.”

  “Oh, my lord,” she said. “You mustn’t.” She could hear in her own voice that she truly meant that he mustn’t neglect to master her, and it made her smile.

  He kissed her, his face barely visible by the moonlight filtering in the window. “But I must. Do as I have said, and turn over. You shall gaze out at our new country as I fuck my little cunny. Do you not hear them above us? I am sure Captain Allen has made Mrs. Allen take the blanket into her mouth to quieten her as he does his fucking, and you will do the same, unless you wish a sound spanking as soon as I am able.”

  A rhythmic creak from the upper berth that seemed not to be accountable as an ordinary noise from the train’s motion indicated that Nele spoke the truth. Blushing but obedient, Susan turned over and nestled her back into the warmth of her protector and ‘bridegroom’ wondering whether, if they were indeed married, it could feel any more wonderful than it already did to have his strong arms about her, and his firm hands upon her, roaming and claiming.

  Her story seemed to have a lit a fire in him, just as it had apparently lit one in Samuel; the creaking above had grown a little quicker, and Susan thought she heard a little muffled moan. It made her own cunny flow to think of Captain Allen carelessly possessing his wife above them. Of course that lay within his rights, she supposed, for did not the law recognize a man’s right to tell his bride that she must allow his hardness to enter between her thighs, whenever he chose to put it there?

  Nele’s left hand raised Susan’s nightshift and took her bottom into it, holding it and fondling it the way he seemed to love to do. She gave a little whimper from deep in her throat to feel his fingers telling her thus that the roundness of her backside, the tender crevice between them, and even the little ring there, belonged to him, were for his pleasure now and henceforth. He had not brought her to church to be wed as the Allens had wed, but he had taken to himself the power nonetheless to tell her that she must let him put his hand upon her bottom and upon her cunny, opening and preparing her the way he now did.

  Then, his male strength: the head, lodged inside her; the naturalness of it despite the absence of matrimony and the window onto passing… Ohio? Was that what the conductor had said? And yes, she must take the blanket into her teeth, because it felt so wonderful to be fucked on the railroad, with their new friends fucking above them, that she thought she must cry out like the trollop Nele had somehow made her love to be.

  A sigh, unmuffled, from the upper berth, a final creak, and the rumble of Samuel’s voice gently speaking words Susan could not hear. Nele’s own spend approached, and his hips jerked against her bottom. His kind left hand between her thighs, the fingers expert upon her most pleasurable part so that she must moan into the gag she had made for herself, as she felt a very special sort of climax that she knew she would keep in her mind along with the railroads forever after: a whole body rumbling, in sympathy with the chugging engine and the rattling wheels, the sway and the little bangs. Nele spurted inside her, and held her so tightly she felt for a moment she could not breathe, and yet it was marvelous.

  “Your cunt-hair is growing back,” he said softly, with no hint of reproach, “is it not?”

  He spoke into her ear, in a bare murmur, but Susan’s face glowed at the thought that Esther might hear. The bareness between her thighs seemed to her to mark her out, somehow, as the special sort of trollop who had attracted the attention of the only man who could have saved her. A sign thus both of shame and of glory, which she too had noticed had begun to fade as the time with Nele lengthened.

  The earl of Hobberly had told her she must use the candle upon herself, down there, the day before Lord Nele Lourcy and the other guests were to arrive. At the time Susan had not understood that the earl meant to show her bareness at the dinner table; he had said only, “You must not neglect to keep yourself well down there, Sue. Sir David did a marvelous thing when he put his candle to your cunt, and I intend to ensure that his good work does not go to waste.”

  Now, on the train, she said to Nele, “Yes, my lord.”

  “We must do something about that, must we not?” His hand stroked up and down the furrow where his cock still nestled warmly.

  “Yes, my lord,” Susan whispered back, a little anxiety growing now at the thought of having to perform the difficult task to her protector’s satisfaction.

  “You will teach me how to assist you?”

  “My lord?” Wonder filled Susan’s mind. Sir David had made another girl hold the candle, so that he might the more accurately reenact the scene from the ancient Greek vase, and the earl had taken no thought at all of how delicate the matter was, the flame and that most tender area.

  “I wish to care for you, my dear, in this as in all things.” He kissed her ear, then her cheek.

  Shame at the strange image of Nele studiously inspecting her down there, preparing her that way, mingled with a rush of tender affection at his words. She drifted off to sleep feeling that somehow Nele resembled the railroad train: embracing her, soothing her, taking her to unknown worlds.

  * * *

  When the conductor woke them, the train already stood in the station at Chicago. A little groggy, but also quite refreshed, Susan put herself to rights behind the curtains of their berth, while Esther did the same. When they emerged, the two girls at first could not meet one another’s eyes. Of course the men understood their confusion, and wished to take full advantage of it.

  “Did you have a pleasant night, captain?” Nele asked, as they exited the railway carriage and moved toward the baggage area. “I fancy I heard some noises that made me think you might have decided to take your ease with Mrs. Allen.”

  “Indeed,” Samuel replied, “and I fancy I heard the same, down below. It’s delightful to claim one’s conjugal rights on board a train, is it not? I do it every night when we travel. Esther says it helps her sleep, don’t you, my dear?”

  Susan risked a glance at Esther, then. She looked at her husband, her cheeks very pink. “Yes, Samuel,” she said. She glanced at Susan, and their eyes met. A little mischief suddenly came into Esther’s expression. “I thought I heard you have a little pleasure of your own, Mrs. Loomis. Did it help you sleep, as well?”

  Susan couldn’t help giggling, then, at her new friend’s forwardness. “It did,” she confirmed.

  “Now, Esther,” Samuel said, “you know that this little game is for men to play and girls to blush at. Any more sauciness from that tongue and I shall have to borrow his lordship’s cane. If I choose to tell his lordship just how tightly your little pussy grips my cock…”

  “Samuel!” Susan could see in Esther’s eyes precisely the same mixture of arousal, shame, and confusion she knew would be in her own if Nele had said something similar.

  “…that is my right, as the husband to whom your whole person belongs, including the delightful places where I do my fucking,” Samuel finished, giving Esther’s bottom a meaningful pat. “But unless I give you permission, you must not speak of pleasure. You know that.” He turned to Nele. “You have a similar rule for Susan, I imagine?”

  “Indeed,” Nele replied, “though perhaps not yet so formal as yours seems to be. But I am certainly training Susan to use her words more wisely, and teaching her how important it is to me that I may for example speak of the pleasure I take in her sweet little anus to a man of refinement such as yourself, captain, when you have shared such confidences with m
e as what befell Mrs. Allen’s own bottom the night before last.”

  “My lord!” Susan tried to protest, in echo of Esther’s earlier protestation, both because she knew it would please Nele if she showed herself bashful and reluctant and because she wanted Esther to see how much fellow feeling Susan believed to exist between them.

  “Quiet words and hard cocks,” Samuel said as if it were the wisdom of a prophet. “That is the philosophy Sullivan, Quill, and I embrace, my lord. It appears we have found just such another in you.” Despite the shame and confusion the two men had conspired to bring upon her and Esther, Susan’s heart was made glad by the smile on Samuel’s face that found an answer on Nele’s. She wondered if Esther’s cunny had grown as damp as her own; she glanced over and saw upon the young wife’s face a distracted look that seemed to tell of great arousal.

  The porters began to bring the trunks and valises, and Susan couldn’t help picturing herself over Nele’s trunk again, but this time with Esther next to her, as Nele and Samuel took their girls from behind, comparing the pleasures to be had from each girl, in each place where a man’s virility might enter. She thought of the story she must certainly tell that day, of how Lord Granby had trained her to pleasure other girls and to be enjoyed alongside them, and wondered what effect it would have on the prim yet naughty Mrs. Allen.

  “A shame,” Nele said, “that the customs of society prevent us from having a fuck here and now, isn’t it, captain?”

  “I gather your mind sees a trunk the same way mine does,” the captain replied. “Yes, I should dearly like to bend Esther over in front of the world and show them what a glorious backside I have at my command. Would you like that, my dear? Surely it would be pleasant to know that word was spreading through Chicago like the terrible fire that Esther Allen’s adorable, plump little bottom was being fucked at Union Station?”


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