The Natural Selection Retaliation

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The Natural Selection Retaliation Page 6

by Kyle Robertson

  Alikira picked up Steve to take him to the carrier.

  “Thanks for letting me live another day. I lost my hand, but at least I got a chance to stretch my combat legs.”

  “You’re not mad I cut off your hand?”

  “It’s just another war story. Linda and Chip can fix me. You did what you had to do. Welcome to hardcore.”

  Alikira felt better about her decision. They walked on the carrier to see Marc. He saw Steve’s severed arm.

  “Undead nanite controlled Navy Seals. We got ‘em all,” Steve said. “You’re back on refill duty. Go to Chip and get your fuel from the tanks. Fill the carrier and the rest of the barrels, I’ll be incapacitated for a while.”

  “What happened to your arm?!”

  “I just told you. Stop procrastinating and get to work!”

  Alikira looked at Marc.

  “You know he snaps back like a Bungee cord. Finish up and he’ll be fine by Panama.”

  Marc said nothing and went to the tanks Chip was at to begin the refueling.

  At 1 in the afternoon, they were Panama bound with a Seal trainer add-on.

  Chapter Four: The Next Revelation Leg

  You sure you don’t want to stop in Hawaii? We do have the fuel now,” Marc asked. They all were in Sledge’s ready room.

  “You didn’t have to fight the Nanite bats, so you don’t understand the urgency to get to Maryland,” Sledge said. “Cut off the head of the beast and the whole body dies. When we beat the Program, we can do a retrieval vacation. That’s just for a less stressful time.”

  “I didn’t see this soldier on the battlefield. Was he on medical?” Major Cavanaugh asked.

  “No. Marc’s not sick, he was just tired,” Steve said with his new cybernetic prosthetic lower arm. Chip, Linda, and Alikira worked on it all night. His titanium fingers felt weird.

  “Too tired to defend?!”

  “Marc was sleeping before we went up against Seal Team Panther. He woulda been in the mix as much as the rest of us if he knew.” Steve defended him.

  “We were never in the military. We never went the super disciplined way.” Sledge told her.

  “Military life forces loyalty. We always knew who had our backs.”

  “Yeah, just like leaving you the unlock code for the tanks,” Sledge countered her statement. “All of those protocols disappeared three years ago. We’re just trying to survive without all the pomp and circumstance.”

  “Who’s sailing this boat?”

  “Di and Carlos are at the helm of the Yamato. He was a pilot and she’s the navigator.” Sledge told her.


  ”Okay, Di, the canal is a kilometer away on the port side. I need you to open the gates through the computer. The canal office is most likely abandoned and you need to perform a remote turn-on through their console.”

  “It’s probably in Spanish. I need your help. Plug me into our monitor and translate what you see. I’ll craft an office hologram.”

  Carlos wirelessly connected Alikira’s optic reception chip into the monitor and waited.

  “You know, you need to teach me more Spanish than the word ‘Bonita’, Carlos. You can download the whole language one time. Turn me off and take me for an entire night.”

  “That sounds kind of erotic in a submissive way,” he said.

  “This is for knowledge input, not your fantasy. Do this right then maybe we could do the latter next.” She gave him a flirtatious look.

  “Hey, Chicka, you said it first.”

  “But you took my statement and ran with my platonic suggestion. You spiked the exotic ball, I just kicked the sexy extra point.”

  “You love to play with words, that’s why I like you, Di,” he said. “I’ll teach you Espanol. It’s easier than flying.”

  “Okay, time to get serious. I’m scanning their controls.”

  Carlos saw the Panama Operations Room’s console on holo-screen. He scanned the labels above the switches and saw the one they needed.

  “It’s that switch right there, accese la barrera de puerta del canal is canal gate barrier access in English.”

  “Spanish does sound easier than flying. I could’ve guessed that was the switch,” she said and accessed the digital augmentation.

  “Sorry, step one is applying power, hold on.”

  It took a minute, but the office came to life with a whir and many beeping lights due to the hydro-energy. After giving the room life, the gate barrier began to open. Carlos carefully maneuvered the carrier into the lock.

  “Okay, Di. Puerta cerrar is the gate close switch. Close it.”

  Alikira closed the gate.

  “Bloqueo de llenado de augua fills the lock with water. Flip the switch and we have about eight minutes before we’re Atlantic Ocean bound.”

  As the lock filled, Alikira asked which way they were going to get to the Atlantic.

  “I know you’ve flown over Panama transporting equipment. What’s the quickest way, water-wise, to get to Maryland?”

  “Personally, I’d go between Cuba and Hati after I get past Jamaica. You’ve got the Caribbean sea before you see Jamaica. Keep it port and you’ll go between Cuba and Haiti. After that, plot a thirty-four degree heading and we should be close to America’s east coast,” he said. “See, sailing is like flying. Flying’s just quicker.”

  “You, at least know something about sailing,” she said. “Planes don’t have a port or starboard side.”

  “My Papa was a fisherman before the attempt. He told me the sailing terminology. He said they were easy because port and left had the same number of letters. I just didn’t like how he smelled after a long day at sea. The reason I wanted to fly is that falcons don’t stink like fish.”

  Alikira looked at him.

  “I’m actually liking talking to you. We’ve been through some harrowing situations and we never talk. Yes, I knew you flew, but I never knew your father was a fisherman. I had a cousin who fished. He also swam with stingrays in his leisure time. He tried to revive our Great Barrier Reef by trying to stimulate more coral growth. He was swarmed by a large school if Man-o-wars and drowned. That was before I was born. My father told me that story and it made me want to fight for what I believed in.

  I believe in the human race and I will fight for our existence. I don’t know what’s coming next, but even if I’m not ready for it, I’ll expect the extraordinary and defeat it.”

  “I think you just realized you’re tougher than you thought,” Carlos said. “You’ve been living in the pit of life much longer than the start of this extinction attempt and I think this is finally making you want to climb out of that pit.”

  “I just realized I could never jump to Maryland to beat the Program, but I can walk there. You’re helping me put one foot in front of the other, thank you.”


  “The lock is full. Are you ready to continue your walk?” he asked.

  “Let’s keep going. We’ve come this far. Quitting now would be stupid.”

  Carlos began to sail past the lock.

  “On our way, Di.”


  “Can you feel that?”

  “Ow, Linda, damn! Yes, I can feel that!” Steve yelled.

  “That means Di’s receptors are working.” She took the pick off of his fingers and began to suck on them. “You taste like a fork.”

  “Now you’re making me want to feed you cherries with my ‘robo-fingers’.”

  “Seriously, Steve. Are you okay with losing a hand?”

  “Hey, you can’t be a legitimate war-torn veteran without battle scars. Are you okay with my ‘fork-fingers’?”

  “If you can feel me, I’m happy. I just didn’t want you to lose that.”

  “I can feel you with much more than my fingers. That’s just the physical aspect of us. You made me wear that Kevlex vest and if I didn’t, you’d be giving me a burial at sea,” he said. “The reason I have an emotional feeling for you more than just touch is you kn
ow my future better than I do. I appreciate you.”

  Linda thought this would be just a temporary tryst with a hunk, but his compassion was making her think otherwise.

  “What is your philosophy on relationships?” she asked him.

  “Why? What did I do?”

  “Nothing, just not use the subject you studied before you had to go all mercenary mean guy. Come on, flex that muscle you’ve been neglecting, your brain.” She lightly traced over his bullet bruises with her finger.

  Steve never thought someone would ask his opinion on… well… anything. He just lifted heavy things. Well, she did ask.

  “A relationship is a give and take situation. You give what you think your partner needs and take what is given, graciously. You never arrogantly dismiss your partner. They may know something you need more than you do.

  You have to respect your partner’s views and when they go ‘off the rails’, put them back on track. Know your partner well. Your shared likes and opposing dislikes. If you don’t agree with the menial, take that subject in stride.

  Know you’re going to fight. Just fight fair, because the make-up will be so much better. Never go to bed angry with each other, and be their best friend.”

  She gave him a tight hug and kissed him.

  “Good philosophy, Brute. I’m not angry, so we can go to bed.”

  “But I’m not tired.”

  “Did I say sleep?” She gave him an alluring look.

  “I’m outa practice, baby. Give me a minute.”

  They both went to bed and she was very patient.


  “This is an AB nullifying antigen reverse hemoglobin injection primer in the venom. The nanites are universal,” Chip said while looking into the microscope he took from the lab. “The Program knows our anatomy well, just not our drive to correct any species upsets.”

  Chip took some venom from a bat before they destroyed it. His motto was to learn the Program’s strategies and try to counter them. He wanted to engineer an antidote so other Neo-Khaos wouldn’t die needlessly. If they drank his ‘null-drink’ before they went to battle, they could tell their kids later.

  “Come to bed, Chip. I got something from the Yamamoto base gift shop.”

  Chip looked up from the microscope to see Gaia in a sexy maid costume with cat-ears on her head.

  “Meow, let me clean you up.”

  “Ooh, Honey. You don’t know how enticing you are, but…”

  “But what?! Are you choosing to gaze into that microscope over gazing at me?!”

  Chip had to tell her what he never thought he would tell a woman.

  “I love to gaze at your beauty. You are the sexiest most elegant sprite I know, but you have to understand something, Baby. I’m the one who can make Di beat this disaster. She needs my tech skills to beat the Program. Unfortunately, that beats my guttural inhibitions for now. Jenny and Kayleigh taught me way more than confidence. The reason their relationship stays fresh is that they pace themselves. I know me and I don’t want to ‘burn out’ with you in our first few months.

  You know, you’re my first girlfriend. I’m not like Steve. I cherish my first. I may not get another, so I don’t want to lose you. You’re not a dime a dozen. You’re one In a trillion,” he told her. “Don’t get me wrong. You are stunningly plasma hot. I just need to keep my heat shield on for a couple more hours, Then I’ll come to bed.”

  Gaia finally understood she was making things harder on Chip. She was so used to winning with her feminine wiles, she never took his feelings into account. She thought he would powerless against her Asian aphrodisiac like the rest of her boyfriends. That was when she realized her aphrodisiac wasn’t her asset. It was the tool other boyfriends had to use her. Chip had the carrot dangling in front of him, but he didn’t take it. He showed chivalry.

  She went to him and kissed him.

  “Thank you, I’ll be in bed when you’re complete,” she said. “So I’m one in a trillion, huh? I told you a bazillion times not to exaggerate, Silly.”

  Chip just smiled while looking into the microscope.


  After the ocean transfer, Sledge went to his quarters. He had a hard day and wanted to take a shower. Once he had on his towel, he heard a knock. He went to his door and asked who it was through the closed door.

  “What?! I’m about to take a shower!”

  “Major Cavanaugh here! Where’s the armory?!”

  “Why?! You’re in no danger on this carrier!”

  “We’re going to dock soon! I like to keep my Syntok by my side!”

  Sledge opened his door.

  “Why are you so tense? I have a borgey deactivator marksman just like you. He was looking for a fight, finally got one, and lost his hand in the process. I don’t want you with any cybernetic replacements.”

  “The reason I’m so tense is the entire Seal team I trained were possessed and turned on me. That tells me you can never get comfortable in the middle of a war. If you don’t stay acute you get killed. I’ve trained all my troops to think that way. Why would I shirk my own training?”

  “I’m exposed and shirtless. Get in here.”

  Kathrine finally looked at him in just a towel, smiled, and obliged him.

  “Look, Sledge, I’m not a hawk or warmonger. I’m not looking for one, but if one is pacing outside my door, I want my trusty shotgun loaded and on my kitchen table.”

  Sledge listened but still felt safe on the Yamato.

  “We need to talk. Please sit, do you want some coffee?”

  “I thought you were about to shower,” she said as she sat.

  “I was, but talking to you is more important. You have this innate ability to want to control everything. I think that’s the training Seals aspect of you. In this new world, you have to rely on other people who share your same goal,” he said while making coffee. “My people are mostly teens. Some are young adults, but the Program accelerated their maturity. They understand all human life is precious and will die to protect their fellow human. That means you, Kat. You need some relief from the tension. This carrier will provide that relaxation.”

  “How are you so sure?”

  “The Yamato has an all-encompassing stealth shield and Alikira hacked a surveillance bird to direct all other birds from our path. The Program won’t attack what isn’t there in its calculations. Ease up. Kat.”

  “I’m sorry, Sledge. I can never ease-up in the middle of a war. I’m not designed that way,” she said. “My tension runs wild in a war.”

  Sledge saw her uneasiness and knew what she needed.

  “You need to release this unnecessary tension on the Yamato. I’m guessing you need to relax.”

  “Why? What can relax me?”

  “Oh, just something you haven’t done for a while, you game?”

  “Game for what? What haven’t I’ve done in a while?” she asked suspiciously.

  “We need to pump. You haven’t pumped for weeks. I’ve seen your body and you didn’t get that paper pushing.”

  “I’m a lady, Sledge. I’m selective in who I ‘pump’.”

  “I’m talking about iron, not a person. Why? What were you thinking?”

  Katherine thought he was flirting. He was talking about lifting weights.

  “Uh, That's what I was thinking too. I just call my weights people.”

  Sledge looked at her strangely.

  “Okay, Kat. Just let me take a shower to wake me up, then we’ll hit the weight room.”

  “What should I do while you shower?”

  “I shower in three minutes. That should give you enough time to think of a better excuse of what you were initially thinking about.” He busted her. “Look, Kat. I know I’m probably the last man on Earth close enough to be around, but I’m the last gentleman. I know how crass and rude it would be propositioning a lady I hardly know because you’re ‘convenient’. You deserve more respect than that. I don’t know if you like me because ‘you’ don’t know i
f you like me. Let me earn any affection you might have for me. You might hate my guts, but at least give me a chance to try. This extinction attempt can’t affect the dating game. How can it affect anything that has no rules?

  I know how this works. I’m not the teenager here. I’m the man you may not like. I’m trying to be the man you like and there are no shortcuts. I’m mature, so just let me try.”

  Katherine smiled at him.

  “Thank you for being real. Take your shower and let’s go to the weight room.”

  “Okay, I’m hitting the shower. Three minutes and stop looking at my butt.”

  She grinned as he took a cold shower.


  “Wake up, Carlos, we’re just near the South Carolina coast.” Alikira let him sleep.

  “I missed Florida? Why did you let me sleep?”

  “You were tired and the only thing you would have seen is wasteland coast. We weren’t going to stop at the Cape Canaveral Archive Center to pick up dusty old space trinkets.”

  “It’s not too far now.”

  “Is the Program near the coast?” she asked him.

  “Sorry. The mainframe is in Baltimore. not Deleware.”

  “How far inland?”

  “About seventy kilometers in,” he said.

  “Even I can’t zoom in that far. Cole told me we need to see the facility in order to beat the beast. After those Seals, I don’t think anyone is up for a reconnaissance mission.”

  Carlos looked at the fuel gauge.

  “That’s for later, but as for now, we have to refuel.” He looked at the naval base location list. “Stop in Charleston. Mcain Naval Base is right off the coast. We can refuel there.”

  “What about nanite bats with possessed soldiers? I don’t think Neo-Khaos is ready for round two.”

  “Let’s see if they’re ready,” Carlos said and announced on the all-call. “Will Steve Reynolds report the helm’s room.”

  “Why are you calling for Steve?”

  “He lost his lower left arm. If he doesn’t have PTSD, I think the rest will be ready. Besides, if this doesn’t get done, we’re staying in South Carolina. Walking to Baltimore from here in the wasteland is a very unnecessary evil we don’t want to add to our journey.”


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