Beyond The Wall

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Beyond The Wall Page 18

by Pwyll Duggan

  Time for a little planning.

  "Any chance we can get lots of bags of rice ready for me to take to the Grove Beyond the Wall? Lots of blankets, clothing and supplies? And I need to start training with the soldiers - learn how to fight properly." Rika waves at me dismissively.

  "Already taken care of Killer. What else do you need?"

  "um, lunch?"

  "Grab what bribes you wish to take." I leave two spears, both axes and the bow and bundle the others. Aysun gestures my way.

  "To the Coffee House." We walk off arm in arm, bundle up on my other shoulder.

  The village is a bustle of activity, peoples of all sorts out and about, and extremely cheerful. Soldiers are patrolling the streets and their interactions with the demi-human villagers seem positive, getting waves, smiles and stopping to chat. The only people not seemingly happy are the pure humans, well the richer ones anyway. Those that have come over to this side to shop, eat and do business are on edge and wary, unsure what to make of all the recent events.

  Aysun is smiling and waving to people in houses and homes. I just tag along, waving at people as they call out 'Shielder' or just say hello, sticking to the trade tongue. The village is only three blocks wide, with many buildings per block. None of the streets have signs. The smithy is on the first block we pass. Houses make up the second, up to two stories high. The same for the block by the river, with all the buildings seemingly having businesses as the ground floor. The roofs all have that ski-jump edge, like traditional Japanese buildings, even if some look like Tudor halls, log cabins or stone squares.

  Same with the clothes. Although traditional Japanese style was predominant, other dress styles were evident. Furs, cloth pants and shirts, rudimentary suits and dresses adorned various peoples. Only correlation for dress style seems to be the type of work you do. Makes sense, as much as anything does around this world. As I am daydreaming, we get close enough to see the river and bridge, in daylight this time.

  The river is wide, a good 200 yards. It's slow flowing with steep riverbanks here. Very clear and deep. A few small fishing boats throwing nets along its length. Downstream is the now empty docks with their adjacent warehouses. The tops of the curved roofs across the river pop into view from the tree lined street on the other bank. It's a great view, even better if I can sit and eat - doing that old ‘people watching’ trick as they walk by.

  The coffee house has no sign, or door even. The whole bottom of the building is open and bustling with people. All the tables are packed, and people look up as Aysun comes into view. One lone table is empty, slightly to the back of the business and right in the middle for all to see.

  Aysun is waving at everyone, face beaming. Rika is already shaking hands and beaming also. Seems I'm going to be on display, with a huge audience. I didn't even think of that.

  I'm not a smart man.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Greetings, questions, congratulations and just a jumble of words assault me at once. With Aysun in the crowd, my hand is grabbed, shaken and passed on to the next. They slowly drag me to my table, so I'll be on display for all. I have the only chair in the place, apart from some stools along the bar to the side. A small side table sits next to it, steaming drink awaiting me. Luckily, I have a pillar behind my chair, so my bundle gets to rest there.

  There are too many faces and voices for me to concentrate on. I drop my head and try to breathe. My anxiety rises, and I try to calm myself. Hands glowing, I Enhance my three physical stats as the place quiets at the show of magic. Princess senses my discomfort, opens her eye and looks around. People shuffle back in shock, gasps filling the air.

  Bunny is there, hand on my arm, standing by the pillar. Looking up at her I touch her hand in thanks. My hands grasp the steaming cup and bring it to my lips. Ahhh caffeine, the elixir of life. I sigh as my mind and body calm.

  Aysun is dragging an older version of herself to the table, followed by a young dark elf with short hair.

  "Paul, this is my mother, Erin and my sister, Chel." I start to stand and get waved down.

  "Pleasure to meet you both." Erin greets me warmly.

  "Nice to see my Aysun got a nice Shielder. Thank you for what you have done for the village. In three days, you've changed the way we live. It'll be interesting for a while with our new Ladies in charge, but we will prevail." Chel adds.

  "Not letting them put a collar on us again." She has that goth slash emo look. The whole angry younger child thing. Don't blame her on the attitude thou, pretty spot on.

  I end up eating and greeting a lot of the village. I'm the show, Rika gets the respect, Aysun the friendship and Bunko the honor. I get the distinct feeling they do not expect me to last long. Just the odd comment about 'how long this time' 'when was the last time one lasted a week' and so on. Real boost to the ego and confidence that. Then it hits me. That is how it has been for them, the villagers. Over three years of failures, led by greed and corruption. I can change that.

  I turn my smile up, greet people better. Do the small talk, try and learn things. Showcase the ladies more, involve them in the conversations. And suddenly, I'm part of the crowd. A villager. Joking about crops, bad rice and needing more coffee. Getting people to thank our servers, cooks and helpers for the day. Rounds of cheering. Bringing the hope back to these people.

  After some time, even I feel a part of the village, especially when I pulled Bunny on my lap making her blush, then laugh. Barin is drinking with Aysun's parents, talking about plans for the farms. Farmers are discussing getting the roads upgraded to allow more carts. One of the fisher-women is discussing adding more windmills to water the crops, using the millponds to farm fish and use permanent nets. The conversations slowly die as the sounds of hooves gets louder throughout the town.

  Riding up this side of the river is a troop of cavalry. The Dukes flag and colors, (red sword with wings on a blue background,) flapping wildly as they ride. They are trotting along, eight horsemen and women, two centaurs (unsure gender as they are in full plate with shields) and two felines on large riding cats. Each has a spear held at rest in the stirrups, pointing straight up, small flag at the end.

  You might expect to be blinded by the shiny plate armor, but none of that here. As they get closer, I can see all the riders are in dull, hard worn plate. No intricate designs, no heraldry, no filigree, no golden highlights only dull, well worked armor. Same for swords and scabbards, saddles and saddlebags. All the barding is also substance over style. It screams veterans, no nonsense soldiers. Chen's Captain has arrived.

  The ground troops at the coffee house form lines and stand at attention, Chen out front. As the lead horse stops near Chen, he salutes and holds it. The troop returns the salute and the leader removes their helm. Spiky short red helmet hair sticks up as the leader shakes her head free. It is a mess of miss-cut bobs and spikes, which was squashed under the open-faced helm. Green eyes brighten an otherwise stern face. Zero makeup covers the face, and her small mouth seems locked in a straight line, the look is definitely ‘no-fucks given’. She snaps words at Chen in quick succession.

  "At ease Lieutenant. Men. Looking good there. Any injuries to report?"

  "No Captain St James. Lord Walsh dispatched Lord Tanaka's men in short order. The prisoners are at our new camp site awaiting your orders." He drops his salute. The Captain looks him up and down and one of her eyebrows raise.

  "New Spear I see. I really am going to have to try and find new men. Pity you are leaving us." She pauses, looks into the coffee house and rubs the neck of her large black horse. She continues.

  "We'll need room at the camp tonight. Tell Lady Rika I will attend her this evening. We have to calm Lord Tanaka before he expends more resources." She replaces her helm, takes one last look at the crowd and gestures her troops over the bridge.

  The coffee house bursts into activity and some muted cheers. Looks like this village will stay changed after all. Rika and Aysun are busy with Erin. Chen is ordering soldiers around. Bunn
y retrieves my bundle, bringing it over to me as I walk out, watching the cavalry leave. Maybe tonight I can get more info on this land, well this side of the wall anyway.

  Back at the house I rope a few guards into sparring with me. Training swords in hand they laugh. Once I point out it's, so I don't kill them by accident they quieten down. The first few matches go their way, but once we get into the swing of it, I start to beat them slowly, learning more and more with each practice. I have the skills stone-taught, just not the practice. As I get more confidence, I invite first a second opponent, then three and even four at once.

  The sounds of horses approaching stops them sparring with me and they return to their posts. Captain St James rides up with two extra knights. She removes her helm and her helmet hair falls out in its unkempt bob.

  "Using my troops for practice?" she sneers.

  "No - using the Dukes troops to further his goals and my survivability. Walls to power, villages to save. That kind of thing." She looks doubtful and dismounts.

  "Well then Shielder Walsh, maybe you need more of a challenge." She draws a heavy mace, six heavy protrusions going the length of its head and reaches a coffin shaped shield down from her saddle. The top section of the shield has a rose painted on it, just above a boss that has a vicious spike (thorn?).

  She whips the heavy mace back and forth warming up. I twirl my training sword with my wrists, circling it over and over.

  "Not using that cleaver on your back? Worried you'll hurt this little girl?" She starts circling me. I trigger my detection ring. Nothing.

  "I'd cut you and your mace in two. Princess likes to feed when she comes out." Her voice drips sarcasm.

  "Really? You're too big of a man for me?" and she strikes at my sword, trying to knock it from my grip. My wrist is limp as she hits it, allowing it to go down as I flick my wrist, hitting her gauntleted hand.

  She whips back, not expecting me to be that fast.

  "So, think you can drop a level 5 Knight?" wow, I’m impressed.

  "That's the maximum people can reach isn't it?" I back off as she starts stepping faster. Her grin is more of a sneer.

  "Come on Shielder, show me something more than that." She darts in again. I block her strikes with the sword. She swings me around, as she rains blows at me, testing my footwork as I peddle around backwards.

  She starts hitting harder, the effort on her face as her cheeks redden. She switches grip, going two handed dropping her shield and pummels my sword, rings echoing off the nearby garden walls. I start timing and wait. She's either pissed off at me or someone else. I let her knock my sword a little further back each time, feigning weakness. She's grinning now, and I wait for the overhand strike.

  As it comes in, I step forward, left hand up and grab the mace coming down. My strength is so great it jars her to a stop, mace shaft locked in my grip. My training sword is up at her throat. She's straining to pull back her mace.

  "That's why Princess stays on my back. I can enhance my strength, among other things." She snorts out a breath and releases her mace. I reverse it and hand it back to her, grip first. She takes it with a huff. I walk up to her horse.

  It's huge, black with a blue sheen to his/her coat, from what I can see anyway.

  "What's her name?" I ask casually, hoping to diffuse the Captain.

  "Rose." Is the slow response. "My father named her after me."

  "Lovely name. Is there a flower here called that? Like on your shield? We had them at home."

  "Yes, there is. My family grows them. We specialize in breeding horses, warhorses mainly." Her tone gets less hostile, less antsy.

  "We're known for that. 'To have a St James in your cavalry is a sign of excellence - to have one riding the other is a sign a victory.' My father loves that saying. There's a relative in most of the major armies now, from Earls up to the Princes' Guards." I look at her directly.

  "That's impressive. How long has your family been doing that?"

  "Generations now. Rose here is one of the last Elemental Horses. See the blue sheen in her coat? That's her water affinity shining thru. She's getting old now, maybe a year or two left in the old warhorse." Her voice gets sweet and nostalgic.

  "Miss her when she's gone. The old days you could get a Druid to Level them up, it would increase their lifespan and grant them an elemental form. None pass level 5 these days. Too many deaths, no real mages or Druids left. Gran's stories and the bardic tales are just that now, tales for the crowds." She’s stroking Rose now, eyes off in the distance.

  Do I try this? Go for the diplomacy? Once done, no way to keep it secret. If it works that is. But it'll be another contact, another favor earned/bought. I need to test this ability anyway. With that story, make the tall tales true. Get permission then- do the right thing.

  "Rose, um Captain St James. Would you like me 'up' your steed?" Her green eyes turn to steel, boring into me.

  "You're trying my patience Walsh."

  "Early today when I was 'communing' with the Stone, I was granted the option to do just that to a non-shielder. Maybe something you get after level 10?" her eyes pop and she goes stern.

  "What level are you?"

  "Battle Mage 11."

  "11! How's that possible? In just 3 days? Countess Murdock's Shielder is level 8 after 4 weeks. I'll need your Priestess here, now." She waves one of her guards off, galloping for the temple. She turns back to me, dubious look on her face.

  "What would you want for this? I cannot offer you anything. I have no Imperials or land worth this."

  "Um, friendship?"

  "Friendship? As in a powerful male with a female for friendship?" she gets a bit testy at that.

  "NO - friendship, as in a friend, someone to help me. Teach me things I need to know. And vice versa. Friends." Her eyes squint at me, hands go to her sides, a furrow on her brow.

  "That's it? Many have tried to join my family."

  "That's it." I cross my heart with my fingers. "Cross my heart. Scout's Honor." I leave the three fingers up as the scouts do, did. Whatever.

  "So, I'm not good enough for you?" hands on her hips, staring at me.

  "Shit woman - please be serious, I already have enough women saying they want me. Just friends. Please." She's still judging me, her harsh look going up and down my now nervous form. She continues staring and judging me as her rider returns with Mari behind them. Rose St James turns to Mari while pointing to me.

  "This Shielder claims he is level 11. Is this true Priestess of The Stone?"

  "It is Captain St James. He's done more in 3 days than any in the last 3 years here." Mari's eyes are harsh, not backing down at all. She's stiff, arms at her side, fingers moving in small patterns. Rose notices and puts both her hands up.

  "I mean no harm Priestess, please stop casting. He's offering to 'up' my horse. I needed to see if he can do it. That's all." Rose backs away from Mari and walks to her horse. She starts to remove its gear, saddle and barding.

  Mari walks over to me to watch. "This a good idea Paul?" I shrug.

  "Probably not. I need to test it. Seems the best way. If it works...... shit gets real and the world changes just a little."

  "That is, as always, an understatement."

  "Can I ask a favor or three?" I look at her.

  "Ask away oh mighty Shielder."

  "I need things that hurt Night Ones. The Stone said there are 2 more near here, beyond the wall. Those scrolls I see at night, anything else like Holy Water, garlic, silver etc. Would be helpful."

  "Anything Blessed by The Stone helps. Blessed Water, Holy Scrolls, engraved items. I will see what I can do about some scrolls and water tonight." Yes, everything helps. Water – water-guns would be good. Buckets? Waterskins would need to be bigger, like bagpipe big. That’s not a bad idea.

  "Could you put the water in a huge waterskin, with a long reed neck. So, it could fit under my arm and I could squeeze it?"

  "You want a bagpipe full of water?"

  "Yes - just the part un
der the arm so I can squirt it further and aim."

  "You are truly strange. I'll raid the warehouse for the instrument - if no-one has saved us from it by putting it out of OUR misery." She's shaking her head. "May The Stone bless this work." The Captain has her horse ready.

  Both Roses are standing proud. Rose St James is stroking her mare's neck, gently and calmly talking in hushed tones. I walk up to both of them.

  "No idea how this works, but maybe stand back Rose." Both girls look at me. I casually lay my hand on the mare's muzzle and forehead.

  "Please work. Hopefully this doesn't hurt - either of us." I close my eyes and reach inward, like casting, and pull the power out.

  Heat flows down my arm, the exact opposite of when the souls flow the other way. Fingers tingle, muscles twitch just a fraction as it leaves my body and enters the mare. A snort then a soft whinny comes from her as she steps back. She shakes her head, slowly at first, then a full heavy shake, like head banging. Her mane and now tail are flying around as if in a hurricane. The sound of water running out of a fountain grows louder and louder. Then a flash of blue and the sound of trickling water flowing on the ground.

  Both Roses walk to each other. The mare nuzzles her rider and she hugs the now blue horse, water flowing down her flanks. The mare's using her muzzle to push Rose to mount her. Rose slowly mounts, able to use the waterish mane as reins. The mare looks at me, neighs and bolts, Rose hanging on for dear life. They take off south, Rose St James' whooping and cheering volume decreasing the further away see gets.

  I look to her riders. "Gears all yours to deal with. Good Luck." One looks at me in shock while the other gives me a shaky salute. I turn to the guards.

  "More practice?"

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Practice kept me busy while Rose blazed around town. Her horse was now faster and stronger than before. As soldiers passed on patrols, they even gossiped she was riding ON the river. For my last few sparring matches I used Princess which resulted in a few near misses. I thanked the guards and headed to the temple.


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