Wicked Good Witches- Complete Series Bundle

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Wicked Good Witches- Complete Series Bundle Page 71

by Ruby Raine

  “So you think it’ll work?” asked Melinda, daring to let hope rise.

  “Well, if you or I drank this potion right now, we’d be flying high. It’s the ultimate happy pill. We’d make love to our worst enemy after drinking this... so if it doesn’t get him off the rage train...” she shrugged and shook her head.

  Michael cast a side-glance at his sister. Maybe her whole true love’s kiss thing wasn’t such a stretch after all.

  “Let’s not keep the suspense,” he suggested, handing Lizzy a vial and dropper.

  She filled the vial and they headed down to the basement. Upon entry into the cell, Riley started shouting and squirming in his chair, trying even harder to break free of his bonds. Almost as if the spell he was under had knowledge an attack was coming.

  “We’re going to have to force him to drink it,” said Lizzy to Lucas.

  He nodded and stepped over to his brother. “Sorry, Riley. But we have to do this.” He took hold of his brother’s head and tilted it back, forcing his mouth open. Lizzy took the filled dropper out of the vial and emptied the contents into Riley’s mouth. Lucas held him open until certain he’d swallowed it.

  They waited.

  And waited.

  Melinda held her breath, her arms folded.

  Michael barely able to control the anticipation emoting from everyone in the room; his empathy in overdrive.

  Lizzy and Lucas gazing nervously at each other and then Riley.

  He lifted his head.

  The dark intensity in his eyes gave them their answer.

  “You can’t keep me here,” he started up again. “I will get free and when I do...” he didn’t finish, Lizzy took a bandana she’d had around her head and stuffed it in his mouth.

  “Damn it. Guess I’ve lost my touch after all.”

  Lucas patted her on the shoulder and tossed her a look that said you tried.

  Melinda wanted to cry, but sucked in on her cheeks to stop herself. This failure brought them a step closer to her nightmarish vision coming true. If they couldn’t figure out a way to fix Riley, he would kill them all. He’d torture William. He’d even try to burn her alive. And if her prophetic dream came true, in the very near future she’d be a vampire.

  When she’d spoken to Michael about the vision, she’d only told him that everyone died. That the rage spell had turned Riley into a killing machine. She’d shared the same information with Lizzy and Lucas before they’d gone hunting for Riley. Melinda left out the parts having to do with her and William. Riley’s torture of him. What good would it do for them to know?

  She definitely didn’t want to tell William. They’d finally gotten past most of the weirdness between them. No need to upset him or open wounds just starting to heal. That, and, she couldn’t even imagine the awkwardness level of the conversation.

  Melinda pushed the vision deep into her mind. As deep as possible. It would drive her mad if she let it float around the surface and linger. If they could fix Riley, all would end well.

  Lucas let out a frustrated groan. “So what do we try next?”

  “I’m out of ideas,” said Lizzy. “I really thought that potion would work. Whatever the Feyk did to him, it’s extremely potent.”

  “Let’s keep trying to reach Charlie and William,” suggested Michael. “William usually knows something helpful, or at least which book to read. And Charlie’s better at coming up with potions than I am.”

  “Ugh! I’m feeling so inept right now,” admitted Melinda as they filed out of the cell, locked it and headed back up to the kitchen to the muffled sounds of Riley shouting through the bandana.

  “You’re not alone there,” sympathized Lucas. “I’ve never made a potion in my life before today.”

  “We’re going to have to do something about that,” admonished Lizzy. “Whether you want to accept it or not, you’re a witch and you’re glaringly unprepared.”

  Lucas was about to argue but she shushed him.

  It sounded reminiscent of William’s speeches of late. And a fact becoming all too clear was true. They were not prepared to do their job. All they could come up with was, ask William, and let’s wait for Charlie.

  Michael had been fighting to live a normal life and leave the Isle. It was just a month ago he’d decided to stay. Of course, that was after he’d discovered his father might still be alive. He was quick to react in the heat of the moment, but when it came to serious decisions, he preferred not to make them. Did not like making them. He’d always defer to Charlie or William.

  Melinda had been so preoccupied with being a prisoner in her own home, she’d come to rely on William and her brothers, and sometimes even Mack, to take care of things for her. Mainly to keep her death visions from coming true.

  They found themselves back in the kitchen; moodily cleaning up the mess they’d created making the useless potion for Riley.

  The back door swung open.

  They stopped and stared as Charlie came plodding inside.

  Lizzy’s eyes popped and her mouth gaped. Her eyes followed him from toes to head, her gaze lingering, head cocked a little for a moment when they reached his thick thighs. “There’s just something about Demon Isle boys,” she mumbled delightfully.

  Although practically naked, he was also obviously disheveled; it looked as though his face hadn’t been shaved in days, which wasn’t abnormal, but given that his hair was also mussed up with ground debris and caked on sand was flaking off his legs, it looked as though he’d been crawling around the ground for hours.

  Melinda wanted to ask him where he’d been, but her dream was far more pressing an issue. “Whatever your deal is, Charlie, it’s going to have to wait. I had a dream. We’ve got a major problem, and we need your help. William, too. Do you know where he is?”

  Charlie didn’t respond. He hadn’t even really heard her. “We need to talk,” he mumbled somewhat incoherently.

  “Yeah, that’s what I just said,” Melinda stated.

  “We’ve got Riley Deane tied up in the basement,” started Michael, but Charlie interrupted.

  “Eva Jordan is the shapeshifter.” His voice was flat. Almost deflated.

  The room went quiet. No one replied. They were not sure they’d heard him correctly.

  “Eva Jordan is the shapeshifter,” Charlie repeated, his tone still lifeless. “Eva’s the alpha werewolf that bit me. She’s the one that killed the Guardian, Nina. And... she is pregnant with my child.”

  “Dude. Fuck...” was all Michael could utter. Melinda stood in silent astonishment. Lizzy and Lucas didn’t quite comprehend everything they were talking about, and were about to leave and give them some space when a rush of air flew into the room, a blink of an eye later forming into William.

  “Actually, Charlie,” his voice rang out, “Eva is not. Pregnant, that is. In the matter of being the alpha, the shifter and a murderer, this is all true.”

  “What do you mean, William?” asked Charlie, still dazed.

  “I was out last night in search of the shifter. I could not rest while your father’s diary was still missing. During my quest, I happened across your scent. Realizing what was happening,” he directed at Charlie in a knowing tone, “I followed you, picking up a second scent. Which I then followed seeing as you were no longer present. It led me to Eva Jordan. I overheard a most illuminating conversation between Eva and her father, Anthony. The short version- she is not pregnant. It was a trick. A gift from the Feyk to keep you from killing her. Anthony Jordan is the one who hired the Firebrand’s to come to the Isle.”

  “Are you positive she’s not, William?” asked Charlie.

  “I am certain.”

  A mixture of emotions fled out of Charlie. Solace. Bitterness. Anger. Joy.

  A mark of sadness. Overwhelmed more and more by murderous intent.

  Even so, Charlie allowed relief to surface above all others. Eva was not pregnant with his child. He would not need to choose duty versus his family. He would however, make sure Eva never cau
sed them trouble again.

  Like William had said, she was a murderer. The werewolf that bit him and changed his life, forever. The wolf that almost became his alpha, stealing him away from his family. She had killed Nina. He would make it right. Eva would pay for her crimes against his family. Against the Isle...

  Melinda scrunched her nose in confusion. “Sorry, but I am wicked confused over here, Charlie.”

  “Yeah, same here,” added Michael, setting aside the cascade of emotions spewing from his brother. “So you’ve been dating Eva? I thought,” he shook his head.

  “Um, well, not exactly dating.” Charlie did not want to explain.

  “Should we leave?” asked Lucas. “Or go to the basement and keep Riley company?”

  “Eh, just stay.” Surprisingly, it was Michael that said it. “I have a feeling the shit pile is about to get even larger.”

  Charlie stalled, pinching his eyes together. He had a hundred thoughts screaming through his brain, but no time to process any of them. And he’d finally just heard what they were saying.

  “Guys, why is Riley locked in the basement?”

  “Yeah, um, we’ll get back to that in a minute,” said Melinda. “What the heck is going on Charlie?”

  Her brother’s face turned red. His gaze lowered, trying to hide the color in his cheeks.

  “Are you blushing?” badgered Michael.

  Charlie let out a relenting groan. In one long breath, he explained.

  “Apparently, I’ve been unconsciously sneaking out of the house at night because my wolf, and Eva’s wolf, have some kind of freaky love connection and we’ve been roaming around the Isle boinking each other. Neither of us having any memory of it until this morning. I’ve been waking up naked in the woods, on beaches, with no idea how I got there or what I’ve been doing, for the last few weeks. I didn’t tell you guys because it was...”

  Melinda let out a muffled snort. There wasn’t anything funny about it, and yet she could not stop laughing. “I’m sorry, Charlie. If you could just see your face right now.” She turned away to get a handle on it.

  Charlie lowered his head, mortified.

  He looked up to see the rest trying to stifle laughter as well. Even William looked bemused by his humiliating revelation. Lucas and Lizzy still didn’t quite get all that was going on, but found it humorous nonetheless.

  “So the Guardian ring doesn’t stop unconscious werewolf hookups?” jabbed Michael. “Certainly didn’t help you relax any,” he added under his breath.

  William cleared his throat.

  Charlie had nothing more to say on the subject, but cast a meaningful look of, it’s time for a new one.

  “In all seriousness,” said William, regaining their attention. “There is much to discuss and explain.” They listened as he relayed all he’d overhead the Jordan’s discussing. And revealed why they’d come to the Isle in the first place.

  “I fear this is entirely my fault, as it was my judgment to kill Eva’s mother,” expressed William. “Although in my defense, she used your mother, Catherine’s, form, as a disguise in her plot. She attempted to trick your father into revealing all he knew about the power source.”

  “Daring,” said Michael. “Looks like Eva took a play from her mother’s handbook.”

  “Yes, it was most disturbing to me that she disguised herself as Melinda to gain entrance into the mansion. I’m disappointed that it did not trigger a connection at that time.” He looked at them, apologetically.

  “Seems like we’re living in a world of hindsight lately,” said Charlie. “But what choice did you have?” he asked William. “If her mother was causing trouble on the Isle, it’s our job to put a stop to it. Sometimes that means taking a life.”

  Lucas shuddered. What kind of world had he gotten him and Riley mixed up in?

  “We certainly don’t do it because we want to,” declared Michael.

  “It’s an unfortunate byproduct of the job.” They all turned to Lizzy as she’d said it. “You all seem to forget I had a previous life. We made tough choices, too, for the greater good. That never changes, no matter how much time passes, and it’s not always easy or clear, but it has to be done.” She aimed her final words at William, in support of his verdict.

  “And while I agree,” he began, “it’s a good reminder that our actions can have long term consequences. To be honest, I had no idea Eva’s mother was a werewolf, a fact that could have proven fatal on my part. I also had no idea her death left behind a young daughter or husband. If I had known...”

  “It still wouldn’t have changed anything,” said Melinda kindly.

  “No. I suppose it would not.”

  The air in the kitchen got thicker. Tensions rising.

  William continued. “They believed it was your father, Jack, that killed her, and that is why Eva attacked him ten years ago. But you got in the way, Charlie.”

  He reached up and touched the scar where Eva had bitten him. She had meant to attack his father after all, but he’d gotten in the way to try to stop her.

  Michael chastised himself for respecting Anthony Jordan’s published works, or that they’d used his books from time to time while doing their jobs. He feared he’d given Mr. Jordan too much information in previous conversations. “I guess we know how Eva’s father collected most of the data for his books,” he uttered in disgust.

  “Eva,” confirmed Charlie, nodding. She was his in to the supernatural world. “What are they planning? Are they collecting information to seek revenge? And why put everything in a book and publish it if that’s the intent? Wouldn’t they want to be quieter about their intentions? Not draw attention to themselves?”

  William let out a tight sigh. “My guess is Mr. Jordan was playing a game of hiding in plain sight. However, I am afraid we may never know the answers to those questions.”

  “What did you do?” asked Michael, scrutinizing the vampire’s hidden meaning.

  His confession was hesitant.

  “I may have broken Mr. Jordan’s neck.”

  “Someone need some anger management classes much?” scolded Lizzy.

  “I did lose my temper... a little,” William conceded. “But I will not allow anyone to step foot onto this Isle and threaten the safety of those in my charge.”

  “No need to defend yourself, William,” said Charlie. “But Eva is going to be furious.”

  “She is furious. And I had her in my clutches.” William spoke in berating anger.

  “And the Feyk have her now.” Charlie blew out a breath. “There’s no telling how she’ll react. What she’ll do. And she’s a loose cannon now that we know who, and what she is.”

  “With the Feyk at her disposal, she’s bound to start a war,” warned Michael.

  His statement hung in the air like a balloon about to pop.

  William glanced around the room. They were not prepared for a war. He’d only too recently, and possibly not soon enough, realized this fact.

  “We at least have some time,” he explained. “Eva is currently suffering from a bout of blood poisoning. I had to immobilize her in order to question her. She’ll need at least twenty-four hours to heal.”

  “That’s something I guess,” said Michael.

  William nodded, but rather despondently. “In better news,” he went on, “I did retrieve the missing diary. In less than better news, it was clear she had read it cover to cover.”

  “What’s done is done,” said Charlie, using his mother’s words, decisively. “At least you got the diary back. Regardless of anything else, this Feyk situation must be dealt with, swiftly. The power source cannot fall into their hands, and we must protect the people on the Isle.”

  Everyone agreed to this.

  “I think it starts with a call to Mack,” said Michael, offering to do so. “She’ll need to get the cleaners to the Jordan place, and I’ll catch her up on everything else.”

  “And we can’t forget our other problem,” prompted Melinda, eying Michael, Lizzy,
and Lucas.

  “Um, yeah, don’t take this the wrong way, but what are you guys doing here?” asked Charlie.

  A strange look flitted across William’s face. His head turned towards the basement, his vampire hearing, honing in on a muffled voice below.

  “Why is Riley Deane locked up in my cell?”

  Everyone looked at Melinda to explain.

  “I haven’t had enough coffee for this,” she whined, laying her head on the counter.

  “I’ll brew, you talk,” ordered Charlie.

  “You might want to put some clothes on first,” suggested Michael.

  Lizzy snickered, disapproving of that suggestion.

  Charlie looked down at himself having completely forgotten he’d been standing there in his boxers. “Clothes first, then coffee and talk.”

  Michael, already knowing the story, went ahead and left the room to call Mack. The sheriff was shocked and disappointed to hear that it was Anthony and Eva Jordan behind the problems they’d been having all summer.

  “I liked that Eva. She seemed like a sweet enough girl, when her father was missing at least.”

  “I guess even evil daughters love their fathers,” he retorted dryly. “None of us picked up on it. That’s not entirely true,” he said, disagreeing with his own statement. “When Charlie first met Eva he knew something was off. I blamed it on his wolfy paranoia. Turns out he wasn’t. There were other signs, ones that make perfect sense now, of course.”

  “Not your fault, Michael,” maintained the sheriff.

  “Doesn’t matter now,” he sighed. “I would consider both Eva and the Feyks armed and dangerous at this point though. We don’t know what they’ll do, but this could get really ugly.”

  “I’m assuming you guys are in planning mode?”

  “Full on. We’ll contact you once we figure out anything of importance.”

  “All-righty-then,” Mack returned. “You guys stay safe. I’ll call ya if anything exciting happens.”

  There had been other signs, recalled Michael as he hung up with Mack. Signs that Eva could not be trusted. He couldn’t get a stable read on her. And there was that one time when he did, after catching her and Charlie going at it in the storage room, and she’d somehow just shut it down, like she’d thrown up a wall of some kind.


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