Dark Rising Trilogy

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Dark Rising Trilogy Page 56

by DeAnna Browne

  “Hopeful.” A sense that maybe she did have a purpose in this group gave her courage, though it didn’t ease her concerns about Becca.

  “Good. Let’s get you back to the tent.”

  “Sorry, Doc.” She stood up ignoring his offer of assistance and brushed off her pants. Visions took energy out of her, but she pushed through the fatigue. “I’m still going to talk to Andre.”

  “Of course.” He dusted off his hands. “Speaking of which…”

  Andre exited his tent with Nikki and Caleb at his side. “Elizabeth,” he greeted her. “Nikki was just telling me of your vision.”

  “What are we going to do?”

  His pause was a second too long. “Did you let Becca know about the vision?”

  “Yes. I showed her what I could.”

  “Did they want our help?” His calm facade was infuriating.

  “She didn’t say, but—”

  “Becca and Darion are more than capable. If not, I wouldn’t have sent them, especially with a child stowaway. If I honestly thought I could do anything from here, I would. There’s nothing we can do but stay up to date. Does that work?”

  She bit her lip and turned her gaze to Caleb. He didn’t appear any happier about the situation than she did. But there was only so much they could do. “That works for now.”

  “Great. Now we are taking a day trip to contact a potential ally. Leon and Doc will be in charge while I’m gone.”

  “Are you going to visit a white-haired man with a dog?” The vision fresh in her mind, she knew she had to find the man somehow.

  He paused and tilted his head slightly. “I haven’t seen the man in years. I’m not sure.”

  “He had a dog last time we visited,” Caleb answered, watching Elizabeth closely. “How do you know?”

  “I’m going with you.”

  Andre’s face fell. “The trip will be a lot of driving. It may be tiring, and possibly dangerous.”

  “Becca would throw a fit about you going,” Caleb said. “I told her I’d watch you.”

  “How can you watch me if you’re gone? I’ll go with you and you’ll make it easier for both of us.”

  “Elizabeth,” Caleb stepped towards here. “It’ll be safer here with Leon and Doc.”

  She couldn’t muster the energy to get mad or frustrated. They were trying to keep her safe, but she knew she’d go. At some point, she had to.

  “Why do you want to go?” Andre asked.

  “Because I know you’ll need me. The man spoke of me.” A simple answer no matter how improbable.

  The men looked at each other, unspoken concern in their gazes.

  Finally, Doc turned to go. “I’ll pack her a bag.”

  Caleb sat in the back of the Jeep with Elizabeth. Andre drove while Nikki rode shotgun. Caleb voiced his opinion that they needed more security. One doesn’t go visit such a strong magician as Richard without some sort of backup. Caleb suggested at least Leon.

  Andre told him that if he brought his brother, it would be taken as a threat. Caleb could see his point. The two brothers together made a credible threat to most magicians. Also, Leon oversaw things back at their camp.

  An uneasiness still settled in Caleb’s bones, though. They took back roads to a broken spot in the city walls in order to cross without detection. The old Jeep could have used better shocks, as they bounced over the rugged terrain.

  Elizabeth’s small frame continually strained against the harness. Caleb didn’t like taking her either. Her power could be an asset to any magician, and Caleb knew firsthand how greedy and power hungry magicians were. He had been up on the market not that long ago.

  Andre slowed as the road turned, climbing over the ruined remains of a wall. “One plus side of Ryma’s successor not being named is bad city maintenance.”

  “One of many,” Caleb agreed. Ryma had led his own coven, and after his death he would normally be replaced by the next in line. Except Ryma was a member of the most powerful coven in the world, Lazaro’s coven of thirteen. So those in line had to search for someone who Lazaro would approve of and let enter his coven as well.

  The longer it took, the better for Andre and his followers. Missing a member of the coven, weakens the coven. The more missing members the better. Andre’s plan was to go after the weaker members of the thirteen before Lazaro himself. Take away enough of his power, and Lazaro may be able to be beaten. The problem was none of the members were weak. Ryma had almost killed Andre. Dark magicians, as Darion referred to them, used demons and human hosts to fuel and amplify their magic. That fact alone put Andre and the others at a disadvantage.

  By the time the sun started its descent, Andre parked the Jeep in between two large ash trees. Unbuckling and climbing out, Caleb stretched his stiff muscles. He double checked his gun and placed it back in its holster. Not that he planned on using it. He remembered the last time they met Richard, an isolated old man, not overtly violent yet powerful enough to stand alone.

  Caleb turned to help Elizabeth out of the Jeep. “Feeling okay?”

  “Yeah. I’m a little tired.” She still looked thin to him, but at least the dark empty look in her eyes had been improving.

  “Do you need another jacket?”

  “No.” She rubbed her arms. “I’ll be alright.”

  Nikki stepped around the car while Andre stood several feet off, staring at something Caleb couldn’t see.

  “Does he sense us?” Nikki asked her father.

  “I’m sure he does,” Andre said.

  “If it was anything like last time, there will be a dog to greet us.” Caleb remembered all the unsettling demon pets and turned his eyes to the nearby trees to search for birds. He found a hawk watching them with great interest.

  “There it is.” Nikki pointed towards the approaching large dog with curly brown hair.

  The dog stopped a few feet in front from Andre. Then turned, their cue to follow him. It wasn’t an easy path. Caleb helped Elizabeth through the debris from fallen trees and weeds as tall as their knees. They moved slowly, but the dog would periodically stop and turn to wait for them.

  The two-story house was in the same condition as the yard. Caleb wouldn’t let Darion spend the night in there. One misdirected spark and the whole house would go up in flames. Aged paint peeled off the siding while wood shutters clattered with the breeze.

  On the porch swing sat Richard, his white hair stood out against the dark house. He didn’t stand to greet them but remained swinging back and forth. The dog took its position next to him.

  Caleb offered Elizabeth a hand as she walked up the rotting stairs, worried they may crumble or trip her up. Andre leaned against the porch railing opposite Richard.

  “So, old friend, what happened to raging against the dark of night?” Andre asked Richard, who hadn’t bothered to even turn and great his visitors.

  “I was never a fan of Dylan Thomas, and he never witnessed humanity bleeding out of existence.” The pain in the man’s eyes was echoed into his aged body.

  Andre sat next to him in the swing and motioned for the others to take a seat in the ragged patio furniture. Caleb wasn’t sure it would hold any of them. While the girls sat in nearby chairs, Caleb hitched a hip on the railing. With this man, so unresponsive, someone needed to stay on alert.

  “So, you’re done with this life then? Waiting to pass and be reunited with your sweet Iris?”

  Richard flinched at the mention of the name and gave Andre a sideways look. “I don’t have the energy to race around the country in rebellion.”

  “Neither do I, but here I am.” Andre rubbed his head, looking out at the yard. “I thought I’d live and die in my caves. But things are happening, things I never thought possible. Hope is happening.”

  Richard gave a dry bitter cough. “There is no hope. Not with Lazaro on his throne. And I’m not sure he will ever die. Not in my time.”

  “I have some people that I’d like you to meet.”

  Richard turned, finall
y acknowledging the others.

  “This is my daughter, Nikki, and—”

  “I remember the Mundane from before. But where’s the…” He searched for someone—maybe Becca—then finally settled on Elizabeth. Pausing, he stared for a moment, taking her in.

  Caleb gave her credit that she didn’t flinch under his gaze. Her blue eyes searched his in return. “It’s nice to meet you, again.”

  He flinched, obviously not knowing where, and struggled to get his words out. “I haven’t ever met you before.”

  “I know, but I’ve seen you, and your dog.”

  “No, you can’t be.” Richard eyes widened in astonishment and looked to Andre. “You found a seer?”

  “They found me and proceeded to flip my world upside down.”

  “This is Becca’s sister,” Caleb said, wanting Richard to know the whole story. “Your spell from before almost killed Becca, but it saved her sister.”

  “You survived…” he watched her in awe, “with your mind still intact.”

  Elizabeth shrugged. “Some days are better than others.”

  “She is still recovering,” Nikki told him.

  He exhaled still staring at Elizabeth. “My Iris was a seer.”

  “I know,” Andre said.

  Richard stood up and kneeled in front of Elizabeth. “May I?” He reached out a hand.

  Slowly, she picked up her hand and laid it in his.

  “Tell me, Angel. What do you see?”

  She pulled back slightly and sent a nervous glance at Caleb. At this point, no one had asked Elizabeth for a vision. In her state, they didn’t want to push her. Now with tears in his eyes, this man almost begged for her gift.

  Andre stood. “Her gift had been bound since she was a child. Then hosting the demon Bael for months has hurt her. My daughter was right in saying the young woman is still recovering.”

  Caleb could see the anger flicker in Richard’s eyes. “I would resurrect Jeremiah only to murder him again.”

  Elizabeth tensed under the man’s presence. Caleb started towards her, but Andre intercepted. “Richard, why don’t we go inside to talk? Let the girl rest.”

  “Right, right.” He stood, rubbing his hands together. “Let’s go in.”

  Caleb remained close to Elizabeth as they entered his house. He was grateful that Richard was more responsive, but worried about his infatuation with Elizabeth.

  Chapter Eighty-Two

  Becca walked down to the work area with Darion and Navina. She didn’t mind the work; granted, Darion did most of it. Navina and Becca practiced their magic mostly and helped Darion with minor repairs.

  Every magician had abilities to do simple spells, but most magicians’ power was drawn to a sect of magic: earth, water, air, spirit, and fire. While Darion’s talents lay with fire, Becca and Navina found their affinity with spirit. Becca was an enchantress who worked well with someone’s mind, while Nevada, who also had an affinity to spirit, became an illusionist.

  They didn’t know what Navina would become. Some kids hadn’t even developed their magic at her age. As Andre put it, Navina was a witch to watch. Knowing Navina, Becca assumed he meant that in more than one way.

  They finished walking down the metal stairs and settled in. Navina and Becca set up to practice. Becca noticed Darion staring at the wall.

  “What’s wrong?” She walked over next to him.

  “We’re not the only magicians on board.”

  “How do you know?” Navina beat Becca to the question.

  They were staring at a metal wall, plain and gray. The edges were wrought with rust, which is what they were fixing as their payment for transport. Nothing looked out of the ordinary.

  “Feel it,” Darion instructed them.

  Becca placed her hand on the cold metal. “I don’t feel anything.”

  “Exactly. The magic is gone. I didn’t seal it, because I wasn’t done, and I assumed there were no other magicians on board.” He ran a hand through his head as he exhaled in a rush. “Why would they take it?”

  “To piss you off?” Navina took a seat on the floor and crossed her legs.

  Becca shrugged. “Maybe they wanted your magic.”

  “Only a magician could take it. But why? It doesn’t really sabotage us. There are three of us. Between you and I we have more than enough magic for this simple task, even without a demon.”

  It didn’t make sense to Becca either. Would someone just do this to tell us we’re not alone on board? They didn’t have enough information. “There’s not much we can do about it now.”

  “No. Just between Liz’s vision and this… something is off.”

  “Maybe we should talk to the captain, or Bastian at least. Do they know who’s on their ship? And that they are sabotaging our work?” What really drove her crazy about her sister’s visions was how much she analyzed every move she made. Would this take her towards the vision or change it? Either way, she ended up in the ocean and didn’t know a spell for breathing underwater.

  Darion probably had the same train of thought as he stared at the wall, his back to Becca. Despite their current situation, she couldn’t help but admire his back side. Those strong shoulders traveling down…

  He turned around, a sly smile on his face. Since they joined their magic months ago, they had an unusual connection of sensing each other’s emotions. Not that it took a mind reader. “Really, babes? Undressing me with your eyes before we even start working for the day?”

  “Gross,” Navina cringed nearby. “No mental nakedness while I’m in the room.”

  “Physical is alright then?” Becca joked.

  “No nakedness of any kind. Ever. And you wonder why I wander off.” Navina glared at them while she stood. “Let’s go find the captain or someone. I need a break from you two.”

  Becca smiled, glad to torment the girl. It was better than the truth that she didn’t know how they were going to survive the next two days.

  Elizabeth tried to still her hands as she wrapped them around the warm cup of tea. The intensity of Richard’s gaze made her nervous. Not that she feared the man, she’d seen how things played out, but he made her out to be something she wasn’t. She couldn’t use her gift on command. Or maybe she just didn’t know how.

  Curiosity crept into her mind and made her wonder what she was capable of. Since she woke, her visions had been so confusing, scary, and overwhelming. But as she grew stronger, she wondered if she could control them instead of being controlled by them. Maybe then she could really help her sister and the others.

  She sipped her tea again, as they sat around a dusty kitchen table, and listened as Andre finished telling Richard about the battle by the cave.

  “He’s really gone?” Richard asked. “I’ve been avoiding the others lately, tired of their petty arguments. No wonder they didn’t tell me. They are all vying for the position.”

  “Have you thought about taking Ryma’s role yourself?”

  Richard puttered. “You’re kidding, right?”

  “You’re the strongest wizard in the state, especially the strongest independent wizard.”

  “And the oldest, remember. Why would I want to, anyways? I have no desire to put up with the backbiting, deceitful people. The new generation of magic is darker. They would skin their mothers if it gave them more power. Power is addictive, and they all have no control.”

  “This isn’t about gaining power.” Andre leaned forward. “It’s about neutering Lazaro’s power source when we attack. You’re one of the few not sworn to him.”

  “I’ve proven my worth to him years ago and was afforded the luxury of independence. I would not have that if I resurface to take Ryma’s position.”

  “We’ll bring the fight to him, before he can force you.”

  Richard’s hand stilled above his cup. His eyes flickered between everyone at the table. “You can’t be serious.”

  “I want my children and hopefully grandchildren to one day live in peace.”

“Did you see this?” He turned to Elizabeth.

  She shook her head, disappointment heavy in her gut. If only she could see how all of this would end up. “I only see a short time in front of me.”

  “Andre, this is a death wish. You know that.”

  “And why are you scared of death?”

  Richard stared into his cup, a sadness on his face that made Elizabeth want to reach out to him.

  “You know my part in the takeover. If there is a heaven or hell, I won’t be on the right side of things.”

  “Now is your time to change that.”

  “By leading a bunch of kids to their death?” Richard looked at Andre.

  “If I didn’t think we had a chance, I wouldn’t be here. I’d be hiding in the Artic. But we do. I can’t tell you everything but trust me.”

  “Trust you?” Richard’s voice raised. Elizabeth could feel the rage—or maybe magic—rolling off him. The two men continued yelling at each other, but she blocked it out.

  Staring down at her hands, they trembled in her lap. Was it fear? Neither of them would hurt her. Just like Richard, Andre and the others, she held magic in her hands. Magic that was part of her down to her bones. It felt like electricity running between her fingers. An antsy restlessness bubbled up, but she wasn’t sure what to do with it. She knew she was a seer because of the visions that hit her, but what else could she do?

  “Teach me.” The words came out of her, small and quiet, like her. Her petite frame and weak body often led others to treat her like a child. She grew tired of that.

  She looked around the table; everyone continued to argue and bicker, ignoring her. Even though this decision affected her like everyone else. Her frustration built the anxious feeling even more.

  Gathering that electricity that ran up and down her arms, she closed her eyes. She was done with being weak and helpless. Pushing the energy out of her, she raised her voice to be heard over the arguing. “Teach me!”

  A blinding light flashed along with thunder that shook the walls of the house. The dog howled, and other animals joined in with their own cries. Elizabeth struggled to catch her breath as an exhilaration raced through her she’d never experienced. Grasping onto the table, she tried to calm down.


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