The Medici Queen

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The Medici Queen Page 87

by Emily Bex


  Shade felt his body sink, his heart sore from the loss of so many. He and his warriors watched Max’s retreat, but Bel Rosso was covered in the blood of Medici and Maximus’ warriors, shed for this land he now called home. The air was thick with the stench of death as the animals retreated to the edge of the woods. His body was tired, but he was still in one piece, his bel safely inside, as were his two sons.

  They’d move into the future now, with this land and all of Virginia as part of his territory. He moved slowly, with the help of Marcello, through the snow soaked in blood, stepping is silence over the bodies and body parts of the fallen. There wasn’t much time before sunrise and the rays of the sun would scorch the death from this land, and there was much yet to be done.

  As he walked, he mustered his strength, now walking on his own without Marcello. He must still lead them. They’d taken a grave blow to their ranks this night. Both Florence and Bel Rosso warriors suffered losses. He telepathically let Marco know they’d been victorious, but their numbers had been severely diminished, and he needed help here for mass burial of the Medici bodies, or what remained of them. Within twenty minutes, Marco had sent him another battalion from Florence, and they worked with his warriors to gather the bodies of the fallen Medici, digging the shallow graves on the field of battle. The enemy dead would be left where they lay to be taken by the sun.

  Shade assembled his top ranking warriors to give them orders, take stock of injuries, and coordinate with Aislynn to perform triage and get the warriors with the greatest blood loss in to feed first. He would need Theresa’s skill with healing as well, as soon as the warriors had fed.

  Raven joined him with Poe on his shoulder and Shade had no energy to even wonder what the hell that was about. Each of his ranking warriors gave him a head count of the fallen from their battalion. Marcello said he lost thirty, Raven said twenty-five. He scanned the crowd and didn’t see her. Skelk stepped forward and said the count was fifteen. Shade gave him a quizzical look, still scanning the surviving troops. He looked back at Skelk who shook his head.

  “She didn’t make it.”

  Shade’s heart lurched. He shook his head no, telling Skelk he must be mistaken. She was just missing in all this chaos. He closed his eyes and honed all his senses on Fiamma, but he felt nothing, and he knew. He almost fell to his knees. She was gone, his Fee.

  His roar filled the night and all around him come to a halt. He looked at Marcello and watched his face as the agonizing reality of what had happened hit him. Marcello approached Shade, only to be brushed aside as Shade still struggled to accept the inevitable.

  "No! I will find her!"

  Shade used the last of his precious energy, energy he needed to heal himself, to teleport over the battlefield and spotted her red leathers and red hair, lying in the blood covered snow around her. He landed beside her body, sprawled out face up, her sword still in her outstretched hand. She’d been struck through in the heart, the enemy’s sword still sticking from her dead body.

  He knelt beside her, his heart slammed with grief. He’d seen hundreds of warriors perish in his lifetime, and he carried the burden of each of them, but this was different. She’d grown up in his camp, trained by him, and fought beside him for so long.

  He let his hand slide through her hair. Her face was solemn and peaceful. She’d given her life for his. His body shook and he couldn’t hold back the tears that spilled from his eyes. At least she’d died a warrior’s true death.

  He stood up and placing both hands around the hilt of the sword, then withdrew it from her body. He gently slid his hands under her and lifted her into his arms. Her red hair was cascading down, having come undone from the long braid she always wore in battle. He carried her limp body in his arms, walking the several acres in the cold back to the barracks as his memories of their past battles ran through his mind.

  He’d not leave her body to be buried in the shallow grave with the rest, waiting for the burning rays of the sun to turn them to ash before they were covered. He’d take her back to the barracks and keep her underground, until they could have the memorial reserved for warriors of rank, and she’d remain forever a part of Bel Rosso, where she belonged.

  He walked with his head held high, past the other warriors as they stood watching. He carried her down the road and into the camp. He saw nothing, heard nothing—consumed with loss.


  Kate saw him slowly rise, unsteady on his feet, as Marcello helped him. She watched as Max's warriors, what was left of them, surrender the field, and she knew the Medici had been victorious. Shade would heal. He’d drink her blood again and he’d heal. She saw his warriors gathering as he took a count, knowing he’d suffered many loses tonight. She saw him looking around in a panic before he teleported across the field and out of sight.

  "Where’d he go?"

  Luca shook his head. "Not sure. Looking for someone, I think."

  Kate strained her eyes, searching for him against the snow, now running red with the blood of the fallen. She saw movement in the distance, and a cry escaped her lips, "Nooooo!"

  She saw Shade as he carried a body she recognized immediately, dressed in red leather. Luca staggered backward, as he whispered her name. "Fee."

  Kate tore across the room and ripped open the door, running down the two flights of stairs and out the back door. "Lover?"

  Her path crossed his as he approached the barracks. “ she okay? She'll be okay. She only needs to feed!"

  He looked up to see Kate, but he had trouble focusing his mind, the shock of losing Fee, and his injury, diluting his ability to focus. Standing still, holding Fiamma in his arms, his voice sounded as dead as he felt, as he answered in a monotone. "She is gone."

  He fell to his knees, weak from loss of blood, his body bent over hers.

  Kate dropped down beside him. He must be wrong! She picked up Fiamma’s limp hand and shook her shoulder, "Fee!" She scored her wrist with her teeth and placed it on Fee's lips, already cold and blue. "Just feed! Feed from me!"

  Luca pulled Kate back, swallowing hard. "It’s too late, Kate."

  She shrugged free from his grip. “No. You can't give up. Why are you giving up? She just needs to feed!"

  Kate looked at the faces of the other warriors who’d gathered around her, Marcello, Raven, and Skelk. She screamed at them. "Do something!"

  Aegis approached, her muzzle covered in blood from the battle, she sniffed at Fee and backed away, whining. Luca lifted Kate to her feet.

  "Kate, the sword pieced her heart. It’s a fatal blow. She’s gone. It’s too late."

  Kate stumbled backward and fell hard, sitting down on the ground, the tears streaming down her face as she looked at Shade, who was feeling as broken as she was. “Lover, the price is too high. I cannot bear this pain."

  He felt her pain merge with his own at this heinous loss of someone they both cared for so much. His looked to Marcello as he crouched across from him and took Fiamma from his arms. Marcello couldn’t speak, his heart was broken. He simply nodded to Shade and walked into the barracks, carrying the body of his fallen sister

  Everyone around him was in such pain from the loss and carnage left behind. He felt the sun rising and cringed. Raven came to him quickly and helped him up.

  "Come on, boss-man, you need to get inside. We can use the tunnel. Lean on me."

  Shade pushed him back. "Mi amore...come!"

  He stood on shaking legs. He’d leave this battle on his own steam. Luca helped Kate stand and Shade took her in his arms, cradling her to his chest, and with his last ounce of energy he teleported them inside the house, inside their private bath. He willed the shower on and stepped inside with her, stripping them both of the leathers, his injuries even more vivid on his naked flesh. He slid down the wall of the shower, taking her in his arms, cradling her. He knew he’d feed from her, and her blood would heal, and his death slumber would take him into darkness. He was home, with bel. He’d tackle whate
ver came when the moon rose again.

  But now, he needed to be with her to be whole again.


  Kate helped him clean himself up. He never spoke a word but let her wash his hair and body. He heard her gasp as she saw the huge wound in his back and chest. His pain was both physical and mental, and the loss had taken its toll. He knew he had to step up, direct the warriors now, get things underway, and get them healed.

  So much to do, yet he couldn’t concentrate. He kept seeing Fiamma’s face as she lay dead in the snow. Kate draped his arm over her shoulder and helped him into the bed as he laid down moaning. He needed to feed but was dead tired. He knew the sun was already up without needing to look at the electronic blinds. He could instinctively feel it. He wanted to feed, start healing, and fall into his death slumber. He groaned and tried to roll over and roared with the pain.

  Kate winced at his pain. She was pretty sure this battle was done, as he’d pulled all his warriors from the field, but she wasn’t going to take any chances. She sent a message to Theresa for her and Gi to join them in the bedroom, but to leave Shannon, Emma, Nita, and Lorenzo sealed in the bunker for now.

  "Shade, lie still. Let me look at this."

  Kate examined the deep wound made by a sword that was through and through. She knew he fed briefly from Marcello on the battlefield, but that wouldn’t be enough to heal him. Theresa and Gi appeared suddenly and Kate had Theresa examine him.

  Kate started issuing instructions "Gi, run to the camp, find Marcello or Luca, and get a full report of what’s going on. I know they must have their hands full with the injured, but if we don’t give Shade a sense that things are under control, I won't be able to keep him in this bed."

  Gi nodded and took off for the camp. Kate could feel Lorenzo and knew he was quiet for the moment. "Was Lorenzo okay during the battle?"

  Theresa was examining her master's wound. Kate had already cleaned him up in the shower, and Theresa retrieved a salve from her bedroom that would help with the healing. She spread the foul smelling ointment on the wound. She looked up as she saw Kate wrinkle her nose at the smell. "Something from the old country. It will help him heal faster. He needs this salve, keeping quiet, and you feeding him. He’ll need to feed often, small feedings, so don’t let him gorge himself."

  Kate climbed across the bed, pushing his wet hair away from his face. She’d never seen him this pale. His eyes were closed, and she knew his death slumber was pulling at him as well. "Shade, feed from me now."

  She and Theresa rolled him onto his back, and Kate leaned over him, her neck at his lips and felt his fangs when they broke through her skin. He drank from her, but was too weak, and too tired to hold her. Kate remained in position for him until Theresa nodded that it was enough for now. Kate pulled away, and kissed his lips, watching him sink deeper into his slumber. Theresa told her he’d awaken throughout the day, just as Lorenzo did, because he’d need to feed.

  Kate pulled the blankets over him and curled her body around him, trying to keep him warm. "You didn't answer me about Lorenzo."

  Theresa was cleaning up the bandages and securing the lid on the salve, "Oh, I’m sorry, my lady. He did fine. He can feel the same fear you feel, that his father feels. He knows when there’s danger and will instinctively stay quiet. It’s a survival mechanism. Nita will feed him, and he’ll sleep now. He’s fine.”

  Gi returned, teleporting into the bedroom. "My lady, I am sorry to say it is chaos in the camp. Many are injured and need to get into the feeder compound. Marcello and Aislynn are trying to manage, but there’s much that needs attending to."

  Kate sat up in the bed, looking at Shade. He was in no condition to respond and yet the warriors needed direction. She had no idea how to help them, but she knew who would. She’d never tried to communicate with Marco before, but she reached out now, asking him to come. She heard a simple response, “My queen.”

  Marco appeared minutes later, and Theresa's sigh of relief was audible. He slid his arm around Theresa's waist and kissed the top of her head. "Tell me what you need, my queen." He looked at Shade, and knew from his appearance the injury was severe, but he’d heal.

  "Marco, please take over the camp. I know Marcello is SIC here, but he’s young and doesn't have your experience. Luca’s helping him, and I know Shade would be there now if he were able. Do whatever needs to be done."

  Marco simply nodded to her and said, "It is done," as he teleported out of the room and to the camp.

  Kate looked at Gi and Theresa. "Is there anything else? Am I forgetting anything?"

  Theresa shook her head. "We’ve done all we can, my lady. Now we just need time."

  Kate sat for a second and thought. "Don’t bring Lorenzo out of the bunker yet. I don't think Max will be back, but I can't take that chance."

  Theresa nodded and started to leave the room.

  “And Theresa?"

  She looked back from the doorway.

  "He'll be all right, won't he?"

  Theresa smiled at her. "Yes, my lady. He will heal…if you can keep him in that bed."


  Marco teleported over the grounds, looking at the battlefield covered with bodies and abandoned weapons. The warriors he’d sent earlier had dug the shallow graves and gathered the fallen Medici. The sun had risen above the horizon, and the bodies began to steam and dissipate almost instantly. Once they reverted to ash, the Medici would be buried on the ground they fought to defend, and the ashes of the enemy would blow away with the wind.

  Sighing heavily, it was time to kick some ass into gear. Teleporting into the camp, the day-walkers were outside, some injured worse than others. The first order of business was for him to assess their condition, get them to the feeders and get them back on their feet. He didn’t fear anything from Maximus, his ass was long gone, and he doubted he’d ever return to the States. Max wouldn’t have won any favor with his new father-in-law with this fiasco. “Fucking bastards.”

  He sought out Marcello, who was also worn to the bone, a large injury in his calf from a shuriken, his hands cut and torn from sword battle. Marcello gave him a quick update on the number of injured. Marco ordered all the warriors inside, and then telepathically called on his warriors in Greece to come help out. He’d keep the Greek battalion on guard while some of the Florence battalion finished the cleanup in the field, and others to help with the wounded.

  Marco spotted the tall, young female with the black hair. She’d obviously not seen the ravages of a battle this size before, but she remained un-rattled. He beckoned her forward. "Name?"

  Aislynn told him her name and her assignment during the battle.

  "So, you were in charge of the feeder compound? You did well, warrior. I’m Marco, SIC of all Medici warriors. Set up triage here, any warrior too weak to walk or already slipping into their death slumber will need to be carried to the feeders. They are to feed first. Then I need you to help those that can manage to walk into the feeder compound. They can rejoin us for other duties as I see fit. You will be temporarily promoted to the position of acting Lieutenant following the death of Fiamma. Your master is gravely injured, but he’ll heal and be back on his feet shortly. Until then, you’ll take on Fee’s duties. Move out."

  He watched her straighten her back as she moved quickly to implement his orders. He continued on his way, barking out directions, knowing the best way to keep Shade’s ass in bed was to make sure everything was running smoothly in the camp.

  Marco looked around, picked out Raven and called him over. "I need you to work with Aislynn, gather some Florence warriors, carry those that cannot manage to make it into the feeder compound. They’ll need to be attended to immediately. Matron will help determine who needs to feed first once we get them in the compound.”


  Kate slept lightly beside him throughout the day. About once an hour, he stirred, becoming restless in his sleep, and Kate leaned over him, allowing him to feed. As the day progressed, he got stronger, and w
as able to roll toward her, pull her close as he fed from her. She’d kept a small light on in the room so she could see him, and she noticed his color improved with each feeding. Theresa had come and gone a few times throughout the day, checking the wound, and reapplying the ointment. Cory had remained close, coming into their bedroom on and off. He stood back at first, looking at his father from the door. Kate patted the bed, inviting him to join her. He slipped onto the bed next to his father, the fear evident in his eyes. Kate reassured him.

  "He's going to be all right, Cory."

  He looked back at her, fighting tears and only nodded his head.

  "Where’s your brother?"

  Cory looked up at her. "Still in the bunker."

  Kate stroked his face. "Why don't you go down, let them know it’s okay to come out. Bring Lorenzo back here."

  He looked at her with wide eyes. "Me? Bring Lorenzo?"

  Kate nodded at him. "Yes. He needs his big brother."

  Cory slipped off the bed and headed to the bunker.


  Luca had retreated to the bunker after Marco arrived in the camp. After checking on Shade, Kate requested him to guard Lorenzo in the event there was a second attack. Nita, Emma, and Shannon were still inside from the night before, along with Lorenzo.

  Cory unlocked the massive steel door and swung it open. Luca greeted him on the other side. "Kate thinks it’s safe for everyone to come out now. She wants me to bring Lorenzo."

  Luca inquired about Shade, and Cory shrugged and shook his head. "Kate said he’s going to be fine, but he looks like hell warmed over to me."


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