The Medici Queen

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The Medici Queen Page 26

by Emily Bex

  Shade could hear Luca on his phone right outside the office. "Luca, is your female available? I need to get the warriors ready. Does one hour work for you?"

  Luca stepped back inside the door as he slipped the phone in his pocket. "She'll be ready when I get there. I can leave now, and I'll be back quickly."

  Shade grinned at him. "Good job, get your ass to your female and get back here in an hour. That gives you some time."

  Kate slid off the desk to the floor. “What do you need me to do? I can gather the house staff while you get the warriors."

  "Si, mi amore. Do not tell them our news yet." Standing from his chair, he put his finger to her lips, then leaned down and kissed her softly. "Have Gi break out a good dozen bottles of Midnight, glasses as well. I want Theresa and Reynaldo here, Angelo too. I will let Marcello know to have the warriors who are off duty to come in. Some are on duty and need to remain so."

  He pulled her to his chest. "Ti amo, mi amore. My heart can’t take all this happiness. I am not used to being happy and fulfilled. It feels good to love and be loved. Our figlio, he is inside you."

  Kate allowed herself to be gathered up in his arms, held tight against his chest. As she felt what he felt, it made her heart overflow. This time, it would be perfect. "Our son."

  She slipped from his grasp and went in search of the staff, finding Reynaldo in the kitchen. "Reynaldo, could you join us for a family meeting in the living room, please? Do you know where Gi is?"

  Reynaldo looked up. A family meeting? They’d never had a family meeting before. "My lady, I believe he went to the wine cellar."

  “Perfect,” she responded. Kate headed to the stairs and called down to him, asking him to bring up as many bottles of Midnight as he could carry. She found Theresa upstairs doing laundry and asked that she join them all in the living room. Once the staff was gathered, Kate paced. "You'll have to wait for Shade. He's gathering the warriors."

  Shade quickly got Marcello to gather Raven, Cory, Skelk, Fiamma, and some of the other warriors who were not on duty. Angelo joined them from the stables. Hyde was out with Rissa, but he’d hear the news soon enough. As they all came into the house, there was a lot of noise and chatter, and he found Gi confused but opening bottles of Midnight.

  "No drinks until we all gather, Gi. Need to find my woman."

  Shade knew exactly where she was and found her in the bedroom, changing her clothes. "My queen, your subjects have gathered downstairs, we must make our appearance. Luca and Shannon should soon be here. Damn, I am a bit nervous."

  “There’s no reason to be nervous. This baby is eager to be here. I feel him more strongly every day. He says he’s Medici warrior and he has much to do." Kate laughed. “Come with me downstairs. I think I can hear Shannon's laughter. I’d recognize that laugh anywhere.”

  Taking her hand, they went down the stairs together, confronting the throng of people. The nervous chatter was deafening, but as they entered the room everyone stopped and turned to them. Shade could tell everyone was anxious, calling them all to the house was unusual and he only hoped this was the first of many gatherings of this nature.

  "Quiet down please. Gi, will you please pass out the glasses of Midnight? Everyone make sure you have a glass. Kate and I have an announcement to make."

  Theresa made eye contact with Kate, and her eyes got as big as saucers, figuring out what this announcement was all about. Gi was pouring wine in everyone's glass, and Theresa jumped in and started helping him, knowing her master wouldn’t speak until every glass was full.

  Shannon looked to Luca, who just shrugged and said in a soft whisper, "You can be sure he’s not about to toast her driving skills." Shannon gave him a quizzical look and Luca chuckled. As all the glasses were filled, every face in the room turned back to them.

  Shade stood proudly among his family. "I know you are quite puzzled as to why I have called this meeting inside the main house. But this is where those I love are most welcomed. I want our home to be open to everyone. It is where love abounds and where we welcome new members to the fold. Tonight, I share with you the newest member to our familia... our son. Your queen will bring into the world the heir to Medici. Raise your glasses in a toast to our queen, my son, and Medici!"

  As everyone cheered, they raised their glasses and drank, and then the chaos of noise truly began.

  Shannon broke away from Luca and ran to Kate, wrapping her in a bear hug. "Are you kidding me? That didn't take long. I’m so happy for you!"

  Kate laughed with her as she saw Theresa across the room beaming at her. They both knew this was a baby they would hold in their arms. The warriors surrounded Shade, slapping him on the back, fist bumping, chest bumping and Kate giggled. All that male energy and pride, like making babies was somehow as manly as fighting battles. She saw Cory standing quietly off to the side, drinking the Midnight, and watching the celebration, a melancholy look on his face. As the crowd broke up and the warriors sought out more Midnight, Cory slowly approached Shade. "Congratulations, master."

  "Thank you, Cory. It is great pride I hold for my coming son. He will be my legacy. Medici has waited a long time for an heir. It only makes our coven stronger. Drink up!"

  Cory took a small sip of the Midnight. "I can see your pride, master. It just makes me wonder about my own father. I never knew him, and he never even knew about me. Never knew I existed. I often wonder if he’d have been proud of me. I know my mother wasn't happy, and I didn't make things any easier. I'm sorry. This isn’t the time to bring up such things. This is a celebration. I’ve just never been in a family before, where there was a new baby."

  Shade put his arm around Cory's shoulder. "This is the perfect time to bring it up. Do you see all the male warriors in this room? All of them, I call my brothers. I have known most of them since they were about ten years of age. I don’t know what your father would have thought of you, Cory. It may have made a huge difference in your life, had you known, depending on the vampire. But beyond all of that, there is something you truly need to know, you are part of my family now. You are like a son to me. I am proud of you, your accomplishments. You gave me a one-hundred and ten percent turn around in your behavior. It shows me you wanted to make your life better. Being in a family means you support, love, and cherish each other in good and bad times. That is what Medici is all about. A new bambino means we have more to love and cherish and care about. Just like when you came to my family. Never feel that you cannot come to me. I am here, always. Anything you need or want, or just to talk to me. I am available, not unapproachable. This is different than the life you knew, it is hard work, but we love just as hard. Have you contacted your mother to tell her you are back in the States?"

  Kate listened to him as he spoke to Cory and she turned her head away to hide the tears. This man worried about being a father? She wiped the tears away as Cory told him no, he hadn’t told his mom he was back yet. Cory looked at Shade with such devotion, just like his warriors.

  "I’d planned to tell her I was back, but everything happened so fast, and I was busy getting my new shop set up. I was wondering if it would be okay with you, if I invited her to Virginia for a visit. She doesn't have to come if it’s not convenient.”

  "Of course, you can invite her. I see no reason not to. Listen, here is what we will do. Talk to your mother and arrange when it is best for her to come for a visit. She can reside here in the main house as our guest. I will pay for her airfare."

  Shade held up his hand as he saw Cory ready to protest. "No argument. You don’t have to tell her where the funds came from, Cory, it’s paid for. That’s all she needs to know. I will make the arrangements for flight once we get a date settled. She will have to fly into Charlottesville via commuter from D.C. So that leaves us with one problem. I will need you to pick her up. Someone mentioned to me a bit earlier about a truck. Tomorrow night, you and Marcello go into Charlottesville, pick out whatever new truck you want, it’s done. Drive it the hell back here, it’s yours. That wa
y you can pick up your mother from the airport and bring her to Bel Rosso. Cazzo! Do you know how to drive? Tell me you do!"

  Cory laughed. "Oh yeah, I know how to drive. I never owned my own vehicle before, though." He gave Shade a surreptitious hug, feeling embarrassed at the display of affection.

  Shade grinned at him. Cory had led a miserable life and now, he had some goals, a purpose, and someplace he belonged. "You earned it. Now go get some more Midnight. Hell, let’s both get some more!"


  Hyde arrived early at the Canton residence. The morning air was cool, for this time of year, in D.C. as they moved into early summer. Adjusting his sports jacket, he wore a simple pair of khakis and a dress shirt. His attire would take him through her schedule for the day and he could change easily enough, if needed, before an evening event. But so far, her schedule reflected no formal events for tonight. With Rissa, he was never sure what she might throw at him at the last minute. After the encounter with Canton last night, he expected her to be a bit tamer.

  Hyde worried for her, with her unprovoked antagonism toward her own master. Canton had started out civil enough, simply stating the facts and reinforcing his expectations in a calm voice. Hyde had seen other master’s react much worse when their mate got out of line. Their vampire culture was a male dominated world. Females, unless they were warrior born, were subservient to the male. Rissa had a great deal of leeway in her immortal life, living as a mortal, if she only understood that.

  As Santos opened the door, Hyde walked into the foyer and stood waiting for his charge. “Please inform Rissa I’m here.”

  Santos nodded and headed up the stairs to inform Rissa of Hyde’s arrival. Hyde noticed that Canton had already left the house, his schedule on the Hill an early one today, whereas Rissa’s clientele didn’t get their asses out of bed until late morning.

  Rissa touched up her lipstick and was grabbing her sweater when Santos announced Hyde’s arrival from outside her door. “He can wait. I’ll be there soon enough, Santos.”

  She took one last glance at herself in the full-length mirror and was satisfied she looked one hundred percent professional. She grabbed her large purse and briefcase and headed down the stairs. She took note of Hyde’s attire, dressed for success. He looked handsome and nodded his good morning to her. “Good morning, Hyde. Thank you for being on time and for waiting.”

  She handed him the keys, purse, and briefcase as she smiled at him. “You can drive. I think the schedule I provided was thorough enough that you know when and where we’re expected to be.”

  Hyde took note of her demure behavior and that set off a few warning bells in his head. He knew Canton dressed her down and knocked the chip off her shoulder last night, but he didn’t expect it to last too long. Opening the front door for her, he held out his hand. “Your carriage waits.” He almost laughed as she rolled her big blue eyes at him and flung that blonde head of hair.

  “Of course, it does.” Rissa laughed and walked to the car as he opened the passenger side door. Rissa shook her head, “Back seat, please. I have some phone calls to make while you drive. It’ll be easier for me, not so distracting.”

  As he opened the rear door, she noticed he kept her on the right hand side of the car, so he could keep an eye on her in the rearview mirror. How convenient, and Rissa liked the idea of having eye contact with him. It would give her a chance to tantalize him without looking as if she was doing so. She may have to heed Alec’s warnings, but she was who she was, and she rather enjoyed flirting with him.

  As they took off toward downtown, Rissa pulled out her phone and checked her email. Shade had informed her that the horses had arrived, and she could come meet her new friend any time she chose. She looked at her calendar and decided tomorrow evening’s schedule would be easy to rearrange. This was a great way to start her morning! She looked up at Hyde and caught his eye. “Need to change my schedule for tomorrow evening. Seems as though my horse has arrived in White Hall. I’ll need you to take me there if Alec can’t escort me.”

  Hyde nodded as he maneuvered his way through traffic. “You’ll be fine at Bel Rosso. Nothing will bother you there. As Alec said, safest place to be, but I’ll escort you there and back, if Alec can’t be there. Those are Alec’s orders.”

  Rissa sighed and put her phone down, looking at him in the mirror. “He made that perfectly clear.”

  “Rissa, I know my job. I’ll take care of you and make sure nothing happens. So, relax, listen to what he tells you. You seem to enjoy provoking him, and that’s not a good thing. He wasn’t commanding, just making his point clear. I’ve seen many masters relating to their mates, Alec was simply warning you his way. Don’t be so negative. He gives you a wonderful life, you have your own business, and you basically do as you please. That’s very rare.”

  Rissa huffed from the back seat. “Hyde, to be blunt, it’s none of your business how we interact. Alec and I have an understanding.”

  Rissa stared out the window, not seeing anything, but she was remembering how she felt last night after Hyde left, facing Alec’s rage.

  “I sometimes take his words wrong. We’re so busy, we never have time together. I know he loves me. As I love him. So, I’m listening now, doing what he expects, being the good little fiancé of Senator Canton. This wedding has to be perfect. It will be seen worldwide. My gown is coming in next week. If he doesn’t approve, I have to start all over and I’m running out of time. I never seem to be able to please him.” Her voice had dropped to a low and needy whisper.

  Hyde looked back at her in the rearview mirror. “Then let’s start over. I’m not the enemy. Let’s work together and get you through all of your plans, without an episode. Take advantage of the horse and make it work for you. He gave it to you for relaxation and exercise, use it for that. I’ll make you a deal. Once you get your horse settled, and you get used to each other, I’ll ride with you sometimes.”

  Looking in the mirror, he saw her staring at him and he waited for some smart ass angry remark. But to his surprise, she smiled back at him. He nodded when she agreed. Maybe, with the right approach, Rissa could control some of the anger that ate away at her. Hyde knew that was all it was. She was lonely and insecure, and all the attention in the world would never make that go away. She was living proof of that. He knew one thing, no matter what happened, he’d never trust her. Pulling into the parking garage of her first appointment, he hoped their first full day was episode free.


  "Mi Amore?" Shade called out to her as he walked in the door. The camp was ready to roll, but he and bel had company coming tonight, and he wanted to make sure she knew to expect their arrival. The horses had finally arrived from Florence and Rissa and Alec were expected within the hour to see Rissa’s newest play toy. "Bel!"

  Kate heard him call as she was pulling on a pair of jeans, stepped into her sandals and ran down the stairs. "Right here. What's going on?"

  "Come, woman!" Shade held his arms open wide and watched as her smile lit up the room. She leapt up and straddled him, wrapping her legs around his waist, her arms tight around his neck. He kissed her deep and long, lingering after breaking the kiss, his mouth close to hers, his breath warm against her lips. "I needed that, my red-headed minx. Did you miss me? Lie if you have to, mi amore."

  Kate laughed. "I don't need to lie, I always miss you. Did you need me for something?"

  "Si. The horses I had shipped over from Florence, including a palomino named Biondo, have arrived. He is to be Rissa's horse. They are on their way here now, to see the horse. I was hoping you would come with me to meet them."

  "Well, if we're going to the stables, let me pull on a pair of boots." Kate released her hold on him and dropped to the floor, running upstairs for boots. “I can't wait to see the new horses. I guess I have to prepare myself for the fact Rissa will be coming here to ride."

  Shade yelled after her as she ran up the stairs. "Si, but I do not expect you will see her, she will teleport in, most li
kely during the day. Nothing to worry about."

  Shade was about to grab a quick Midnight when he heard Aegis howling. Cazzo! "They must be here. Bel, call off your warriors! Company is here."

  Kate kicked off her sandals and pulled on a pair of western-style boots and headed back down the stairs. She could hear the less than pleasant greeting her welcoming committee was giving to their guests. She headed outside to see Alec standing by his car, and Rissa still inside. Aegis and Night Stalker were both poised at the passenger side door. Kate realized the animals had recognized Alec from his previous visit, but Rissa was a new intruder to them. As Kate walked outside, she clapped her hands and called to them. The wolves both turned their attention to her and immediately moved in her direction.

  Alec looked at Kate with a frown. "I completely forgot about them. Is this going to be standard?"

  Kate reassured him, "I don't think so. They weren't interested in you. They only seemed interested in Rissa. Once they meet her and understand she’s not an enemy, it should be fine.”

  Rissa had been sitting immobilized in her seat as the two huge wolves circled their car with their teeth bared and growling at her through the car window. As the wolves retreated, she rolled down the window a crack. “Is it safe? Those animals look ferocious!"

  Alec chuckled as he walked to the passenger side door and opened it. "Don't worry, darling. They cornered me on my first visit." He reached in. "Come on, take my hand, get out and let them get your scent."

  Rissa looked at Alec with irritation. "My scent? I cannot possibly come riding here and go through this every time I want to ride." Taking Alec's hand, Rissa emerged from the car and stood perfectly still as the wolves paced at Kate’s feet. She looked at Kate with astonishment. "Seriously, Kate, wild dogs? Are they your pets?" Rissa saw Shade as he strolled outside with a smirk lighting up his face.

  Shade made his way to bel, his arms going around her waist. Cocking his head, he grinned at Rissa. "Buonasera. Problem, Rissa?"


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