Beyond The Wall

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Beyond The Wall Page 16

by Pwyll Duggan

  Princess enters my head unannounced. It's good idea though. This time I try calling her from my mind. Sword. She instantly appears in my hand again, fingers reflexively grasping the hilt. I point it at the blue crystals and will them to draw into me.

  At first, they slowly enter the square end of the sword then speed up as more and more are absorbed. The same feeling travels up my arm, this time warm and not cold. The pressure increases from the impacts of the souls on Princess, rocking me slightly back and forth. I hear footsteps behind me as someone watches me work. As the last soul disappears along the sword, I flick it and let Doll put her away.

  Garrot is the one behind me, his two children Lilly and Aron, standing behind him. He does a little head nod salute and starts talking.

  "What's the plan now?" I look him over, then his kids, I say kids, but if they were human, they would be mid-twenties, since they are at least part Elf they could be older than me.

  "Guess you have one. Or you guessed what I'd do?" He smirks.

  "I was thinking you would need to Hunt?" I smirk back.

  "Normally yes. What I would like to do, starting tomorrow, is have the three of you start training me properly. To shoot and to fight. Scout and hunt. And we need to find out what's happening at the Mine. Even try rescuing people."

  The kid’s eyes go wide as they look at each other, then to dad.

  "Risky." he says. "We'd need better gear." I nod and continue.

  "That we will get here, as Merryn, Oak and Nyssa make it for us. We train every morning, then scout. A little harassment. Destroy supply lines. Destroy stores. Make them pay. Reap some xp. You know, plan things." His smirk gets bigger.

  "Well then, looks like I'll build some training targets. Kids, we have work to do." And he turns and walks off.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  After many protests I take off, pocketing a few of the better items to return to the village. Two daggers, a nice broad style sword and a normal length spear. I jog thru the woodlands, following the stream again, planning to cut across once I'm a mile out, see what’s what at the old blockade. The woodland is definitely greener, with a very reassuring breeze following along with me. Nyssa complained when I left, but I told her she had study and work to do - I need decent wilderness pants, thicker knees and bottom, with good pockets. Garrot got the idea and explained it to her. Kitty said bye and waved to Princess and Doll as I left.

  Nearing the five mile mark the greenery slowly fades back to the dryer and darker woods. I slow down and draw out my bow, going Scout mode on and taking my time. Various wide tracks are scattered around here now, some following the stream, others crossing them. Booted and larger than gobbers. Not trying to hide either, walking single and double file. Glad I popped Enhancement on all three physical stats as I left. Mana's sitting at full, 60. Two fireballs only, or one delayed. I turn east early, being careful of the giant spiders.

  Getting closer to the roadway reveals more tracks and signs of fighting. Spider parts mixed with green blood is evident in a few clearings. Nothing glows for me to harvest so I continue on. The trees start to thin as the shieldwall can be seen in the distance. The wall towers over the woods, still a few miles away. I can hear faint chopping and grunting down the road. Contact.

  I move a little deeper into the woods, moving slowly, checking all directions, especially above. The cloak matching my surrounds, making me very hard to see. The chopping gets louder, matching the grunting. A group of Orcs are chopping down trees, bare chested and sweating as a few archers cover them, scanning the tree tops. Each tree felled is stripped of branches and a team drags them out of the woods, onto the road. Grunting and cursing, especially cursing the loss of a stupid dual horned centaur, goes on as they work.

  I hug a tree and the cloak helps me appear as part of the trunk. Counting takes some time, but there seems to be 20 workers and 4 guards. Two overseers or officers stand on the road, small tent and table marking their spot. I know I could do some damage, but I need to truly wipe them out, then harvest souls. Too many really, so I get ready to back track and leave when one of the archers sprouts an arrow from the back of his head. Two others fall, and the orcs start screaming out. "Lamias!"

  One of the officers goes down under two large spear throws, the second dodges and brings up a shield, blocking more spears. Four lamias have exited the far side of the road, bows out firing at the workers. Two armored lamias are heading for the officer's tent, curved swords in each hand. The officer rolls out and sprints for the workers, choosing safety in numbers over standing alone. The workers are gathering shields and weapons, using the trees and logs as cover. I scan upwards in case the spiders think this is a good time to attack, but spot nothing.

  I slowly stick four arrows into the ground, and nock an extra, ready. The workers have organized a small shield wall, with a few now returning fire. Now's my chance. First arrow flies, slamming through the chest of the nearest Lamia. The second does the same. The remaining two look for where the new threat is coming from as the orcs pepper one, from tail to breasts, with four arrows. The two armored Lamias are fighting melee with the workers and remaining officer, chaos filling the small clearing they are in. I shoot the last archer Lamia with two arrows, only grazing her with the first shot. The orcs are now aware someone else is out here.

  The twin swords of each Lamia are flashing, striking down orcs as they slither around, never staying still long enough to be grouped up on yet. The shield wall turns, and they begin to try to box in the Lamia. Not going to happen. Bow away I run towards the clearing, palm out. The first fireball explodes between both Lamia, sending orcs and them tumbling in flames. The second hits the same area, orc parts bouncing off trees. I call the Sword. And then I cleave into the clearing.

  I hack one Lamia trying to stand, removing an arm at the shoulder. A few orcs are moaning on the ground. I finish them as I look for anyone who can fight back. A few weak spear thrusts get knocked away as I clear out the orcs. The second Lamia has been impaled on a log, not moving as I lop off her head. Had to be sure. I do another pass over the bodies, making sure they are all dead and harvest as I go. I check the officer’s tent and the Lamia archers to make sure.

  Using the Detection/Identify Traders ring from my pack, I score six more Lamia spears, two curved swords and another orcish axe. Few coins in various pouches and I pour the small amount of lantern oil over the collected logs and set it alight, running off down the side of the road to the wall.

  Approaching the blockade area, I see the remains of another watch tower, gouges alone its side, roof torn off. Green blood is sprayed up all the posts. Well, the Wyvern did make a splash then. I jog to the wall and pass through to find a row of spears on the other side.

  These are not Chen's soldiers. They set their spears as I walk thru yet none move forward. An overdressed soldier, fancy hat with plumed feathers, shiny and gaudy armor steps forward sneering.

  "Lord Tanaka demands your presence. You are to come with us. Hand over your weapons and you will not be harmed." I start laughing, slowly at first and then into a full cackle. Looking past the spearmen I see another group keeping Mari and her acolytes in the temple. A line of Tanaka's house guard is facing off against Chen's soldiers. They have a two to one advantage over Chen. Not good. I may have upset the wasp nest.

  I raise my arms high in the air, hands spread.

  "Come get them then." The spearmen all aim at me. At 10 yards away, they are not an instant threat. The Captain strides forward, hand on his sword, bluster in his walk. I roll my shoulders, flex my hands. He stops in his tracks, hand almost drawing his sword.

  "Killed lots of things today, my muscles are sore. Sorry?" He slows down, four steps from me.

  "Captain is it?" He stops. "Do you have your orders in writing?" He scowls.

  "My lord only needed to give the orders. We follow his word." I shake my head at him.

  "Princess." And she appears in my hand.

  I heave Princess downward with all my new
strength, hitting the Captain's helm before he even draws. I barely feel any resistance until I reach his breastplate. I roar and use my building anger to keep driving the sword downwards, pushing both hands down. A metallic clang sounds as I try and stop the blade at the stones, chips spark off the stone. The two halves of the Captain's body fall away, leaving me staring at the spearmen.


  Fear flows from the ten spearmen as I flick my wrists, blood leaving the blade in a splash on the stones. They're hesitating. Too bad. Blade in my right hand I put my left hand over my shoulder. "Bow." Doll passes the bow into my hand. That snaps some of them into action. They move forward and I backpedal, drawing, Princess being wrapped in vines and back over my shoulder. The first spearman gets an arrow dead center to the chest. He's not even falling as the next one drops from a thigh shot. The third gets a weaker shot that glances of his armor as I disappear beyond the wall.

  I turn and run towards the river side, east. I count twenty steps and reenter the wall. Stepping out the spearman are at the wall, some touching it, others attending to their comrades. They notice me after one grabs at the arrow in his neck. I shoot twice more, legs this time. Three down on the ground, screams and moans of pain start to fill the air. I fire once more, vaguely hitting a shoulder as I disappear into the wall again.

  This side is quiet, no screaming here. I ran back to the road, bow going away and grabbing Princess. This time I slide thru the wall.

  I kick out with my feet as I slide thru, snapping something. Right arm swings in an arc over the top of me, Princess stopping in something. Left arm I push, throwing myself up and off balance. I'm too strong now. I topple over, ripping Princess free from what held her, blood flying. I stand, men screaming around me. Too close for spears, some of them drop the weapons, reaching for their belts. I start swinging, chopping away at any resistance. Small blades are no match, my strength ignoring the attempts at blocks or parries. The strength of having two hands on the blade overpowers everything.

  I leave Princess embedded in a spearman on the ground and unsling the bow. I walk forward slowly, firing at the soldiers facing Chen. Arrows fly straight and true. At 100 yards they still punch thru whatever mail armor they wear. I walk forward, letting Princess drink, arrows flying. The guards at the temple, turn to me, another officer ordering them after me. I let them get down the steps, then turn and shoot the officer. She struggles with the arrow in her shoulder as Mari steps forward and runs her thru, dagger in hand.

  These ones have swords, dare I say katanas, and appear to have some skill. I drop the bow, hold my right arm out and call Princess to me. I step forward and swing. The guard attempts to block with his katana, but the force knocks it, and him, back. His sword impacts his spaulders. Lucky his katana only has one sharpened side. Something hits me in the ribs. It cuts, but I feel something break inside me.

  I might be stronger and have Stone injected skills, but I have only really attacked with surprise on my side. Four vs one, this is going to be a painful teaching moment. If I survive.

  I drop back a step and bring the blade up, crossing my body. All four grin and start to spread out. House guards, of course they have surrounded and beat someone up before. I parry a few testing strikes, batting away their blades easily. Once they get my measure I'm fucked. Ol' one three time. I get shots one and three, they get two. The problem is that I hope their two doesn't kill me. I commit. I lunge forward, bringing Princess down in a cross cut. The guard chooses to plant his feet, spare hand going half way up his sword, bracing it. Doesn't help him. I grunt in effort as Princess bites into his katana and forces him down. Princess slices into his neck, blood flowing and I let go, spinning arms going up to block.

  One strike bounces down my arm and glances off along the tassets, bruising, not cutting. My right ulna bone stops another blade from removing my whole forearm. I roar thru the pain and my left arm drops. My knees bend as I leap thru a left uppercut. The guard's jaw explodes from his chin strap. With the little strength I can scream thru with my right arm I use it to pull him into the path of another guard. Princess appears in my left hand and I cut downwards from the uppercut, shocking the guard there on his return strike.

  I bat away his sword, kicking out, shattering a leg somewhere on him. As he falls forward, I twist and put my muscles into a knee to the head. Blood streaks past my spinning body, turning to face the last guard, right arm at my side. The last guard has just pushed away his comrade, sword now in front of him, two handed and ready.

  "My sword's still thirsty." I sneer at him and he looks down at it, in my left arm. The pommel opens, eye staring at him.

  "Gahh." He shouts and starts to stumble backwards. I kick with my right leg, hitting his hands on the hilt, forcing the sword onto his chest and up. Princess swings up from my left side, biting several blades deep into his crotch.

  Looking up I see Chen's men just holding their ground, spread out to each flank. Princes is drinking away as Mari and Amaya run up to me. Before I can say anything Mari's and Amaya's hands glow and they touch my arm.

  "No bleeding on my mats." Mari grins.

  "How long have they been here?" I ask.

  "Less than ten minutes. Earlier a smaller group tried to get close to your house, but Chen scared them off, they returned with reinforcements." I flex my hand and arm. There's still a thin cut, it's starting to bruise but the bleeding has stopped. Plus, my ribs aren't hurting as much. Magic rocks. Imagine no more sports injuries.

  I grab Princess in my right hand and lay her across my shoulder. Mari looks me in the eyes.

  "There are too many You can't take them all." I grin.

  "I know that, you know that. But they don't know that." I wink and start walking towards the line of soldiers.

  Half of them are facing Chen's men, the others are facing me. I put more swag in my walk, obviously flexing my shoulders and arms as I get closer. I slow down twenty yards out and shout out.

  "Sorry for making you wait Officer Chen. Needed to warm up." A shout comes out over the house guard, now shuffling nervously.

  "I thought it would be rude of me to start without you Shielder Walsh."

  "Extremely kind of you Officer Chen. I do need the souls after all." The sound of wood bouncing on stone as a few spears are dropped and rattle on the ground. One guard starts shouting.

  "Up on your feet cowards! We fight for House Tanaka! We rule this village. Think of your honor!" I spin with Princess in my hands, like if I had an athletic hammer. I let Princess go and she spins thru the air. The Officer raises his spear to block it, the path Princess is following is easy to see. Princess and spear collide. But Princess is spinning, and just spins off the spear continuing her path. She digs into the Officers breastplate, under the arm. He grunts and falls to his knees. I put my right arm in the air and call.


  Gasps and cries, followed closely by more spears bouncing off the stone as Princess just 'is' in my hand again, pointing to the sky.

  "Anyone else's honor more important than their families at home - step fucking forward! I don't have all day!" It rains spears on stone. Almost a nice beat there. Matches the beat down. I turn and head to the temple as Chen rounds them all up. Things to do, souls to hand in. Xp to get. And fuck anyone in my way.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Operational Power at 00:149:00:16:56

  Shielder Container #57824 Present

  Soul Refinery #0008 Present, bond detected to #57824

  Heartwood Detected... Accessing procedures...

  Heartwood Bond Detected. Status Upgraded.

  ID: Paul Walsh, System: Sol 00548, Sol III

  Current Level:6, Battle Mage

  Harvested Spirita Aqua Detected

  Prepare for Spirita Aqua Removal.........3...2...1

  This time I just walked in and sat down, going with the flow. Princess back in her sheath and quiet as the process starts. I wait as the green cursor runs back and forth over the cube, lines of information sc
rolling down as it does so.

  Stored Pure Spirita Aqua: 450

  Genus: Goblinoid

  Snotlings: 45 - total 95

  Goblins: 45 - total 57

  Bane II achieved, boon granted

  Bane III achieved, boon granted

  Orc: 27 - total 28

  Bane I achieved, boon granted

  Bane II achieved, boon granted

  Genus: Demi-humanoid

  Lamia, soldier: 4 - total 11

  Bane I achieved, boon granted

  Lamia, leader, small unit: 2 - 4 total

  Genus: Humanoid

  Humans via sub-type:

  Assassins: 1

  House Guards: 21

  Bane I achieved, boon granted

  House Officers: 3

  Corrupted Lords: 3

  Genus: Daemon

  Daemon via sub-type:

  Amorphous Immortal: 1

  Special Point added.

  Spirita Aqua Deposited Value: 3140, plus 450 refined - 3560

  Operational Power Now at 01:140:00:15:44

  Boon granted, 500 deposit

  Boon granted, 1000 deposit

  Boon granted, 1500 deposit

  Boon granted, 2000 deposit

  Boon granted, 2500 deposit

  Boon granted, 3000 deposit

  Boon granted, 3500 deposit

  Adjusting Shielder Container

  Spirita Aqua Deposit: 3140xp

  Village Supplied: 100xp granted, 100 Spirita Aqua gained

  Village Added: 100xp granted, 100 Spirita Aqua gained

  Diplomacy: King Oak Spirita Pool added, 100 Spirita Aqua gained.

  Bonded: Soul Refinery 100xp

  Heartwood 100xp

  Defeated Enemies: Thieves: 3 90xp

  Bihorn: 1 30xp

  House Guards: 18 180xp

  Special: Night One Killed (1/3 Zone)

  Total Adjustment: 3840 xp added 5570 xp total

  Shielder Container leveled to 11.


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