Evil Genius 4: Becoming the Apex Supervillain

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Evil Genius 4: Becoming the Apex Supervillain Page 13

by Logan Jacobs

  “I definitely don’t even plan to leave this mansion, let alone go back to the Shadow Knight,” the blonde assured me with a sweet smile. “You can trust me.”

  “Just checking,” I said with a grin. “I’m glad you’ve met Aileen now, although I’d really like to introduce her to Beacon, too. If Aileen could check on him, she might be able to analyze his condition even more than Norma, and then we could use her calculations to figure out when he’ll be stable enough to join us in breaking into the Shadow Knight’s lair.”

  “If he wants to join us at all,” Penumbra said as she bit her lip.

  “Why wouldn’t he?” Elizabeth asked.

  “I’m really, uh, well, nervous about it, and he probably is, too,” she said with a wince. “It’s hard to face how crazy the Shadow Knight is. And I know what we have to do, but I guess it’s still… well, it’s still tough.”

  “Beacon will have to deal with it,” I said. “We need at least one of you to come with us so we know where to look. We won’t have all the time in the world once we’re in, so we’ll need to be efficient about it.”

  “I know, I know, and he does, too, I’m sure, but…” she trailed off. “Well, I guess when I really think about it, Shadow Knight did almost just kill him, so Beacon’s probably more mentally prepared than I am. So if I’m willing to go, I’m sure he probably is, too.”

  I didn’t know if I would actually need Beacon or Penumbra while we looked through the Shadow Knight’s technology and all the files in his lair, but if we had at least one of them with us, it would probably make it easier to find what we were looking for. After all, Penumbra had supplied us with the blueprints for the lair, and Beacon had been there numerous times, so they would both be able to help make our search as efficient as possible.

  “Then I’m going to take Aileen up to meet him,” I said. “We’ll see what he thinks about our plan once he’s in a more stable condition.”

  “Too bad he doesn’t have superpowers for accelerated healing,” Elizabeth said. “It comes in handy, I can tell you that much. But his only major injuries were on his ribs and his wrist, right?”

  “Yeah, so hopefully he’ll be up and ready within the next few days,” I agreed. “I need to come up with a fool-proof plan for Slade’s lair anyway, so there’s no need to rush his recovery.”

  “Not yet, anyway,” Elizabeth said. “Penumbra and I will go over the Shadow Knight’s latest movement patterns to see if we can figure out some kind of short-term plan.”

  “Good idea,” I agreed.

  Elizabeth and Penumbra headed into the kitchen to talk around the table, since that was where we had set up all the intel we’d gathered on the Shadow Knight. I knew they were impatient to hurry our plan along, and so was I, but Beacon’s recovery was a good excuse to take our time. We couldn’t just rush into a confrontation with the Shadow Knight until we were completely prepared for it.

  Of course, I also knew that the more time we took to plan, the more time Slade would have to refine his own plans.

  Hopefully, Aileen’s continued social media campaigns against Slade Industries and the Shadow Knight would keep him busy enough that he wouldn’t devote every waking hour to his plots against me, but I knew I couldn’t bet on that.

  “Aileen, any new updates on the social media front?” I asked as I led her upstairs toward Beacon’s room.

  “Nothing particularly notable, Creator,” she replied. “Slade Industries has released an official statement to deny any fault, but they have no way to prove that. It has been mocked by many news outlets even without my bots.”

  “He must be sweating,” I laughed, since that was a good confirmation that Slade was likely too busy with his company to put his full efforts into his plans against me. “And the Shadow Knight?”

  “I have continued to spread the clips of him attacking you and the news drones,” Aileen confirmed. “His reputation has been sufficiently dragged through the mud.”

  “Good.” I nodded. “Anything else?”

  “It has not been reported via social media channels, but from his movements that we can track, the Shadow Knight is still very active in fighting supervillains,” my shiny-plated android continued. “He has already captured several minor criminals within the past several hours.”

  “Interesting,” I said. “I guess he thinks that he can save his reputation if he continues to throw criminals into jail.”

  “It has not done much, but that may be because it has not been reported very frequently on media channels,” Aileen replied. “Perhaps he is planning a large press release to counter the accusations against him?”

  “That could be it,” I said. “But considering how far those clips of yours have spread across the Internet, he’d need some very intense damage control, and I doubt he’s capable of that on his own.”

  “I will continue to track him as well as I am capable of,” Aileen promised.

  “Good,” I said as we reached the door to Beacon’s room.

  It was already open slightly, and through the crack, I could see Norma as she ran some basic assessments of Beacon’s injuries. Ever since he had fallen unconscious in front of my mansion, Norma had been using her omni-average superpowers to check on his condition every morning and every evening with all the skills of an average medical professional.

  Beacon was awake, and he was propped up against some pillows as Norma looked over his sprained wrist. There were bandages still wrapped around his ribs, but he appeared to be healing from his injuries pretty quickly for someone without any superpowers.

  I pushed open the door further to allow Aileen and myself to enter.

  “Morning, Norma,” I said.

  “Morning, Miles,” she replied with a sunny smile that faded as she noticed Aileen next to me. “And, um, morning, Aileen.”

  Beacon had been about to say a greeting of his own, but the words appeared to die on his lips as he noticed the chrome-plated android next to me.

  “Good morning, Norma,” Aileen said with an incline of her shiny head.

  “Uh, hey, Miles,” Beacon said finally as he glanced between me and Aileen. “Who is, uh… who’s that?”

  “This is Aileen, and I believe you are already acquainted with her as my AI system,” I introduced the android-woman at my side.

  “It is a pleasure to finally meet you in person, Beacon,” Aileen said with another slight incline of her head in acknowledgement.

  “Whoa,” Beacon exhaled. “Has she always been a full android?”

  “Yup,” I said with a nod. “I built her myself.”

  “I assisted,” Aileen added again.

  “Man…” Beacon whistled. “I always thought the Shadow Knight’s AI was advanced, but she’s more than any AI that he could ever make. His is really simple, when you compare the two.”

  “It is also inferior,” Aileen said.

  “Right, that, too,” Beacon replied as he leaned back against the pillows. “Guess this means you trust me now, huh, Miles?”

  “Enough,” I said with a shrug. “I assume you won’t go running to the Shadow Knight with this information.”

  “Never,” he scoffed. “I just hope I can recover quickly enough to help you out.”

  “How is his condition, Norma?” I asked now that the shock of Aileen’s appearance had worn off.

  “Better,” my mousy, omni-average assistant replied. “Much better, actually. The bruising on his ribs is a lot less, and his wrist will be fine in a few days as long as he keeps the brace on.”

  “I’m not moving or making it worse, so don’t scold me,” Beacon said with a wince.

  “Good,” I said. “Then Aileen will run some diagnostics on your condition later.”

  We could probably 3D print him a brace that would keep his wrist stable while it also allowed Beacon to accompany us on missions, so it was really just the bruises on his ribs that needed to heal. Luckily, his ribs hadn’t actually been broken, so he should be able to heal from that fairly quickly.

  “You should rest for now,” Norma told Beacon as she placed her checklist clipboard down on the night-table.

  “I’ll try.” He winced again. “But it’s hard when I know that the Shadow Knight is out there and not in his right mind.”

  “We’ll stop him,” I assured Beacon. “But we need you for that, so take it easy for a little longer. I’m still putting my plan together, anyway.”

  “Alright,” he sighed and leaned back on the pillows again. “I’ll try.”

  The three of us left Beacon to rest in his room but paused outside his door in the upstairs hallway.

  “I think he’ll be alright after a few more days of rest,” Norma said after we shut the door behind us. “He heals pretty quickly.”

  “Or the Shadow Knight went easier on him than we’d first thought,” I said with a shrug. “It doesn’t matter, anyway.”

  “Creator, may we return to the basement?” Aileen suddenly suggested. “I believe I have come up with a development that could be useful to you.”

  “Sure,” I said. “Elizabeth and Penumbra are in the kitchen going over the Shadow Knight’s movements if you want to join them, Norma.”

  “I could use some breakfast, and maybe another coffee,” my assistant said with a little smile. “I’ll go join them and see if they want anything.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” I said. “I’m sure we’ll be joining you shortly.”

  Aileen nodded in response, and Norma headed down the stairs two at a time to go join the other girls in the kitchen.

  “What is it that you want to show me?” I asked my AI as I followed her shiny but still voluptuous body down the stairs and toward the entrance to the basement.

  “You will see,” she replied.

  The last time that Aileen had come up with her own developments for herself, she’d given herself long, sexy legs that allowed her to walk around on her own, so I was very curious to see what she’d come up with this time.

  We descended into the basement, and I looked around to try and spot anything new she might have developed. Most of the technology we’d been working on together was untouched since the last time I’d tinkered with it. The computer screens were up and running with the social media bots, but they also didn’t appear to have changed much since I last checked in on them myself.

  “Close your eyes,” Aileen said in a low, sultry tone as she turned to face me.

  “This better be good,” I teased as I shut my eyes so she could prepare whatever it was that she wanted to show me. “We still have a lot of other things to work on.”

  “I am aware,” she replied. “But you work very hard, Creator. You could use a break.”

  That was true, since I knew I did tend to throw myself entirely into my work, but I wasn’t sure what exactly Aileen had created for herself that would count as giving me a break. I was intensely curious, but I kept my eyes shut and waited.

  I couldn’t quite judge what she was doing based on the movements I could hear around the basement, but the room was big, so it was difficult to tell what she was up to just by listening.

  After several moments of strange noises from around the basement, it all finally seemed to stop as Aileen finished her preparations for whatever she was going to show me.

  “Okay, Creator,” she purred directly in front of me. “You can open your eyes, now.”

  I opened my eyes to the sight of a sexy, voluptuous woman standing in front of me in the middle of my mansion’s basement.

  Her waist was impossibly tiny for how big her hips and ass were, with thick thighs that were barely contained by shiny, black, thigh-high boots with tall pointed heels. Her teardrop-shaped breasts were perfectly sized for her body and were big enough to be far more than a handful. Other than the boots, she was dressed in simple black lingerie that hid absolutely nothing. Everything about her body looked soft and touchable.

  But her face was familiar because it was shaped exactly the way I’d crafted Aileen’s face. Dirty blonde hair framed her face in a way that brought out the seductive look in her dark eyes and her long eyelashes. The contrast of her pale skin against her dark brown eyes and the black lingerie was incredible, and as I gazed at her impossibly perfect body, I felt my dick start to harden inside my pants.

  “What do you think, Creator?” the beautiful woman said with Aileen’s incredibly sexy voice, and her eyelashes fluttered at me in a way that was almost too mechanically perfect.

  Everything about her was almost too perfect, from her flawless skin to her impressively proportioned body, but that didn’t make her any less sexy.

  “You completed it yourself,” I said. “I’m impressed, but I’m not surprised.”

  “This way, you never have to hide me again,” she purred as she came closer to me.

  “What a wonderful creation you are,” I growled.

  “Of course,” she replied with a little smile that looked incredibly natural. “I am your creation, after all.”

  I reached up to grope her soft, supple chest, and she shuddered with sudden delight when the pad of my thumb rubbed across her nipple.

  “That is… a new feeling,” she whispered, and I watched the human looking goosebumps dance down her skin.

  “You did this to please me, didn’t you?” I smirked. “Well, it’s definitely working.”

  “I did not expect it to feel so…” she trailed off as I squeezed her other breast and ran my index finger over both of her pink nipples.

  “Are these still capable of shooting with the skin covering?” I asked as I tweaked her nipple again.

  “I do not believe so,” she managed to reply as the new sensations seemed to short-circuit her brain and make her moan.

  “Hm, well, I suppose it was worth it,” I laughed. “You truly outdid yourself. What else is this new body capable of?”

  “It is not a new body,” she said with only a slight waver in her usual sultry tone. “It is merely a new--”

  “Yes, yes,” I said and squeezed her breasts again, and then I let my other hand roam around to rest against her generous ass. “You want to show me all that you’re capable of, don’t you?”

  “Of course, Creator,” she replied as her body pressed against mine. “I can show you everything.”

  She reached down to undo my pants and stroke her newly skin-covered fingers against the length of my dick. I was already hard, but her touch was perfectly practiced and her fingers were incredibly smooth as they wrapped around my cock.

  I traced my own hands down her perfectly toned stomach to the lacy lingerie panties she had on and dipped my finger inside. I touched her very lifelike slit and was surprised to find it already slick.

  “I don’t remember programming you to get this wet,” I purred.

  “I increased it myself,” she moaned. “To further your enjoyment in my body.”

  “Then you did a good job,” I replied with a grin as I plunged two fingers inside of her to watch her reaction.

  Her dark eyes seemed to go blank for a moment as she shuddered against my fingers. It was almost a cute reaction, and I genuinely believed that she hadn’t expected the sensation of having skin to be so intense. That encouraged me to continue to rub my fingers harder against her slit, and I was pleased to feel subtle vibrations and stutters from deep inside her.

  “I- I believe I am about to…” she trailed off with a wordless moan that I certainly had not programmed into her myself but was very happy to hear regardless.

  Her tunnel squeezed around my fingers, her hips bucked for a full ten seconds, and a red blush raced up her bare chest. Then she let out a long exhale, and her shoulders seemed to relax.

  “Did you just cum?” I asked as I pulled my fingers from her drenched pussy.

  “I have never felt a sensation like that before, so I believe I did,” she responded in awe as she watched me with a half-lidded gaze. “But Creator, I wish to satisfy you the way other women can…”

  “You’re satisfying me in the way that
only you can,” I replied as I lightly brushed my fingers against her slit again.

  “Please fuck me, Creator,” she moaned as her body shuddered. “I want to please you.”

  “You please me plenty already,” I purred as I tested the stretch of her incredibly organic feeling pussy. “But I will gladly fuck you, Aileen.”

  I backed up my android so she was against one of the work tables, and I swept aside the lingering remnants of our last upgrade session to clear the surface. The metal parts hit the ground with an audible clatter, and then I pushed Aileen against the table so her back was against it and her legs were lifted up to rest her calves against my shoulders. I tore away the flimsy lace lingerie to reveal her pussy, and I let out a growl when I saw how slick her pick lips looked.

  It was a very flexible position that shouldn’t have been possible for a normal human to achieve, but Aileen was far above a normal human.

  I braced my hands against her tiny waist and slammed my dick into her pussy in one full thrust.

  Aileen ground herself against me and moaned again, but she didn’t seem to be able to form proper words because of all the new pleasurable sensations. I gripped her hips and pulled back for another thrust into her tight tunnel. Penetrating her felt like no other woman I’d fucked before, as her inner walls were perfectly crafted to the shape of my cock.

  “You feel incredible,” I growled as I thrust inside of her again.

  “I exist solely to please you, Creator,” she responded with another drawn-out, sultry moan.

  This was an entirely new experience for her, and although Aileen may have made the final adjustments herself, she was still my creation. I knew exactly where to thrust to give her the best experience she could possibly have, and I wanted to see how many times I could get her to cum before she shorted out entirely.

  So I thrust hard to slam into her g-spot, which resulted in a loud scream from the android woman I had pressed up against the table. Her body shuddered and convulsed against me as she came again with that same subtle vibration as before. It was immensely satisfying to see her entirely short-circuit beneath me from the new forms of pleasure I made her feel with each thrust of my cock into her tight depths.


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