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Symmetry Page 12

by T M Caruana

  His long fingers pulled my head onto his chest. We both fitted nicely into the atmosphere at this tourist site now. We looked like a young romantic couple, close together, absorbing the views.

  “I can’t hear anything.”

  I pressed my ear close to listen to his chest, listening with concentration. I moved it ever so slightly to see if I could clearly hear a heartbeat.

  “No, precisely! I have no heart! My heart is made of steel and gives me life through the power stones and this is what gives people from Medi their healing powers,” he explained.

  Michael reached for a bud from a bush to the side of the stone railing that prevented tourists from falling off the hill. He gave it to me.

  “Thank you…I would have expected a big red rose, but it has character,” I said playfully. “Is your heart one of the reasons why we can’t stay long on Teli and have to hurry home?”

  This was one of the many questions that I still wanted to ask.

  “Well, not really. You see, Teli is the only world that has a moon, and the power stones affect the moon’s gravitational force as a source of energy. This energy is what people here call the greenhouse effect. With the presence of all the energies, Teli continues to heat up until natural disasters occur, brining about Teli’s doom. Additionally, people in the other realms lose their energy and will slowly perish, as long as they don’t have access to the power stones. So in summary, everything must be restored otherwise it will be the extinction of all life,” he concluded.

  He sounded quite cheerful, so it was difficult to understand the seriousness of the situation.

  “It is what the poems on the map mean. So it’s true. The prophecies can happen? Don’t the other worlds have a moon that weakens their powers, like here on Teli?”

  My question felt like a repeat of the last, but I still didn’t really understand.

  “No moon, and thus all the powers remain intact if the power stones continue to charge them with their presence once a month,” he summarised.

  “Why is it only Teli that has a moon?”

  Something interfered with my chain of thoughts. It seemed too disturbing that Teli was a world created on the side of the others. Why weren’t the others the same?

  “It was created with the moon. I’m sure for a good reason. Unfortunately I don’t know why. Maybe you can ask Hunter about it,” he replied, seeming disappointed by the fact that he couldn’t give a better answer.

  “How could my father…Isaac, know all that was in the notebook?”

  I quickly changed the subject again. This wasn’t an easy conversation to keep going whilst also retaining information that made sense. The reality of my family situation still hadn’t sunk in and it was hard to refer to my father using his name.

  “That’s how you got kidnapped on Teli. Let’s see if I can remember. The year was 1687, in July and you had gone to Teli because you were interested in the book that Isaac Newton had published, the Principia.”

  “Wait a minute!” I interrupted. “Are you saying that I lived in the seventeenth century and that my father was…is the real Isaac Newton?”

  Goosebumps rose on my arms and I felt a shudder from within my body. I remembered that I was supposed to be older than thirty, but I had never given any thought to the idea that I was probably much older, like a Pixi. Everything felt unreal. Who was I really?

  “He’s not your father…but the answer is yes to the first part. His book contained research on gravity that you were very interested in. He had impressed you and you wanted him to go with you to Pixi to do research on their natural resources and perhaps find a solution to the monthly energy-charging problem. To travel between worlds once a month to recharge its energies wasn’t optimal when you wanted to give all your spare time to be with…”

  He finished the sentence abruptly and I wondered what he would have said if he hadn’t stopped, but I continued to listen as Michael carried on with the story of Isaac.

  “He and his brother Benjamin came to live on Pixi amongst the people, in order to learn all about our secrets, for four hundred years until 1983, the year they disappeared with you. And from what I could make out from the conversation in the kitchen this morning, Isaac kidnapped you to use your powers to make weapons.”

  His last statement was faster than before, as if there was something he was keeping back.

  “Now then, enough with the explanations, I’ve already said too much, back to the flower bud. I didn’t give it to you as a romantic gesture, you’re not my type,” he joked and was back to his playful self again.

  “Oh, oh well, thanks then. I guess I have my soulmate waiting for me at home anyway,” I replied with a theatrical sob.

  “Well, you have been listening. Good. Now I want to try one thing, but you must promise not to ask why. It’s a secret between us.”

  This time he waited for me to give my promise. Hesitantly, I considered my choices. What would he try? Giving a promise without hearing the conditions was something I was reluctant to do, especially with these people. I couldn’t even imagine what consequences it might have. Could I refuse? How dangerous could it be? He looked trustworthy.

  “I promise,” I said quietly, without emphasis.

  “I want you to concentrate on the flower and make it flourish and open out,” he said without further explanation.

  “It isn’t in my power, I can’t…”

  “Blah-blah, no questions, you promised.”

  He waved away my excuses and continued to stare at the bud. Silence took over and I widened my eyes in confusion. I held up the bud to look at it properly. Would I just magically get it to bloom? Was that what he suggested? It was ridiculous.

  “How do I? Will I say some words or only wave it around?”

  My questions seemed to amuse him and made him put on his charm again.

  “No, it’s not a magic trick at the circus. Just focus your desire on that you want it to grow,” he spoke calmly and seriously and it made me believe that it could be possible.

  I focused all my feelings and my willpower on the bud, and slowly, but surely it blossomed into a beautiful pink flower. Amazement made my hands flutter hysterically and I threw myself into his arms. Before I had time to rejoice over my success, Michael was ready for the next test, without seeming impressed or surprised by what had just happened.

  “Now, imagine you…” he started explaining, but got no further before he was interrupted by Eutychia’s wicked laugh.

  “Pathetic! When would she need that trick? It will hardly help you now Michael. You must be an incredibly ignorant man to separate yourself from your safe herd. You have almost put the sheep on the sacrificial altar,” she spoke disparagingly to Michael, as if to make him lose his dignity.

  Michael’s smile disappeared and the turmoil apparent in his eyes made me worried.

  “Susy, imagine that you create an invisible protective force field around us! Don’t think of any specific details only that it’s the most powerful force field that ever existed. One that Eutychia can’t penetrate. Concentrate! It’s important.”

  His words put huge pressure on my new abilities. However, I was determined to do my best so I closed my eyes and let my imagination run wild.

  “That’s perfect! Just like that Susy – it works, you are doing it!” he encouraged quietly, not wanting to attract attention from the tourists.

  It was fortunate that the protective spell was invisible to people on Teli, otherwise we would have been in big trouble by now. Eutychia stepped closer over the gravelled path, waving her hands to try to penetrate our protective shield and weakening it slightly at every attempt.

  “Susy, you must visualise Samuel in your mind, call to him in your thoughts!”

  The reason why I should think of Samuel was unclear, but in this situation I merely followed orders. Eutychia’s chant suddenly stopped and I saw her run and hide behind some bushes. In the next second she had disappeared from sight. A gentle hand shook my shoulder.

  “It’s over, she’s gone, remember that it’s our secret,” Michael murmured before I heard Hunter call me.

  “Susy, Susy, are you unharmed?”

  Another fierce hug from Hunter stole my breath. The rest of the group had also caught up and stood gathered around. Even Tarus was there and looked relieved that I was unharmed, but didn’t approach me.

  “Michael, out of all of us, I couldn’t imagine that you would be so careless as to put Susy in so much danger,” Hunter barked.

  “You mean, how can I put the ‘world’ in danger? Do you really think you are someone who can speak about putting the group’s members in danger?” he snorted defensively back, unlike his usual accommodating manner.

  “Whatever you are insinuating you should know better. You do all mean a lot to me. We’ve been looking everywhere for you; lucky for you that Samuel could see Susy in his visions just before Eutychia could abduct her.”

  “Yes lucky,” Michael remarked quietly with a sarcastic smile, glancing towards me to remind me of our little secret.

  “That’s enough! End this nonsense now, we have no time, our jet is waiting. I’ll meet you there, I just have to go for a swim first,” Leo’s deep voice spoke with wisdom, catching everyone’s attention and making them focus on our next trip.


  The cream-coloured leather felt cold even though I had a layer of clothing on. It was however, much more comfortable than in a regular aircraft, bigger and softer. There were sixteen seats, in four sections with tables between them.

  Kora and Tarus seemed to be having a pleasant conversation in the group of seats behind me, making me feel jealous. I didn’t know Kora well and had no idea what relationship she and Tarus shared. Still a little wet, Leo sat down opposite Kora on the window seat. My eyes must have revealed my jealousy and Leo smiled in compassion. The shame of my unauthorised feelings made me blush and turn to look out of the window.

  Samuel looked down at some notes in the notebook, which again had been taken from my bag without anyone asking my permission. I didn’t care anymore. The notes wouldn’t make any sense to my life as it was now anyway. I was sure I would find everything out eventually and was glad that Michael had sat down in the chair opposite. We were only waiting for Hunter, who was discussing the itinerary with the pilot, to take the seat next to me as my guardian.

  “Michael, what are the seven spells? And why is it forbidden to use them?” I asked, trying to find a topic to stay entertained during the trip.

  Michael glanced at me and then towards Leo, as if to see if he had heard my question. He had, and glared angrily at Michael, implying that it was a topic that was meant to be kept secret. Michael surrendered to his threat and even if he had been brave enough to defy him, did he know what they were? The only one I had heard being discussed of the seven was ‘to transport symmetry energy’, which was the one explained in the black notebook. Knowledge of these spells was useless anyway if they were forbidden. Michael looked down onto his lap to avoid answering my question. I guessed he didn’t want to create a second commotion on the same day.

  “Where are we going?” he asked Samuel instead, changing the subject.

  Samuel was the person who probably knew the most about our next destination.

  “Turkey. We have assumed that the next portal will open on the top of Mount Ararat. It’s the only place I can think of that has all descriptions in common with the other sites and also fits into the scale of the pentagram. The mountain is volcanic, symbolising fire, and it has always had an important role as people think that it was where Noah landed his ark after the great flood. The name of the mountain was also given by Moses,” he rambled on factually.

  I looked at Michael, who smiled and shrugged. Hunter took his seat and the journey towards the next goal began. I felt uneasy – if everything in the notebook was true, it would mean the destruction of the worlds. Could human greed have created its own destruction? Or was it possible that the prophecies could be wrong? Just how reliable were all these prophecies?



  We had spent almost twenty-eight days in the small village of Bitlis next to Mount Ararat in Turkey. All seven of us had kept a low profile whilst awaiting tonight’s waning moon. I had spent all my time guarded by Hunter and hadn’t therefore seen Tarus since our arrival and I was longing for dusk. The town, rich in medieval architecture, must have been of interest to Samuel. As the Oracle’s personal architect and her palaces’ creator, Samuel had mentioned during the flight how he looked forward to seeing some of Turkey’s old building. Bitlis Castle was of the greatest interest, rumoured to have been built by Alexander the Great.

  As I looked out from our cosy stone cottage I enjoyed the views of Ararat’s snowy mountaintop, which shone like a blanket of diamonds in the sun. Hunter also appeared to be in a good mood this afternoon and hummed ‘Knock knock knocking on heaven’s door,’ as he packed up all our belongings into his backpack. His good mood wasn’t surprising given that he might possibly see his wife, his soulmate, this evening.

  “How does Leo get up the mountain, given the snow, I mean?” I asked, wondering how he would look with a fin.

  “He’s dressed in waterproofs for the occasion and at worst I may have to take him over my shoulder.”

  We both giggled, knowing Leo’s proud dislike of a handicap that meant he would need to be carried. A knock on the wooden door silenced Hunter and he return to his chores. Our peaceful stone cottage was isolated, away from the village and any curious strangers. It had a large veranda where we had enjoyed many evenings quietly together at sunset. I had enjoyed it best there, because the cabin wasn’t much bigger than Michael’s apartment in Malaga. I strolled over the polished wooden floor to open the door, passing the fireplace where a fire had burnt constantly since we moved in. A big red rose came flying in through the doorway.

  “Better than a flower bud?” Michael laughed.

  I blushed, happy to see Michael’s happy face and threw myself around his neck in greeting.

  “Wow, it really does work giving flowers to women,” he teased.

  “It’s good to see you, come in.”

  I waved my arms to invite him in. Half closing the door I was stopped by a white petite hiking boot. I reopened the door and saw Kora. No words were exchanged, only a gesture that she could carry on in. I peeked out to see if anyone else was coming. And indeed, the three guys came strolling slowly into the courtyard. All were dressed for winter weather on the mountain with hiking clothes, walking boots and a backpack. Typically, it all matched the colour of their world; Leo in blue, Samuel in indigo and Tarus in green.

  Only Tarus was looking towards me whilst the others talked amongst themselves with their eyes on the slopes. The heat rose as a vertical wave inside me, I had longed to see his face, his beautiful eyes and his magnificent muscular body. His sensual smile triggered a tingle in my belly, uncomfortable, but still so enjoyable. In the back of my mind I felt anxiety though, like a lid on my heart, because of Michael’s remarks on soulmates. Should I abandon my feelings for Tarus, as he wasn’t meant for me? Was there another man who would be the right one? Or could we overcome all odds and be together? He seemed to share the same feelings, or was it just a game? I decided that it didn’t matter for the moment. I was just glad to see him.

  The men stepped through the door. Tarus entered last and with closed eyes gave me a moist slow kiss on the cheek, on the sly whilst the others had their backs toward us. He opened his beautiful emerald eyes and smiled. I felt slightly dizzy and closed the door slowly being careful to keep calm.

  Hunter gave his orders, pointing at each of us in turn.

  “Is everyone aware of the plan? We travel with snowmobiles up the mountain, wait for the lights and go home. Kora, you and Michael travel with the indigo power stone, Leo and Tarus with the orange and Susy and I with the red. Samuel has offered to stay on Teli and wait until someone can come back to pick him up.”

  I c
ould tell that it bothered him that he had to leave a man behind on Teli, but there weren’t enough power stones for everyone. I laid my hand over my chest and felt the jewellery I was wearing under my sweater. It would be the fourth power stone. With it, there would be enough stones to get Samuel home. Vic’s words echoed in my head, ‘You must never show the jewellery to anyone’. I had promised him. But how could I travel through the portal without telling the group? If I didn’t tell them it could cause serious consequences for Hunter inside the portal. Maybe I could travel on my own somehow? I could try to make up a story about how I managed to go without a stone. How bad could it really be to travel with two stones? After all we were assigned two people and not one person with two stones. Maybe it would go unnoticed. But if it didn’t…could it kill him?

  My thoughts were stuck in a vicious circle before I was brought out of them when Hunter called out from the door. Everyone was already on the way out. The fire was put out, the lights were switched off and the house was tidy and ready to be left.

  On the courtyard the four sleds were loaded onto the trailers pulled by four-wheel drive cars. I slipped on my hat and gloves and jumped into the first car with Hunter and was the first to leave the cottage. Michael and Kora followed us closely, followed by Leo and Tarus and finally Samuel.

  The scenery was beautiful with the green grass that was broken against the brown earth and finally the snow-clad mountain. It was almost like an earthly rainbow. The cars drove so fast that the snowmobiles shook the trailer, but we only slowed down as we approached the mountain, taking more precautions, as the road was slippery.

  We stopped as near to the mountain as possible in order to unload the snowmobiles on the snow. Leo was the last to get out of the car, doing his utmost not to get wet. The cold stung my cheeks and I gave out clouds of vapour with each breath. The only one who didn’t look troubled by the cold was Samuel who was probably thrilled to not have to sweat.


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