Heiress: (Feminization, Crossdressing)

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Heiress: (Feminization, Crossdressing) Page 1

by Sally Laces


  First Page Header

  Heiress Blurb

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26


  Author's Note

  Strip Sissy

  Sissy Starlet

  Girls Night

  Jock to Cheerleader!

  His Trap Roommate

  Other Stories


  by Sally laces

  Copyright 2018 Sally Laces

  All Rights Reserved


  Book design by Sally Laces

  Cover Images Copyright 2018 Depositphotos

  and are used under a Creative Commons Attribution License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0




  Being the heir to a billion-dollar fortune has its downsides. Like, how you can’t go out in public without getting hounded by the paparazzi.

  Luckily, I found a unique solution - dressing up like a girl!

  But what happens when I get in over my head while wearing stiletto heels, a skimpy skirt, and a silk top? What if my disguise suddenly becomes who I really am - and who I want to be?

  Will I give everything up to be a girl?

  My clothes might be expensive, but some things are worth more than money…



  They sent me here to do a business deal. In and out in one of the world’s richest, most cutthroat companies.

  Things are going well - until I meet here. A chance encounter turns out to be something much more when I find out who she really is. The heir to the fortune, disguised as a girl.

  And a convincing girl at that.

  Now I have to figure out what she wants - and what I’m here to do. Make money or have fun? Secure my future, or build one for us together?

  My whole life has been nothing but work. Now, I’m falling for a sexy sissy…

  And loving every minute.

  Chapter 1


  “Are we really going to do this?” Asked Elle in a panic from behind my shoulder,.

  I turned my head to face her and Andrew, who was twitching at the mouth of the alley. Every two seconds he would turn his entire body around fearfully, like the Femnosi Secret Police were about to descend and toss all three of us into a black van.

  “Of course,” I replied lightly. “Why wouldn’t we?”

  Elle had no response to that. We hadn’t done anything wrong, yet, and what we were about to do wasn’t that illegal. She would know, being a pre-law major and all.

  Andrew, however, majored in art history, which meant he knew nothing.

  “Isn’t this trespassing?” He said, in a voice loud enough for anyone passing along the sidewalk to hear.

  I raised a finger to my painted lips.

  “Sorry,” he said, voice still well above a whisper.

  “It might be, but we won’t get in trouble for it. They’ll just kick us out.”

  “And won’t that be fun,” said Ellen wryly.

  “Maybe it will be,” I replied with a smirk. “I’ve never been kicked out of a club before.”

  I kept my eyes on the side entrance to Amber’s, knowing Andrew and Elle wouldn’t flee as long as I was set on my goal. They were fun people, the closest thing I had to friends in this country. Hell, even counting my American acquaintances, these two were probably top of the list, although I’d only known them for a few months.

  They didn’t have my free-wheeling taste for mischief and adventure, but they had other admirable qualities. For one thing, they could drink. They also knew Femnos and its hot spots better than I did, having lived here their entire lives.

  Oh, and they didn’t say anything about my habit of crossdressing when we went out in public. They never asked why I put on skirts and blouses and heels and lipstick and a wig.

  Whatever they assumed about me and my fashion tastes, they were wrong.

  “Now!” The light above the key scanner next to the door switched from red to green. We had approximately 60 seconds to slip inside and shut the door behind us before the security company received an alert.

  I was through in 15, having learned long ago how to run in heels. Ella came up a bit more slowly, even though she was wearing flats. Andrew’s head darted left and right the entire time he fumbled toward the door, still afraid some undercover cop was going to leap out and tackle him.

  “Remind me why we didn’t just go in through the front? Like everyone else?” He asked, finally managing to achieve a whisper once we were shut inside.

  “You wanna pay the cover charge?” I replied.

  “Assuming we could even get on the list,” added Elle, invigorated by having pulled off our reverse-heist.

  A lack of money and fame were the reasons Elle and Andrew couldn’t get into the club. In actuality, I had the opposite problem. Too much money, too much fame. Even just grabbing a drink at the bar would put me on all the gossip sites. Going in through the back door under a disguise was my only way in.

  Christopher Inverness, heir to the Inverness Enterprises fortune, could not be seen partying it up at a club. Not when his company was on the verge of a shakeup that would rock the entire Femnos economy.

  But Christopher was also a young man who didn’t want to sit at home all night, every night. And he - that is, I - didn’t mind hiding underneath women’s clothes and makeup to get a night out. Especially when my pink blouse and cream-colored skirt were all designer-made. Hey, have to spend my stipend on something, right?

  We all waited by the interior door, staring at the security light. I counted down in my head. What would we do if the light didn’t turn back to red? We’d be fucked. I might not be thrown out of the company or lose my trust fund, but my nights of freedom would be out the door faster than a rejected loan applicant at Inverness Bank.

  The light switched to red, and we all let out an involuntary cheer.

  “Jesus, do you guys have to be so loud?” Marv, the bouncer who I’d bribed, appeared from the storage room. “You guys could try being a little discreet.”

  “Aw, Marv. How could two pretty girls be discreet?” I slipped my hand around Ella’s waist, pulling her toward me. I always felt like having a real girl by my side made me look more genuine. Andrew hovered nearby while Marv glanced down at the two of us.

  “Yeah, well, I’m not doing this again,” said Marv, who would certainly do anything I asked given the price I paid.

  “I really appreciate this favor, Marv.” If he brought up the money, Andrew and Ella might’ve had questions. They didn’t know I was the Inverness heir. They didn’t know I was rich.“I really appreciate this favor.”

  “Favor, right. Just don’t cause a scene.” He nodded, then strode off down the hall. Marv threw open the door to the club, giving us a proper view of the revelry outside.

  “C’mon,” I said, tapping Andrew on his shoulder and Ella on her ass. “Let’s dance.”

  “We can’t just go out there!” Protested Andrew.<
br />
  I sighed, brushing a lock of my blonde wig hair out of my eye. “Andrew, why do you think we came here in the first place?”

  “No, he’s right,” added Ella. “Didn’t you see the staff out there? They all looked at Marv when he came out.”

  I didn’t notice that, actually. I was more focused on the guys and girls, all around my age, dancing and laughing and drinking and generally having a great time without the hanging sword of familial duty hanging over their heads.

  Just one night, I whined to the Gods. Can’t I just have one night?

  I paused. Okay, I know I’ve been out three times this week, but c’mon! This is the hottest club in town!

  To my utter amazement, the Gods actually answered my prayers.

  “We’ll go up here,” I said, trying to sound nonchalant. A metal ladder was built half-hidden into a fire escape, the landing about 15 feet above our heads. Andrew and Ella gazed up when I climbed halfway up the ladder. “See? Easy.”

  “Where does that go?”

  “Um, the second floor, obviously.”

  “But what’s up there?”

  I sighed. “Either we go up here, or we go out there and get caught, or we go back to the alley and slink off to Scuzz’s. What’s it gonna be?”

  Andrew pouted. “Scuzz’s has two for one shots tonight.”

  “I’ll buy you a bottle here,” I said, already climbing the ladder. While Christopher Inverness could easily afford that, Chris couldn’t. “I saved up from my online job.” A lie, one I didn’t want to deploy in front of my friends, but they couldn’t just stand there all night. Had to get them moving somehow.

  Andrew put his hands on the ladder. I started climbing a bit faster, hoping he wouldn’t think to look up my skirt.

  Once we got the the landing, we went up a small metal staircase leading to the second floor hallway. I walked slowly, building the anticipation for my two friends. I had no idea what was behind the doors to the left of us, but unlike them, I didn’t care. We were in and we weren’t leaving until the club either closed or we got too drunk to stand. Like real college kids.

  Still, I attempted caution. I picked the door nearest the club’s main stage, in the direction Marv had gone on the floor below. My painted nails wrapped around the knob.

  “Chris, look!”

  I followed Ella’s pointed finger to the end of the hall. Below us, beneath a bannister, was the main club. People from ages 21 to 40 walked back and forth or leaned on the walls in a flirtatious mode. I could see the famous raised dance floor with its stripper poles and cages, most already in use despite the early hour.

  “Wow.” I marveled at the energy and vibrancy. The flashing neon lights and the sparkling decorations. The wall-to-wall bar at the far end of the club with the massive mirror behind the formally-dressed bartenders. And the clothes people wore - my God! At most bars my silk skirts and button-up tops were the height of fashion. Out here, I looked almost dumpy.

  Not that I cared, of course. This was just a disguise.

  A woman spun on her black strappy heels across the dance floor below, laughing and pursued by two nearly-drooling men, The sequins on her silver dressed sparkling in the light.

  I watched her, feeling something bubble in the pit of my empty stomach.

  “I need a drink,” I said.

  Not a single person noticed us up here. They were rich and beautiful and wrapped up in themselves.

  Just like everyone I’d ever known.

  Just like me, in fact.

  I smiled, knowing I was different.

  And it wasn’t just because I had a cock in my panties.

  Chapter 2


  The line stretched about 30 people deep, most of them having arrived in small groups like me and my coworkers. Unlike me, however, the people here were in their early 20s, and had about 5 million less in their bank accounts.

  “That’s quite the crowd for a Sunday night,” I noted as the five of us strode toward the end of the line.

  “Well, you see, Mr. Tanning,” said Trevor, our wire-rimmed head of consulting, “ Tomorrow is a state holiday here in Femnos. Yes, it all goes back to the wedding of the Dominari Sultan and the Femnosi Queen. Erm, this wasn’t the first wedding, mind you, the one that united the two realms, however after that storied union - the holiday of which falls in Mid-July - this second wedding -”

  “Oh look, Amanda’s here!” Trent Greyson, our VP of Acquisitions, slapped a meaty palm on Trevor’s shoulder and pointed to the door. Sure enough, Amanda, the adorably peppy Head Secretary I’d met during my brief visit to the local office, waved at the five of us. She was about two feet shorter than the bouncer, who seemed to shrink into his V-neck when we approached.

  “We’re with the Renault Group,” I said, stepping forward and taking charge like I’d been trained.

  “Oh,” he replied, in a tight voice. “Right this way.”

  All six of us - Me, Trent, Trevor, Amanda, and Jenny and Marvin, two mid-ranked Execs - strode in single file through the door. I didn’t know the layout of the club so I let Trent head in first, standing next to the bouncer and making sure the rest of the group got in.

  “Ugh, more dudes,” mumbled some pubestached 20-year-old from the front of the line.

  “Pardon?” I asked, setting my glare on him.

  He shuffled his shoulders and murmured ‘nothing’ in response, slipping back to hide behind his embarrassed friends.

  “Thought so.”

  Truth was, the kid did have a point. A group of 4 guys and 2 girls was the reverse ratio a club usually aimed for. The little punk and his buddies were waiting in line and paying out the ass for the chance to grind with single girls in skimpy outfits, not businesspeople in tailored clothes.

  There was no way I was passing up a chance to visit Amber’s on my first visit to Femnos. I wanted to see the best the country had to offer, and since I’d arrived two days ago, I’d done pretty well. I’d already embarked on a trip to the top of their famous Veronica Peak, an eight-course meal with the VP and President of Renault’s Femnos branch, and a famous Femnosi massage that cost $400 an hour and was worth every penny. I’d probably have to insist to my accountant back in America that it counted as a business expense - and there was no happy ending.

  My cock stirred in my pants at the sight of all these rich, beautiful women in the glamorous night club. Granted, most of them were only a few years younger than me, yet I’d spent most of my early 20s clawing my way up through the ranks at the Renault Group. When I made partner at 26, I only wanted more. This merger with Inverness, Femnos’ largest tech firm, was my chance to put myself on the company map.

  All that could wait til tomorrow. For now, I was ready to mingle.

  My employees looked for seats, finding none available. We had our names on the list, but apparently didn’t spring for our own table.

  I let them think that over for a minute as I grabbed a Manhattan at the bar. When I rejoined the standing group, Trevor stood bashfully in front of the rest, who were still fruitlessly trying to find me, the only foreigner, a place to sit.

  “Um, Mr. Tanning, I’m afraid -”

  “Harrow’s fine, Trevor.”

  Trevor laughed awkwardly. “Oh, ah, in Femnos we don’t call our superiors by their first names….”

  “Well we’re not in the office so I’m not your superior. Would you prefer nicknames? Maybe T-Dog?”


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