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Secrets & Swords

Page 19

by R A Lewis

  Chapter 32

  Roguelyn and Liam sat down in a nearby tavern to talk, the same tavern Roguelyn had been frequenting. Liam ordered them two pints of mulled wine to help keep off the chill. Roguelyn wrapped her hands around the warm mug and breathed in deeply, enjoying the spicy, sweet scent. Liam watched her from across the table.

  “You seem happy,” he commented.

  “Why? Shouldn’t I be?” she asked, smiling, before taking a sip of her drink. She loved the atmosphere around her: happy people, drinking, socializing, and just generally enjoying being alive.

  “No reason.” He looked away from her, out into the crowd. “Just a comment.” Roguelyn shrugged. “So,” he said, looking back at her. “What’s your plan?”

  “No plan.” He raised his eyebrows at her response.

  “Then what are we doing here?” He sat back in his chair and crossed his arms across his chest. She grinned at him.

  “I just thought you could use a drink.” He snorted at her. She continued. “And my contact within the cult frequents this tavern.” Her eyes turned to the crowd. Liam sat up straighter, his eyes roaming over faces eagerly. Roguelyn chuckled. They sat in silence then, watching the crowd ebb and flow around them. Eventually Liam ordered dinner for them and they stayed most of the evening.

  Around closing time, a young man entered the tavern. He had sandy hair and eyebrows so light they almost disappeared into his face. He walked up to the bar, ordered a drink, and then came to sit at the table right next to Roguelyn and Liam. Roguelyn nudged Liam’s foot under the table and tilted her head towards the young man. The young man looked at them sideways and took a sip of ale. Out of the corner of his mouth he said;

  “Hello, Roguelyn. Funny seeing you here tonight.” Roguelyn kept her face towards Liam and spoke back to the man.

  “Nice to see you too, Demmley. How’s things?” Demmley scratched his head before responding.

  “It’s been better. The Excellent Magistrate has begun some pretty rigorous induction ceremonies and the people sometimes don’t survive.” Roguelyn’s body went cold.

  “What kind of ceremony?” she asked, dreading the answer.

  “Who’s this you’ve got with you?” Demmley changed the subject abruptly.

  “This is Liam. He’s someone who’s going help me bring down the magistrate. He’s trustworthy.” Roguelyn said. “Now, what ceremony, Demmley?” The man took a sip of his ale before responding.

  “So, the ceremony is more of a challenge really. You have to fight a long-standing member, someone who is ready to join their god, to the death. Sometimes, the inductees die. Sometimes the member dies. It all depends on your fighting ability. But in order to receive eternal life, the member has to die fighting. Although it’s considered the highest honor if the new member dies while fighting, too. It meant that the death god wanted them early.” Roguelyn’s gut twisted, and Liam’s face hardened at the news.

  “Can you get us in?” Liam asked, his voice cold.

  “You? Yes. Roguelyn? Not so easy.” Roguelyn shot him a look.

  “Why’s that?” she asked.

  “You are a woman. The only women they allow to join are those willing to become slave wives to the magistrate. I’m not sure you’d be willing to even contemplate that role. It involves a very gruesome initiation on its own.” Roguelyn took a deep breath, her previous traumas at the hands of the king coming starkly to mind.

  “What is it?” her voice came out deadly calm. Demmley scowled and looked down into his beer before answering.

  “You have to submit to the magistrate’s every whim, while all new members stand watching.” His eyes flicked to Liam, whose face blanched a bit. “Basically, the magistrate will force himself on you, demean you, and humiliate you in order to make you part of his haram. The newest members watch in order to understand what it means to be a man within the cult, and to test their fortitude and dedication to the cult.”

  Roguelyn’s stomach bucked at the thought, and she was transported back to her time in the king’s apartments in Gadel, the way he had humiliated her, debased her. She closed her eyes and tried to calm her pounding heart, her swimming head. She felt a warm hand close over her clenched fist on the table. She opened her eyes to look into Liam’s eyes. He squeezed her hand gently, brushing his thumb over her knuckles.

  “You don’t have to do this,” he whispered. “I can do it myself.” She shook her head.

  “We have to stop them. Before they begin corrupting our government as well. You saw what they were doing in Gadel, enslaving women and children; we can’t let that happen here.” She angled her body towards Demmley. “You must make the necessary introductions, tomorrow. For myself, Liam, and one other.” Liam looked at her quizzically. “His name is Alden.” She finally looked at Demmley directly. The man’s light eyes were full of concern. “Can you do that?” Demmley nodded slowly.

  “Tomorrow. Meet me here at noon.” Roguelyn and Liam nodded and turned back to their table. Demmley chugged the last of his ale in silence and then stood to leave. He looked at Roguelyn with pity on his face. She scowled. She didn’t need anyone’s pity. She needed a solid plan.

  “Alden is coming?” Liam’s voice was hard to read, his face equally so. Roguelyn eyed him, trying to shove her own fears to the back of her mind.

  “Yes. We need his help. We can’t do this, just the two of us. We proved that bringing down their Excellent Magistrate is the key to destabilizing the cult in Gadel, but we still need to ensure we can do that here. Luckily, the cult is still fairly small, not as widespread as it was in Gadel, but it’s no less of a threat. Once we’ve taken him down and found out who the influential members are, we will try it in a public court.” Liam shook his head and sighed.

  “Fine. But we don’t go unarmed, and you will take every precaution.” Roguelyn finally smiled at him.

  “Of course. Besides, I’ll have you there. What more protection will I need?” She winked at him. Liam playfully nudged her shoulder across the table, a small smile spreading across his lips in return.

  “Let’s go. We need to meet up with Alden and discuss our plans.” Together they left the tavern and made their way back to the castle. Once inside, it was a simple matter to track down Alden in the library doing his own recon. He looked up as they entered, snow still falling from their boots and cloaks, leaving little puddles across the floor.

  “Oh good! Roguelyn, I was hoping to speak with you further.” Roguelyn came and plopped down into a chair next to Captain Alden.

  “Us as well, Alden.” She removed her gloves and pushed her cloak off her shoulders, Liam doing the same beside her in his chair. “We want to help you infiltrate.” She didn’t want him to feel like they were hijacking his mission.

  “I thought the king said that Liam wasn’t to be a part of this?” Alden eyed Liam suspiciously.

  “I spoke with him,” Roguelyn lied smoothly, “and we’ve decided that Liam can help. Now, tomorrow at noon we are meeting up with my contact from within the cult. He told us of the rigorous induction ceremony both for men and women.” Roguelyn went on to explain Alden’s role in joining the cult. He was less than enthused about the idea.

  “So, let me get this straight. You want me and Liam to fight to the death, kill another man, and then, watch while the magistrate,” he paused looking for the word, “violates you, and then kill him?” His jaw hung open. “You’ve got to be crazy!” Roguelyn huffed.

  “I’m not crazy. I know it sounds it, but it’s the only way into the cult, and it’s the only time the Excellent Magistrate is virtually unprotected. He always wears a mask, and none of his followers know who he is, or if they do they don’t talk about it. If there was an easier way to find out his identity and kill him, we would. Besides, I’m hoping one of you kills him before he gets that far.” She tried to grin at Alden and Liam, but both men were scowling at her. “Look, we need to do this. If anyone has any better suggestions, I’d love to hear them.”

  “Yes, p
ick someone else, another woman to take your place!” Liam said, desperation clear in his voice. “You don’t need to put yourself in that position again.” Alden looked between the two of them.

  “Again?” he asked. The knowledge of what the king had done to her was not widely known.

  “Never mind that,” Roguelyn said with a wave of her hand. “I’m strong enough for this.” Besides, she wouldn’t put another woman in that situation, at least she knew what she was in for. She stood, putting an end to the debate. “Now, I will see you both at noon. Goodnight.” And with that, she stomped from the room, her dripping cloak draped over one arm.

  Once outside the library, Roguelyn paused and took some deep breaths. She pushed her hair out of her face, tears welling in her eyes and panic rising up in her chest. She couldn’t help but let the fear overwhelm her for a moment as she imagined what it would be like to be violated like King Hargrave had done to her. But she knew she needed to be strong. She breathed in deeply through her nose, and let it out through her mouth a few times till she felt more grounded, more settled. Then she marched off to her rooms.

  Chapter 33

  Roguelyn, Liam, and Alden walked through the snowy streets. Some stores were open but the below freezing temperatures and the wind howling through the narrow streets forced most would-be shoppers inside. Roguelyn was dressed in a woolen dress, conservative with a high neckline and long sleeves. She wore a plain brown cloak over top and had her hair pulled back and pinned to her head. She had heard that many of the women slaves wore their hair covered as well, but Roguelyn was waiting till the last minute to cover her hair. They entered the tavern as a group and picked a table in the corner. Together they sat and sipped their ale while they waited for Demmley. He entered just past noon, and came to join their table. Roguelyn passed him an ale which he drank from deeply.

  “I am taking a huge risk by getting you this introduction.” Roguelyn nodded and passed him a large pouch full of gold.

  “For your troubles. If all goes as planned, you won’t have a job after this. The king has agreed to employ you within the castle if you’d like.” Demmley nodded and finished his ale in a few long draughts.

  “Okay. Now, we go to the headquarters where you will be searched and asked some questions. Remember, you don’t have to know all the answers, but claim you are willing to learn. And be as eager as you can. They will know if you hesitate.” He looked at Roguelyn once again with pity. “Yours will be the hardest task.” She nodded and gestured for him to lead the way, steeling herself. They left the tavern and turned down the street that lead to the merchant’s shop.

  They stepped inside, warmth rolling over them, the pleasant smell of beeswax and vanilla wafting through the warm air. Roguelyn and Liam looked at each other, and then at Alden. The shop was a very good cover for a cult, no one would suspect the terrible things happening within.

  Behind the counter was a portly older man, who came bustling out. He smiled a large, toothy smile and held out his hands for Demmley. Demmley shook the man’s hand and gestured to those behind him.

  “These are the people I was telling you about, Brem. This is Liam and Alden, they both would like to join the order. And this is Lady Roguelyn, she is to become a Wife.” Brem nodded, the big smile still plastered on his face. He stepped forward and shook both Liam’s and Alden’s hands.

  “We don’t get many new members this way, but it’s always good to see those of more noble standing joining our ranks.” He looked at Roguelyn. “Aren’t you the duke’s daughter?” Roguelyn nodded.

  “I had some contact with your organization while I was in Gadel, and I have decided that I want to do what I can to further your cause.” She was taking a big risk by revealing this, but she hoped it would give her some added credibility.

  “I’ve heard about you, but I didn’t know you knew about our organization,” Brem said. He eyed her suspiciously, but Roguelyn kept her gaze down. Finally, the man looked back at Demmley. He clapped his hands and rubbed them together. “Right! Now, let’s get you introduced, and let the ceremonies begin!” He held out a hand, allowing the rest of them to pass and make their way towards the back of the shop. Demmley led the way.

  They went first through a door and into a well-stocked storeroom. Here, Brem and Demmley searched them thoroughly. Then Demmley opened a hidden door in the back of the shop. There was a dark set of steps leading down, and Demmley lit a torch that was hanging just inside the door on the wall. He motioned for them to follow and Roguelyn knew there was no turning back. She swallowed hard before following, Liam behind her. She stumbled on the first two steps and she felt Liam’s hand on her waist, steadying her. She focused on the warmth of his hand as he kept it there, holding her upright as they made their way down. Roguelyn glanced back at him, seeing that his face was solemn and set.

  They entered an underground cavern, that had been cut out of the bedrock of the city. The ceiling was low, the stone touching distance above their heads. Roguelyn tried not to think about how many tons of rock were currently pressing down above her head. It took her a few moments to notice the masked and robed figures arranged around the cavern and her heart leapt in fear. They were dressed in black and spaced between torches so that their black robes helped them blend into the blackness of the cavern.

  In the center of the floor there was a circle drawn on the stone in some sort of white chalk. Across the room from where their little group stood was a tall man in a black robe, a dark mask on his face. He held a sword in both his hands pointing down towards the floor. Beside him was another masked man, although he was bare chested with dark pants. He was already covered in sweat, as the cavern was very warm, and Roguelyn could see his adrenaline must already be high since he was breathing hard, his hands clenching and unclenching.

  Liam and Alden beside her exchanged apprehensive looks. Liam’s hand on her waist squeezed once before dropping. She felt its absence as though a warm cloak had been removed. She shivered. Demmley stepped forward to introduce them.

  “This is Liam Ward and Alden Nairn. They wish to join our order. Do you accept their wish to join?” The dark man with the sword’s deep voice rang out.

  “We do not. Not without trial by combat. They must participate in Ceremony of the Macabre Beyond in order to be deemed worthy by the god Fordar. If they should survive, then the god has dedicated them to him, and to a lifetime of suffering for his cause. If they die, then the god has called them early and they have a higher purpose than this life. They must fight our oldest and greatest warrior for this right.”

  The man handed the large two-handed broadsword to the shirtless man beside him. The man Brem, who had come with them from the front of the shop, came forward then and handed Liam a sword. Demmley had advised they come mostly unarmed, leaving only a few hidden daggers for protection. Demmley had been the one to search Liam and Alden and left their hidden blades intact. Liam nodded to Brem in thanks and then glanced over at Roguelyn, his handsome face set in a grim expression. Her heart ached at the sight of him. He stepped forward into the circle, sword at the ready.

  The shirtless man swung his sword around himself, clearly in a show of either intimidation or stupidity. No one truly skilled with a sword would wave it around like that. Liam adjusted his grip on his sword, testing the weight and heft of it. Roguelyn twisted the sleeves of her dress in her anxiety. The man came in swinging, and Liam ducked to the side, avoiding the man’s wild swipes with seeming ease. The man recovered quickly and turned to face Liam again, his breathing more labored. The veins on the man’s neck and arms were standing out and his muscles seemed stretched taught. Roguelyn frowned. The man continued to slash and smash Liam’s sword, and Liam focused on avoiding his blows or blocking his thrusts.

  Each chance he got the wounded the man, either through a slash on the thigh, or a stab in the arm, the man was soon covered in smaller wounds, bleeding. An average man would have fallen with the amount of blood now splattered across the stone floor, but somehow
this man kept going.

  Soon Roguelyn could see that Liam’s energy was flagging. His dodges coming slower, and his blocks just a second later than normal. The heat was getting to him and he was drenched in sweat. Roguelyn’s heart was pounding and she began to feel nauseous. The shirtless man was beginning to slow, finally, and she hoped that Liam could avoid his blows a while longer. The man fought like a butcher, hacking and chopping.

  Finally, Liam had an opening when the man slashed down and his sword bounced hard against the rock where Liam had stood a moment before. The shock of the sword hitting the ground jarred the man’s arm and as he paused for a moment to recover, Liam took the opportunity to drive his sword deep into the man’s side. The man paused and then looked sideways at Liam, his face hidden behind the mask, making the gesture creepy, and Roguelyn felt a chill climb up her spine. Then the man slid sideways, off Liam’s sword, dead.

  Roguelyn’s stomach lurched. Yes, the man was dead and Liam was now a part of the cult, but at what price? She felt that she had forced this on Liam. She looked at his face and saw the pain etched there. He had also acquired a few cuts himself, including a nasty one on his right cheek when he hadn’t dogged fast enough. He took a deep breath and then faced the man in black.

  “Liam Ward, you have passed our trials, and the dark god will accept your service. Please, come and join our ranks.” The man motioned to Liam, who stepped forward. “Fordar has called his son home,” the man intoned above the corpse of the fighter. Another man held out a black robe for Liam, who allowed it to be placed around his shoulders. He looked up then, right into Roguelyn’s eyes. She wished she could reassure him that this would all be worth it, but at this moment she wasn’t sure she could promise that.

  It was Alden’s turn. The first man’s body had been dragged off by Brem and Demmley and now a second man had de-robed and taken off his shirt. Someone offered him something in a bowl, and the man put the nostrils of his mask to the bowl, sniffing loudly. The mask came away white with powder and Roguelyn had her answer to how the first man had fought so long without falling. She had heard of a substance that gave men superhuman strength and energy, allowing them to fight much longer than usual. The man turned back around, his chest beginning to rise and fall more rapidly as Alden accepted a sword from Brem.


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