Wicked Good Witches- Complete Series Bundle

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Wicked Good Witches- Complete Series Bundle Page 185

by Ruby Raine

  William bowed his head. "I'd be honored, my dearest Emily."

  Michael caught his sister with a sinister gleam in her eye and raised his own brow in question. She merely winked and clapped her hands together in excitement. Clearly, Melinda had something up her sleeve.

  She danced over to him. "We are witches, aren't we?" she winked. "I think we can do better than a brash sunny, sandy beach."

  She was right, of course.

  Melinda had Michael use magic to put up a magical barrier to hide their little group from the outside world. And with a few spells cast, Melinda dimmed the sunlight pouring down over them replacing it with twinkling lights that glowed like the happiness in Emily's and Michael's eyes.

  Mack fidgeted nervously until Melinda took out her cell phone and pressed play and Pachelbel's Cannon began to play. William held out his arm and Emily slipped her arm through his, walking the few steps to Mack, who beamed as she began.

  The ceremony was quick, but perfect. The two lovers expressing unplanned vows to love and cherish each other for the rest of their days and never allow fear to tear them apart ever again. No one present had any reason to deny the pairing, of course, and merely chuckled when Mack haughtily added it in, seeing as she was obligated to, legally speaking...

  Melinda caught William's gaze more than once and was caught off guard when she saw desire there, rather than fear of a possible future together. It was unnerving and exciting and entering a whole new world of what if's and a holy hell, we're really going to go for it. But she was ready. Heck, though, they hadn't even gone on a real date yet. Soon, she hoped. If life calmed down enough for them to even discuss it.

  And minutes later, Mack smiled wide and announced to the world, "You may kiss the bride," and their small but mighty wedding party erupted in joyous cries and tears.

  Michael wanted to capture Emily in this moment forever. A perfectly contented and happy place. Not only because it was so perfect, but because he was aware of what was coming next and it would bring them both to a painful place. It was truly odd to feel so much love and so much pain all at once. Love really did hurt like hell, but it was the best kind of pain.

  Emily had no words, her heart pounding and her emotions in overdrive. How was it possible to so be equally happy and filled with dread all at the same time? She'd gotten everything she'd ever wanted in marrying Michael Howard. But now she'd need to say goodbye to her mother. A mother she'd gotten the chance to reconnect with, who basically got to return from the dead and be with her daughter to see this happy moment.

  Emily did her best to focus on this. The precious gifts she'd gotten because of this supernatural world. Gifts few others were lucky enough to get.

  The magical barrier gave way, the glittering orbs of dancing lights faded, and the outside world slammed into them with the harsh reality of the moment to come. The sun had faded some, hidden by incoming clouds, similar to the clouds Emily was struggling not to let cover the happiness in her heart.

  Everyone left Emily and Michael alone with Lily in Lucy's body, and Michael stepped a few feet away to give Emily and Lily a final, quiet moment together as mother and daughter.

  "I can't think of a single thing more that could make a mother happier or prouder," Lily told her daughter, holding her in a deep embrace.

  Emily nodded, unable to speak through the tears.

  "I've finished what I stayed behind to do and fixed the wrongs I hadn't yet righted in my life. I've taught you all I can. I've seen you become a happy and fulfilled woman with a special life ahead of her. It's all a mother could ever ask for."

  "Mom...I love you so much, I don't want you to go."

  "I know, my precious baby girl. And in some ways, I'll never be ready to leave you. But your father is waiting for me. And I am dying to see him," she joked badly.

  "Oh, mom. Not even remotely funny," she half-laughed and half-cried. A weak smile crept across Emily's desperate features. "I got more than most people get, but I guess I can never be ready to say goodbye."

  "It's only goodbye for now. And I'll always be right here." She pointed to her daughter's heart. "It's not the same. But life isn't meant to go on forever, even for us supernaturals."

  Emily smiled tiredly and let go of her mother, shaking herself trying to collect her sanity and control. Michael slid up behind her and wrapped his hands around her waist, so she'd know he would catch her and not let her fall.

  "Have a blessed life," she told them both.

  And with those words, she released her sister Lucy for the last time, Lily's spirit reforming next to her twin. She blew her a farewell kiss mouthing the words, I love you, Little Lucy, using her twin's nickname for the last time. Thank you.

  Two words that held so much meaning.

  Thank you for helping me, for helping my daughter. For not turning your back on us when I deserved nothing less. Thank you for being the best sister. And thank you for being in Emily's life.

  Lucy shed a tear and blew a kiss back at her.

  "Rest well, my love. I'll see you when I see you."

  Lily's ghostly form floated toward the opening doorway still sitting on the sandy beach like it had always been there. Emily gripped Michael's embracing arms like her life depended on it. The door opened, and a second ghostly form appeared—Emily's father. Lily's husband—who'd been waiting for her. He cast a loving glance at Lucy, and over to his daughter.

  Their eyes held each other for a moment and that's when Michael sensed the change. Emily's grip relaxed, and a sense of peace slid into her soul. Her father grinned and held out his hand for his wife and she lovingly took hold and slid through the door, which closed gently and disappeared a moment later.


  EMILY CLOSED HER EYES and let her uneven breaths return to normal.

  Yes, it was heartbreaking. But today was also the happiest day of her life. And there was something about seeing her parents together, knowing that whatever awaited them in the afterlife, that it had to be good. Because her father was at peace. And so now was her mother.

  It was a good long while before Emily dared open her eyes and look at Michael or anyone else. But when she did, she was surprised it was only her and Michael on the beach and Mack and Lucy were off in the distance. William and Melinda must have headed home, she assumed, to give them some time alone to process it all.

  "It's a stupid question, I realize," started Michael, "but are you okay? I know what I sense, but—" She cut him off with a gentle kiss.

  "I'm perfect. I'm exactly where I should be."

  He leaned his forehead against hers. "Well then, Mrs. Emily Morgan-Howard..." he trailed off and caught her gaze as her quick intake of breath brought her back to the reality that they'd gotten married.

  "I really like the sound of that. Say it again." So he did, repeatedly, between kisses, until they were laughing and smiling and ready to get off the beach and seclude themselves somewhere. For days if they were lucky.

  They made their way to the edge of the beach and met up with Mack and Lucy, who looked sad as well, but at peace too. Emily gave her aunt a quick hug, and then Mack, thanking her for marrying them.

  "I don't mind saying, now that it's over an all, well, that was my first wedding."

  They laughed at that.

  "You did great," Michael told her a minute later.

  "It was fun," Mack said with a wicked gleam in her eye. "I might need to start doing more of those."

  "It is nice to be this happy," Emily expressed. "I'll recommend you any time."

  "Well, the surprises aren't over yet," Lucy chimed in, her smile sad, but genuine.

  Emily's face fell. "Please don't tell me you're leaving too!" Her heart couldn't take anymore goodbyes today.

  "Oh, good lord no. Not today. I'll stick around for a bit yet."

  "Thank you," Emily replied heartily in relief.

  "Anyway," continued Mack. "William and Melinda skedaddled off to book you guys a little honeymoon celebration."

nbsp; "What?" said Emily.

  And a second later, as if fated timing, Michael's jeep pulled up and William and Melinda jumped out. A flash later, William had vampire sped his way through decorating the jeep with a just married sign amongst other loud and obnoxious things that would drag behind the vehicle.

  "And I'll record it on my phone so Charlie and Lizzy and everyone can see when they all get home," Melinda explained with a wide grin.

  "Your bags are packed," William announced.

  "Good to have a superfast vampire around," Melinda winked giddily. She raced forward and handed them a print out; a confirmation of booking for the next three nights at a B&B across the other side of the Isle.

  "Go," urged Mack. "Go now while the getting's good!"

  Michael and Emily had no words and simply grinned, ran for the jeep and tore off out of sight in seconds.

  "Ah, young love," Lucy lamented.

  "Don’t count us oldies out just yet," Mack snickered. "Why don't I give you a ride home," she aimed at Lucy. "You guys need a lift?" she asked William and Melinda.

  "Nah. All good." Melinda grabbed her vampire's hand. "Nice evening for a stroll."

  William got thoughtful, but let it slip away without saying anything.

  "What?" asked Mack, noticing.

  "I'd rather not jinx anything and keep my mouth shut."

  "Sounds good to me. Lucy? Shall we?" The patrol car pulled away from the beach leaving Melinda and William alone. But she got too curious about what he'd meant to say and stopped him.

  "What were you going to say?"

  William quirked a brow, but caved easily to Melinda's inquisitive simper.

  "I was thinking that these last few days are the longest we've gone without trouble stirring in too long. And that is—nice. To have a moment to do this."

  "Oh, man. You are asking for trouble—JINX!" she chimed loudly, as if it would really make any bit of difference in regard to supernatural trouble staying quiet a little longer. And the longer her gaze held the vampire's, more questions arose. None they had any answers to tonight. But the longing for their own happy ending was at the forefront of both their thoughts.

  But for tonight, they'd bask in the happiness of Michael and Emily. And Lizzy and Charlie. And in the fact that in the mix of all the chaos of their lives there was also so much love and many new beginnings happening. It gave them hope, and hope made the fight worth every ounce of pain they each suffered to get here. Which in turn gave William and Melinda hope that their own happily ever after might find its way to them, in time.

  "How about for tonight," started Melinda with a humored smile, "we get home and save poor Courtney from Annie's watchful gaze?"

  William let out a chuckle. The pair were constantly getting on each other's nerves.

  But for a moment, even if that's all it lasted, all was right with the world.

  And they'd appreciate every precious moment they were given so when the time came that it might suddenly be there last, they'd know they lived every single minute to its fullest.


  THE SUN SET, THE CARPENTERS vacated the property, and Josh said his farewell for the night—he'd be back in the morning to perform a final inspection in the daylight to make sure nothing got missed during the cleanup.

  The point—the Howards finally had their home back to themselves. Well, Melinda, along with three relieved vampires and four just waking up gargoyles who'd been forced into the safety of the shadows this last week.

  Melinda plunked down on a sofa, letting out a pleasant moan. She leaned forward and poured a glass of wine from the bottle she'd brought with her.

  Courtney, Annie, and William sipped on warmed blood, freely, rather than having to do it on the sly to make sure they weren't found out.

  Even the gargoyle, Finn, was having a grand old time getting comfy on the floor near Melinda, at ease that all the strangers had finally left the premises and witchy business could continue as normal. She was ready to move forward with her own plans, to find some way to make William human again, and was gathering ideas to pass by Mathew when he returned. She hoped it would be soon, but they had no idea how long he and the others would be with the Guardians.

  But for tonight they were thrilled to simply bask in the peace and quiet.

  Until too soon later they were startled by the shadow of lights pulling into the driveway and Finn bounding out of a quick snooze, honking out a chilling warning that ended their revelry.

  "Apparently, I didn't yell JINX loud enough," grumbled Melinda.

  Who'd be arriving so late? They weren't expecting anyone...

  William was the first to flash out of the room and investigate, followed by Annie and Courtney. Melinda grumbled through the sleepy glass of wine fog all the way to the front of the house.

  "Who's the witch here, anyway? Stupid vampire speed." But she froze once she'd stepped onto the front porch, her mouth dangling open like it didn’t remember how to shut. William and Annie were battling a snarling Courtney from attacking someone.

  So much for peace and quiet and chaos staying away a little longer.

  First surprise, Charlie and Lizzy were home.

  Second surprise, it was Mack who'd given them a ride home from the docks.

  Third and craziest surprise ever—they'd brought a tied up and feisty prisoner with them.


  Sir Tinkham Sickereaux.

  The bastard leader of the Feyk.

  Out of sheer need to control the situation before things went haywire, William released Courtney and dashed over to the bastard Feyk and vampire-knocked him upside the head. He slunk to the ground a slithery pile of unconscious skin and bones.

  "Bet that felt good," Melinda mumbled under her breath. William's sharp eyes flitted back to her confirming just how damn good it felt. Probably would have been better had he removed the bastard's head completely.

  But the main question of the night: why the hell was Stricker here, and their prisoner?

  Courtney finally surrendered, insisting she was fine and stopped fighting.

  "Welcome home?" William aimed at Charlie and Lizzy, many questions weighting his greeting.

  "We thought we'd make a grand entrance," Lizzy retorted with a fake and annoyed smile.

  "Oh, you wanted grand?" joked Mack. "I shoulda turned on my lights and siren." She rolled her eyes and winked mischievously.

  "How is it he didn't just pop out?" Melinda questioned. Typically, it was impossible to ensnare a Feyk because of their ability to dematerialize.

  "Let's just say he lost that ability when he lost leadership of the Feyk."

  "What?" a few voices called out at once.

  "How about we get the bastard locked up tight," decided Charlie. "Then I'll explain what happened. I hate to do it, but we're going to need a family meeting, asap."

  Melinda cleared her throat and approached with a wary smile.

  "This is all you've got tonight." She shrugged, waving around at the few of them standing around. Charlie and Lizzy passed a questioning gaze between them as William dragged the unconscious Stricker into the mansion and down into the basement cell, locking him inside.

  Melinda quickly explained that Mathew and the others were gone, visiting the Guardians. That the carpenters had just vacated the premises after getting the mansion repaired. And that Michael and Emily were busy and unless the world was literally about to end, she would not be calling them home.

  "Well, I get they might be busy, but this is pretty damn important—" Charlie started to argue but Melinda stopped him with a tired smile.

  "It's a long story, but Michael and Emily got married. Today. Hours ago. So they are that kind of busy..." and if anyone understood, it was Charlie and Lizzy. Who squealed in delight while Charlie opened his mouth to respond.

  But in true Charlie fashion only grunts and incoherent words formed for a solid thirty seconds before he finally got out, "Jesus. About fucking time."

  Lizzy grinned. "I want
to hear all the juicy details."

  "And you will," promised Melinda.

  Charlie let the news soak in. He was disappointed they'd missed it and yet understood perfectly. He smiled at his mate.

  "Sometimes you have to seize the moment," she said.

  "Or the moment seizes you," he teased back in loving memory of how she'd bitten him in his sleep without his knowledge.

  "Better to act and ask forgiveness after," she reminded all too innocently. "Oh, and update. Not pregnant yet! Not for the lack of trying." She winked at her mate who merely shook his head and would decide her punishment later for the too much information share. Which is exactly what she expected.

  Melinda chuckled. "It's been one week, guys. And seriously, so don't need to hear about it. Only want to know when I'm going to be an auntie."

  "And not to dissuade your efforts," added William with a humored smile as he reappeared by her side, "but why is Stricker here?"

  Mack raised her hands that she was out before they got into the nitty gritty of it all. "You all keep me posted with what you figure out. I'll see ya tomorrow. I've got my own feisty crumpet warming up my dang bed." She winked and pulled off leaving Charlie and Lizzy befuddled.

  "How long were we gone?" he muttered. Funny how a week could turn a world upside down.

  "Maybe we should go back to the boat?" Lizzy suggested. "Maybe we came home to the wrong dimension or something? Is there a Demon Isle Triangle?"

  "Oh my God," mumbled Melinda. "It's all real. I'll catch you up." She motioned for everyone to follow her inside and they got as cozy as possible in the kitchen while Melinda put on some coffee. She hurriedly regaled them with everything that had happened since they'd left on the boat and when finished, pinned a gaze on Charlie that ordered, your turn.

  "Okay. Well. It's actually not all that exciting. Lizzy and I were heading inland. We docked the boat and were cleaning up and gathering up our stuff. I was minutes from calling for a ride home when Mack swung by and saw us. She was on her way home and offered to drop us off."


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