The Medici Queen

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The Medici Queen Page 22

by Emily Bex

  She pulled on a sundress and stepped into a pair of sandals, and tiptoed from the room, closing the door quietly behind her. As Kate was walking down the stairs, she encountered Theresa on her way up, carrying a basket of clean laundry.

  "My lady? Are you all right?"

  "I am, Theresa. I woke early. I think I heard Aegis howl."

  "Yes, my lady, she appears restless today. We’ve all seen her close to the house, occasionally with her mate as well."

  Kate scrunched up her forehead. "Interesting, I wonder what she's up to."

  Kate continued down the stairs and out of habit, wandered into the kitchen where she found Gi and Reynaldo talking. She climbed onto a stool at the kitchen counter and looked at Reynaldo. "I don't suppose you guys came up with a vampire version of coffee."

  Reynaldo laughed. "No, my lady, only the Midnight."

  Gi looked at her with concern. "Why are you awake, my lady? There are several hours until sunset."

  Kate shrugged. "I heard Aegis. She woke me and then I couldn't fall back asleep. Shade says he thinks I wake up early sometimes because I'm new, and I need to feed more frequently. Whatever the reason, I may as well take advantage of it."

  Kate left the kitchen and was about to walk to Luca's suite when she heard the scratching sound of paws against the back door, and Aegis' faint whimper. Was she hurt? Maybe Aegis was hurt and needed her. Kate changed direction and walked toward the back of the house. Without thinking, she reached out and grabbed the door knob, twisting the handle, pulling the door open as the sunlight filled the room. Aegis pranced on the other side of the door, excited to see her.

  Kate stepped outside into the bright summer sun and the wolf jumped up against her, almost knocking her off her feet. Kate laughed and rubbed the wolf's head. "What is it, girl? What has you so worked up today?"

  Shade felt her leaving the comfort of his arms, then heard her exit the room, but he didn’t wake. He slid back into his deep death slumber, knowing Luca would be with her if she needed anything.

  Luca felt her as she opened the door, his hand stopped mid-stroke against the canvas. He dropped the brush as he teleported to her. "Kate, no!"

  Suddenly, Shade felt danger as Luca’s stress slammed into him. He heard Luca scream a warning and Shade sat bolt upright, naked, and teleported to where she stood outside, instantly exposing his bare skin to the sun's intense heat. Falling to the ground, he could feel the pain building.

  Luca had just gotten to Kate when Shade appeared.

  "Bel, inside! Go inside!"

  Shade couldn’t see her clearly as the sunlight was blinding to his eyes. He stretched his hand out to her, crawling and feeling for her and felt a hand on his shoulder as he screamed in agony. The sun was beating down on his skin as it sizzled and burned, turning to a dark charcoal color. He couldn’t survive in the direct sunlight for long, but his only thought was to get Kate inside. She was a newborn with no tolerance, and her lily-white skin would fry instantly.

  Luca watched as Shade's skin reacted to the rays of the sun. Luca looked in confusion as Kate turned to them both, her skin untouched. Kate and Luca both made a grab for him, dragging him back inside the house. Luca kicked the door closed behind them, sealing out all light. Kate was in a panic, looking at the scorched burnt skin that covered most of Shade’s body.

  "Lover! Tell me what to do. Feed from me now."

  Gi and Theresa came running with towels that had been soaked in cold water and started laying them on his body as he lay stretched out nude on the floor. Reynaldo was filling a large tub of cold water and carrying it to his side so they could wring out the towels and dunk them again into the cold water. Luca found a pair of sunglasses and placed them over his eyes, as Shade writhed in pain.

  Kate could feel the pain he felt, and kept looking at her own pale white skin, unmarked in anyway. They could hear the warriors respond, as they all moved closer to the house, encircling it, standing guard, sensing their master’s vulnerability.

  Kate bent over him. "Lover, feed. I know you’re in pain, but you must feed. It’ll help you heal." She pulled her hair back from her neck as she bent over him, placing her throat at his now blistered lips.

  Shade could smell the burning of his flesh. He felt her near as his fangs punched through, and the skin on his lips cracked as he blindly sought out her neck, sinking his fangs into her soft flesh. Her life blood flowed down his parched aching throat, her blood restoring him. His body convulsed and lurched as he took more, letting her blood seep deep into him, feeling its healing power in every vein, and he kept drinking.

  "Feed, Shade. Heal for me. I’ll not leave you."

  Outside the door, Kate could hear Aegis, scratching, and pacing, agitated now and responding to Kate's own fear and panic. She felt them all gathering, Night Stalker and Riparo, and the falcon, Danica. And others. She felt the nameless others surrounding the house to protect her because he was weak. Shade continued to drink from her, drawing in her blood, healing him from the inside out.

  Luca knelt beside him. "Master, Kate is fine. She’s unharmed.”

  Theresa and Gi continued to switch out the towels, removing them as soon as they warmed up and replacing them with cold, wet towels. Kate remained leaning over him, her face close to his as she spoke to him. "Lover, I'm here, I'm fine!"

  Shade broke away from feeding, as he tried to make sense of it. She was a day-walker? Not possible, she had the gift of animalism. He began to feel the healing, the cells replenishing and renewing as he shed the blackened ash of his burnt skin. He sat up slowly, blinking his eyes as he felt them adjust and focus. Reaching up, he removed the sunglasses and clutched her to his chest.

  She clung to him. "What were you thinking? Why did you chase me into the sun?"

  Shade looked at her with astonishment. "Why did you go out in the sun, Kate? Why the fuck would you do that?" His eyes scanned her body. "Are you hurt? Let me look at you."

  Luca remained at his side. "Master, I don't understand it, but she’s a day-walker, like us. She bears no sign of the sun on her skin."

  Kate looked again at her own skin, and then looked at Luca. "I felt no pain. It felt good, in fact. It felt good to feel the sun on my face."

  Luca nodded at her. "I could see that as soon as I got to the door, but master flew past me. He felt my panic for you. Kate, no vampire has two gifts. None. There’d be no reason for us to even look for this as your gift since the animalism already presented. Maybe when master is healed, he can shed some light on this, but right now, I’m going to get him up to bed."

  Luca gently lifted Shade's body from the floor, still covered in the wet towels, and carried him up the stairs and into their bedroom, laying him on the bed as Kate followed at his side. Luca directed her. “Stay with him. There are still a few hours until sundown. He can fall back into his death slumber, and when he awakes, let him feed again, immediately. Lie next to him."

  Theresa followed them into the room as Kate kicked off her sandals and climbed into bed beside him. Theresa carried a jar of salve. She opened it and together, Kate and Theresa spread the soothing balm on his skin.

  As the balm worked its magic, Shade could feel himself being pulled back into sleep, his body knowing he needed to heal and rest. Day-walker, day-walker, day-walker, the words repeated over and over in his head, as he slipped into the deep comforting blackness.

  She watched as the slumber took him, pulled him down into that deep sleep. Day-walker. It all made sense to her now. She’d never felt that pull into the death slumber. She’d watched him now for a year as she slept beside him, and watched how it grabbed him, pulled him under. After the turning, she’d waited for that feeling but it never came. She often woke before him, or lay awake beside him, and they both thought it was because she was new. She remembered her turning, that moment when she was falling back into the chamber, when she fell through the bright light, and the moment in the beginning of her turning when she felt the wolf crawl inside her. She had thought after
ward, the wolf was her beast, but were they her gifts? Animalism and day-walker? Luca said no one had two gifts.

  She lay down beside him but didn’t drape her arm and leg over him, letting the salve, and his rest work their magic. She’d lie next to him until he woke, so he could feed. Her senses told her his warriors still encircled the house, and her brigade of animals stood guard, and she knew none of them would move until he was healed.


  Shade could feel his body surfacing toward consciousness. He moved slowly and felt no pain. His body still felt stiff and he could smell the stench of the salve. Between the death slumber, the salve, and bel’s blood, he was feeling better. He lay on his stomach and stayed there, not moving until he was totally awake. He listened to the electronic whir of the blinds rolling up and could hear bel's soft breathing beside him.

  He knew she wasn’t asleep as he lay still beside her. He moved his hand across the bed and felt her crimson silk and his beast rose quickly, wanting more, an ache that was the final step in his healing. More of her blood, and he would be 100%, but he pushed the desire down hard. He didn’t want to frighten her. "I love you, bel rosso."

  Kate reached out, pushing those dark curls back from his face, those ice blue eyes peering out at her. His skin was flawless and bore no scars from the burns.

  “Shade, you scared me so. You must feed again. Luca said for you to feed as soon as you came out of your death slumber." She cuddled next to him, pulling her hair back, exposing her neck.

  He snuggled into her neck and moaned. "I need you, I need you so much." Sinking his fangs into her neck, he drew her life blood into his system. Its affect was immediate, the taste uniquely hers, and he felt his strength return slowly, his body coming alive, recharged and renewed by her love and the life she graciously gave to him. Retracting his fangs, he lovingly licked the wounds and kissed her neck.

  "I never meant to scare you. I feared you would die in the sun. Please tell me you are fine. Why did you go out there?"

  Kate lay beside him, stroking his cheek as he spoke. "I heard Aegis. She woke me. I felt awake, so I went downstairs. She kept scratching at the door, so I went outside. I didn't even think about it. It was just habit. I never even thought about the sun. And then, when I went outside, the sun felt glorious on my skin, just as it did when I was mortal...only more. I had barely stepped outside when Luca was there and then you ran past him to get to me."

  Shade moaned. "Bel, you need to think before you act. I could have lost you!" Pulling her close, he rolled onto his back and sighed as the pain was long gone and dragged her to his chest.

  Gliding his hands through her hair, all he could think about was she was alive. "Day-walker. So, what do you think of this?"

  "I don't know. Luca said no vampire has two gifts. I don’t understand it myself. If I had opened the door and felt pain, I would’ve closed it right away. Do you feel stronger? Why don't you come with me to the shower, I’ll wash away that salve."

  "Si, and call Theresa as well, get these bed clothes changed.” He slid from the bed as she followed him into the bathroom. “My skin is healed, but I will still need to rest, mi amore. The healing takes much energy.” He looked at her quizzically. “I have never heard of any immortal having two gifts before. You seem to have some very rare attributes, bel. I will contact Council. They need to know of this, they will need to record it, for our history and for the bambinos to follow. It is vital in royal bloodlines."

  He led her into the rain forest shower. "Let us wash away this episode, and relish in our love for each other, si?"

  Kate stood with him under the water as she lathered him from head to toe, making him stand still as she applied a different kind of torture to his skin. Sliding her hands across him, washing away the salve and its strong odor, she could smell his own scent return. He pushed his hair back from his face, letting the water cleanse him, as her hands worked their magic.

  He felt his hair had been singed. "My hair feels burnt. Can you wash it for me? Then trim it up, cut off the ends?"

  "Lover, I’ll gladly trim your hair after our shower. I’ll make sure everything works as it should...everything." She slid her soapy hand between his legs and felt his cock as it throbbed and expanded in her grasp. "See? Still working."

  Shade grinned. "Are you absolutely sure it works, without a doubt? I think you should test it further."

  "You know, you’re right. We shouldn't make snap judgments."

  She slithered down his body and went to her knees in front of him, sliding his erection into her mouth, running her hands over the tight muscles of his ass, and gripping him tightly, pulling his hips forward, as she took him deep into her throat.

  Hanging his head, his hair dripped over his face, the water streaming down his back. He stood spread legged like the warrior he was, with his woman on her knees in front of him, her mouth wrapped around his cock. Sinking his hands into her hair, he began to move her head back and forth, fucking her mouth slowly, controlling her movements and feeling her tongue work magic on his cock. He threw back his head, growling. Her hands massaged his balls and his breathing became ragged, as his eyes rolled back in his head.

  Kate purred deep in her throat, knowing he felt the vibrations on his dick as she increased the pace of her thrusts, rolling her tongue over its bulging head. She felt his grip on her hair tighten as she brought him close and felt the weight of his balls in her hand as she massaged, feeling them tighten. With her free hand, she gripped his ass, sinking her nails in, pulling him closer, until she heard him growl and felt him thrust hard into her mouth, releasing into her.

  He dropped to his knees and kissed her deeply and passionately. Speaking through his ragged breaths, he whispered, "I think it works."

  Kate giggled at him. "Yes, I'd say everything is in perfect working order. Now, let's get you dried off, and I’ll trim your hair."


  As she toweled him off, she snapped his ass with the towel and took off out of the bathroom. Shade gave chase, quickly catching her in his arms, kissing her soundly and giving her own naked ass a sound slap that made her squirm.

  As they both settled down, he sat by the window, and his beautiful bel trimmed the singed edges from his curly raven locks. He remembered a scene from long ago. His madre and padre in the same pose, his madre cutting his padre’s hair. He only hoped his eyes reflected the same love, as his father’s did that long ago night when he was so young.


  Kate finished trimming his hair, still damp from the shower, then ran both hands through his long locks, tossing his curls, letting them fall naturally. They both got dressed and headed downstairs. "How are you feeling? Are you working in the warrior camp today?"

  "I think I still feel out of sorts. I may go briefly to make sure things are lined up, but I will not stay. Is there something you want to do?”

  "Nothing special. If you were busy, I was going to the stables."

  As they reached the bottom of the stairs, Gi and Luca both appeared to check on Shade. Luca eyed him carefully. "Master, are you okay? Your skin looks healed. How are you feeling?"

  Shade held out his hands. "I am fine, everyone needs to settle down. It was a scare, but I am fine. Healed, fed, and feeling good. Have all the warriors gone to their posts? If not, get them moving."

  Luca told him not to worry. He’d take care of it and left to find Marcello.

  Gi stepped forward. “My lady, the wolf has stayed at the door ever since master was burned."

  Kate smiled at him. "Yes, I could feel them surround the house when he was hurt."

  Gi nodded, "As master slept and healed, the others left, but the wolf remained. She still scratches at the door from time to time."

  Kate looked puzzled. "Aegis is the reason I woke up the first time. The reason I opened the door. Is she still there?"

  Gi nodded. "Si, my lady."

  Kate grabbed Shade by the hand. “Want to come with me? I'm going to see what she wants."

  "Oh si, I want to know what the hell made this wolf draw you outside. That sounds more like an enemy trick than a protector. That worries me, mi amore. You went straight to her without checking your surroundings. We don’t fully understand this gift. You must be more aware before responding to the animals. But let us go find out what the hell she wants before she destroys our back door."

  Kate thought about what he’d said. "Maybe Aegis already knew I’d be safe. Maybe she sensed I was a day-walker. I don’t think she’d have tried to draw me outside otherwise. At any rate, I opened the door to the daylight out of habit. I might have done the same even without knowing she was on the other side."

  As they approached the door, they could both hear the wolf scratching. Kate opened the door and the wolf jumped about, inviting her out to play. Kate followed her into the yard. "I seriously hope all this commotion was not about you looking for someone to romp with, Aegis."

  Kate dropped down on her knees and sat on the ground, the wolf crawling into her lap. Kate got quiet, as the wolf was clearly communicating something to her. She stroked her fur and listened.

  Shade stood over her. "Aegis and I are going to be at odds if she drew you out into the sunlight and my ass got charcoaled just because she wanted to play. So, spit it out Aegis, or you will deal with me."

  "She’s going to have pups! She’s pregnant with a litter of pups. That’s what she wanted to tell me."

  Kate nuzzled her face into the wolf’s thick grey coat. "Good girl, Aegis. Night Stalker must be so proud!"

  Shade looked down at the wolf that was staring lovingly at Kate. "Pups? Meaning you will have even more creatures following you around?" He shook his head and ran his hand gently over Aegis's head and scratched behind her ears. "Well, Aegis beat us to the punch, mi amore."

  Kate laughed but then turned silent, listening once again. "She says no...."

  "No? Wait, what is she saying, Kate?"

  Kate looked up at him with surprise. "Lover, she says we’re having a pup too. A baby."


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