The Medici Queen

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The Medici Queen Page 46

by Emily Bex

  He moved closer to her, looking closely at the paleness of her skin, its transparency making the blue veins visible beneath the surface. That was never a good sign.

  "My wedding? Oh, so this is my wedding now? Tell me you’ll at least be present."

  Alec brushed the hair back from her face, pale despite the make-up. "I’ll be the one standing at the end of the long aisle waiting for you. When was the last time you fed, Rissa?"

  Rissa looked away, trying to escape the intensity of his stare. She hated when he had to ask. He couldn’t remember, and it was a stab to her heart that he didn’t seem to care enough to recall, and made her almost beg for his attentions.

  "I don’t remember, Alec, why? I’m feeling fine, a bit tired, but nothing more. I should go take a long hot bath and then get some sleep. I have a lot to do tomorrow, and I hope I can find some time to ride later in the evening as well. I’ll leave you to your work, no need to worry."

  He gripped her wrist as she stood to leave and pulled her down into his lap.

  "I believe we’ve discussed this once before, my darling. You need to tell me if you’ve gone too long. I’m older. I can survive much longer between feedings."

  He loosened his tie and pulled it free from his neck, unbuttoned the top buttons of his dress shirt and exposed his neck. "Feed. It’s not a request."

  She couldn’t resist his scent or the closeness of him. Rissa snuggled into his neck, moaning softly. Sinking her fangs deep into his neck, that first hit of his blood made her head spin as his strength pumped through her, giving her an intensive high. Every part of her being screamed for him, ached for him, and wanted him. As she slid her hand around his neck, her body came alive, as she took more of his precious life's blood to sustain her.

  Alec brushed her hair back from her face as she fed. He laid his head back on the sofa, exposing his neck freely to her, allowing the erotic sensations to wash over him, feeling his cock grow hard.

  "It’s not just your wedding, my darling. You seem to forget, I was born immortal. My world has no such ceremony for weddings. You were wed to me the night I turned you. That’s the night that lives in my mind. This wedding is for the mortals, you’re already bound to me in ways no mortal can ever understand, bound beyond simple vows surrounded by pomp and ceremony. My blood gives you life, sustains you. No wedding can replace that. Now drink your fill."

  Rissa finished her long feeding, retracting her fangs, licking clean her lips, her body on fire for him but knowing he’d never give himself to her tonight. As she laid her head on his chest, the hunger for his blood was fulfilled but the desire for his body wasn’t satisfied. She pushed down her desire for him.

  "The mortals need to see with their eyes I belong to you, Alec. I don’t care about this wedding but making it perfect is something I do for us both. To show the mortals you’re a rich and powerful man, and to show them what I can do. This is my business. Weddings are where I get the most exposure and make the most money. I just want you to at least pretend you take it seriously and have a good time when it happens."

  He kissed her forehead, "I’ll not need to pretend, my darling. I do take it seriously, and I promise to have a good time. Now, go. Finish your work."

  Kissing his neck, she climbed from his lap, grabbed his glass, and refilled it with Midnight. Picking a cigarette from the box, she lit it, took a drag, and then handed it to him.

  "Don’t be up too long, Alec, you need rest too. And thank you for... well, for being understanding about the money. I’m actually enjoying putting it all together."

  Gathering her things from the hall, she rushed up the stairs and headed for a long hot soak in the tub, where she pleasured herself to relieve the burning heat between her legs. Tomorrow was another day and she’d start out with master’s blood inside her.


  Shade lay with bel inside their suite at Castello, insisting she rest for a few hours before taking the flight back to Bel Rosso. Not letting her get overly tired was important to him. He knew this pregnancy was completely different from their first experience, but he wouldn’t take any chances with her. He gently rubbed her back until she fell asleep. Lying beside her, his mind was still occupied with the events of Council and Cory.

  Once he knew she was asleep, he quietly slipped from their bed and left the room, walking to the room that had served as his office at Castello for centuries. This was the room where he’d overseen his business interests, as well as managing the issues of the camp and the coven. It had been a while since he’d sat here among the volumes of ledgers that had been maintained over the ages. As he entered, he stopped in his tracks when he saw his padre sitting at the desk, and the memories of his childhood flooded over him.

  Christofano would hold court in this office as Shade was summoned before him to be emotionally dismantled for all the things his padre thought he lacked. Shade was never able to live up to his expectations of being a warrior and the son of the Medici, ready to take on all the responsibilities of managing the coven. Shade knew his padre had finally come to see him for the man he’d become, but the pain and disappointment of never having his padre’s approval when he was young remained in Shade's heart even today.

  Christofano looked up as his son entered the office, his face showing his clear dissatisfaction of Shade’s actions this night.

  "You bring a half-breed to this familia? You fathered him, claim him as your own and ask your queen to do the same? Do you have no shame? They have no place in this familia! No place in your life. Have you learned nothing? You walk into our home with a half-breed who is weak, who brings shame and degradation to us and act as though you rule the world with no care of what you have done. What have you to say for yourself? I can barely stand to look you in the eye."

  Shade walked to the chair opposite his father’s desk and sat in the familiar seat. Not much had changed. Once again, he’d failed in his father’s eyes. Shade stared at him a long time, wondering how his father ever ruled the coven with such harsh thoughts and impossible standards. But he knew it was a long time ago, and times had changed. Shade was born to make the changes necessary to make their immortal world stronger.

  "I have a lot to say for myself. Your grandson is now growing strong inside my mate. The empire you once built is flourishing and larger than anything you could ever have imagined in your time. Medici has expanded from one continent to another. There are now two warrior camps. I have more money than I could ever spend. The wine business brings in much wealth. My mate is gifted with not one but two gifts, one of which is rare and will bring to our name great power. None of that was your doing. It was my doing, my reign that reaped it all. I am the Medici now. The son I had with a mortal female is in my past, and yes, my actions were a mistake, but I can’t let his life be a mistake. He is of my blood, and he deserves my name. I was born to become a warrior, a master, a king. I had no choice. My path was set for me at my birth. I did my duty with diligence, with my own blood spilt and my spirit broken at times. But I have come to believe my real purpose is to make the changes necessary to see our immortal world flourish, grow in numbers and learn to survive and integrate invisibly with the mortal world. I am making those changes in the name of Medici."

  Christofano pushed the chair back from the desk. “You have been to Council and they accepted these terms? Your queen has allowed another female’s bambino into her heart as if he were her own? She allows such? You have done well, figlio, but this boy you claim, what value does he bring to the Medici? The true son of Medici grows inside her, strong and full blooded, heir to king and coven. This half-breed is a waste of your time and energy.”

  Christofano leaned back in his chair, shaking his head at his only son. "Help me understand this new way of thinking, I see things very differently."

  Shade chuckled and crossed one leg over his opposite knee. "Padre, I am not sure you will ever understand how a half-breed can become a vital part of Medici. You are trapped in your time, not able to comprehend the massiv
e changes of life on the earthly plane. Immortals from the States are different, their lifestyle and standards are nothing like how I was brought up. You taught me well, but I teach differently. The legacy you left gave me a head start, but the coven I lead now needs to be guided with love, understanding, and a firm hand. Kate is open-minded, she loves me like Madre loves you, and she supports me, loves what is mine. We work together, not separate. Cory is part of my blood. He suffered greatly because of mistakes I made, as many like him suffer. The half-breeds have suffered for ages and I want that to stop.

  “Cory does not deserve to suffer for my carelessness. His mother gave me comfort in a time when I felt none. I claim him as my son because I love him. I want no child of mine to be abused and left to suffer and starve. Look deep inside your heart, Padre. If I had come home with a half-breed son when you were still alive, could you have so easily discarded him? Think before you answer. Could you have thrown him to the wolves with no care when you could have made a difference for him, given him a life that had meaning and purpose within our familia? Could you have watched as Madre suffered, knowing you left a bambino with Medici blood out on the streets to agonize alone and defenseless? You and I both know, Madre would suffer for that action. She may not have spoken against you as it was her nature and place to accommodate your rule, but she would have felt the pain of your decision, nonetheless. Think about those things before you judge my decision. Cory possesses great talent, with education and direction, he can become much more. He is my son. Nothing will change that simple fact."

  Christofano listened intently to his son explain this half-breed and he felt Shade’s deep love for this child. He was proud of his son, where he’d gone, how he’d survived after their demise, bringing the Medici back to its regal status, above and beyond anything he’d ever dreamed.

  Christofano nodded. "Portia would have been brokenhearted to know a child of my loins or yours may die without assistance, but it was not something done in my day. I knew of one who paid to keep his bambino safe and well but moved him far from his rule. Malachi must have been beside himself to agree to such. The Council changes no laws easily. But I understand the love for a child. It is a love that is entwined in your soul. It is a love unlike any other and something I had never felt until the day of your birth. You will feel that soon when your own son is born. This half-breed, your other son, he too will feel your love. But he will need much from you to flourish in our community."

  Shade looked across the desk at his father. "He has already given back to me, Padre. He is accepted among my warriors. My queen loves him as do I. It will take him time to adjust to being a Medici, but we will work together as familia, and that, Padre, is one lesson you taught me well."

  Standing, Shade walked to his father and they embraced. Christofano accepted the affection even though he was never one to show great emotion.

  Shade told him, "You have a grandson, Padre, his name is Cory. Do not scare the fuck out of him while he is here. Just love him, accept him, and accept his presence in my life. My life is different, and you have to accept the changes that come with that. Take pride in me. Take pride in what we have accomplished. But know that, through it all, the lessons you taught me are still with me, and I use them every day of my life. Ti amo, Padre."

  Shade watched as his father walked to the door of the office, giving up his position for the night to his son. He turned to Shade and nodded. "Ti amo, figlio."


  The flight home from Florence was long but uneventful, everyone sleeping as much as possible, the stress of the events at Council taxing Shade. As they landed, the sun was not set. Dante had the limo waiting in the private hanger, where their luggage was transferred and they climbed inside. The dark tinted windows on the limo and his sunglasses made it safe enough for Dante to drive them back to Bel Rosso.

  Once inside and settled, Shade was in his office going over a few details around the plans he had for a new feeder compound. It looked like a promising concept but explaining it to bel was another matter. He had to explain this to her, help her understand this was the most financially feasible option, as well as the option that provided for the greatest safety for his warriors. Telling her he planned to build this compound on the grounds and bring the feeders into the camp, he knew she’d blow a fuse. He felt if he could make her see the sense in it, she’d agree. Taking the stairs two at a time, he found her inside the room she was planning for Lorenzo's nursery and he thought this was a good start. She’d be in a good mood and perhaps not argue as much. Who the hell was he kidding, this was his bel!


  Kate looked up as he entered. "Yes. I want to get this done. I have the contractors renovating the attic to make a private space for Cory. And then we have the nursery, the Paris house, and the inn in California. I need to get this project started since the doctor said I may not have as much energy as the pregnancy progresses. I think I'm just going to go with a traditional blue color...or maybe a soft grey." Kate flipped through the paint swatches, holding them up to the wall.

  "Bel, if this is too much for you to handle, it is easy enough to get professional decorators in. Just give them direction and they will do all of the work for you." Shade scrunched up his face, crossing his arms over his chest as he leaned against the door jamb. "But I have a feeling you are much like my madre, she was not satisfied unless she attended to every detail in person."

  Kate laughed. "There’s no way I am not doing this myself. Look at this paint sample. Maybe not grey, too stark...maybe a bluish grey. Yes, I think I like that better."

  Shade shook his head. “He is a bambino, he will not notice. You could make the room pink with orange polka dots and he will not know."

  Kate sighed. "But he won't stay a bambino. He’ll grow up in this room. And he’ll notice. He’ll love his room. Don't you love this house?"

  Shade treaded lightly, not wanting to upset her before this conversation even began. "Of course, I love this house. It is our home, as will be every house that has your touch. I just have one stipulation, something I want. I do not care what else you do in the bambino’s rooms, you have excellent taste."

  Kate looked up at him. "And what’s your one stipulation?"

  He walked to her, wrapping his arms around her, snuggling into her crimson. “I wish to have a cradle inside our bed chamber. I want the bambino close to us when he is first born, si? I would like the cradle that belonged to me brought here for Lorenzo. It was hand carved by Medici artisans."

  She smiled at him. "You had a cradle? I’d love for Lorenzo to sleep in your cradle. And I think, for the first month, when he feeds from only me, he should be in our room. The doctor said after the first month Theresa and I would share feeding, so I’ll need to move him to the nursery then. Theresa will have a nanny's bed in here as well, in addition to her own room."

  Shade nodded. “Si. I will have the cradle shipped over immediately. But first, I have something I want to discuss with you before I go to camp. They will be getting ready to begin classes shortly. Come to the bed chamber with me, si?" Holding out his hand, he kissed her cheek.

  Kate took his hand and followed him back to their bedroom. "What do you need to discuss?"

  He led her to the large overstuffed chairs in their bedroom, as she took a seat opposite him. "Before I even begin, I want you to give me a chance to explain completely, hear me out before you judge, si? At least give me a fighting chance to say what I have to say, because this is something you feel strongly about and not in a good way."

  A million thoughts flew through her head, and she mentally prepared herself for whatever he had to say. "Okay, I'm listening."

  "I have made a business deal, one that will be more practical for my warriors and the new recruits. I have arranged with the feeder coven located outside of D.C. to have some European feeders from Italy brought in."

  Holding up his hand, he could feel her temper flare. "Hear me out, mi amore. I am going to need more feeders to keep this la
rge group fed and nourished. I will employ feeders from Europe and the States. We have a wide variety of warriors now, with a variety of taste. But it is not always safe to have my warriors’ teleporting to the feeder coven, nor can I conspicuously have them brought back and forth, it draws too much outside attention in this countryside. I want to build a compound for them inside the camp. I want it to look in line with the Tuscan feel of the camp and our home. It will look like a house sitting among the rest of the buildings. The compound will need to be designed with private rooms where the feeders live and receive their clients. I want a tunnel leading from the feeder compound into the warrior camp. The warriors can easily access them without being exposed. I have asked Gi to have a female brought in from Florence, one who personally knows how I operate to provide supervision of the feeders. She is older, and this is her profession. In her youth, she too was a feeder, and now she serves to oversee the young ones. She is called a Matron. She is in charge and responsible for their actions as well as reporting to me any problems with the warriors. It is the easiest and most efficient way to handle this large group of warriors. But I am going to need your help. You are my queen and I know you hate the idea of having the feeders around, but with the tunnel, you will never see them. It saves me time and money, and keeps my warriors fed, protected and everyone involved is in a stable, controlled environment. Give me your thoughts."

  Kate absorbed what he was saying. She did as he’d asked and listened to all he’d said. She stood up and walked to the window, looking out over the rolling hills of Bel Rosso in the dim light of the dusk.

  "They’ll live here?"

  The memory of the voluptuous feeder that climbed him like a tree flashed through her head, as well as his response to her. He fought her off, but his sexual arousal and desire was like a force field that moved across the room in a powerful wave.


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