The Medici Queen

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The Medici Queen Page 67

by Emily Bex


  Waking late, the sun long set, Shade sat straight up in bed, confused and shaking his head, trying to get his bearings. He cleared the cobwebs from his head as he recognized the surroundings of their bedroom at Castello, and quickly remembered bel and his baby. He looked to the windows where the blinds were up and knew his death slumber held him much longer than usual. The birth of his son, and feeding Kate, had taken its toll. He’d left her shortly after allowing her to feed, so he could seek out Luca, but he’d not taken his fill. His need to be close to his mate, and his son. It was a stronger pull than his hunger.

  Kate sat in an ancient rocker and held Lorenzo in her arms. Her beautiful white silk gown draped softly around her body, her eyes glued to their son. Lorenzo cooed and Shade smiled at the soft sound.

  "He is well, mi amore?"

  Kate looked up at him and smiled. "He’s well. Such a good baby. He fed several times, but quickly fell back to sleep. How are you? I’m the one who gave birth, but you slept like the dead. I don't think you even turned over while you slept."

  "I apologize. I think the stress caught up with me. Did you get enough rest? I can have Theresa take him, if you need more sleep. I can watch him as well. We do have some obligations tonight. Do you think you are up for them?"

  Kate gently rocked the chair, holding the baby against her breasts. Theresa had brought in a soft gown for him and wrapped him in a light fleece blanket. Lorenzo had slept soundly, warm and soft in Kate’s arms. She sat staring at his long dark lashes, fanned out across his cheeks. His tiny hand was curled in a fist and held close to his mouth.

  "I’m fine, lover. I slept well. And I can't stop looking at him. What are our obligations?"

  Crawling from the bed, padding naked to her, he leaned over her shoulder, kissing her neck and then the top of his son's head. He walked to the armoire and grabbed a pair of jeans and slid them on.

  "Outside these walls, there is not an inch of space to move, the entire coven is awaiting the sight of their new Prince. They know he has arrived but wait to see him. The warriors are out there, keeping the crowds calm as best they can. So, the sooner we get this done, the sooner the coven will get back to normal. We will need to go out on the balcony, show him to his legion of people. But first and foremost, he will be presented to the household staff. They are my familia and I don’t know how much longer I can keep them at bay."

  Kate leaned her head against the high back of the rocker and watched him. "Well, that I understand. Everyone will want to look at him. He’s the most beautiful baby ever, I think. I knew he’d have your hair, your eyes. But look at him!" Her lips lightly grazed the dark curls on the baby's head.

  "Si, he is handsome like his padre!" Shade laughed and walked over to her, crouching down, cocking his head to the side, he stared at his Lorenzo. "But he has your heart."

  Laying his hand on Lorenzo’s head, he felt his heart fill with love. How could something so small bring him to his knees?

  "We will greet the staff on the main floor. It’s also proper they bow and curtsy in his presence the first time introduced to him. It is tradition. Then we can come up to the balcony, si? We must wear our crowns, and I will present our son to our coven. They need to see their prince and know the Medici legacy is secured."

  Kate watched his face as he looked at his son, felt the love roll through him as he explained the protocol. “I have no problems with sharing him with the staff. I know their devotion to you, and they’ll feel that same devotion to Lorenzo. He’ll rule here one day. I want the staff to bond with him, and he to them. I want him to grow up respecting them and loving them, not taking their adoration for granted. You plan to send him here to train, and I’ll feel better knowing he’s in loving hands. And of course, we can present him to the coven. And our prince should wear his crown."

  Shade nodded. “I will inform Gi. He will gather the household, and Marco will let the crowd know our arrival will not be long in coming. Let us prepare to present Prince Medici to his people, si?”

  "I need Theresa. I’ll need to change out of my nightgown at least. And she can look after Lorenzo while I get dressed."

  "I will send Theresa and Emma in to assist you and Lorenzo. I’m going to make the arrangements with Gi and Marco. I will be back in about an hour. I think that should work. I will have Gi bring the crowns here from the vault."

  Pulling a shirt over his head, he went to the door and started calling out instructions before heading to the main floor to find Gi.

  As Shade exited, Theresa and Emma entered. Theresa took the baby and informed Kate she’d have him dressed and ready to be presented. Emma led Kate to the bathroom where she ran a hot bath. She pinned up Kate's hair, and Kate sank into the hot water. Emma poured the rose scented bath salts into the bath, then laid out Kate’s make-up and took the traditional red birthing gown from the closet. She hurried back in to help Kate from the tub and dry her off with the thick towels, rubbing her skin until it was pink. As Kate sat down at the vanity to do her make-up, Emma spritzed her with the rose scented perfume.

  Kate smiled at her in the mirror. "Theresa has trained you well."

  Emma nodded and beamed. "Thank you, my lady.”

  Emma led her back to the bedroom. "My lady, this is the traditional gown that is worn when presenting a new baby to the coven. You’ll wear it after each birth."

  Kate laughed. "Well, I better keep my figure then."

  The gown was red, but simple in design, as Kate lifted her hands in the air, Emma slid it over her head. Theresa returned with Lorenzo who was wearing a long gown of the brightest white, his dark black hair in stark contrast.

  "My lady, this isn’t the same gown Shade wore when he was presented to the coven 500 years ago as the fabric has become too fragile, but it has been made to look identical to it. Your other babies will wear this same gown as well, and hopefully, it will be preserved and passed down to their children."

  Theresa placed Lorenzo in her arms, his blue eyes wide open as he sought her out.

  Emma opened the door to the hallway. "We're ready, my lady."

  With the household finally assembled, Shade dressed and made his way back to their bedroom. He wore the ceremonial leathers. He entered to see bel holding their son. She was stunning in the red birthing gown, her hair falling softly around her shoulders, and she smelled of the sweetest rose.

  Gi followed on his heels and carried the crowns. Shade took his queen's crown and placed it on her head and gave her a kiss. "You look so beautiful."

  Taking the infant’s crown, fashioned to look identical to his own crown, he placed it atop Lorenzo's head. "Mi amore, I am not sure how the hell this is supposed to stay on his small head. You may need to hold onto it, si?"

  Gi assisted him with his own crown and then scurried ahead of them to join the staff in the grand foyer.

  Shade turned to Kate. "Are we ready?"

  Kate giggled at the sight of Lorenzo in the tiny crown, "Ready, lover."

  “Don’t get a fit of the giggles now!" Laughing, he latched her arm around his as they walked to the top of the staircase. "Just breathe, mi amore, they are our familia.”

  Kissing her cheek, they walked down the stairs and faced every servant that served the Medici household. Gi stepped forward, announcing their presence, his chest held in great pride.

  “I present our King and Queen, and their son, our new Prince, Lorenzo Medici."

  Gi stepped back into line with the other staff as Shade walked forward with Kate beside him and Lorenzo in her arms. Each male bowed low and each female curtsied to show their respect.

  Shade addressed the staff, "It is with great pride and honor that I present to you our figlio, Prince of Medici. My queen has given me a handsome and healthy son. Welcome him into our home, as you always welcome us home."

  Leading her down the line of servants, it wasn’t long before the females weren’t able to contain their excitement. They oohed and aahed over the baby. The males offered their st
rong handshakes and congratulations. Shade knew this was important to them. These honored members of his coven were the first to see the prince, and the future of Medici. It was a moment they’d share with their own children and grandchildren.


  A good hour passed as the staff was enamored with Lorenzo, and Shade was getting antsy, although he knew this was how it must be. He was pleased his family adored this baby already. Marco approached, and Shade noticed his gait was more cocky than normal, if that was possible.

  "Well, old man, now you have a mate and a son. But it’s time. We need to move to the balcony before the crowds get out of control."

  Marco gave him a brotherly hug but didn’t go anywhere near the baby. Shade laughed to himself, not surprised, like babies were some disease he might catch. Shade made a move toward the crowd of female servants hovering around Kate.

  "My queen, it’s time."

  The crowd dispersed from around her and Marco, Luca, and two other warriors, heavily armed and in ceremonial leathers, approached. He could see the worried look on Kate’s face. Addressing the staff, Shade directed them, "We must present our son to the coven. Please retire this night to the ballroom. The queen and I have arranged a small party for all of you in celebration of our prince. Grazie, for your dedication and love."

  Turning back to Kate, Shade took her elbow to lead her away. Kate looked to see Luca, Marco, and the two warriors carrying as many weapons as Shade did when he prepared for battle. "Lover, I don't understand. Why do we need the warriors? Is Lorenzo in danger?"

  As they approached the balcony, he held up his hand to signal Marco and the warriors to step forward to the door. As the warriors positioned themselves at the door to the balcony, Shade walked her into a small alcove to speak with her. "Mi amore, listen carefully. I may be master of this coven, but there are many people outside. A crowd can always be dangerous, and I am simply taking precautions. The warriors will be right beside us. They will remain focused on the people. There are some who would wish us ill. We have done all we can to protect the city, but none of us have seen the likes of what is happening right now. There is a convergence of people, all here to be a part of history, the birth of the next in line for the Medici dynasty. I can take no chances, and yes, there are masters, right now, seething, and ready to take him out. You must know this. You must understand this. My warriors are on the ground among the crowd, but I kept my best on the balcony with us. You can’t appear frightened. You must smile, but keep your eyes and ears open for anything unusual."

  Kate's eyes widened as she pulled Lorenzo to her breasts, her hand protecting his head. The thought that someone would want to harm their child was inconceivable to her. "How can you be so calm? You want me to take him outside among the people, knowing there may be someone who wants to harm him?" Kate was backing away slowly, as she held the baby in a tight embrace. "How can you ask this of me?"

  "Kate!" He could see the panic in her eyes as he felt her fear roll through him. "Listen to me. Our son will be their leader, their master. He is their prince, and one day, their king. He must be presented to them. Nothing is going to harm him. Do you think I would let anything happen?"

  Kate leveled him with a stare. She looked to Marco and Luca, and then at the other two warriors, before looking back at Shade. She issued them a command, speaking firmly. "Nothing will happen to him. Nothing! Do you understand? You protect him with your life!"

  Marco bowed to her, and then stared into her eyes. "My queen, we devote our life to Medici. Prince Lorenzo included. Come, we are here to protect him. I would give my life before seeing harm come to him."

  Shade nodded to Marco and wondered how the hell he was ever going to get Lorenzo from her arms when, suddenly, his son began to squirm and scream. The baby felt Kate’s fear and he became frightened himself, Lorenzo’s fists shaking as he screamed. "Give him to me, mi amore."

  Kate clung to the baby, turning her body away from him. "I’ll hold him. You and the warriors need to pay attention to the crowd. You’ll be distracted if you’re holding him. I won’t detect a threat as quickly as you, and I can't respond as fast. I want you to be able to protect him if it comes to that."

  Shade closed his eyes, frustrated. He wanted this over with, it had to be done. Lorenzo was still screaming, refusing to stop, and his fear now out of control. "Mi amore, listen to our son. Feel him. He feels what you feel. You need to calm down, I am begging you. I know this is not easy, but this is our coven.” As he tried to reason with her, he felt the presence of his madre.

  Portia appeared, knowing her daughter was in trouble. "Listen to your master and your mate. He will let no harm come to you or Lorenzo. You must trust him. You now have two warriors in your life, sweet child, and it will take everything you have to handle the trials and victories that lie ahead. This is a simple one."

  Portia laid her hand on Kate’s arm and gave her a vision of when Shade was presented to the coven when he was an infant. "You see my face? I was frightened too, but my smile does not show such. It shows great pride in my son and my familia. You must share Lorenzo with his coven. Let the warriors do the job they were born to."

  Kate listened to Madre and knew Shade and his warriors would allow no harm to come to Lorenzo. But she wouldn’t give him up. She calmed herself, shushing Lorenzo, rocking him in her arms until his wailing stopped, and his tiny fists stop beating at the air. She took a deep breath and nodded at Shade. "I’m ready."

  Shade sent out love to his mother and thanked her for her support, as she faded from view. "Si, I am proud of you, mi amore."

  He laid his hand gently on his son. "My little warrior, your time has come. You must greet the coven that you will rule. My heart is so full. They welcome you to their hearts as well." Taking her elbow as she clutched the baby tight to her breasts, they walked to the doors.

  Marco nodded to him. "We are ready, all the warriors are below. Your hand signal will tell them when you are ready to speak. The warriors all stand with their backs to the walls of Castello, and their eyes to your city. No harm will come."

  Shade acknowledged Marco’s instructions as Luca swung open the double doors. The air rushed over them and the sound of the crowd almost pushed them back from the doors. Shade gripped her elbow, hoping to hell she moved with him and didn’t fight. "Come, my queen."

  As they walked out on the balcony, the two warriors flanked each side of them. Marco and Luca were right behind them. Luca saw Kate start to back up and softly touched her back. "I am right behind you, my queen. You are safe."

  The crowd was hysterically cheering, as the fireworks went off across the sky. The noise was deafening and Shade gave them time to settle and waited for the small fireworks show to end. Raising his hand in the air, he signaled for quiet from the crowd. The crowd became still, not wanting to miss one word he spoke.

  Shade took a deep breath and his eyes scanned the largest crowd he’d even spoken to. His senses were on high alert, but it was clear this crowd was jubilant. This was his kingdom! "Grazie for joining us this night. Your master is well, as is your beautiful queen. Our legacy will continue with the birth of our son, your prince, Lorenzo Medici, born of true and ancient warrior blood. He brings us all a hope that is eternal for the future of our coven. He will uphold all the values of honor and integrity, respect and dignity for our coven, bringing protection with the power of his sword.”

  There was silence as the crowd looked upward, waiting. Shade turned to Kate, speaking softly to her, "Mi amore, he must be held up to be seen.”

  It was a leap of faith, and she knew she had to take it. She removed the blanket she’d wrapped around the small infant and passed him to his father. Lorenzo stared back at her, the small crown balanced on his head, as his eyes reflected brilliant blue even in the moonlight.

  Shade took him in his arms and stared into his face. This was the proudest moment of his life, presenting his son. Shade laid him on his belly along the length of his arm, positioning his body, so he wa
s comfortable. He held his fingers under the baby’s chin, so he could support his head to hold him in the air to his coven. Raising him high, Lorenzo cooed loudly. "I present to you Prince Lorenzo of Medici. Warrior and future King to the Medici Coven."

  The crowd instantly bowed their heads in respect. The seconds ticked by as he watched them all bow to his son. It was a defining moment in his life. "Rise, and salute your prince!"

  The crowd rose up and shouted in unison, “Per sempre Medici!”

  Shade lowered Lorenzo and cradled him to his chest. "Ti amo, mi figlio.” He turned to Kate. "I do not wish to stay out here any longer."

  Giving her a kiss, the crowd roared. They both laughed against each other’s lips, as Lorenzo cooed once again and squirmed in his arms. "Si, you want your madre."

  Handing the infant to bel, he pulled her back a few steps and the two warriors stepped in front of them, facing the crowd.

  He helped her get back inside the walls of Castello as the doors were closed, and still, the sound of the crowd vibrated the ancient castle. He stepped away from Kate and walked alone down the hallway, trying to compose his emotions, as they rolled through him. He stopped and covered his face with his hands. The King of Medici had fought and won many battles, the scars of those battles on body and soul, when suddenly he was overcome with something he’d never felt in his life. He felt completeness, wholeness, a feeling of coming full circle, and a feeling that the huge gap in his life had been filled to overflowing.

  Kate saw him walk away and cover his face with his hands. She turned to a startled Marco who had stayed only a few paces behind her and handed him the baby. "Don't drop him."

  Marco was stunned when she handed him the baby. "No, my queen... Cazzo!" He looked down, cringing as Lorenzo looked back at him. "Well, hell, you have that same damn look your padre does when he’s waiting for me to fuck up."


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