Baja Honeymoon

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Baja Honeymoon Page 17

by Roland Graeme

  It was beginning to get late, so Ken got busy firing up some briquettes in anticipation of grilling the fish fillets for dinner. Along with the fish, he decided to serve some grilled squash. Because he’d taken care to get the briquettes good and hot beforehand, the fish quickly turned a crusty golden brown, and it smelled delicious. No professional chef could have been prouder of his results. It was, if Ken said so himself, a great dinner. He and Rick devoured every scrap of it.

  After the meal, they walked along the beach. As the sun sank lower over the water, the sky transformed itself, passing through the spectrum from its daytime clear blue to a mellow orange. Soon the sun kissed the water, backlighting the crashing surf and throwing reds and purples onto the glistening sand. After the sun had finally disappeared completely over the horizon, the air immediately began to get colder. The temperature continued to drop as the two men strolled lazily back to their camp. It promised to be the coldest night they’d experienced on the trip so far. The low was probably fifty degrees, but after being in the tropics for a week, they were definitely spoiled and felt that they were experiencing a real cold wave.

  The night wind felt damp, and the sleeping bag and pillows were cold as they got ready for bed.

  “Well,” Rick said philosophically, “I’m the one who passed up the chance to sleep in a motel tonight. I had to insist on roughing it.”

  “I’ve been in cheap motel rooms down here before. Trust me, this is better.”

  “I don’t know whether to bundle up tonight or sleep in the nude,” Rick remarked.

  “Well, I’m still going to sleep in the raw, myself. So you might as well too. It’s a scientific fact that if two guys lie in bed together in the nude, their body heat will keep them warm more effectively than if they were all covered up in clothes.”

  Rick guffawed. “And what gay scientist came up with that conclusion?”

  “I don’t know, but I’d sure have been willing to volunteer to participate in the study.”

  “Yeah, they wouldn’t even have had to pay you. You’d have paid them.”

  “Come on, let’s stop talking about it, and let’s strip down and get in the fucking sleeping bag so we can start warming it up.”

  “All right, already.”

  Minutes later, they were snuggled down together, nude. Rick put his arm around Ken’s waist and pulled him close against him within the confines of the sleeping bag. Ken had to admit that Rick had loosened up quite a bit in just the past few days, or rather nights. He now seemed to think nothing of lying next to Ken, with their limbs and even their genitals coming into close contact, bare skin brushing against bare skin. In fact, Ken suspected Rick had learned to enjoy it. Not that Ken blamed him. It was a sensual pleasure, and not necessarily a sexual one, although it did tend to give rise to erotic thoughts.

  The stars were unusually brilliant, flashing in the blanket of darkness spread out above them. It had been a great day of exploration, and Ken was grateful that they’d stumbled upon this desolate but beautiful stretch of the coast. He was even more grateful to be naked in bed with Rick.

  Ken assumed they’d just go to sleep. He lay there, content to do no more than that.

  As a result, he was taken by surprise when Rick spoke in a drowsy whisper. “How’s that body heat theory working out for you, so far?”

  “I feel fine. I don’t mind the little chill in the air at all, now.”

  “Me, either. I guess all those gay scientists were right.”

  Ken chuckled softly in the darkness and ran one hand pensively over the lower part of his face. It felt coarse with beard stubble. He hadn’t bothered to shave that morning, and it had been a long day.

  He closed his eyes and settled down in anticipation of sleep. He tried to visualize Rick naked—his body, his cock—translating the tactile sensations he was feeling at the moment into visual images. Smiling, Ken was all but asleep when the nearby whisper startled him.

  “Hey, Ken?”

  “Yeah? What?” Ken mumbled in a drowsy stupor, not moving. He’d been so close to drifting off to sleep that he’d barely noticed when Rick, with a restless movement, had pressed his body even more tightly against him. The other guy was now not only snuggled firmly next to him; he had slid one arm over Ken’s torso and was hugging him with it. Ken could barely see him in the darkness, but he could hear his regular, deep breathing, and he was fully aware of his physical presence. He exulted in the nearness of Rick’s warm, nude body.

  “What?” he repeated, fully awake now.

  “I can’t seem to fall asleep.”

  “Well, that’s your problem. And trust me, it’s not one I’m having tonight. I can hardly keep my eyes open, I’m so tired.”

  “Oh.” There was a distinct tone of disappointment in Rick’s voice. “I’m sorry. Sorry if I’m keeping you up, I mean. I was hoping maybe we could talk.”

  “We can talk in the morning. All you want.”

  Rick sat up, pushing the top flap of the sleeping bag partly aside to free himself from it, and placed his warm palm on Ken’s bare chest. “Aren’t you horny?”

  “Not particularly.”

  “That’s a switch. I thought you were always ready for a little action.”

  “Not tonight. I’m sorry to disillusion you, but contrary to this preconception you still seem to have about me, I don’t think about sex twenty-four-seven. I like to take at least two or three hours off, once a day,” Ken joked. “Come on, lie back down and go to sleep.”

  There was a pause, during which Rick didn’t move. Nor did he take his hand away. It continued to slide around on top of Ken’s chest in a gentle exploratory circle. “Don’t you want me?” Rick asked, in a husky, almost inaudible whisper.

  “Stop kidding around.”

  “I’m not kidding.”

  “Yeah, right. Don’t be such a prick teaser.”

  “I’m trying not to be. I’m serious. I want us to… you know, fool around.”

  Ken put his own hand over Rick’s and pressed it more firmly against his pecs. “Oh, really. So tell me. What brought this surge of lust on, all of a sudden? Are you doing this because you really want to, or because you think I expect it from you?”

  “I don’t know. A little bit of both, I guess. No. I thought I was doing it because we both want to. Don’t you want to have sex with me?” Rick asked frankly.

  “Sure I do, theoretically speaking. But only if you really want to. I don’t want you to put out for me out of some sort of feeling of obligation.”

  “But that’s not it at all,” Rick protested. “That’s not what’s going through my head. I know you’re a lot more experienced than I am. You must think I’m pretty dumb and naïve. But I can’t help myself. I couldn’t get to sleep, lying there thinking about you lying here so close to me. I kept thinking about what it would be like if we, if the two of us, you know, did it together.” His voice trailed away into inaudibility on the last word.

  There was a long silence.

  “Okay, I’ll try to be as honest with you as you’re being with me,” Ken promised at last. “Of course I want to have sex with you. You’re very attractive, and you’re a lot of fun to be with—when you’re not being such a hardass, that is. But I don’t want you to do anything that’s going to result in some big guilt trip in the morning. I want us to stay friends. That’s not worth fucking up just to get rid of a hard-on. So think about that, Rick.”

  Rick seemed to think about it, but only for a moment. “I think we ought to go for it,” he said quietly. “Don’t worry about me. I’m pretty sure I can handle it. I promise you I won’t freak out. Not now, and not in the morning.” He shivered slightly.

  Ken flung the top of the sleeping bag aside. “You’re cold. You’d better get back in here beside me.”

  “I’m not cold. Just scared.” Rick let out a throaty little nervous laugh. “I’m afraid I’ll disappoint you, what with you being so experienced and all. You’re going to have to cut me some slack and be pati
ent with me.”

  “We’ll take it nice and slow.” Ken took Rick in his arms and pulled him down onto the sleeping bag beside him. As Rick clung to him, shivering even harder, Ken matter-of-factly pulled the top of the bag over both their lower bodies. “There, that’s better, isn’t it?”

  “Yes. A lot better.”

  Ken was thrilled by this renewed contact with the other man’s naked flesh. Rick, Ken already knew, was highly appealing to look at. But he was even more exciting to touch. The muscular body pressed against Ken’s felt warm and bulky in the darkness, yet pliant beneath his gently exploring hands. He caressed Rick all over, not hurrying, not wanting to risk frightening the straight guy with any show of impatience. He gave Rick plenty of time to get used to the feeling of being bedded down with him, and he was rewarded when Rick quickly relaxed, the tension almost palpably flowing out of his big, hard body as Ken continued to stroke it in slow, reassuring motions.

  Yeah! Ken exulted. What a hot guy. And he wants it, all right. He’s ready. And so am I.

  “Ken? Do you want me to, you know, suck you?” Rick whispered.

  “Do you want to suck me?”

  “I think so.”

  “Don’t rush it,” Ken advised, although the mere thought of Rick’s mouth on his cock made that organ twitch fiercely in anticipation. “Let’s just touch each other for a while first. Go on, you can touch me. All over. Grab hold of anything you want to grab hold of. I won’t break. I want you to enjoy my body. Forget about trying to prove anything, to me or to yourself, like how many times you can come or all the different positions we can theoretically get ourselves into. Just let yourself go and do whatever turns you on. Here, feel my cock.”

  Rick’s fingers were already brushing over Ken’s belly. Ken sized Rick’s wrist and pressed his palm against the shaft of his prick. It was already swollen with arousal, and when Rick eagerly grasped it and began to stroke it, the shaft lengthened and thickened with an almost alarming rapidity. Ken choked back a cry of excitement as Rick tightened his powerful grip around that awakening cock and began to pump on it—clumsily, Ken, had to admit, and far from the way Ken preferred to have his hog flogged, but with undeniably invigorating effect.

  “Oh fuck, Ken. It’s so big,” Rick breathed in awe. “So big and hard.”

  “Go on, play with it all you want. Touch my balls, too. I like to have them worked on, almost as much as I like having my dick jerked. Go ahead. Squeeze the fuckers,” Ken pleaded, parting his muscular thighs to give the other man more room to work his hand between them. Ken thrust his head down and pressed his lips to Rick’s sleekly muscled shoulder, slowly working his way down the rugged body, leaving a trail of languid, wet-lipped kisses that made Rick shiver against him. Rick writhed and moaned when he felt Ken’s lips close firmly around his left nipple, and the blond’s wet, slick tongue flicked rapidly over the sensitive brown cone.

  “Um, you taste good,” Ken mumbled.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Sucking on your nip. Don’t tell me nobody ever did this to you before?”

  “No,” Rick admitted.

  “Never?” Ken was incredulous, but also pleased. He was going to introduce Rick to something new. “I can’t believe how inhibited your girlfriends must’ve been,” Ken teased. “What’d you do with them—never get past the basic missionary position?”

  “Let’s not talk about my experiences with women right now.”

  “Yeah, I can see how it might put a damper on the mood. Anyway, most guys’ nipples are very sensitive. I know mine are. I love to have them worked on. Let’s see how sensitive yours are.” With that, Ken got back to work, first kissing the nipple then drawing it inside his open mouth.

  As the tit flesh hardened in response to his sucking, Ken teased it gently with his teeth, using just a light pressure to keep the little nub trapped between the edges of his teeth. Rick let out a sharp gasp. He buried his hands in Ken’s thick mane of shaggy blond hair. He seemed to want to pull Ken’s head away at first, but after a moment he apparently thought better of it. Ken could tell that Rick was enjoying the tit sucking. He tickled the point of the nipple with his tongue while continuing to apply a light pressure on it with his lips. Rick emitted another gasp, louder and more urgent this time. His fingers caressed Ken’s scalp through his disheveled locks of hair, and he pushed Ken’s face firmly against his chest, forcing Ken to keep his mouth on the nipple. Not that Ken needed to be forced. Now that he’d gotten a good taste of Rick’s flesh and knew how responsive his nipples were, he had no intention of relinquishing it. He sucked on the nipple more forcefully and licked at it with quick, wet swipes of his tongue.

  “Fuck,” Rick groaned. “I can’t believe how good this feels. I can’t believe I’m getting off on this shit, that it’s giving me a fucking hard-on.”

  He squirmed helplessly as Ken pressed his advantage by seizing Rick’s other nipple between his fingertips and pinching it, gently at first but then with increasing force, rolling the reddish-brown nub around and massaging the hard pectoral muscle that surrounded it.

  When he had tired of this tit play, Ken rested his rough-stubbled cheek on Rick’s chest for a moment, panting lightly to regain his breath. Rick was also breathing hard, his chest rising and falling under Ken’s head. Rick stroked Ken’s hair and the back of his neck, tentatively at first, but then, Ken noted with satisfaction, with more boldness. It was a lover’s boldness, with more than a hint of possessiveness in it. Rick’s big body stirred lazily beneath Ken’s, but there was a latent sexual tension underlying the apparent lassitude. Ken could feel the impressive heft of Rick’s erection rubbing against his belly and groin. Ken’s own prick throbbed in empathetic response to the pressure.

  “Are you feeling horny?” Ken whispered.

  “Hell, yes.”

  “I think it’s about time we did something about that.”

  “What?” There was now a quick, unashamed eagerness in Rick’s voice.

  “I’m going to teach you how to suck cock.”

  “Yeah? How?”

  “By example. How else? You just lie back and relax—if you can,” Ken added smugly. He knew from experience that very few men could relax once he started working on them. “And take notes, if you want to. For future reference.”

  Rick trembled and let out a faint whimper. Ken interpreted this as a lack of protest, as an indication of passive acquiescence on Rick’s part. Ken had obviously succeeded in getting the other guy in the mood. Rick wanted to get blown.

  But Ken decided it wouldn’t hurt to tease him a little first. That would make Rick appreciate it all the more once the sex act began in earnest. He ran his tongue over those solid pecs again for a moment, kissing each hard-pointed teat, then moved his head down Rick’s broad torso, laving the smooth skin and corded muscle of the man’s washboard belly, thrusting the tip of his tongue into the large, puckered navel as far as it would penetrate, which made Rick bite his lip and squirm more restlessly in response. Then Rick gasped and worked his hips harder from side to side as Ken impatiently thrust the upper folds of the sleeping bag aside with one hand and used the other to explore between Rick’s muscular, well-furred thighs. Next, he shoved his tangled blond head into the warm, moist mystery of Rick’s crotch. Like an explorer mapping out previously uncharted territory, Ken used his tongue on Rick’s perineum muscle and flicked it tantalizingly over his anal entrance, but then focused his attention on the two big balls, which trembled helplessly in the confines of their stretched-taut, swollen scrotal sac.

  Ken carefully drew both testicles inside his mouth and treated them to a warm, slippery bath of his freely flowing saliva. Rick shook under him, from head to foot, as though Ken’s mouth had given his balls an electric shock.

  “Christ!” Rick yelped. “What’re you doing to me?”

  Ken grunted in response. He would’ve thought it was obvious what he was doing, but he was enjoying sucking on Rick’s balls too much to free up his mouth even fo
r the few seconds it would take to utter an explanation. And Rick’s reactions were encouraging. He may have been startled by what Ken was doing to him, but he clearly liked it. He sat up a bit, dug his fingers almost painfully into Ken’s blond mane, and pushed Ken’s head down even harder against his crotch. Rick’s erect prick was now rubbing insistently against Ken’s unshaven cheeks, as though it was resentful of the attention the testicles were receiving.

  Ken would have been content to go on nursing Rick’s nuts with his lips all night. But this was only a warm-up, a prelude to even more exciting oral activities. He suddenly released the scrotum and, repositioning his head, he took all of Rick’s thick cockhead and half of the pulsating, blood-engorged shaft into his mouth in one fast gulp. His warm, smooth lips sealed themselves firmly around Rick’s frenulum, that extra-sensitive part of the cockshaft just below the head, and he began to suck his straight buddy’s cock.

  The effect on Rick was dramatic. Groaning, Rick threw his head back against the sleeping bag and raised his pelvis, pushing his prick deeper into Ken’s mouth.

  “Take it,” he cried. “Take my fucking cock. Suck it, Ken. Suck it. Oh damn, have you ever got a hot mouth.”

  The praise acted like a spur to Ken’s lust. He had Rick’s cock in his mouth, but he really wasn’t doing all that much to it yet. Nonetheless, Rick was already going wild. Wait, Ken promised. Wait until I really get going, and show you what I can do.

  He set to work on the dick, displaying the skill at cocksucking that had made him a legend in the local gay community back home. He called upon the full range of his technique to stimulate the thick male meat he had trapped in his mouth. Rather cold-bloodedly, he tried out one method of attack after another, gauging the effect each one had on Rick and trying to decide which ones Rick seemed to respond to the most.

  But Ken couldn’t remain objective and self-critical for long. He was getting too excited himself. The taste of Rick’s penis, pungent and utterly male, was strong in his mouth, intoxicating him. He took in deep breaths through his nostrils, savoring the musky, sweaty aroma of his buddy’s crotch. All of Ken’s other senses seemed to be concentrated inside his mouth. All he could feel and taste, all he was aware of, all he truly cared about, was Rick’s big, beautiful, potent cock and his own desire to stimulate and satisfy it. His own pleasure was secondary. And in fact he was afraid to touch his own cock, let alone jerk it, for fear of coaxing a premature explosion from it. But he was acutely aware of the distention in his groin, of the growing pressure deep inside the core of his groin. It was the usual early warning system, advising Ken that he could come at any moment.


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