by Emily Bex
His mind was preoccupied with the coming of the Prince of Medici. He’d made arrangements so Castello was prepared for their arrival at a moment’s notice, he was taking no chances. He had Dante on standby with the jet and Theresa was prepared to go as well. Now, if he could just settle his mind and calm his nerves. Becoming a father was more than he’d bargained for and the closer the time came for Lorenzo’s arrival, the more anxious and worried he became that all would go well. Leaving the stables, he headed into the camp where the recruits began their nightly warm up and soon, they’d start their regimented lessons for the night.
His eyes scanned over the warriors and he felt their movements seemed sluggish. He walked around the training field and every one of them appeared as though they were coming off some wild night. Then it struck him. He knew that feeling, and it came from one thing, overindulging in blood. Damn feeders! He didn’t need this shit going down in his camp.
New, young warriors were susceptible to the lure to overfeed if they weren’t regulated with a heavy hand. He saw Fiamma working her group and his temper flared. He looked for Marcello, but he was nowhere to be found. Marching across the field, his temper building quickly, he spotted Raven leaving the main barracks. Shade whistled and yelled loud enough for them to hear him in Charlottesville.
"Raven, send your warriors to the Dead House. You stay the fuck here with these warriors until I return.”
Raven raised his hand in acknowledgment and strolled out onto the field. Shade made his way straight to Fiamma as she stood dumbfounded, staring at him.
"Inside, now!"
Fiamma nodded and followed him inside, wondering what in the hell had him so stirred up. He’d been acting a bit off lately, but he was about to blow a fang and she knew this couldn’t be good.
Marching inside the barracks, Shade turned on Fiamma. "Where is Marcello?"
Fiamma looked at him and had to think for a second. "He’s down at the feeder compound tunnel, checking on the door.”
Shade stood with his hands on his hips. "Checking on the door? Damn it, Fee! Are you blind? What in the hell is going on with the feeders and the warriors? This is not a fucking vacation!"
He paced, his hand immediately going through his hair, his temper flaring as he tried to keep his anger under control.
"Master, please, Marcello goes down in the evenings and makes sure the warriors return from the compound. He’s doing his duty."
Shade spun around on her. "Well, someone is not doing something right! The recruits are slow. Cazzo, can’t you see they have overfed? What the hell is going on?"
Fiamma took a deep breath, her temper flaring. "I beg to differ with you, master. We have a great matron who runs it with a strict hand, so before you go off the handle with me, perhaps you should figure out what the true dilemma is."
Shade went toe to toe with her, their noses almost touching, eyes locked. "Don’t push me, Fee, I am in no mood to take your backtalk. Who in the hell sets up their feeding schedules? You? Are you doing it?"
Fiamma locked eyes with him and didn’t back down. What in the hell is wrong with him? "Si, I make the feeding schedules, regulate them, rotate the warriors. I have no complaints, nor have I noticed any major issues."
Shade backed away and growled. "Apparently, you give them way too long to feed. They are sluggish, overindulged in blood. Cazzo! The American warriors are young and not used to the purity of the Euro feeders."
Marcello entered the room, his master's bellowing heard loud and clear in the tunnels. The two warriors behind him stopped dead in their tracks, as Marcello quickly sent them out another door and out to the field with their brothers and sisters.
Marcello looked at Fiamma and knew she was taking the brunt of his anger. "Fiamma is doing her job well, master. We all are. I could hear you in the tunnels, what’s the problem?"
Shade spun on his heels and stared at Marcello. "Well, I am so glad you heard me in the fucking tunnels! What in the hell is going on, you are my SIC for fuck’s sake? I have got warriors who are overstimulated with blood. Guarding the fucking tunnel door, are you?"
Marcello stood with his head high, he knew his duties and Shade had been under a lot of stress lately. He knew Shade clearly wasn’t feeding regularly either and they’d all bear the brunt of his anger and stress.
"I escort the warriors back up to the barracks from the tunnel, making sure they get their asses back when they’re supposed to. No feeders come with them. That’s what our queen and Fiamma agreed upon. Did you wish to change that?"
Shade slammed his hands flat against the barracks wall. "No! They need to have a shorter period to be down there. Fix it. There is a lot these warriors need to learn. Damn it, Marcello, you know the wedding is coming quickly, I need to have some of these warriors on the streets with us in D.C. when it goes down."
Spinning around, he growled loudly. "Do you think they are ready to take on D.C.? Because what I just witnessed out there is not up to Medici standards. Not one fucking mistake can happen at this event. My fucking ass and reputation are going to be on the line! Every single warrior will be put to use that night, either here at Bel Rosso or in D.C. And we have one hell of a lot to accomplish and only two months to get them ready. This lies on my head. Mine! I spend hours with Raven going over grids and arrangements for one damn night. So, fix it!"
Marcello listened as he saw Shade’s anger go off the charts. His emotional state was barely under control and Marcello could only hope that once the queen had their son, he’d begin to calm down.
Marcello nodded. "Consider it done. Fiamma and I will work together and cut back their feeder time. It won’t happen again. The recruits are coming along fast, much faster than either of us expected. We’ll begin, within the week, to send them out to the Dead House with Raven to work the area, become familiar with it. Give us a chance to make it right, master."
Shade hung his head, taking a deep breath, his eyes closed. He knew he was asking a great deal from them both, and it was taking its toll on everyone. He needed to get his act together and be the Medici and master they expected.
"I apologize to both of you. I have a short temper, right now. There is so much to plan and be prepared for. This camp is different, run different than Florence. I want it to start off right, continue on schedule. I knew changes would be necessary. Just shorten their feeder time slots, and we will see how that goes. I am not used to having a damn feeder coven housed on the grounds. I suppose I have forgotten what it feels like to live in the barracks, feed on a schedule, and work my ass to the bone. I know my mind is on many things lately."
Without looking at either of them, he marched out the door, already beating himself up for taking out his frustrations on the two warriors he knew were doing more than expected to make Medici stronger and powerful.
As Marcello watched him leave, he turned to Fee. "You okay?"
Fiamma shrugged. "Of course. But I’m worried about him. Not like him to go off like that so quickly. I didn’t see the recruits as being sluggish at all. I was out there with them."
Walking to her, he gave her a hug. "Well, I think he’s never been a father before either, even though Cory is his son, he wasn’t there to witness a birth, nor have to deal with all that comes with it. I think once the baby is here and he gets to feed from the queen again, and this damn wedding is over with, he should get back to normal. But until then, we need to do all we can and humor him."
Fiamma closed her eyes and gave herself up to the small gesture of the hug. Marcello was her brother-in-arms, but she knew the rules, no fraternization among the troops. Secretly, he was someone she wished would see her more as a female, and not just his sister-in-arms.
Fiamma chuckled. "Humor him. Easier said than done!"
As they both laughed Marcello fist bumped her, and they headed back out on the field, but they didn’t see their master anywhere in sight. Marcello released Raven from the field and they settled in for the long night of working the warrior’s asses o
Shade had teleported straight from the door of the barracks to the wall outside the warrior camp. He wanted no more contact with the warriors, he’d lost his temper and he knew he needed to cool off. His booted feet began walking heavily and fast to the stables. Out of nowhere, he saw Night-Stalker pacing and prancing ahead of him. It appeared someone else was just as worked up as he was. Night-Stalker paced beside him.
"This padre thing makes me agitated as hell, si?" Night-Stalker howled and Shade shook his head as they both kept making their way to the stables.
Cory heard Shade yelling from his workplace in the barracks and stepped outside his door, listening intently. His father was royally pissed off. He could feel him when he teleported out and Cory decided to follow him, keeping some distance behind his dad. He saw the black wolf, and heard Shade as he spoke to the wolf who howled in response.
Cory knew his dad was stressing out, but he never thought he’d see him lose it like that. He was always in control, always thinking things through, but for once, Cory sensed he needed help, and Cory hoped he could make a difference.
"Dad! Hold up."
Shade heard Cory and turned to see him jogging up behind him. Would he ever get used to someone calling him dad? "Cory, what’s wrong?"
Cory caught up with him and shook his head. "Nothing’s wrong with me, what’s wrong with you? Where are you going?"
Shade took a deep breath. "A lot of things need to be done, that is all, and I seem to not have control of them, at the moment. I was headed for the stables. I need to ride, let off some steam. You want to come along?"
Cory laughed. "Uh, no. I’ll walk with you, but I have a lot to get done myself. And the only thing I ride is a skateboard."
Shade laughed and threw his arm around his son. "To each his own."
Cory walked with him and decided to defend his brothers and sisters. "You know everyone is working really hard at the camp, including me. No one’s slacking. Everyone is really aware of what’s coming. They take their responsibility of being a warrior seriously. You gave everyone their duties and they’re doing them. We’re all working together for Medici. It’s cool to be a part of this. See how it works, how everyone has a place and a job. It’s okay to get stressed out. You have a lot on your plate."
Shade stopped walking and looked at Cory. Shade locked eyes with him and stared. “I know I ask a lot from everyone. Sometimes, it gets more than even I can handle. I have stretched myself thin with properties, the coven, and the camp. Trying to keep it all in line, even with a great coven to help me, is not always easy. I am glad you understand what I do, what it takes. But do not ever worry, I am fine. I just need to step back and let those I give responsibly to have a chance to carry them out. My own padre flew into rages often, and I never understood it. He had so many people helping him, just like me. Made no sense how in the hell you could have so many others doing the work and yet, you could get so angry. Now I understand. Hell, my padre didn’t have half of what I have now."
Cory placed his hands on his dad’s broad shoulders. "You’re not your dad. You are your own person. And we are going to help you to get it right and keep Medici the best."
Shade let go of the anger and stress. Hugging Cory to his chest, he sighed heavily. "I don’t know when or how, but you became Medici right before my eyes, son."
Cory pulled back and grinned. "It’s the hair, man!" Cory turned and headed back to camp, as he heard his dad roar with laughter.
Dr. Bonutti had spent the evening with a colleague at Johns Hopkins. The immortals always kept an intense eye on the discoveries of blood pathology. Keeping tabs on their work in the mortal world was important to make sure mortals never uncovered any discoveries related to the immortals. He decided while he was so close to Virginia, he’d take a chance and visit his king and queen while in the States. Besides, after spending the few days in Baltimore, a visit to their beautiful estate with its clean air and beautiful mountain views would be a nice break.
The Medici had become a powerful vampire in his years and now his lovely queen was bringing forth a son, an assurance of many more years of Medici rule and that pleased the doctor. Having been forewarned by Gi about Kate’s gift of Animalism, and given an open invitation, he teleported directly into the foyer of the Virginia estate. Teleporting directly into any vampire’s home without their express consent was an automatic death sentence from Council, as it gave the vampire no forewarning. It was viewed as an act of aggression against which the vampire had no time to defend themselves or take action against such an invader. It was a high privilege to be granted such consent, especially by a vampire of Shade’s standing, and Dr Bonutti didn’t take it lightly. Gi greeted him immediately and showed him to the living room.
"Doctor, what a pleasant surprise. Was my lady expecting you? She didn’t inform me of your visit."
Dr. Bonutti shook his head. "I apologize if this is an inconvenience Gi, but I was at Johns Hopkins with a colleague, and I thought perhaps I’d stop in and attend to our queen, check on her progress. She’s getting close to term. Would you ask if she’s willing to see me?"
Gi smiled, he was glad to see the doctor and knew Kate would love this visit. "My lady is doing well. Please come into the living room, and I will announce your arrival. Would you like a Midnight?"
Dr. Bonutti followed Gi into the living room and made himself comfortable. "Yes, that would be quite enjoyable. Medici does know how to make a drink that soothes the vampire soul and palate!"
Gi handed him a drink and made his exit, heading upstairs to find Kate in the nursery, hanging small clothes in the closet. "Excuse the interruption, my lady, but Dr. Bonutti has made an unexpected visit while here in the States. Would you be willing to see him? He’s waiting in the living room."
"Of course! I'll be right down. Could you summon Shade and have him join us?"
Kate left the nursery and rushed to the bedroom. The summer was coming to an end and the vineyards were filled with migrant workers during the day, harvesting the grapes. The camp was in full swing now, and Shade was busy with training the new warriors every night. The Paris house was done, and Reynaldo had completed the changes he needed to bring the kitchen up to code in the California house, and had several candidates he was interviewing for the position of manager. It had been a busy summer and the days had passed quickly. She was barefoot and wore a knit sundress that conformed to the swell of her belly and brushed the top of her bare feet. She slid her bare feet into a pair of ballet flats and ran a brush through her hair before turning to go downstairs to greet the doctor. She found him seated in the living room, sipping on Midnight.
"Dr. Bonutti! I'm so glad to see you. Shade should be here any minute."
The doctor stood as the queen entered. Her cheeks had a healthy pink glow. Sitting down his glass of Midnight, he stood and gave her a delicate hug.
"My lady, you look beautiful! I apologize for the unplanned visit. I was with a colleague in Baltimore and this beautiful place couldn’t keep me away. I hope I’m not imposing.” Stepping back, he admired her. "You look beautiful in your pregnancy! But, we shall wait for master and then talk, si?"
Shade had been in the camp, observing the recruits as they ran obstacles when Gi telepathically told him the doctor was at the house. Teleporting into the living room he found Dr. Bonutti and bel chatting.
Kate looked to Gi and asked that he bring Shade a glass of Midnight, as he took a seat next to her.
Shade accepted the glass of the wine. "So, what brings you to the States?"
"I was in the area. I thought while here, I’d pay you a visit, check on the queen’s progress, see if there were any questions you or the queen might have."
Kate shook her head. "I don't think I have any questions. Everything’s gone beautifully. Lorenzo is very active, and I feed regularly from Shade. My energy level is good. I sleep well. There’ve been no problems."
Dr. Bonutti nodded. “That’s all good to hear. I�
�d like to examine you while I’m here. It involves placing my hand on the queen, as before, to make sure the baby is well positioned, and growing as he should. Would you allow me, my lady?"
Kate sat up straight on the sofa and stretched the fabric of her dress across the growing swell of her rounded belly. "Of course."
The doctor placed his hands on Kate’s abdomen, as they glided easily around its shape. He deftly moved his hands across her mid-section, carefully feeling the shape of the small prince that lay within her. Pushing and prodding, he felt the sleeping form kick and roll inside her and he grinned. Removing his hands, he returned to his chair and took a seat.
"Well, the baby’s energy is strong and healthy. By the size and feel of him, I do believe your son will be born in late November, early December at the latest. You must begin to make arrangements now, the time will pass quickly. Don’t be surprised to find your energy waning from this point onward, especially the last four weeks. You must feed more frequently as well, for the baby will take what he needs from you and will leave you quite tired. This is the last stage of pregnancy. Watch your activity, no teleporting of any distance. Feed often. Sexual activity is fine for the mother and of course safe for the baby. But I’d suggest nothing too strenuous. Have you found a wet feeder yet?"
Kate smiled at him. "Yes, from the list you provided. We selected Nita as our wet feeder. She’ll come back to the States after Lorenzo is born. I think she’ll work out beautifully, and Lorenzo responded strongly to her presence."
The doctor nodded. "Ah yes, Nita. She’s a good choice, she’s very pure. This will be her first assignment as a wet feeder. She’ll serve the prince well. I do believe she also sings, if I remember correctly, a pleasing gift. The baby will grow to have a strong bond with his wet feeder, but you must never feel she competes with you for your son’s affection. Lorenzo will always need your blood, and in a few weeks, his padre's blood as well."