Heart of Alban

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Heart of Alban Page 26

by G L Roberts

  “What are these alcoves for?”

  Bryn stopped and held the torch toward one alcove. “Each family had an alcove to keep daily items. Like a hairbrush or leggings. Tunics and soap. This was once a village teeming with life. People and animals. In the winter, when the weather outside raged, life continued down here.”

  Bryn turned back and continued to walk forward. The hallway emptied into another large room. The dimly lit room held many shadows. Bryn placed her torch in the wall at the entrance. As she did so, the others walked into the room and waited. Bryn walked into the center of the room. The darkness surrounded them like a shroud, and it was difficult to see around the room.

  “Come in,” she said. The others moved further into the room. “Here, this may help. Your gems will also lend you light.”

  The jewel at Bryn’s forehead began to glow. She stood like a candle with a soft glow in the center of the room. The others stepped further into the room. Each using their gifted gem as a guide.

  Bryn stopped at a darkened chamber. “This is the Cairn of the Ancients.”

  “I have heard you mention this place to Meydra,” Thalynder said. “This is under the hill where the dragons sit and wait.”

  “They sit and watch.”

  “Watch for what?” Cinnia asked.

  “For anyone or anything which may come to destroy what lies within this room.” The light of her jewel changed color. It gave off little blue sparks that shot out toward the darker recesses of the room. Where the sparks touched, an object in a niche was revealed. Slowly, each of the objects began to shimmer.

  “Oh my,” Thalynder said. “Eggs!”


  The wind had died down enough for the company to pack their things under their dragon’s wings and prepare to leave Skerrabrae. Bryn went to each Dragon Rider and their dragon.

  Bryn walked over to Cinnia, the newest dragon rider. “Kayleen will not let you fall, Cinnia. If you tire, lay your head on her head and hold here.” Bryn showed Cinnia the little horns of skin protruding at the back of Kayleen’s head. “These will feel your touch, and they will hold. Go ahead, try it. Like this.”

  Bryn showed Cinnia how to lay her arms next to the skin to hold the horns. The dragon’s skin reacted by gently folding over Cinnia’s arms. “You cannot come off the dragon when you are in this position. It is very comfortable for sleep.” Bryn did not tell Cinnia the dragon also monitored its own breathing to further lull the rider into sleep. Some things are better left unsaid, Bryn thought.

  “And when I wake?” Cinnia asked.

  Bryn grinned. “Kayleen will know.”

  Cinnia let go of the horns, and the skin moved away from her arms. “Amazing.”

  Bryn reached up and touched Cinnia’s arm. “We will stop time to time for a meal. Bring the food down with you when we stop. Leave the eggs with the dragon.”

  “As you wish, Bryn.”

  Bryn reached out and touched Kayleen’s cheeks, and the dragon lowered her head; touching foreheads, Kayleen’s scales glowed at Bryn’s touch. “Keep her safe and warm, faithful friend.”

  Kayleen spoke to Bryn’s heart, She will be safe, Lady Athebryn.

  Bryn stepped back and smiled up at Cinnia. “It will be a beautiful journey.”

  Cinnia gave Bryn a smile.

  Bryn walked over to Demrahl and Lothan. She held Demrahl’s cheeks in her hands. The dragon reached around with his tail and touched Bryn’s back.

  Thank you for the journey to see the cavern, Demrahl said.

  It is a journey you must take, Bryn replied.

  “Keep him safe, Demrahl. You carry precious cargo in our Lothan of the Inceni,” Bryn said aloud. “Enjoy the ride, Lothan. It will be long, but it is spectacular.”

  “I look forward to the journey, Lady Athebryn,” Lothan replied. “Who would have thought I, a non-royal, would have a dragon, let alone be privileged to ride in the company of such as you and your council? I am honored.”

  “You are more than you think, Lothan. You will grow to be a great leader. Trust me.” Bryn smiled at Lothan. She turned and walked over to Prandahl and Rythale.

  The Pict princess sat tall on the neck of her dragon. Bryn approached them with a smile.

  “You look as if you have grown up on the back of a dragon,” she said. “Your painted skin compliments the dragon’s scales. If I could capture that image, it would be one to treasure. Perhaps, one day, you would paint this very thing for all to see and remember.”

  “I will do so with great pleasure,” Rythale said. “I am very comfortable on Prandahl’s neck. If I did not know otherwise, I would say we came from the same family.”

  Bryn chuckled. “Something to think about.” Bryn touched Rythale’s boot. “The journey will last well into two days. We will stop for short breaks, leave the eggs with Prandahl. I hope you are as comfortable after such a long trip as you are now.”

  Rythale laughed. “We shall see!”

  Bryn held each of Prandahl’s cheeks while the dragon lowered his head. Bryn touched his forehead with her own. “Steady and strong, brave Prandahl.”

  The painted one will be safe, my Lady.

  Bryn patted Prandahl’s cheek. She turned again and walked over to Leus.

  “You and Rythale have become fast friends,” she said.

  “We have,” Leus replied. “I owe you so much, cousin. I have found a renewed appreciation for this earth through my association with this Council. You have given me a sense of purpose I had long forgotten.”

  “And now, you have Rythale. She will be a better teacher than I could ever be.”

  “She has the same compassion about Alban as do you, Lady Athebryn. Do not doubt your resolve.”

  Bryn smiled at Leus. “Thank you, Prince Leus. Hold true to your own newfound compassion. It will serve you well. As for this journey, I assure you, you will see another side of this earth, and it will take your breath away.”

  Leus touched his fist to his chest and bowed his head.

  Bryn looked into the eyes of NightWatcher. “You replaced a well-respected dragon, NightWatcher. One who had great faith in the renewal of the elves.”

  NightWatcher moved his tail to touch Bryn’s back, acknowledging her words.

  “And now, you take our friend and cousin, Leus, on to a hidden place full of wonder and surprise. Are you ready for this journey?”

  NightWatcher bowed his head, and Bryn touched her forehead to his.

  I will follow you, Lady Athebryn.

  Bryn left Leus and NightWatcher and walked over to IronHeart. She reached out and ran her hand over the dragon’s scales. They shimmered under her touch.

  “We will fly away from the setting sun this day,” Bryn said. She looked up at Malcolm. “Did you know you were the first royal to have a dragon actively seek you out?”

  Malcolm frowned. “I do not understand.”

  “You do know the story of why the royals became the only humans to be ‘granted’ permission to companion a dragon, right?”

  “Yes, you told us so back at the Stones. Dragons companioned royals as a favor to the high dragon because of a promise to a king. A promise and new law.”

  “That is correct.” Bryn rubbed IronHeart’s scales and stopped at his heart. “The law was only obeyed because of the promise. This dragon sought you out over all the others. You were chosen by IronHeart not because you were a royal, but because your own heart was strong and true.”

  Malcolm sat a little taller on IronHeart’s neck. He reached out and rubbed the top of IronHeart’s head. “I have always felt at home here on IronHeart. I did not realize he felt the same way.”

  “He does.” Bryn touched IronHeart’s cheeks, and he bowed his head. They touched foreheads, and for several moments, they were silent. IronHeart wrapped his tail around Bryn and held her tight against his chest.

  Thank you for speaking my heart for me, IronHeart said.

  They need to know how the dragons feel about them if they are t
o allow the future to unfold as it should. Keep Prince Malcolm safe, Bryn said. Guard the eggs.

  You have my promise, Lady Athebryn.

  Bryn felt IronHeart release her and she stepped back. She looked over toward the remaining three dragons. Caraid who bore Kenna, FireSong and Arryn and An-Yun with Thalynder. Bryn sighed and walked over to Caraid and Kenna.

  “Dearest Caraid,” Bryn said. She touched Caraid’s cheeks, and the smallest of all the dragons bowed her head. “You were the first of all the other voices I heard when first we met at Loch Nis. You have been a good friend to Meydra all these years.”

  “I did not know this, Bryn,” Kenna said.

  “Caraid is from Meydra’s line of dragons,” Bryn said. “She can also speak to humans. Surely, you have heard her words.” Bryn ran her hands over Caraid’s scales.

  “I have often thought I heard her words, but in my head only, never aloud.”

  Bryn smiled. “Nevertheless, you have heard her all the same. And she has heard you. Have you not, Caraid?”

  Caraid moved her tail to touch Bryn’s back. She turned a little to look back at Kenna. After a moment she gave a little shake to her head, and with great effort, she spoke.

  “No other shall ride me, Kenna of the Bridei.”

  Kenna’s eyes filled with tears. She buried her face on Caraid’s head. Kenna’s voice was muffled as she said, “I love you too, Caraid.”

  Bryn rubbed Caraid’s cheeks, and Caraid lowered her head.

  Thank you for this gift, beloved Caraid, Bryn said. She will never forget you.

  Nor I, her.

  Bryn released Caraid. She reached up and touched Kenna’s ankle, and Kenna sat back up and looked down at Bryn.

  “Thank you, Lady Athebryn. Caraid and I are yours to command, never doubt it.”

  “I do not now, nor ever will be in doubt of this, Lady Kenna. You are the sister I never had. We are alike in many ways. Cling now to Caraid, our journey north is at hand. The eggs will remain with Caraid whenever we stop to take food.”

  Kenna bowed her head to Bryn and touched her fist to her chest.

  Bryn walked over to where Arryn and Thalynder stood next to their dragons. She smiled as she approached them. “Time to take to our dragons and start this journey. Are you two ready?”

  “As ready as when we first started out two years ago,” Arryn said. He got up on FireSong’s neck. “Are you ready, FireSong?”

  The dragon touched Arryn with his tail. He then bowed his head to Bryn.

  Bryn placed her hands on the dragon’s cheeks. Their foreheads touched, and when they did, FireSong’s scales began to shimmer in the afternoon sun.

  “You have found your match,” Bryn said. “Beat for beat, this Epidii has proven to you to be worthy of your companionship. You never thought otherwise, did you?” FireSong touched Bryn with his tail and rested it on her back. “You chose well, FireSong. I am glad his heart calls to yours.”

  I believe Arryn will find this journey most enlightening, FireSong said.

  Yes, indeed, Bryn replied. Do not worry, he will handle it as we both expect and hope.

  Bryn looked up at Arryn. “Another leg of our journey and again, we head north.”

  Arryn chuckled. “Must be something about the cold which draws us. Or perhaps it is the peace of the desolate landscapes.”

  Bryn laughed. “Now, who is reading whose thoughts? So true, Prince Arryn, so true. Peace to think and plan, yes?”

  “Yes, Lady Athebryn, we have much to plan.”

  Bryn patted Arryn’s leg. She kissed FireSong’s cheek before she turned to face An-Yun and Thalynder.

  Thalynder had watched the interaction between Bryn and the others. She felt her heart pounding in her chest, knowing Bryn cherished all and feared for their loss—human and dragon. She waited while Bryn spoke to Arryn. Thalynder ran her hands over An-Yun’s scales as Bryn approached them.

  “Are we ready now?” Thalynder asked.

  “They are. Are you?”

  Thalynder gave Bryn a wry smile. She cocked her head. “Two days on the back of a dragon, little food, little rest, and little time with my Bryn? I suppose so.”

  Bryn touched Thalynder’s cheek. “We will have plenty of time at the cavern.”

  “Remind me, will there be separate rooms, or do I have to share you with the others—again.”

  “Greedy. There will b separate rooms. Come on, get up there and let us start this long flight.” Bryn kissed Thalynder’s lips.

  Thalynder pulled Bryn close and hugged her hard. “It feels like an ending,” she whispered to Bryn’s ear.

  “Not an ending, my dearest Lynder. This is a new beginning.”

  Thalynder released Bryn and ran her fingers over Bryn’s lips. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “You have grown so much these past two years. You are no longer the girl I fell in love with.”


  Thalynder touched Bryn’s chest with her palm. “Not a one. You are a woman now. You are capable of leading a country; capable of commanding armies and dragons. Capable of capturing the hearts of all who see you. There is no longer a young girl in there.”

  Bryn placed her hand over Thalynder’s. “Oh, but there is. She is the one who loves to soar on the back of a dragon. The one who still picks at her food. The one who loves to sleep with Lynder on the cool grass, or swim naked in the lake so we can both lie in the sun and laugh. There resides the young girl, and she will never leave us no matter what our future holds.”

  Thalynder looked hard at Bryn’s eyes. They were still the deep blue of the sky over Skerrabrae. They twinkled still, like the night stars, though now they also held little flecks of gold like the sun. “She was my best friend, and I never wish to lose her,” she said. “So long as she resides in the woman and can, on occasion, venture out to play, I will be content.” Thalynder leaned over and kissed Bryn’s cheek. “Up I go.” She climbed onto An-Yun’s neck. “Will the eggs be safe?”

  “They will so long as they stay with the dragons.”

  Bryn placed her hands on An-Yun’s cheeks. The dragon lowered her head.

  I place the life of my beloved in your hands. Keep her safe.

  If you doubted me once when the vík ingr took her prisoner, you have shown no ill will toward me, An-Yun said. Your heart is generous, and it is why I am here. Your beloved will be kept safe for as long as I live, Lady Athebryn.

  That is all I ask.

  Bryn released An-Yun. She looked up at Thalynder. “There is a great country below us. There is another in the North. Watch and remember.”

  Thalynder nodded at Bryn. “I will remember.”

  Bryn walked over to where Meydra waited. She ran her hands over Meydra’s scales, and the dragon lit up as if the sun resided in her heart. Meydra lowered her head, and Bryn rested her forehead on Meydra. The dragon moved her wings as if to hug Bryn. Bryn disappeared from the view of the others as Meydra’s arms pulled Bryn closer.

  Mo anam, my heart feels as if it will break.

  There is no need to feel this, Meydra said. You will always be loved. You will always have the hearts of those you protect.

  Even those I must send away?

  Even those, and you know they will not be far.

  Any distance it too far.

  Meydra released Bryn and folded her wings back. “It is time.”

  Bryn climbed on Meydra’s neck. She pulled Calibairn from the scabbard and held it aloft as she did whenever she was about to lead her council—her friends—to an uncertain future. The sword held the late afternoon sun and glowed as if on fire. Bryn turned and faced the North.

  “Take us to the cavern of the high dragons.”

  The dragons lifted off the ground one by one. Meydra lifted up and took them higher, then turned northeast and began the long journey to the frozen north. The sun would set, and the stars would fill the sky before they would next touch the earth. Their passing was undetected—except for the shimmer of scales that looked
a great deal like shooting stars.

  The opening to the cavern loomed in the distance. Small at first to the eyes of the council; its actual size only becoming apparent as they neared the rock face.

  “This will be the first time for the dragons?” Bryn said.

  “No others have been allowed here. Until now,” Meydra replied.

  Bryn pointed toward the opening and Thalynder waved. Bryn turned to look at the others behind her, then waved and gestured to the entrance.

  “I have never seen anything like this,” Arryn said to FireSong. “It must have taken a lifetime to carve out the entrance. Looks like you will be able to fly directly into the opening.”

  FireSong nodded.

  Bryn and Meydra began to descend toward the opening. The others followed, but the dragons behind her slowed their pace.

  “They are unsure,” Meydra said.

  “I too feel their hesitancy,” Bryn said. “Circle back, and I will speak to the riders.”

  Meydra circled back to the other dragons. She pulled up alongside An-Yun first.

  “Thalynder, An-Yun can sense your hesitation,” Bryn called out. “Guide her with your thoughts. Though she may not understand your words, she will feel your command.”

  Thalynder waved, then turned back to face the cliffs. She leaned forward and spoke to An-Yun. The dragon started to move faster toward the entrance.

  “You could command them all with one word,” Meydra said. “Why now do you choose to be silent?”

  “I want the riders to feel in control,” Bryn said. “The dragons must follow their riders. If they do not, I do not have a council, I have sheep.”

  Meydra snorted. “I wondered why your heart was silent. You are ever thinking about your council. You are a good leader.”

  “To IronHeart now, he can feel Prince Malcolm’s fear.”

  Meydra took Bryn to each of the dragon riders. Bryn called to each of them. Reassuring them all was well, and they should have no fear. She reminded them their dragons can feel their courage. One by one, the dragon riders’ determination steadied the dragons. They flew on to the entrance with heads held high.

  And you worried about being able to lead these humans, Ua said.


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