The Natural Selection Retaliation

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The Natural Selection Retaliation Page 13

by Kyle Robertson

  “Are you ready to monitor all of our planning, Carlos?” Alikira asked.

  “Lead the way, Chicka. I want to see how Jean-Renae did with New Yorkers because Halifax and New York seems like they’re on different planets.”

  “Okay, we’ll see if the alien could communicate with any clarity.” Alikira grabbed his hand and they both joined Snark.

  As they left the helm’s room, they saw all of the predators with Purge’s people atop them lining into formation on the deck.

  “These are some big animals,” Carlos said. “I think Nugget now knows moose aren’t the cartoon characters he had seen before.”

  Jean-Renae saw Carlos and went to greet him.

  “Do you think we have enough offense to get to Circumscriber, yes?”

  “I have to admit since we got you and your beasts we’re ‘packin’ now, but Chip and Lance are going to give us the reserve rounds we need.”

  Just then, Chip and Lance came from the lower deck with the albatross and looked as if they were going to the park to fly a kite.

  “Di, take it out for a test run. Scan and map the City Hall surroundings. Do you remember where that area is?”

  Alikira opened her palm facing up and a holo-map emerged from it.

  “You upgraded my memory. Of course, I know where that is.”

  As the albatross began to spread its wings, Lance released it. When it was airborne, its stealth bubble activated.

  “There it goes. Let’s see if our calculations were on point.”

  “How was the date with Cindy?” Snark asked.

  “She let me feed her, so I think she trusts me,” Lance told her. “Thanks for suggesting the date. It really relaxed me and I could get those intricate stealth components connected inside those mini-bones.”

  “So. You fed her, huh? Does that mean you like her?”

  “Let’s just say, I didn’t kick her out of bed.” He grinned.

  Alikira turned to Snark.

  “Mission accomplished?”

  “I think I executed well, Di.”

  “I told you a well-trained soldier can execute tasks,” Carlos said.

  “Wait a minute,” Alikira began.”You were in on this?!”

  “You already know I see problems and enact solutions.”

  “Does everyone know my business?” Lance asked Snark.

  “Calm down, Lance. Carlos was fixing my problem and your name came up in the solution. The Neo-Khaos group is small, but this carrier’s a city. Nobody else knows or cares about your business.”

  Lance had to realize his transiton knowledge wasn’t a social detriment anymore. He was highly respected at the potential end of the world.

  “Is this real, Chip? Nobody cares?”

  “You have been a hermit for years Look at it this way. I’m a transition and my girlfriend’s your sister. She’s stunning and nobody even thinks about it.”

  “Gaia’s not ‘stunning’. She’s Punky-head.”

  “Yea, the ‘Punky-head’ who wouldn’t get caught dead with a transiton. Are you catching up to this new world now?”

  “Times have really changed.”

  “It’s Transiton Time now. We just have to wipe the Program to fully embrace our new status.”

  “IS EVERYBODY READY?” Jean-Renae yelled to his riders. They all cheered in confirmation. “GOOD! GET INTO FORMATION ON-LAND!”

  They all transported to the Manhattan dock. They were ready to tame some wild savage big cats.

  “I know their location, Jean-Renae,” Purge said. “We can get there in five.”

  “You are the leader, no? All I know about New York is the name and airstrips. I never spent the night here. This mission is all yours. You will lead, yes?”

  Purge turned to the other riders.

  “Let me talk to Subroc first before you freak out the others! I don't want them thinking the other animals that escaped are dominating everything!”

  Alikira’s albatross decloaked returned and perched on her arm. She downloaded the information from the bird.

  “Avoid West Broadway! I just saw a pride camping three blocks east of Mickey’s!”

  “Good, a perfect test,” Purge said. “Are you riders ready to try some augmenting?”

  “What if we mess it up?” Cindy asked.

  “You’re in a battle right now. Miss!” It was Steve with his marksmen. “If you screw the pooch, we got ya backs! This is your first time! Expect many mistakes! We’ll be ready until you get it right!”

  Jean-Renae wanted his first class to be stellar, so he brought major support.

  “We coulda rode those beasts. Why didn't he ask us first?” Marc asked.

  “Then who would back you up, Genious? We’re in the right place. Just shut up and aim straight.”

  They all traveled quietly to the location where the pride was. They hid behind the derelict cars on the street to monitor the ferocious felines. They were just resting while the four leopards paced as if they were on patrol.

  “There’s twelve of them,” Pure whispered. “Who want to direct your beasts to hypnotize them? Remember, If your animal trances then, you have to get in there and augment them in under fifty minutes.”

  “Mario and his core leader mini-crew volunteered.

  “We can do it, Purge. Those big cats will be big kitties in thirty.”

  Mario’s crew dismounted their animals and mentally told them to disable the cats.

  “One of the moose came out fro, behind a car. One of the leopards spotted it and ran towards it! With growls and snarling fangs, it pounced.. only to lock eyes and land before the moose.

  The others went after the other wolves and mountain lions only to share the same fate.

  The rest of the big cats were alerted and attacked! One by one, the others were locked into submission.

  “Alright, team! We have fifty minutes to change these killers into defenders!” Mario yelled.

  They all went out to augment. They took out their hard-light neuro-augments to place them on the heads of the predators. They had to let the preliminary chip mesh into their skulls and connect the neuro-links to control them. Cindy was having problems lifting her lioness’ head to place it properly.

  “I never realized a lion’s head was so heavy! I can’t put this thing on!”

  Lance heard her scream in desperation and ran to her. He picked up the lioness’ head to let Cindy put the augmenter on. The hard-light hologram disappeared and the chip began to phase into the skull.

  “I hope you have it from here,” he told her. “I never studied an augmenter before,”

  “Yes, I can do the tech stuff. I just needed a stud to pick up the head. Thanks, Lance.”

  “No problem, just call me a ‘nice guy’.” He kissed her forehead and went back to Alikira, Snark, and Chip.

  “Face it, Transiton,” Snark said. “You have the hots for a New York lady.”

  “We’re Humanity’s last ones holding on. We have to take whatever we get. I never won a lottery before, but I won this time. Cindy’s nice and yes, I have the ‘hots’ for her.”

  It took Mario’s team to augment those cats 38 minutes. They were so used to the ‘run and gun’ lifestyle their essences were on another level.

  First, they put on their ultra-infra transparency glasses to see their synaptic connections inside the skull with their flexible micro-surgery screens equipped with the synapse connectors.

  After all those technological inventions from Jean-Renae, it became a ‘connect the dots’ scenario. They learned of the medulla and hippocampus areas in the brain, so it wasn’t that difficult.

  “We are finished, Jean-Renae, Fire them up.” Mario’s crew came back to safety.

  Jean-Renae heard Mario and looked at Steve.

  “Trip the switch. If they go rogue, we’ll smoke ‘em.”

  “He acknowledged and revived the hunters.

  They began to slowly wake up and stood next to the Arctic Special Forces. They complied to the signal!

  “Bien, we control them now, yes?”

  “I think we do, Jean-Renae,” Purge said.

  “Here, give this transmitter to your friend when you speak with him, yes? You will need to train your people on how to control them. Your carrier team should be complete with the training by sunset, yes?”

  “Okay, thanks. I think it's revelation time,” Purge said. “Okay. People! I’m about to tell Subroc his ‘Yankees’ are safe! When you see the cats move towards the location, follow them! You’re about to teach what you’ve learned! Have them ready by twilight! Our next stop will be Baltimore Maryland! That’s when we really get to flex!”

  Purge rode his Timberwolf to the location as the rest stayed back.

  “Do you think Subroc will believe they are getting control of those cats?” Cindy asked Mario.

  “He respects Purge, but when has a New Yorker ever believed in the good news after Circumscriber destroyed the city?” Mario said. “When the cats start going to the location, then we’ll know he believes.”


  As Purge went down an alley littered with old yellowing announcement papers, he looked up to see one of his previous people patrolling for predators on a fire escape on the second floor. She aimed her rifle at Purge, but then she saw who it was.

  “Purge?! Why are you back and how are you riding a wolf?!”

  “I’m here to help you all, I may have left, but you’re still my people. Radio Subroc and tell him I’m back with presents. That’s why I’m riding this wolf. It’s too complicated to explain, but Subroc will tell you later.”

  Katerina smiled at his return, radioed Subroc to inform him of Purge’s return and allowed him access.

  “You’re clear, he said come on in.”

  “Thanks, Trina. Now when a pride of savage big cats walks through here, do not shoot them.”

  “But that’s my job.”

  “I’m about to give you an assignment change. Your new job will be tough, but fun.”

  As he went farther down the alley to an auto parts warehouse, the door guards saw him and slid the warehouse door open.

  “What’s up, Rick, Charlie? I’ll explain the wolf later. Just don’t lose it when the big cats come to the door. Let them in. Don’t worry, everything will be fine, trust me.”

  “Purge! What are you doing to us now?”

  “What have I always done?” he rhetorically asked. “I’m saving your asses once again.”

  He went through the door to meet his former crew. They were surprised but apprehensive of the Timberwolf. The wolf stayed quiet amongst the people and took Purge to Subroc.

  “This is exactly why I left you in charge, you didn’t break anything.”

  “You comin’ back to take over and what’s with the wolf?” Subroc asked.

  Purge dismounted his Timberwolf.

  “I have him in docile mode. I can change him easily. With what I’m about to give you, control them the way you want,” Purge said. “I don’t want back the power, Edgar. I gave leadership to you. I just came back to make sure you don’t screw it up.”

  Subroc was confused.

  “What am I going to ‘screw up’. Wally?”

  “Your resources are severely limited. That means your people have to go on food runs and there is a slew of Night Breed out there; hungry Night Breed. I got you some major backup. A dangerous Night Breed of your own.”

  “What are you talking about? Those lions, leopards, and tigers aren’t a very friendly bunch.”

  Purge tossed him the transmitter.

  “You can make them as friendly or as deadly as you want.”

  “What, with this box?! Get outa here!”

  Wally knew he would need some visceral convincing, so he controlled the Timberwolf to walk towards him.

  “Hey! Call him back, Purge! I’m serious!”

  The Timberwolf kept coming and jumped on Subroc!

  As Edgar began to scream for fear of being mauled, the wolf began to lick his face!

  “I told you, you could control them. Stop screaming, bitch and press the Summon tab.”

  Edgar pushed the wolf away and pressed the tab.

  “Why do you like to explain your actions to the extreme, Wally?”

  “I was born in the barrio. Extreme was the only way to get your point across. We need to train your people on how to control these beasts by twilight and debating you on believability would waste time. Call backTrina in six minutes. I want her to see what she’s about to control.”


  As they waited pensively, the pride began to move to the location.

  “He pulled it off, People!” Mario yelled. “Follow those cats!”

  Purge’s carrier crew followed the predators to the warehouse. They passed Mickey’s and remembered their initial meeting. They went two blocks farther into an alley. Purge’s riders saw Katerina on the fire escape with an amazed dumbfounded look on her face and smiled at her discombobulated confusion.

  They walked to the warehouse opening where Rick and Charlie had Katerina’s same look. They slid opened the door to let them in. They all stood in front of Subroc.

  “Hi, Subroc, surprised?” Cindy asked.

  “Subroc’s checking his pants right now,” Mario said with a grin. “We have your advantage right in front of you, say thank you.”

  “Edgar knew Wally never lied when it came down to protection, but this was a brand new page in his skill set.

  “Are they… ours? No disciplinary problems?”

  “When Mario and the rest show you how to mesh to control them. You should have no problems,” Wally said.

  “It’s time to listen, Vato. We only have a few hours to get you to make them fetch, sit, and roll over,” Mario said and grabbed the other astounded New York dwellers. They all were still very surprised.

  “Okay, Di. Send your bird on a twenty-four-mile perimeter sweep for hostiles. I need to know the range limitations of our sweep activation circumference area,” Chip said. “The distance in the activation parameter is negligible. The active range execution of the action is the relevant part.”

  As Katerina joined the rest, Alikira’s albatross swept a twenty-four-mile radius.

  “I wanted to kill these Night Breed hunters five minutes ago, now I’m training on how to use them? What did they teach you on that boat, Mario?” Katerina asked.

  “We went up to Canada and got a teacher to help us do this. The Canadians are polite, but they can get things done, Trina.”

  It took a few hours to get them up to speed, but they finally had a devastating defense.

  “Do you think you can handle your opposition now?” Purge asked Subroc.

  “So, I can send them out to protect our runners?”

  “Just call them the bully squad. The other factions can’t hold a candle to a trained pride of Night Breeds.”

  “Okay, this is our island now.”

  “Now remember. I did this for your protection. Don’t make your security system a weapon against the other scavengers. They need to eat too,” Wally said.

  “I got it. This is just our immediate area protection, don’t get power hungry.”

  “I guess I did teach you right.”

  “I was your second in command for a reason,” Edgar said. “We don’t need to fight amongst ourselves when there aren’t too many of us left.”

  Purge felt better about leaving Edgar in command.

  “Okay, we have to leave. We have a date to take out some undead soldiers in Baltimore. Keep your people alive. This may change in a week.”

  “Always the optimist. If it changes, come back to inform me. Until then, we won’t slack,” Edgar said.

  Wally gave him a warrior’s arm-shake and began to head back to the Yamato.

  “Don’t worry, Subroc. I’ll call you.”

  Chapter Eight: The Differentia Engagement

  “This field layout is terrible!” Chip yelled while looking at the positioning of the undead around the Balt
imore facility on the virtu-screen. “We did five test sweeps in Manhattan before the albatross failed. With how spread out they are, I’d be surprised if we get forty percent of them!”

  Lance came over to see Chip boiling.

  “Hey, buddy, calm down. You don’t have to do everything. After what I just saw earlier with those Arctic Special Forces animals, we’re fine. Each of those alphas can take out thirteen men at once, Di, how many did your bird see?”

  “Three hundred twenty-four of them.”

  “That’s just nine per animal and they’re already dead with no individual instincts. We’re just backup, Chip.” Lance patted him on the shoulder.

  “I’m just doing the Murphy’s Law strategy,” Chip said.

  “Can’t you see we’re doing that very thing right now?” Alikira asked. “You’re the answer to the ‘if it all goes wrong’ aspect of the main plan. Jean-Renae’s the field general this time. Don’t take this the wrong way, but your idea was always the ‘just in case’ idea.”

  “Stop thinking you’re the only one who can fix this,” Lance said. “That’s arrogant narcissism. Gaia doesn’t like that type of personality.”

  “I guess I’m just stuck in the ‘no one can fix this but me’ paradigm. I get like that sometimes. Nobody in my class ever took any responsibility for anything tough. I had to take on the mantle for getting things done. I have to curb that mentality. We all have a part to play in this epic story and I have to stop trying to be the director.”

  Alikira went to Chip.

  “You’re one of the main characters in our epic story, just play your part well.” She smiled at him.

  She made him feel better. It was time to play his part well.


  “We’re about to storm the Baltimore facility, are your troops prepared?” Kathrine asked Sledge.

  “I have them running drills right now. They know this is the big one.”

  “What type of drills did you put them through? We’re on a carrier. It’s a big boat but a small training area. When we land in Delaware, I’ll train them on urban warfare, Seal-style.”

  “Do you think they’re ready to go extreme? They are teens and young adults.”


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