Darkbeam Part II

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Darkbeam Part II Page 6

by Adrienne Woods

  Music to my ears.

  I stepped onto the podium with what little grace I possessed, and grabbed a glass of champagne from the nearest waiter.

  Some spilled onto my shirt and I chuckled as I grabbed the microphone.

  “I’ve decided to give my speech after all.”

  I stared into the crowd, my gaze flicking from person to person until I locked eyes with Elena, still standing in the spot I’d left her. She was listening this time.

  “Nice turnout.”

  Elena looked away and I turned my head toward Brian standing in his box. “Brian,” I saluted him and downed my glass.

  The crowd was dead silent, waiting with bated breath to hear what I had to say.

  “There is one thing missing, though, and from the buzz that has been going on for the past few weeks, I’d have thought you’d all have gotten it right,” I said sarcastically. “I need to set one thing straight.” I looked at all the idiots who had decided to put the Sun-Blast into the box and not the actual person who deserved to be honored. “You forgot to put Elena in that box.”

  The crowd gasped almost as one.

  “None of you on that mission, including myself, can take any credit for how this turned out. Not even the Princess of Areeth.” I looked at one of the reporters below me, who was busy typing on his tablet. “You’re taking this down, right?” I asked with a salacious grin. The man nodded. “Good. As the papers stated before, the Princess of Areeth saved the day with her enhanced ability in incantations, blah, blah, blah. Biggest load of crap! She wasn’t even worthy enough to enter the Sacred Cavern.”

  In the distance, I heard King Caleb’s angry voice. Scolding me, scolding King Helmut to take the joker off the stage. I was ruining a perfect evening.

  My father stepped up next to me and grabbed my arm. “Blake, you’re drunk, let’s go.”

  “No, you wanted me to speak, now let me speak,” I growled, shaking out of his grip.

  He looked like he wanted to punch me, but he wouldn’t do it in front of an audience.

  “We would have failed if Elena hadn’t gone into that cavern and discovered just exactly where the sword was,” I carried on. “She gave up so much by asking the pond the whereabouts of the sword. She could’ve asked for anything, the truth, it would’ve been revealed it to her.” I laughed. “So by the way, no dragon is allowed in that cavern.”

  Some laughed, others shook their head in disgust.

  “Blake, that’s enough,” my father hissed.

  “I’ll say when it’s enough!” I sneered at the crowd. “And not to mention facing Goran indirectly. We were all useless. He’s going to get out of Etan soon, and then you will probably put your trust in a bunch of teenagers again, teenagers who can’t even stand each other. Lucky for Paegeia, we are its future. Disgusting for its present. You couldn’t even do what a bunch of teenagers did, and now, now you don’t even want to grant her name with the other six. Why, because she has abilities? I haven’t seen them. She had an advantage, her father was a dragon. She is the scum of the scum in your eyes. I guess King Albert was right about everything, not just about the Chromatics being noble. I will not honor this event, unless you do what is right and put her in that box, too. It wasn’t just Brian who had the guts to sacrifice himself, but she did, too, and no matter what you say, the mark of the Keeper doesn’t lie. Thank heavens you can’t take that away as well.”

  I dropped the mic and stormed off the podium.

  My father followed as I headed back to where Elena had been standing, but she was gone.

  He grabbed my arm, fingers digging hard into my skin, and dragged me into the nearest room, where the stone floor opened to a set of stairs that led to a higher level.

  “How dare you say those things?”

  I laughed. “What did you want me to say? I can’t lie, and if you think I’m going to suck up to those idiots out there—”

  “You are the Rubicon! Those people expect you to give an honorable speech at events like this. Look at you, you reek of alcohol and—” He sighed, eyes glistening with unshed tears.

  I raked a hand through my hair, already bored with this conversation. He was about to launch into the King Albert speech. My father was so predictable.

  “When is this going to stop? I raised you better than this.”

  I snickered. Yeah right, you gave up the minute those creepers divided you and your rider.

  My father sneered at me. “You would have broken King Albert’s heart.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “He doesn’t give a shit. He’s dead. It’s about time you dealt with that.”

  My father’s palm connected with my cheek in a resounding slap.

  I rubbed at my cheek, stretching my jaw to ease the sting. My father could count his blessings that the beast lay dormant tonight, otherwise he’d have lost his hand.

  “Don’t push me, Blake. Albert was our king, the greatest king Paegeia has ever seen, and he deserves all the respect in the world, even in death.”

  I didn’t reply, just tried to keep my temper at bay, which, surprisingly, wasn’t difficult.

  My father marched out of the room, slamming the door behind him. I leaned against the wall, breathing hard, my eyes closed. The sound of a second heartbeat filled my ears, approaching from the stairs.

  I sniffed at the air, enjoying Elena’s enticing summer scent.

  A smile played on my lips as I climbed the stairs.

  Her heartbeat grew louder, indicating that I was close to where she hid, where she’d come to be alone.

  The door banged opened behind me, and I glanced over my shoulder, swearing quietly when I saw Lucian barreling up the stairs behind me.

  Why was he always showing up?

  She wasn’t his! She was mine!

  “What the hell was that about?” Lucian roared, distrust clear in his voice.

  I faced him down. “What are you going to do?” I said, hearing Elena’s heartbeat quicken.

  “Don’t start with me, Blake. I’m not in a good mood.” He fisted his hands in the pockets of his tuxedo pants. He glared up at me, trying to intimidate me. Like that was going to work.

  “Let me get one thing clear, Blake. Elena is off limits.”

  I started to laugh. I was the one who had a say in whether or not she was off limits.

  I didn’t say it out loud, although I wanted to.

  But I remembered what a dog I had been to him back when he was dating Arianna. I’d slept with her when Lucian loved her.

  From the way he looked at Elena, I knew he admired and loved her as much, if not more, than he had Arianna.

  “Relax, Lucian. I don’t want your girl. I just wanted to give her the credit she deserves.” The lie slipped off my tongue with ease.

  Lucian shook his head, and then he broke the tension by chuckling. “That speech was something else, man.” He slapped me good-naturedly on my shoulder.

  I grinned at him.

  “Did you have to be drunk, though?”

  I didn’t have a witty retort, so I kept my mouth shut and shrugged.

  Somehow, Lucian always managed to make me feel small, not that he intended to. It was just the magnitude of his presence that made me feel like a loser. I’d leave Elena alone tonight. There’d be another time to I tell her the truth.

  I walked down the stairs past Lucian, but stopped when he spoke.

  “What are we going to do with you?”

  A deadly silence filled the air between us as I took a moment to contemplate my answer. I stuffed my hands in my pockets and turned my head to look at him. “Slay me.”

  Lucian stared at me. “Nah, you’re too good for that.” He smiled, and I returned it, inclining my head slightly before I continued toward the door.

  You’ll know the truth soon, Lucian.

  Camera flashed blinded me as I stepped into the hallway.

  “Get out of my way,” I grunted as I pushed my way through the crowd of cockroaches toward the exit. The second the
fresh night air hit me, I stripped and shifted as I jumped into the sky—the only place I could be myself.

  I woke up the next day, , blinking against the harsh sunlight glaring in my face. Missy stared down at me.

  I hated being watched while I slept.

  “If your father bans me from this house, I’m blaming you.” I croaked. My throat was dry, and my mouth tasted like ass. The glories of a hangover.

  “My father would never find out, Blake. Besides, it’s not like you would give me the time of day anyway. How’s the Snow Dragon?”

  “Hopefully good. She’s at home.”

  Missy laughed. “By the way, your father called. And the newspaper is all about your wonderful speech from last night. You have a secret crush on this Elena chick or something?”

  I chuckled. “No. I just figured she needed a bit more recognition than what she was getting.”

  “Did she really become the sixth person to get out of the Cavern?”

  I nodded.

  “What is it like? What did she say about it?”

  “She didn’t say anything, Miss Nosy. And I don’t think she will, just like the five women before her.”

  “How do you think she managed to get through the cave?”

  I shrugged.

  “I know what you’re like, Blake. Don’t ruin this for Lucian. He’s one of your best friends.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “What do you mean?”

  “Lucian looks really happy with her. I overheard Ty talking Isaac about you and a princess that was with Lucian at the time. Please, don’t.”

  “Believe me, I would never go for Elena.”

  “That’s not what the paper is saying. Read page five. I’m sure your phone is filled with messages from the Snow Dragon.” She got up and walked out the room.

  I forgot how nosy Chimeras were. Missy was no exception.

  Fucking great. What had I said last night? I know I hadn’t blabbered out Elena’s real identity, otherwise it’d be front page news.

  I got up and dressed, before venturing into the kitchen.

  “Morning, Blake.” Yuri smiled as sipped his coffee.


  “Sleep well?”

  “Yeah, sorry if I was a menace last night.”

  “Not at all. You know you are always welcome here.”

  He studied me intensely, just like my father when he’d asked me about Elena. Yuri had also known King Albert.

  Everyone was watching my every move, as if they suspected Elena’s real identity, but couldn’t quite put two and two together.

  Thank my lucky scales Elena came through the Wall. Since humans couldn’t go to the other side, , I was sure that Master Longwei would’ve put Elena in that ring with me a long time ago otherwise.

  I picked up the newspaper and saw Elena and Lucian on the front page.

  For the first time, she wasn’t blocking her face.

  It was about fucking time.

  I didn’t like the picture, though. Not because she was with Lucian, but because of how much she reminded me of her mother, Queen Catherine.

  I sighed.

  Someone was bound to figure this out eventually. It was hard enough that I’d had to lie to Lucian when he’d asked me if anyone besides my father knew the royals that well.

  I knew of someone who did. But the Ancients had wiped away all signs of her existence.

  I knew she hadn’t done what the Ancients had accused her of.

  She would’ve died protecting the queen.

  Then it hit me.

  Lucian’s foretelling.

  For ages, I’d thought the date in Lucian’s foretelling was the date I would turn dark, but with her in my mind, another thought punched through me.

  “Blake, you okay?” Yuri asked.

  His voice jarred me out of my thoughts and I slapped the newspaper onto the table.

  “Yeah, I just remembered that I’m late. I’ve got to go. Thanks, Yuri,” I said. I got up so fast my chair skidded across the floor.

  “What should I tell Isaac?” Yuri yelled as I reached the front door.

  “Tell him he’s worth a thousand friends. And sorry, but I really had to go.”

  I took off my shirt as I walked down their path and opened the gate. I stripped off my pants, shifting immediately. I needed to get my ass to the nearest internet café. I couldn’t risk searching this at home.

  I doubted that I’d find anything. The Ancients had done a thorough job of erasing her from every system.

  But I knew it in my bones that what Irene had seen was indeed linked to Lucian, but it didn’t have anything to do with him or anything else claiming me.

  No, Irene had seen something completely different.

  I wasn’t going to turn on the 23rd of August. The date had nothing to do with my future, but something important that had happened in the past.

  I changed direction. I would use my compulsion if I had to, because I knew my father would be able to tell me when Tanya left the queen, and I had a funny feeling that it would be the 23rd of August. A few weeks after Elena was born.

  No way was that a coincidence.

  Lucian was right, it was linked to my claiming.

  It was linked to Elena, and he was going to find out the truth.

  I had to stop him.

  My father confirmed it.

  Tanya had left on the 23rd of August.

  “Why are you asking about Tanya, Blake? You know the law. If the Ancients found out—”

  “It’s not like that, Dad. I had a dream about her, and just wondered why she left. I thought you knew. That’s all.” I shrugged, drumming my fingers on the table.

  “I don’t know the details, son. I only know she left because Albert and Tanya didn’t get along.”

  “Do you think she betrayed the queen?”

  “As much as I hated Tanya, there was no way she would have done that. She was too close to the queen.”

  “Then why did she leave, Dad?”

  “Because King Albert asked the queen to choose. He paid dearly for that as Katie was never the same. Blake, you know this.”

  “Yeah, I remember how sad she was. I just didn’t know why.”

  My father frowned at me. “What was the dream about, Blake?”

  “It was vague. The Ancients caught her and I can’t remember what happened after that, but it was overwhelming,” I lied.

  “You think it’s your Moonbolt?”

  “No, I have the lightning but I don’t have the visions yet.” I sighed.

  “You will, soon.” The corner of my father’s lip curved.

  I nodded as I got up and left.

  Even if it was a lie, that was the longest conversation we’d had in a long time.

  It felt good, but I knew it wouldn’t last.

  Our relationship would never go back to what it had once been.

  Him confirming what I already knew didn’t make any of this easier, either.

  Irene couldn’t see me in her visions anymore, but she had no problem seeing Lucian. Whatever he planned to do, I knew it would lead to the truth. And soon, the beast inside me would know it, too.

  Where was Tanya now? I had no idea whether she was in Paegeia, but if she was, Lucian would find her.

  A dragon, especially a Dent, was bound to promises. From what I knew, Tanya would’ve made a vow to Queen Catherine to keep her spawn a secret. I doubted that Lucian would ever guess it right.

  Luckily, he didn’t even have a clue. I’d made sure of that.

  I didn’t stay at home. Elena was still there and her presence wasn’t good for me. And if I saw her, I’d have to explain last night’s performance to her.

  Not that it mattered to her.

  She was used to it by now.

  Either she was as good at pretending as I was, or she truly didn’t care.

  If it was the latter, I didn’t like it. I knew for a fact that she did like me in her own way.

  Her heart had betrayed her more than once

  Lucian and Missy’s words popped into my mind.

  If Missy knew the truth she wouldn’t have thought that, but for the first time in a long time, I was glad for my reputation.

  If she thought that was the reason I’d said those words last night, so much the better.

  I didn’t care what the paper said. I had more important things to worry about at the moment. Like what the fuck was I going to do when Lucian discovered the truth?

  I felt the beast stir inside me, but I tamped him down. He didn’t like my restlessness. If he emerged, he’d be raving mad, and his lust for blood would overpower me.

  I knew who he would want to kill, but if he attacked her, she would Ascend.

  Facing her wasn’t an option. It would be the first mistake the beast made.

  Someone else would have to do it for him, and it wasn’t going to be me.

  I was finally safe from doing the worst thing he wanted me to do, but that didn’t mean he would stop.

  He would find a way—he always did—and I had a feeling I wouldn’t be around to save her this time.

  It was a long and hard flight to Irene’s apartment, but anything to be away from Elena.

  As the new school year approached, darkness threatened to overwhelm me. Thoughts about killing Elena filled the dark corners of my mind. The beast was constantly on edge.

  I felt like I was about to explode.

  The only way out of this was Fire Cain, and I’d promised Irene I wouldn’t use it without her.

  It was one of the reasons I was with her.

  She had a stash of Fire Cain and the touch to calm the beast.

  He didn’t stand a chance. Even if it was only a night, I would be getting a small reprieve from it.

  “Blake, I see nothing,” Irene finally said after several failed attempts to glimpse my future.

  The heady scent of sex surrounded us, thick in the air.

  I leaned forward and snorted another line. I let it flow through my veins, burning all the way down, keeping him dormant.

  Irene’s confession didn’t bother me. I knew why she couldn’t see anything.

  It wasn’t because I would turn, it was because of Elena.


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