Phantom Campaign

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Phantom Campaign Page 34

by Eden Redd

  Dax grinned as his friends approached.

  “Did you really think we’d let you go without saying goodbye,” Symon grinned.

  “I was starting to wonder,” the mage smiled as he looked at Symon, Fern, Zarra, Isani, Ressa, Noss, and Vance.

  The mage lifted an eyebrow, but kept his smile as Miranda the lancer stood by Vance’s side.

  Fern was first to step closer, looking up to the mage with a sly smile. “We wanted to be here to remind you of what’s important, so you come back safely.”

  “I already know your…” Dax stopped when the fairy mashed her lips to his.

  Tongues danced for a moment before Fern pulled away.

  Zarra stepped closer as Fern stepped back.

  “Our clan grows,” the cleric began before she sniffed at the air around Dax. “I see you found your mystery love interest.”

  Dax smiled. “I think she found me.”

  Zarra nodded. “Our clan grows more. I look forward to how big it will be.”

  The cleric gave the mage a quick peck before pulling back.

  “I fear I may lose control, so I eagerly await your return,” Zarra whispered and stepped back.

  Dax kept his smile as he rubbed the back of his head.

  Isani and Ressa stepped closer.

  The dranar flung her arms around the mage’s neck while Isani took his hand. The pair held onto Dax for a moment before they pulled back with adoring eyes.

  “We will have a special celebration for your return. Try not having too much fun while you visit,” Isani said with a wicked smile.

  Ressa leaned into the mage’s ear. “Come back rested. You’ll need it.”

  Dax nodded as Ressa kissed his cheek and pulled back.

  Symon stepped closer and clamped his hand on Dax’ shoulder. “Your bravery is going to give me white hairs, my brother.”

  “I don’t know if I can be less brave,” Dax smiled as he clamped his hand on Symon’s shoulder.

  “I don’t think you can either,” the spellsword smiled.

  The two men embraced for a few seconds before pulling away.

  “Visit the estate and say hello to my parents, if you can. They will be happy to see you.”

  “I will,” Dax promised.

  Noss stepped closer and looked up to the mage with warm eyes. “I never had the chance to thank you.”

  Dax gave the necromancer a puzzled look.

  Noss smiled. “Your bravery helped me find my bravery. Thank you, Dax.”

  Dax smiled. “Thank you for being my friend.”

  The kobold nodded and stepped back.

  Vance stepped closer, a small sack in his hand. He reached out with his left hand, took Dax’s arm by the wrist and lifted it up. Dax’s palm open, Vance put the small sack in his hand and closed his fingers around it.

  “Some spending gold while you’re in the city. A small token of my appreciation,” Vance smirked before leaning in closer.

  “I don’t know how to say this, but kindness seems to really turn Miranda on,” Vance whispered.

  Dax glanced up to see the lancer staring at Vance with wide eyes and licking her lips.

  Vance pulled back.

  Dax fought his inner laughter. “I’ll pay you back.”

  Vance shook his head and waved his hands. “No rush. I’m sure you're good for it.”

  Dax put the sack of gold in his robe pocket, knowing exactly where it would go.

  “Thank you everyone for being here. I know it's just a few days but I’ll be back and we will finish out the year.”

  The mage looked to Zarra, “I think we should spend our month off together, exploring like we talked about.”

  Zarra’s serpent eyes glowed brighter as she giggled in anticipation.

  Dax stepped past his friends, glancing over his shoulder to them waving. Fern flashed to her eight-inch form, spiraling through the air and blowing kisses to the mage.

  Dax stepped along the gangplank to the ship, giving his friends a long wave before moving on.

  The mage made his way along the deck to a bench. He sat down as the crew began to cast off. Ropes were pulled and the captain gave orders. Dax sat back, enjoying the sun on his skin when a large figure stepped over and sat down beside him. The mage looked over and to his surprise, Clive was next to him.

  “Hi, Dax,” the large mage said with a gloomy tone.

  “Hi, Clive,” Dax said with an awkward edge.

  The vessel began to move, sea air flowing over them as gulls hung on the breeze.

  Clive interlocked his fingers before him as he looked down. “I was expelled. They would have sent me to prison if I didn’t give them names to the hidden cabal.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that,” Dax said, unsure how he actually felt about it.

  Clive nodded. “You told me you would tell me if you knew what was wrong with Nuria. You never kept your word.”

  Dax let out a small exhale as he kept leaning back. “I was going to tell you, after Lyla was safely away.”

  The large mage nodded. “She used me to feed, you know that right?”

  Dax kept a blank gaze.

  “Lyla may be a void spawn soul in a normal person’s body, but she still had their appetites. They feed on energy, all kinds of energy. I didn’t know what was happening until it was too late.”

  Clive looked out to the majestic sea. “Nuria hated you. She hated you so much, she couldn’t stop talking about you. After a while, I knew that she liked you from how much you disgusted her.”

  Dax sighed. “Why are you telling me this? You were part of a secret group that wanted to destroy the academy. I think being expelled was a slap on the wrist for what you and your people tried to do. What was the point? Why try to hurt an academy that only wants to create champions?”

  Clive gave a small nod. “Why does anyone come to be a champion? For power. The world is hanging on by a thread. When the void spawn return, even with an army of champions, Ikkudran will be decimated. Who wouldn’t want to be powerful enough to reshape the world for the better?”

  The large mage lowered his head, “As for why I’m telling you all of this… I wanted to say, I’m sorry. I grew up in the slums of Willow Brook. I know what it means to live in fear of your life and trying to survive. When many students talked bad about you, I secretly admired you. It also helped to take the light off of me so my past would not interfere with my growing status.”

  Shadows covered Clive’s sad expression. “I killed that sprite during the Trial. We did it to lure you there and told the berserkers where to find you.”

  Dax felt a swirl of emotion, a desire to tell this traitor of a mage to jump into the sea so the monsters could eat him.

  Lead by example, even to the bad ones.

  “Clive, I hope your life turns out for the better. Take this experience as a lesson so when you're tempted again, you will think about it first.”

  Dax put his hand on the large mage’s shoulder, “I’ll still be your friend, even if you are an asshole.”

  Clive blinked as a tear formed at the corner of his eye. A moment later, the large mage began to sob.

  Dax patted his shoulder. “It’s okay. It will all be okay,” Dax said with restrained kindness.


  Dax walked along a seedy street. The sun slid into early afternoon as small birds fluttered along building edges. Long shadows touched the cobblestone street as figures moved about in the dark.

  The mage stopped and simply stood in the middle of the street. Arms folded, he waited. He didn’t have to wait long.

  People emerged from the shadows, their eyes filled with menace and sickening confident smiles. They moved as a group, surrounding the mage from all sides.

  A man emerged from the group and stepped into the circle.

  “Look who came back with a death wish,” Kyle sneered, a card in his hand.

  Dax glanced at the card, seeing that it was not sparking. “I see you have improved on creating better cards.” />
  Kyla gave a smug nod. “Yea, just in time to use it on your sorry ass. You still owe us and we will collect.”

  Dax nodded, his hand diving into his robe and pulling out the sack of gold Vance gave him.

  “You’re right. Here you go,” Dax said with confidence as he tossed it to Kyle.

  The man’s eyes widened as he caught the sack. With the card still in hand, he opened it and looked down at the glowing gold.

  “It’s all there and a little more, for interest,” Dax smiled.

  Kyle looked to Dax with suspicious eyes. “You didn’t have to come here to give us this. You could have lived without ever coming back here. Why? Why come back to pay back what you stole?”

  Dax scratched the back of his head. “I was wrong for manipulating all of you out of your gold. It was a mistake I wanted to correct.”

  Kyle’s eyes narrowed. “You think because you’re a champion you can just come back and pay your debt? You think this makes everything better?”

  Dax smiled. “Yea, it does. I also wanted to tell you all, you should apply to the academy. It can help you have a better life. I’m sure I could put a good word in.”

  Kyle blinked, “What?”

  Dax stepped closer and Kyle flinched.

  The mage put his palms up, “It’s not a trick. It may take some time, but wouldn’t becoming a champion help you from living this kind of life?”

  “There’s nothing wrong with our lives,” Kyle growled.

  A man from the crowd spoke up, “How can I apply?”

  A few heads nodded.

  “Can I apply at the Library?” another one asked.

  “Will they teach us card magic?” a woman said with a curious edge.

  Kyle looked to everyone with incredulous eyes.

  Dax nodded. “They will indeed teach you card magic and so much more. If you want, we can meet at the Library tomorrow and I can help you fill out the applications.”

  The crowd of people stepped in closer, questions rising up like a cloud. Some agreed immediately to meet up. Others asked for advice on creating cards. Dax smiled, trying to answer their questions before Kyle put his fingers in his mouth and made a loud whistle.

  The crowd stopped talking and everyone looked at him.

  “I can’t believe this! You think you’re so much better than us! You think you can just tempt us with pretty words and hope. Who the fuck do you think you are!” Kyle nearly spat.

  Dax eyed Kyle with warmth. “I’m just a man who wants to help. If you let me, I’ll help you too.”

  Kyle’s fury began to subside the longer he stared at Dax. It was there, the feeling of honest truth. It glowed like a lantern on a cool night. Dax showed no hint of deceit or malice. The mage’s eyes glowed with a simple desire to help.

  Kyle’s body language changed and he looked down. “What time will you be at the Library?”

  Dax nodded. “Noon. Bring a quill, ink, and parchment,” the mage smiled.


  Light poured in from the large bay windows. The chamber was nearly empty except for a lone woman in a chair. She stared out at the garden beyond, her face drawn with dark shadows under her eyes despite the warm light. Tables and chairs dotted the room as a cleric stood by the door, her head nodding and wanting to sleep.

  The door opened and Dax stepped in. He looked across the room to Lena as she sat. She made no move to turn her head, her gaze on the garden beyond the windows.

  Dax crossed the room, his heart beating a little fast in his chest. Grabbing a chair, he slid it closer and sat down next to the lone woman.

  “Hello Mother,” Dax said in a loving tone.

  The woman turned her head, looking at the strange man sitting next to her with blank eyes.

  Dax’s hand slipped into his robe and pulled out a card. Lena looked down at it, her brow furling in confusion.

  “A friend made this for us,” Dax said and whispered the command trigger.

  A violet aura appeared around the card before it faded away. Dax watched as Lena kept looking down at the card for a long moment before she lifted her head.

  Her eyes widened as her trembling lips formed a wide smile. “D… Dax? Is it really you?”

  The mage nodded, his eyes glistening. “Yes Mom, it’s me.”

  Lena launched forward, grabbing her son and holding him close. Tears fell from Lena’s eyes as she hugged Dax close, never wanting to let go.

  “I feel like I haven’t seen you in lifetimes. My son, I’ve missed you so much.”

  Dax buried his face in her neck, drinking in her scent and fighting back his own tears. “I’ve missed you, Mom.”

  Lena pulled back and let go. Dax watched as she frantically dug into her robe pocket.

  “I made something for you! I’ve been waiting to see you again so I can give it to you!”

  Lena pulled out a paper wand with a flat star at the end. Lena reached out with her other hand and grabbed Dax’s hand, pressing the paper wand into it.

  “I know you love magic. It’s not a real wand, but I thought you would like it. Maybe you can enchant it so every time you use it, you’ll think of me.”

  Dax nodded with a wide smile, holding the paper wand in his hands.

  Lena looked at her son, concern bleeding into her eyes. “You seem older. How long have you been gone? Are you eating right?”

  Dax let out a happy laugh. “Yes, Mom, I’ve been away. I’m in Kinarth Academy and they feed us very well.”

  Lena’s lips widened into a smile. “You made it to the academy? That was your dream! I’m so proud of you!”

  Dax basked in her gaze, his heart bursting with bright happiness.

  “Mom, I don’t know how long we have, but I just want us to talk for a while. Is that okay?”

  Lena’s eyes shined as she looked at her son. “We can talk for as long as you want. Tell me everything and leave no detail out.”

  Dax nodded, a tear streaking down his cheek before he began. Son and mother talked as the sun moved along the sky. Birds sang their songs as they gazed through the large windows, their tiny hearts soaring.



  A special thank you to those who helped make this book possible and a big thank you to everyone who supported me! You all hold a special place in my heart!

  Eric Newman

  Adam Friedman

  Jay Smith

  Kori Prins

  Chris Lee

  Acknowledgements and Friends

  Below is a list of incredible authors who I have had the pleasure to know and wish to share them with you. Please explore their magnificent works. Tell them Eden sent you.

  Daniel Schinhofen

  Dawn Chapman

  Scottie Futch

  Blaise Corvin

  Harmon Cooper

  James Hunter

  Randi Darren

  Stuart Grosse

  Prax Venter

  Angel Ramon

  Michael Chatfield

  Lavelle Jackson


  Jamie Hawke

  Hondo Jinx

  Zachariah Dracoulis

  Dave Willmarth

  Apollos Throne

  Charles Dean

  George Fisher

  Paul Bellow

  Mike Truk

  M Damon Baker

  Bonnie Price

  A royal thanks to my ARC Knights. May your armor never dent and your swords remain as sharp as your minds and sturdy as your hearts.

  Brandon Patrick Moore

  Father Stitches


  Chris Pacheco

  Richard G Stahl

  Sir Daskarn

  Darian Lawnsea


  Angus Hutto

  Bob Milne

  Ken Thompson

  Knight Morgan Fellwyn

  James Draven

  Patrick Powers

  Jon Johnson

  Kell EverCross

  Dave Kroll

sp; Bruno Stolte

  Greg Heckman

  If you enjoy sexy monsters, fantasy, magic and erotic adventures, please sign up for my newsletter and receive a free e-book!

  A Note from Eden Redd

  I wanted to take this moment to thank you for reading!

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