Onyx Queen

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Onyx Queen Page 5

by L C Taylor

  His cock slipped free, falling flacid at his leg. Luca dropped to his side, tugging Onika against him. She draped her leg over his hip, snuggling as close as possible.

  “Let’s sleep for now. You’ve worn me out.”

  “It didn’t feel like you minded…” Onika giggled against his chest.

  “Definitely not.”

  Onika listened to the slow beating of his heart. His breaths rose and fell against her cheek. Closing her eyes, she fell into a blissful sleep in the arms of the man who held her very soul in his hand.

  Chapter 17

  Loud banging woke Onika. It took her a moment to realize someone was at her door.

  “Luca,” she poked at his side, “there is someone at the door.”

  Luca groaned, rubbing his eyes to clear the sleep, “What, Onika?”

  “I said, there is someone at the door.” Another loud knock echoed through the room.

  “Hang on!” Luca called out, slipping from the bed, and pulling on his discarded pants. “Cover up, I’ll go see who it is.”

  Onika watched as Luca cracked the door to her chambers, “Yeah… What? When? Give us twenty minutes.”

  “Luca?” Onika watched as he pushed the door shut and turned to her, his face was a mask of sorrow. “What is it?”

  “There’s been another explosion in the Sapphire Kingdom.”

  “What? When?”

  “Several hours ago. Captain Hanson has been trying to call us,” he reached for his phone that had fallen out of his pants and skidded across the floor, “FUCK. Twelve missed calls.”

  “What aren’t you telling me, Luca?”

  He sat on the edge of the bed, tangling his fingers in her hair, “The explosion was in the village where Queen Stephanie had been staying. You know she and Sarifena weren’t speaking. She’d only moved there a few weeks ago to stay with an old friend.”

  “Oh no… please,” Onika sucked in a strangled cry, “don’t tell me… is she…is she dead?”

  “Yes. Both Queen Stephanie and her guard are gone. Heath asked you to come to the castle. He feels she needs her sisters – even if the relationship is new.”

  “Of course,” Onika rushed out of the bed, “Let me change. Then we can go.”

  Luca watched as she threw on some clothes. They hurried to clean up in the bathroom and rushed downstairs. Constable Peters was waiting for them.

  “I will send several men to the site of the explosion. This is a tragedy. Please give the Queen my condolences.”

  Nodding, Onika let Luca ease her into the car. Her mind was a mess of thoughts. Poor Sarifena, how would she cope with this loss.

  The car had barely stopped and Onika was out of her seat. Luca took her hand and escorted her inside. She could hear Emersyn talking as the approached the living room. Her breath caught when she saw Sarifena.

  “Where is Onika?” Sarifena managed to ask through the tears.

  “I’m here!” Onika ran into the room, “Sorry… I wasn’t here sooner.”

  Squeezing in beside Sarifena and Emersyn, she wrapped her arms around her.

  “What do you need?” she brushed Sarifena’s hair from her face.

  “Nothing… everything,” she sighed, “Hell, I don’t know.”

  Just as Sarifena rested her head on Onika’s shoulder, the sound of a toddler crying filled the room. Onika watched as Sarifena moved abruptly, taking a small boy from Heath’s arms.

  “It’s ok, I got you.” Sarifena whispered against the child’s ear.

  The boy immediately calmed down and relaxed against Sarifena. He scanned the room, his eyes wide with apprehension and curiosity, Sarifena bounced him.

  “Sarifena?” Onika glanced at Emersyn, then to Heath, “Why do you have a toddler in your arms?”

  “His parents were killed today. He wouldn’t let anyone else help him but me. I couldn’t just let him go.” Sarifena nuzzled his hair, smiling at Onika whose mouth hung open in shock.

  “You’re good with him. It’s like he belongs in your arms.” Emersyn smiled, slowly walking toward her and Alex. “Can I hold him?”

  Onika watched as Emersyn held her arms out.

  “It’s ok. She’s my sister, Alex.”

  Sarifena tried to coax him into letting her hold him. Alex glanced between the women, before finally reaching out towards Emersyn. Emersyn slipped her arms around him and braced him on her hip.

  “How old is he?” Onika probed, shock still filling her veins.

  “He’s two.” Heath smiled from his position against the wall.

  “Sarifena,” Onika stood, “What can I do to help you? I know you don’t want to hear this, but your mother will receive a Queen’s burial. You know as well as I do that means it will be overwhelmingly large.”

  Sarifena shrugged, “I haven’t given it much thought.”

  “How about you let me handle the details.” Onika offered, trying to take some of the burden off of Sarifena.

  Alex whined, reaching out toward Sarifena. Onika watched as she opened her arms and take him as though it was a natural thing to her.

  “Besides…” Onika grinned, “It looks like you're going to have your hands full getting him set up here in the castle.”

  They spent the next little bit discussing what to do and what Sarifena needed for the child she now held in her arms. Onika couldn’t help but hide her envy, she longed for a child of her own one day. But first she needed to get her magic under control. The last thing she needed was to harm a baby because she lost control.

  Chapter 18

  The sky was gloomy and dark. Much of the weather had to do with sad emotions each of the queens felt. Onika tried to rid the darkness, but her heart was still filled with its own despair, making it difficult to control the dimly lit sky. She watched as the procession of cars moved along the blacktop and stopped. Sarifena stood beneath the umbrella Heath held above her as she held Alex snug against her. Onika was glad she had Heath to support her. She needed all the help she could get right now.

  The rain was her fault.

  Emersyn had created a beautiful flower garden around Queen Stephanie’s grave site. It was a sight to behold.

  Everyone had come to bid Sarifena’s mother farewell. Rory stood beside her husband and wife, tears filling both women’s eyes. Rory was the only other person who could possibly understand the pain she was feeling. Her father was running out of time. Soon his cancer would cause them all to be here again – burying a parent.

  She and Luca, along with Emersyn and Drake, surrounded her and Heath. They wanted to surround Sarifena in a fortress of love.

  As the priest concluded the ceremony, Onika watched as her newfound sisters spoke.

  Emersyn whispered, “Are you ready?”

  Blinking at her words, Sarifena appeared confused, “Ready for what?”

  “I’m going to close the ground. I wanted to make sure you were ready.”

  “Heath,” Sarifena turned, handing Alex to him, “hold him please.”

  Stepping out from under the umbrella, letting the rain wash over her face, Onika watched as Sarifena tilted her head towards the sky.

  “Alright,” she glanced back at Emersyn, “I’m ready.”

  Onika was impressed at her sister’s power. Emersyn weaved her magic across the ground. The ground shook as the dirt knitted itself back together, the wooden box holding Queen Stephanie’s remains closed off from the world above. Once the mound of dirt was returned to its original state, tiny blue flowers sprouted, covering the bare soil.

  “Emersyn,” Sarifena stared wide-eyed, “That’s beautiful.”

  “I wanted to do something special, for you and her.”

  Embracing her, “Thank you.”

  “Whatever you need, Sari, I’m here for you.”

  Onika stepped up to the two women, “Yes. Me too, Sarifena.”

  “You’re not mad at me?”

  “Mad at you? Sarifena,” she tugged Sarifena into her arms, “No, I’m not mad. And I have a
confession. Amalee already knew. When Luca and I ran off, we were in the Amethyst Kingdom. She found me and demanded to know why I was hiding. She promised not to tell anyone.”

  “Thank god, I was worried I’d screwed up.”

  “Everyone knows now. So, it’s water under the bridge.”

  Rory stepped up beside the three of them, her belly round with child.

  “Wow, Rory, you’re finally showing.” Onika snickered, placing her hand on her cousins tummy.

  Rory grinned, “I’m almost four months.”

  “Christ… Dimitra’s been missing that long?”

  The women grew somber, a silent understanding that one of their own was still out there.

  “My men have scoured the deadlands. Still no sign of her.” Amalee glanced into the distance, “I wish I knew what that damn riddle meant.”

  Onika understood what she meant. When Anthony was found, he’d mentioned the man who helped him escape gave him a clue. He’d said ‘The place where fire meets water and is covered in darkness. That is where he will take her.’

  “We can’t give up hope. She’s alive. I just know it.” Amalee spoke, her voice no more than a whisper.

  “You're right. We must believe this man, Jason was it? Is keeping his word that he would protect her.” Anthony spoke as he wrapped his arms around Rory. “I believed him. He wasn’t there because he wanted to be.”

  Sarifena nodded, lacing her hands with Heath’s as they made their way towards their awaiting cars. Everyone was headed to Sarifena’s place to spend time together. Onika held on to Luca’s arm, resting her head against his bulging muscle. She wished there were some way to ease Sarifena’s grief. She knew all too well what holding onto it could do.

  “Your Majesty,” Constable Dennis grabbed Amalee’s arm, “There’s been another explosion. We need to return to the Amethyst Kingdom.”

  “Shit.” Amalee turned toward everyone, “I’m sorry Sarifena, I need to go.”

  “Do you need us to come with you?” Onika glanced around at the shocked faces, her heart pumping with anxiety.

  “I do not think that is necessary. My men have contained the damage – but the Queen should be seen by the people.” Her Constable spoke.

  “I understand,” Sarifena gripped her hand, “Thank you for being here today. Let us know if you need anything.”

  Amalee nodded as the Constable escorted her away. Onika smiled when she saw his hand pressed into the small of her back, comforting her as he ushered her to their car. She wished Amalee would just tell her parents to fuck off and let her heart have what it wanted.

  Chapter 19

  She sat staring into the darkness, trying not to disturb Luca who was sound asleep in her bed. Onika had felt restless since coming home from the funeral. Her insides churned and her gut burned with something dark. Something heavy.

  She stood, pressing her arms against the cool bricks of the patio’s ledge and closed her eyes. Yesterday she learned that Alex’s father had returned to take him back. Apparently, there was some twisted family dynamic and his adoptive dad was the one who died. Onika knew Sarifena was heartbroken, she hadn’t come out of her room in days. Everyone was trying to dig up information on the man, Nicholas Brigham.

  Onika wanted to rip his heart out. He had no business turning up now and demanding the child. Alex belonged to Heath and Sarifena.

  The shrill sound of her phone startled her, causing her to jump. She rushed inside and answered in a whispered tone.

  “Yes,” she glanced at Luca, still sound asleep.

  “Onika, it’s Heath.”

  “Heath, is something wrong?”

  “Yes. I received a letter this morning. It appears Nicholas Brigham is not who he says he is… I need your help. I don’t want Sarifena to know just yet – I fear if we are too late and something happens to Alex,” he paused. Onika could hear the emotion in his voice.

  “Say no more. Tell me what you need.”

  Heath filled her in on the letter’s contents and asked that she have her men scour the land trying to find him. He hoped that they would be able to bring Alex home where he belonged.

  “You have my word, Heath. I will do everything I can to bring him home to you.” She disconnected the call and tossed her phone on the table. Grabbing some shorts, she slipped into them and started searching for her shoes.

  “Going somewhere?” Luca’s deep voice startled her, causing her to jump.

  “Shit… I didn’t mean to wake you. There’s been a development and I need to speak with my commander.”

  “What is it?” Luca sat up, the sheet exposing his taunt muscles.

  Onika bit her lip and smiled, “A letter was sent to Heath. Nicholas Brigham isn’t Alex’s father. I am going to have my men hunt him down.”

  “I’ll come with you,” he slipped from the cool fabric and stood. His toned body made Onika growl, sparking a wink from him as he gathered his things, “Stop staring at me like I am a piece of meat.”

  “What can I say, you look good in nothing. You ready?”


  Onika descended the stairs, her mind filled with rage. Someone had taken a child that didn’t belong to them. She was not was not going to sleep tonight… Instead, she would spend every moment hunting this man down.

  “Commander Brady, I’m sorry to drag you out of bed, but this is time sensitive.”

  “It is my job to be at your beck and call, Your Majesty.”

  Onika began filling him in on the information she’d received from Heath. She explained that she wanted Captain Stephens, along with several of his officers, to leave at once. They were advised to notify her as soon as they had a location on him.

  “If you find him, notify me at once. I want to be there when you bring him in.”

  “Onika,” Luca grabbed her arm, “You can’t be serious. It could be dangerous.”

  Onika’s eyes grew dark, her body becoming rigid as she pierced him with her gaze, “Commander, leave us please. I need a word alone with Luca.”

  Luca ran his palm over his face, “Onika…”

  “No. You listen to me, Luca. The fastest way to build a wall between us is to start preventing me from being Queen. I will be there when he is found. You cannot stop me.”

  “Please listen to what you are saying. You’re not thinking straight. You’ve been off the last few weeks, Onika. You know you’d never put yourself in harms way. Why now?”

  Her anger bubbled, her magic seeping from her pores. The room began to grow dark, the light vanishing from the space they were in.

  “Luca, you need to leave.”

  Onika took several deep breaths, gathering her wits.

  “Stop, Onika.”

  Shaking her palms out, Onika relaxed, drawing the darkness back inside her soul. She could see the smidge of fear in Luca’s eyes, making her suck in a breath.

  “I need some time alone,” Onika stormed passed him, “I’ll come find you soon. Please don’t follow me, Luca. It’s for the best right now.”

  Luca watched as she abandoned him in the room. His heart thumped erratically against his chest, something was wrong with her, he just knew it.

  Chapter 20

  Her men found him quickly. Nicholas Brigham had been holed up in a run-down shack just outside her kingdom. What a fool. Of all the kingdoms he could have chosen, hers was the stupidest.

  “Your Majesty,” Captain Stephens whispered.

  They were hiding among the tree line waiting for his officers to give them the signal. Onika watched, waiting patiently to come face to face with the trash who’d caused heartache for Sarifena.

  “What is it, Captain?”

  “My men are saying he is refusing to open the door.”

  “Well, then perhaps we can convince him.” She emerged from behind the foliage and strutted towards the front door. Her hands tingled with power, waiting to be unleashed. “Tell your men to prepare themselves… it’s about to get dark. Captain, hold on to my shoulder othe
rwise you will become as blinded as he is about to be.”

  Captain Stephens rested his hand on her shoulder, his grip firm but not painful. Onika closed her eyes and allowed the magic to do its thing. Darkness enveloped the area, blinding anyone within its clutch. She couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across her lips as she heard him screaming inside. Guiding herself and the Captain inside, she pushed her power harder. She could see everything, including a sleeping Alex. Thank God he had been asleep. Onika didn’t think about how her magic would affect him. The gentle squeeze of Captain Stephens reminded her where they were. She eased her power back, calling the darkness to her. In a flash, the Captain had Nicholas in handcuffs.

  “YOU CAN’T DO THIS!” Nicholas screamed.

  “Oh we can and we are, Mr. Brigham. We know who you are… Captain. Take him out of here.”

  Onika squatted beside Alex, who was now coming to. He rubbed his little hands across his eyes and sat up.

  “Mama?” he whimpered.

  Onika reach out, running her hand across his head, “No, but we’re going to go see her. Do you remember me, Alex? I’m your Aunt Onika.” Her arms outstretched and waited for him to crawl into them. He hesitated, but finally leapt into her grasp. She held him close as she stood. Walking from the tattered room, Onika’s eyes misted over, they’d nearly lost him to a monster.

  The drive to the Sapphire Kingdom took most of the day. Alex slept in the car, barely making a sound. Onika heaved a forlorn breath, no child should have to endure what he had. Losing his parents, then being ripped away from the only person he’d come to know. Her blood boiled with vexation.

  Onika watched as Captain Stephens led Nicholas Brigham into the house. Heath had requested seeing him if he was located, why she didn’t know. Maybe he wanted to punch him in the face – that notion made her crack a grin. Holding Alex, Onika stood with him by the window.


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