Wicked Good Witches- Complete Series Bundle

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Wicked Good Witches- Complete Series Bundle Page 26

by Ruby Raine

  If William was the love of her life, would any man be able to make her happy? In the end, was she doomed to a life of wishing she was with William?

  Melinda sank into the water with a whimper.

  This might just be a two bottle of wine night.

  WILLIAM DIDN’T STOP until at the outskirts of The Demon Isle. He thought for a moment of leaving. Without any explanation or goodbye. It was too dangerous for him to return.

  Why had he kissed Melinda’s hand? It seemed so simple and innocent. In that fleeting moment, he had given in. Without a thought or care. She’d needled her way inside his lifeless heart without any effort.

  He’d kept his distance, tried to keep their friendship as it had always been. Not because she’d done anything to make him think she actually had feelings for him, but something had changed. He could feel it. Sense it when she was near. And he enjoyed it too much. The little thoughts wrapping around his brain. Tugging at the emptiness he carried inside. Little delights he took in the possibility she did. Did what? Loved him?

  How could she?

  It was a childish crush and nothing more.

  This is what he’d thought until he’d kissed her hand and let his guard down. Allowing Melinda to engulf his senses. He’d accidentally slipped into her mind. Something that required an intimate connection, which he hadn’t allowed to take place in a hundred years.

  In doing so, he witnessed her thoughts. The desires playing out in her mind.

  His hands exploring her deepest secrets. Flesh against flesh. Fangs puncturing her delicate neck. Tasting her. Melinda’s reaction to his touch shattering all his defenses.

  The sights, the sounds, emblazoned in his mind. Waking carnal cravings that had slept for too long now. Too long to allow them to wake up and take control of him.

  And then he’d heard that heart flutter, the one driving him mad for days. And realized with the utmost clarity and certainty that he was the cause of it.

  He delighted in the fact he was responsible for that flutter.

  Confirmation of her true feelings.

  And then he’d left. Left her alone without explanation.

  He would not allow it to go any further. Even if it meant giving up his life on The Demon Isle.

  Catherine Howard’s final words haunted him. He refused to allow them to fill his thoughts and pretended she’d never said it. He could not do what she asked. Ever.

  He’d made a promise to protect the Howard Witches. Long ago.

  But he’d made a second promise as well, to never fall in love with another human.

  To protect the Howards, he might have to leave the Isle.

  “I am a vampire. I cannot love Melinda Howard.”

  It’s too late his dead heart echoed.

  “Then I will love from afar,” he proclaimed.

  BEFORE GOING HOME, there was one stop Charlie wanted to make. He stood in front of Nina’s house. He wanted to miss her, to mourn her, but he felt nothing but devout gratefulness. He looked at his finger, now adorned by the black ring. He looked up at the full moon, no longer fearing its rise.


  The Guardian he’d been seeing for three summers.

  The Guardian that had given him physical release had now saved his life.

  He recalled their first meeting like it was yesterday.

  Nina had walked right up to him and kissed him. She hadn’t even introduced herself. He was standing on this same beach, late at night. Worked up. Full moon just days away. Bottle of tequila four shots down, worried about his sister. His brother. Missing his parents. Unsure he was able to do his job well enough to keep them all alive.

  They spent the rest of that night on the beach, and many other nights that summer. He chuckled at the memory. She might have been a Guardian watching out for him and not actually on vacation, but they’d had a lot of fun while she did. He would definitely miss her.

  Damp stung at his eyes. He did love Nina.

  He wasn’t in love with her, she wasn’t the settling down type and he wasn’t ready for that yet either. Although he’d never been able to think like that. Too afraid he might bite a woman and turn her into a werewolf.

  He felt obligated to settle down and start a family. It was his job to do so and carry on the Howard line. He peered at the ring he knew so little about. Would it really protect him? Keep him from getting hurt, or from hurting anyone else?

  Footsteps approached. He turned to see who it was. “Michael, hey.” He was surprised to see his brother.

  “Everything okay?” he asked with a bemused smile. “Melinda told me where this place was. I assumed you might come here.”

  Charlie nodded. “Alpha’s dead,” he said matter-of-factly.

  “I can’t imagine how that must feel.”

  “It’s like I’m breathing as a free man for the first time in ten years.”

  Michael patted him on the shoulder. “I have tried to imagine you transforming before, but to actually see it, I have to say it was pretty insane.” He paused before asking, “What’s it like?”

  Charlie thought for a moment before replying.

  “It’s like, giving in to every primal instinct. Giving in to every desire you’ve ever had. Every urge. Without a single fear of the consequence.”

  They stood in silence for a moment. The only sound, the crashing of waves against the shore.

  “You know, in some ways, Michael, I’ve been hiding myself away, just the same as Melinda did. I was so afraid I might hurt someone, or find something meaningful and have to give it up... I guess I’d let the wolf win a long time ago.” Charlie looked at the ring again. “What Nina gave me today, I only hope I can prove myself worthy to own.” He paused before continuing. “It’s what set me off at the morgue, seeing the ring missing from her finger.”

  Michael waited for him to explain.

  “Nina told me that a Guardian’s ring can only be taken off voluntarily. Built in safety measure. When I saw it missing, I knew she had for some reason, taken it off. I just couldn’t imagine what that reason could be.”

  “I guess she thought it was for a good cause,” Michael comforted, his tone sympathetic. “I’ll leave you alone. Just wanted to make sure you were still alive and kicking. See you at home, Charlie.”

  He nodded with a humbled exhale. “I won’t be far behind.”

  Michael left, and Charlie walked out onto the deserted beach, the full moon tossing shadows onto the water’s surface. He swallowed hard, his throat tight.

  “I didn’t realize how much I needed saving, Nina. Thank you. Thank you.”

  A BLOCK AWAY, A BODY that looked like Michael Howard began to shift and contort as it walked down an empty moonlit road. When the shifting was completed, Eva Jordan craned her neck, stretching.

  “Too fucking easy,” she congratulated herself. A sinful grin spread across her face as she walked away from Charlie Howard. “The ring can only be removed voluntarily. I can definitely work with that.”


  Mermaid Sisters Screaming

  Supernatural Protectors: A Legacy of Magic

  MELINDA HOWARD BLEW out an exhausted breath and plunked down into an open chair on the sidewalk, just outside of the Wicked Muddy Café. Her friend, Emily Morgan, plunked down in the empty chair next to her.

  “Look at all these bags!” Emily exclaimed. “I don’t remember the last time I did so much shopping.”

  “And it’s only nine in the morning,” said Melinda.

  “Just a couple hours until your date with Riley,” her friend squealed. Melinda didn’t know who was more excited, her or Emily.

  “Maybe I should get decaf today. I got no sleep last night, but my nerves are shot and adding caffeine to the mix...”

  “Too excited to sleep?”

  “Excited. Nervous. Confused.”


  Melinda let out another exasperated breath. “Emily, if I tell you something, do you promise not to tell anyone,
even Michael?”

  Emily’s look turned quite serious. “Of course. You can tell me anything.”

  Melinda shook her head in dismay, unsure how to start the conversation. It took her a moment to work up the courage to say, “It’s William.”

  “What about him?”

  “Well, I’ve sort of always had this crush on him.”

  “I can see that happening. William is a major catch. There’s just no denying that fact. I can’t imagine living under the same roof and not having a thing for him. Don’t tell Michael I said that.”

  Melinda bit her lip trying not to laugh. “Yeah, let’s not kill his ego. Anyway, until a couple months ago, the William thing was just a crush. And then I started having these dreams. All this began before I met Riley,” she made sure to point out. “But the dreams were...” Melinda paused at a loss for words.

  “Steamy,” guessed Emily.

  “Super steamy. I keep telling myself to just forget about it. And then I met Riley and I really am totally crazy about him. But last night, this thing happened.”

  “With William?”

  “Yes. And I’m probably reading too much into it, but we had this moment. An intense, intimate moment, but after it happened he just vanished. Did his super-speedy vampire thing and hightailed it out of the house. I got up early this morning, since I wasn’t sleeping anyway, because I wanted to clear the air but he still wasn’t home.”

  “Is William aware you’re dating someone?”

  “I don’t even know if I am dating someone! I’ve only known Riley just over a day. He’s so...” she blew out a breath. Hot. Incredible. Easy to be with. Fits me like he was built for me. “No one knows except you, Emily. At least I don’t think anyone knows.”

  “Well, you can’t date William. He’s off limits.” She scrunched her nose. “Isn’t he?”

  “I think he is. I mean, I thought he was.”

  “Until last night,” Emily understood.

  “I keep telling myself last night didn’t change anything. He is still off limits. Even so, is this all fair to Riley? When I can’t seem to get William out of my head. If I was given a choice right now between the two of them, I don’t know which one I’d pick. I am totally excited about seeing Riley. But, well...” Melinda trailed off.


  “What if my dream about William wasn’t just a dream?”

  “You think it was a prophetic dream?”

  “How can I be sure? Sometimes it’s really clear. But these dreams could go either way. People have steamy dreams all the time. But I can’t say for certain, one way or another on these dreams. What if it’s not just a dream? Should I ignore it? Can I ignore it?”

  “Geez, this is a conundrum. It’s too bad you couldn’t talk to your brothers about this.”

  “That’s so not going to happen.”

  “That would be a bad idea,” agreed Emily. “Like you said though, what happened last night with William didn’t change how you feel about Riley.”

  “No. It didn’t. Maybe it’s just that I don’t want to hurt William. I do love him. Regardless of what kind of love it can be. Or can’t be.” She shrugged, unsure if she was making sense, but Emily understood.

  “Perhaps that’s why he left. He needed a little space to think. I’m sure he loves you too, in some way. But if William is off limits, and Riley is not...”

  “You know, Em, it’s weird, but I think I can be anybody I want to be when I’m with Riley. Like I’m starting fresh. Not that I can’t be with William. It’s just been a bit awkward around him lately.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with how Riley makes you feel as long as you’re being yourself.”

  “And I am. It’s more like, the self I want to be. The self I’ve forgotten about. I hardly know him, but I swear I could be whatever I want, and he’d accept me, no matter what.”

  “Melinda,” started Emily, “it sounds to me like Riley is perfect for you. I don’t think you should question that at all.”

  Melinda let out a nervous laugh in reply.

  “So are you going to tell your brothers that you’re dating someone?”

  “Not for a little while. I want Riley to be absolutely head over heels crazy about me before I do. So much so, that any amount of drilling by Charlie or Michael won’t scare him away.”

  Emily tossed Melinda a hopeful smile before saying, “Why don’t I grab...” she trailed off as Grace, the owner and operator of the Wicked Muddy Café, sauntered out of the front door, two steaming mugs in her hands.

  “Saw you two with all those packages, decided to deliver your coffees myself this mornin’.”

  “This is so nice of you,” Emily said, cautiously taking hold of her mug.

  “Hope I got your cream right, Melinda.” Grace tossed her a wink.

  “Thank you, Grace.” Melinda grabbed her mug and took a sip. She looked up, amazed. “I don't know how you did it, but the cream is perfect.”

  The café owner nodded as if she already knew this.

  Melinda and Emily tossed each other a questioning look, after seeing Grace eyeing the passersby, suspiciously. They followed her gazes, but all they saw was the usual mix of locals and tourists bustling up and down the cobblestone streets.

  “Looking for someone in particular Grace?” Emily prodded.

  Grace surprised them by taking a seat at the table. She leaned in close. “Did ya’ hear?” She kept her volume at a gruff whisper.

  “Hear what?” Melinda questioned.

  “Clearly you haven’t, or you’d know what I’m talkin’ ‘bout.”

  Melinda looked at Grace as if to say, What on earth are you talking about?

  Grace took one more glance to make sure no one would overhear. She leaned in even closer, speaking in a subdued, but ominous, tone. “The Deanes have returned to The Demon Isle.”

  Melinda dropped her mug, spilling the coffee. The mug bounced off the edge of the table, but Grace caught it before it crashed against the sidewalk.

  “Oh sorry, Dearie,” Grace apologized. “I should have warned you this was a put your coffee down first kind of reveal.” She used a towel hanging off her belt to wipe up the spill.

  Melinda just stared, unable to speak.

  Even Emily understood this was not a good thing.

  “How?” Melinda finally uttered. “How dare they come back here? It’s been over seventy years, and why come back now? A lot of innocent people died because of them. Howards died because of them. Are they even permitted to come back here?” Her thoughts streamed out in a gust of bewilderment.

  “I know. I know,” Grace agreed. “But they still legally own property on the Isle. Someone saw lights up at the old house last night.”

  “Did some tourists rent the place?” Emily questioned.

  “That was my first thought too until two of ‘em came into the café this morning. Not sure how many there are all together.”

  “There were Deanes, in your café?” Melinda clarified, gulping hard as she spoke.

  “Sure enough. And to be honest, they seemed nice. Normal actually. Nothing to indicate they were still dabbling in the dark magic.”

  “Still. Deanes...” Melinda wasn’t sure how to feel other than wary. “I should go tell Charlie, Michael, and William. They need to know about this.”

  “One other thing,” Grace stopped her. “I couldn’t help but overhear them.”

  Melinda held back a smirk, understanding that Grace overheard them on purpose.

  “They mentioned you guys.”

  “They spoke the Howard name?” For some reason this infuriated Melinda.

  “Yup. They were talking about walking right up to your house and introducing themselves.”

  “Well that doesn’t seem like a bad thing,” Emily thought aloud.

  Melinda huffed, distrustfully. “A Deane is a Deane! They cannot be trusted. Dark magic is in their blood!”

  Grace grabbed their mugs. “I’m sure you guys'll do what’s best.” She disap
peared back inside the cafe.

  “C’mon,” said Melinda to Emily. They hoisted their shopping bags and headed toward the Howard Mansion.

  “Are you going to cancel your date?” asked Emily as they walked.

  “I don’t see what good that would do. If anyone can get my mind off the sudden return of the Deanes...” Melinda smiled knowingly, not finishing.

  A few minutes later, they stepped up the stone staircase and walked through the doors of the mansion. Emily made her way into the kitchen while Melinda headed upstairs, throwing her shopping bags onto her bedroom floor. She turned to leave and found the doorway blocked.

  “William,” her voice dropped. “You’re home.” She wanted to speak with him, but had no idea where to start.

  “Yes. I am home, Melinda. I was hoping we could speak for a moment.”

  “I was actually hoping that too.”

  He stepped inside and closed the door behind him, waiting patiently for her to continue. She’d hoped he would go first as she still struggled to find the right words.

  “I think maybe I did something wrong last night.” Her skin flushed, and she couldn’t stop the flutter pounding in her chest.

  She didn’t notice William’s pained wince as her flutter flew out at him like his own personal calling card. He had to say his piece quickly before he lost his nerve.

  “You did nothing wrong, Melinda. The fault was mine. But you should know, though I care for you deeply, I cannot return any feelings you might have for me.”

  She swallowed a bundle of nerves, holding back a shocked exhale. He was blunt and right to the point. Like I should have expected anything less.

  His bluntness didn’t make it any easier.

  And when he said, ‘care for you deeply,’ what did that mean? Like a good friend. Like the mentor and confidant he’d always been to her, and her family. Or on a more personal level? She didn’t have the guts to ask him.

  She shrugged, tugging at her lip. “I do understand, William. You’ve made it abundantly clear you don’t date humans. It’s just, this whole thing started over a stupid dream.” She sucked in, disbelieving it slipped out of her mouth.


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