Trauhn: A SciFi Alien Barbarian Romance: Rakui Warriors - Book 1

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Trauhn: A SciFi Alien Barbarian Romance: Rakui Warriors - Book 1 Page 6

by Grey, Lena

  * * *

  I feel like I had just closed my eyes when Trauhn returns to the cave carrying a skin filled with fresh water, a leather tote stuffed with yellow-skinned fruit and a dead bird that resembles a large, fat chicken. If the bird thing had feathers, he must have plucked them outside the cave.

  I rub the sleep from my eyes. “That was fast.”

  He shrugs and puts more wood on the fire. “Not so fast. Trauhn stay outside. Let Ken-zee rest until moons rise high in sky.”

  He knew I was tired and let me sleep? That’s surprisingly sweet and thoughtful. “Thank you.”

  “Now Trauhn feed Ken-zee. Rakui tradition before mating.”

  He puts the bird on a bed of long, flat leaves and uses his knife to prepare it, removing the head, innards and scrawny hind legs so only the meaty body is left. From the cave’s supplies, he retrieves what appears to be a leather bag full of seasonings which he sprinkles generously on the bird. Then, he pierces the bird with a crude metal skewer and props it over the fire to cook. He wraps the discarded bird parts in the leaves and disposes of them somewhere outside the cave.

  “What kind of meat is that?” I ask.

  “Gryzen. Good food.” He hands me a piece of fruit. The yellow skin is fuzzy like a peach or kiwi. “Banan fruit. Ken-zee eat.”

  I don’t know what to do with it. “How do I eat it?” He takes the fruit and uses his claw to pierce the fuzzy skin and peel it like a round banana. He hands it back to me and I take a bite. The flesh of the fruit has a firm texture of an apple but tastes more like a perfectly ripe strawberry. “It’s delicious! And so sweet!”

  Trauhn grins. “Sweet like Ken-zee travel food.”

  Well, not exactly like that. I would never equate a processed protein bar with fresh fruit. But maybe sugar is sugar to a Rakui. He adds more wood to the fire and rotates the roasting bird. “More banan?”

  I shake my head. “I like it, but I’ll wait for the gryzen.”

  He hands me the skin of water. “Ken-zee drink.” I hesitate. How many Rakui mouths have been on that thing? “Drink.”

  I don’t want to be rude, so I sip from the skin and hand it back to him. If I’m thirsty later, I’ll drink from my canteen. “So, Trauhn, where’s your tribe?”

  He points northeast, or what would be northeast on Earth. “Rakui village that way, half of suns cycle.”

  Assuming one suns cycle is a full day, we’re a half a day away from the village. “Are there many Rakui in your tribe?”

  “Once, yes. Then many Rakui called to heavens.”

  “What happened?”

  “Storm with great wind and much water.” He uses his arms to demonstrate high winds and heavy rains with flooding.

  A barbarian tribe on a primitive planet would have no severe weather warning system and wouldn’t be prepared for that kind of event. Even on an advanced planet like Earth, these kinds of storms can be devastating.

  “Then, sickness came. Now few Rakui females left in tribe. Few mates for Rakui warriors. Few kits to grow tribe.”

  So, if I’m following him correctly, after the storm there was a sickness and most of the female population died. Now there aren’t enough women to marry the men. As a result, few babies are being born, so the tribe is no longer growing.

  “When did this happen?”

  “Many full cycles of seasons.”

  “How many?” I hold up my right hand and spread my fingers. “This many?”

  He holds up my other hand and adds one of his. “This many.”

  If a full cycle of the seasons is about a year, and Rakuis count like Terrans, the loss of their female population happened approximately 13 years ago. No wonder Trauhn was so excited when I literally fell out of the sky. He hasn’t had sex in over a decade.

  “Why were you and Remmel so far away from your village?”

  “Trauhn, Remmel hunt food for tribe.” He points upward. “See light, color. See Ken-zee flyer fall from sky. Follow to black water.” Like before, when describing the storm, he uses his hands to supplement the few common words he knows. He’s pretty good at it, too. If I’m ever invited to play charades, I want Trauhn on my team.

  “So you and Remmel were out hunting for your tribe when you saw the colorful light flashes in the sky and my pod, um flyer, land on the beach. Did you see more flyers fall out of the sky?”

  He nods excitedly, using a finger to trace out the scene on the ground cover, pointing to the approximate locations of the other escape pods. The pod Jillian and I were in is the farthest away from Trauhn and Remmel. That doesn’t make sense.

  “Why did you travel all the way to the black water?” I point at spots on his imaginary map. “Why not travel to this flyer…or this one?”

  He’s slow to answer. It’s like he’s searching for a way to explain. “Ken-zee flyer call to Trauhn here.” He uses his fist to indicate his gut. “And here.” He takes my hand and places it on his chest where the steady beat of his heart thumps beneath my palm. It’s the most romantic thing I’ve ever heard.

  “Oh.” Tears sting my eyes and I blink them away. I really need to get a grip.

  Thankfully, Trauhn doesn’t seem to notice my little emotional moment because he turns his attention to the gryzen. That gives me a chance to catch my breath and remind myself that falling for him is a bad idea. I’m not staying here…not staying with him.

  Dinner is ready because he pulls the roasted bird off the skewer and uses his knife to cut away the charred skin. He slices off chunks of the meat and serves me a large portion on a stiff piece of leather. It’s not fine china, but it keeps my hand from getting burned.

  Trauhn stares at me expectantly, waiting for me to eat before he does.

  I inhale the aroma and take a small bite. The seasonings he used compliment the natural flavor of the meat, which is tender and moist. “It smells good. Tastes good, too. I like it!”

  Trauhn’s face lights up at my approval and he digs into his meal.

  “Have you seen the colorful light flashes in the sky before?” I ask while we eat.

  “Yes,” he says. “Light, color bring bad rogues here. Enemy of Rakui.”

  “Are bad rogues Terrans from Earth?”

  “No. Female Terrans from Urth good.” Trauhn makes a face. “Male rogues bad. Use magic weapons.”

  Huh. Men from other alien races have also crashed on UD237 and they have modernized weapons. “Where are the bad rogues?”

  “Trauhn not know. Rogues let Rakui be. Trauhn keep Ken-zee safe.”

  I know he will try to keep me safe, but even my stun blaster won’t protect us against a rogue with a real gun.

  “Light, color bring Rakui here, too.”

  “Wait, what? Your people also crashed here?” I assumed they were natives. But if the original Rakuis had a spaceship that crashed on UD237, why are the current ones practically cavemen who only knew a bit of Old Galactic? His stilted explanations create more questions than answers. It’s unsettling. “How long ago was that?”

  Trauhn stares at me, the confusion he expresses more universal than any language. He doesn’t have a common way to explain. “Long before tribe elders were kits.”

  I don’t know how old the tribe’s elders are, but it appears the Rakuis have been here for a few generations at least. When they first crashed here, why didn’t their planetary leaders send a rescue? This unanswered question is the most unsettling of all.

  When we finish eating, he slices the rest of the meat into chunks, wraps them in a soft piece of hide and disposes of the carcass outside the cave. When he returns, he says. “Now, we mate.”

  I stare up at him in surprise. “Uh, shouldn’t we start with a little foreplay or something? How about kissing?”

  Trauhn’s brow furrows. “Is that Terran mating habit?”

  “I guess you could call it that. Kissing is done with your mouth, like this.” I pucker my lips and make fish kisses in the air.

  Trauhn mimics the action which make me giggle. “I
do not understand how this gives pleasure.”

  He honestly doesn’t know what I’m talking about. “Let me show you.”

  I stand up, bring his arms around my waist and move in close. Placing my hands on his cheeks, I guide his face toward me, tilt my head so our noses won’t bump and press my lips lightly against his. His mouth is stiff so I flick my tongue out and lick along the seam until he relaxes his lips and allows me entry.

  When my smooth tongue finds his scaled one, a low growl rumbles in his chest. His hands move to my hips and he pulls me tight against his erection.


  Trauhn’s a quick study, and the student soon became the teacher. He takes control of the kiss, devouring my mouth with a feverish passion that leaves me breathless and panting. His hands are everywhere…in my hair, on my back, gripping my ass.

  Lifting me like I’m weightless, he carries me toward the back of the cave, our lips still connected, our tongues still tangling.

  Chapter 15


  * * *

  I have never heard this word kiss-zing before, although I soon discover it is simply mouth-to-mouth pleasure sharing, similar to using my mouth to pleasure a female cunt. If my mate had described it as such, I would have understood what she wanted.

  Although kiss-zing is not a Rakui tradition, I find it enticing. The feel of my mate’s smooth tongue against mine and the taste of her sweet mouth makes my pulse quicken and my cock grows even harden beneath my leathers.

  As our lips dance, her hands tangle in my mane so she can pull me closer still. This makes me ready for more than just kiss-zing.

  I carry her to back of the cave and lower her gently to the soft furs below. There is rosy color on her cheeks and her full lips are plump and moist from our kiss-zing.

  She watches me with hunger in her eyes as I quickly shed my clothing so I can help her do the same. Her arms lift and I peel away her top leathers but I do not know how to remove the covering over her bressts. She reaches behind her back and the covering falls away.

  Fascinated, I toss the covering aside and stroke her soft, smooth skin, which is so very different from my scales. Without scales, how does her body cool itself or retain heat?

  I place my mouth on one of her bressts, sucking the nip-ul into my mouth. Ken-zee moans and I let my tongue swirl around the stiff tip before moving to her other bresst and doing the same.

  My hands go to the waist of her bottom leathers and she lifts her hips so I can slide them down her legs, dragging the extra covering along so she is bare. Her mating scent hits me with such force that I need a moment to collect myself.

  This what I have waited for and I devour my mate with my eyes, taking in her beauty, memorizing every detail of her lovely shape. The slope of her shoulders, the rounded swell of her teats, the narrowing at her waist, the flare of her hips.

  I do not have the common words to tell her how I feel so I will show her with my hands and my mouth. Pressing my palms against her inner thighs, I spread her wide and my mouth waters at the sight.

  “Mine,” I growl before dragging my tongue along the seam of her hot, rosy cunt. She is wet and slick, and her taste is everything I imagined and more.

  “Ohgodyes.” Ken-zee moans and closes her eyes as I feast on her cunt, her hands fisting around the fur at her sides.

  I wedge my shoulders between her thighs and slide my hands under her buttocks so I can draw her closer to my mouth, taste her more fully. My tongue finds her klit, and she bucks against me as I lavish the sensitive nub with attention.

  Her thighs clench against my shoulders and her head thrashes back and forth as she chants in her native tongue. “Yesyesyesyes. Soclosesoclose. Dontstopdontstop.”

  Her small body arches and shudders and she screams my name when her pleasure crests. Her cunt pulses against my mouth, coating my tongue with her sweet, slick nectar. I continue licking, lapping, tasting until she pushes my head away and closes her legs.

  “Ineedaminute. Toosensitive. Butholyshitthatwasamazing.”

  I sit back on my haunches, my stiff cock jutting forward, and watch her, enthralled. Her face is flushed, and her lips curve upward in a satisfied smile. “Ken-zee happy?”

  “Isntitobvious?” She laughs and covers her face with her hands. Smiling, she peeks at me through her fingers. “Yes. I am happy.”

  Grinning, I stroke my cock, eager to feel her hot, tight sheath swallow my length.

  She watches my cock grow even longer and thicker and beads of pre-seed seep from the tip. Her smile fades. “Youresobig. Isthatthinggonnafitinsideofme?”

  I can see she is afraid of my size. I want to tell her that I tested her cunt and know it will stretch to accommodate me. Yet if I tell her these things, she will not understand me. So I stroke her cheek and say, “Ken-zee safe.”

  I am relieved when she smiles again and opens her legs for me. “Itrustyou.”

  I am eager to complete our bonding, yet I will move slow. I grip the base of my rod and slide the tip up and down her slick seam and over her klit, which makes her shudder.

  Ken-zee reaches between her legs and guides me to her opening. “I want you, Trauhn. Now.” She gasps when my rounded tip, the only part of my cock without scales, nudges her opening.

  I fight the urge to thrust hard and deep and instead inch my length forward. Ken-zee’s hot, slick channel relaxes around me, her tight sheath slowly stretching to welcome me home. Each time I meet the slightest resistance, I pull back slightly. This causes Ken-zee to gasp in pleasure.

  “Scales. Friction. Ohgod. Dontstop.”

  I assume the murmurs in her native tongue are a good sign and I push myself in deeper, pull back, and surge forth again.

  “You’re really good at this,” she moans, breathless.

  “Trauhn first time,” I tell her.

  Her eyes open wide in surprise. “First time with me, right?”

  “Trauhn wait for Ken-zee.” I can see from the small shake of her head that she does not understand what I am trying to say. I do not have the common words to explain that a Rakui male only seeks this ultimate pleasure with his mate.

  “Idontunderstandyou. Butyouretoogoodatthistobeavirgin. Itdoesntmatteranyway. Justkeepdoingwhatyouredoing.”

  Her tiny hips pulse forward and the small movement becomes my undoing. A low, primal growl vibrates deep in my throat and with a single thrust I bury my entire length in her core.

  Chapter 16


  * * *

  “Yes! Oh God, yes!”

  I thought Trauhn’s scaled fingers and tongue were the most amazing things ever. Until his giant, scaled cock stimulates every nerve ending in my vagina all at once. The feeling is indescribable and I’m desperate for more.

  My legs wrap around his hips and I wiggle beneath him, begging him to give me what I want. He pulls back and thrusts in again and I moan my approval. “Yes,” I say. “More.”

  Whimpering, I rock my hips forward in sync with his thrusts. His lips find mine and our tongues tangle as our bodies, slick with sweat, come together again and again.

  Soon I’m writhing and panting, grinding my pelvis against Trauhn as an orgasm bubbles up from my core and spreads throughout my body. He breaks our kiss to lift my hips and angles our bodies in a way that sends me over the edge.

  I come hard, clenching around his cock as my body slicks the way for him to thrust harder, faster, deeper.

  He pumps into me with increased urgency and I orgasm again. Or maybe it’s the same one and I’m still coming. It’s hard to know because the delicious sensations humming through me override my ability to think.

  Trauhn stiffens above me and roars, “Mine!” Buried to the hilt, he comes inside of me, hot and wet, slowing his thrusts as our bliss crests and recedes. He collapses on the furs next to me, our breathing labored, and pulls me into his arms. “Ken-zee Trauhn’s mate now. Forevermore.”

  If forevermore means multiple orgasms every time we have sex, I just might be on
board with that. Well, maybe not forever. But definitely until the rescue arrives. I had no idea sex could be this good which makes me realize how underwhelming my previous experiences have been.

  I’ve turned in Trauhn’s arms so my ass is wedged against his large, soft cock. My body is exhausted, aching sweetly in the most intimate of places, yet my mind is still alert.

  My wrist vibrates signaling a new TEASE alert, but I ignore it. My arms are pinned under Trauhn’s. I think he’s fallen asleep and I don’t want to disturb him.

  Unable to sleep, I stare at the glowing embers of the dying fire. Trauhn is the kind of guy I dreamed of falling for during A Year of Interstellar Education. Except for the whole barbarian thing, he’s exactly like the romance vid heroes. Handsome and strong. Fiercely protective. Great in bed.

  If we had met on one of the 12 planets we were scheduled to visit, I could totally see us having a future together. But I can’t stay on UD237.

  If Alliance Interstellar Security allows it, will he leave his tribe, this planet, to be with me? Realistically, I don’t see that happening. Trauhn doesn’t belong in my modern world just like I don’t belong in his primitive one.

  The slight, intermittent vibration in my wrist continues to nag me, but I don’t want to move to see what it says. Closing my eyes, I try to ignore it and go to sleep. Whatever my TEASE is trying to tell me, it can wait until morning.

  I’m just drifting off when the vibration happens again. Sighing, I pull my arms out from Trauhn’s grasp, tap my wrist and scroll through the messages.






  What. The. Hell.

  The messages have to be a mistake. Early ovulation isn’t a thing and Terran gestation is nine months.


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