Her Vampire Suspect (Midnight Doms Book 11)

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Her Vampire Suspect (Midnight Doms Book 11) Page 2

by Brenda Trim

  My heart races as I remember the first time I saw her. She stood out like a sore thumb despite her efforts to blend in. I still don’t understand precisely what made me scan her mind and intervene.

  It was so far out of character for me. I rarely ever engage with anyone. There are hundreds of beautiful women at the club every night, so it wasn’t that. Most nights, you can find me in my lab, and at first, I thought my reaction was sparked by the way Ava scanned the bar with too much focus. With someone that aware it seemed like it was only a matter of time until she saw something she shouldn’t.

  The problem with that explanation is that I’m not a newbie vamp. I don’t become involved in my world, or any other. But that night when I noticed Ava walk into Club Toxic with her friend, I noticed. The notion was so foreign to me that I immediately performed a scan of her mind. I discovered she was an FBI agent, loves tequila, and is searching for something she doesn’t understand.

  Her existence never should have registered for me. I’ve lived centuries with people passing in and out of my life. Most of those who have been memorable in any way were related to my studies.

  The fact that something about Ava made me sit up and take notice was enough to make me look deeper. And that made me want to talk with her. Our conversation was way too brief before I sent her away. I reasoned it was for her own good. She was far too observant, and would have noticed something eventually that outed the existence of vampires.

  That is why I’ve become her silent stalker. I need to make sure she doesn’t expose us. It has nothing to do with the fact that I am entranced by her complex, beautiful mind. Blood rushes through my body, igniting nerve endings as it flows. For the millionth time since I first laid eyes on Ava, my cock hardens and my fangs ache with hunger.

  A sea of people dancing, flirting, and kissing passes before my eyes while I try to shove images of a sexy brunette from my mind. I finish the single malt, my shoulders slumped. Ava isn’t coming back.

  I suddenly realize there’s no reason to keep coming in every night to determine if she is somehow immune to my mind manipulation. My gut twists. I’m relieved I don’t have to question a basic vampire ability. Or am I? I can’t deny I want to see the sexy agent again.


  The line outside the club is shorter than usual tonight, and I can’t stop the butterflies flying around in my stomach. I’ve come here countless times before and have never felt like this. I’ve also conducted dozens of investigations, so I have no idea why I’m nervous.

  “Shit. Diggs and Gleason actually showed up and are staring at us as if they’ve never seen a woman before.” I smirk as Bria pretends to put on her lipstick, but she’s really peeking over her shoulder through her hand-held mirror at our fellow agents, who are in line several yards behind us. “Oh. My. God. I think Diggs has a hard-on.”

  I bite my lip to keep from laughing. “Yeah, that’s what I thought. Assholes.”

  Bria closes her compact with a snort. “They’re going to be impossible to deal with after this. You know that?”

  “Let them suffer.” Serves the fuckers right. The sound of the music increases and my hips sway in time with the rhythm. A smile breaks out over my face knowing Diggs is watching me move. He’s going to be hard for hours now.

  Soon enough, we reach the front and the bouncers check our ID as we pay the cover. As we enter the club, Bria leans close to my ear. “I’ll grab us some drinks.” She executes air quotes when she says drinks. We’re on duty, so we have to appear as if we’re imbibing.

  Just to give as good as I get, I stand by the door, waiting for Diggs and Gleason. Diggs glances around and smirks when he spots me. The jerk actually saunters over to me, like he’s all that and a bag of chips.

  I cock my eyebrow.

  He leans in. “Nice outfit, DeLeon. You’re full of surprises.”

  I grab him by the balls and he grunts. Yep. He’s hard. “Back off, asswipe. I’m here for a reason and it doesn’t involve you. Remember?” For emphasis, I tap his ear where a small listening device is hidden, then glare at his wide eyes and give an extra squeeze for good measure. He squeaks.

  Bria grins, returning with our two mock-drinks, and we go to find a table. “I kinda regret they’ve seen us like this. Now they’ll never leave us alone,” she says.

  I nod in agreement, but my mind has shifted gears.

  Now, I laugh loudly as we pass a group of men who make me shiver. They’re all attractive and well dressed, but there’s something in their energy that ignites my fight-or-flight response. Why the fuck would I react like that? I make a mental note to keep an eye on them.

  We continue on the outskirts of the crowded dance floor. The tiled floor looks like it’s pulsing as different colored lights flash on it in tune to the music. Bodies all around us are bumping and grinding away. We’re surrounded by men leaning into women, using cheesy lines like, “Aside from being sexy, what do you do for a living?” and, “I seem to have lost my phone number. Can I have yours?”

  I share a look with Bria and roll my eyes. I can’t believe these lines actually work on some women. It’s equally as surprising that men are lazy and don’t bother coming up with something new to say. My hips move minutely of their own accord. The music is infectious and makes me want to dance. It’s early yet, but eventually I will have to, in order to blend in with the crowd.

  A waitress pauses when I set my purse on a chair, so I lift my drink in the air. Bria nudges me with her elbow. I immediately start scanning the room in search of what caught her attention. Nothing jumps out at me. It isn’t until I turn her way that I see where she’s looking. I’ve come here often, so the collar on the waitress isn’t shocking to me, but her thighs are covered, which is not the norm here.

  I shrug my shoulders. “That’s a play collar her dom has her wear.” My chuckle leaves me. “You’d better watch it or you’re going to have a mouth full of flies.”

  Bria’s cheeks turn pink and she snaps her mouth closed. “I’m not going to ask.”

  Turning, I continue scanning the room. “I’ve been to a dungeon or two in my life.” I feel no shame for that fact, but it’s been a couple years since I visited a club where I can explore my freakier side. My second boyfriend was a dominant and introduced me to the lifestyle. That experience awakened predilections I hadn’t previously known I possessed.

  This isn’t the first time I’ve noticed the peculiar style of jewelry at the club. Every time I’ve been here, some of the waitresses have worn either day, training or permanent collars. It begs the question of whether there is a playroom in the place. The problem is, I’ve never found even a hint of another section of the club.

  It’s uncommon to see so many people wearing these adornments outside of a BDSM club. Instinct tells me there’s a hidden section that’s likely by invitation only. While it’s not the first time I’ve wondered about there being more to the place, my new case shifts my interest in the prospect. I keep that thought to myself.

  Many are biased when it comes to those living in the lifestyle. And, I can’t assume Bria will be any different. The use of whips, canes and paddles often leads others to have preconceived notions about those in the lifestyle. The only reason my case makes me more interested is the idea of there being hidden places inside the club—locations anyone could sneak off to and kill an unwitting woman.

  My gut dismisses the idea. A serial murderer wouldn’t want to take a victim and kill her in such a public location. He would be far more likely to leave evidence and witnesses behind if he committed the acts anywhere here. That leaves the club as his possible hunting grounds.

  From my vantage point, there isn’t anything down the hallways except bathrooms, what could be an office, and a supply closet. I choke on my club soda when I notice several guys bobbing their head while biting their lower lip between their teeth and giving several women come-hither looks.

  Their eyes are trained on Bria and me. One lifts a hand when he sees me looking. I shake my
head. Several couples are making out while others are dancing, pressed up to one another. My pussy throbs and my body aches. It’s been too fucking long since I’ve been with a guy.

  Sometimes being in law enforcement is a pain in the ass. I enjoy coming to the club, but I never so much as kiss anyone. It’s impossible to let go when you’re wondering if the guy is a murderer or rapist. Maybe I really am a prude. No, Adam was wrong about that. My gut guides me, and it’s never steered me wrong. After all, it told me Adam was a jerk, and that saved me a lot of heartache.

  Bria lifts her arms and moves her head as she bobs with the rhythm pounding through the floors around us. She’s not dancing, but using her movements to look around without being obvious. “Five o’clock. Look at the guy practically dragging the woman with him.”

  I slowly move my head in the direction she’s indicating. A blond-haired guy is holding a woman’s hand as he talks to her. He’s gesturing toward the entrance and nodding his head.

  “Keep an eye on him. I’m moving closer.” I bounce my way across the room. There aren’t nearly as many bodies in the place tonight, so despite the loud music I hear him tell her there’s a private area he’d like to show her when I’m a few feet away.

  The statement makes me wonder if there is another section to the club. It would fit with what I’ve seen so far. My spidey senses are on high alert where this guy is concerned. My gaze wanders, but my attention is focused on him. Eventually, the woman walks away, leaving him standing there.

  I dodge a few hands grabbing my ass as I make my way back to Bria. I pick up my glass and pretend to take a sip of the icy beverage. “He wants to take her somewhere private. Seems like he was angling for sex. That’s not uncommon in here, but let’s keep our eyes on him.”

  A couple of guys approach us, cutting off our conversation. “Hey, beautiful. Can I buy you a drink?” A man in black pants and a dark blue button-up shirt pauses next to our table, blocking my view.

  “I have a drink.” I hold up my club soda. Nice job, Captain Obvious.

  “That’s too bad.” He waggles his eyebrows at me, making me roll my eyes.

  His friend reaches for Bria’s hand, but she shifts out of his grasp. “I can see your drink, so I won’t use that pickup line. But I am hoping you’d like to dance with me.”

  Bria giggles and lifts her hand to her chest then looks at me. I give her a smile and nod, letting her know I’ve got her back. I’ve drilled into her head to never let her guard down, so I know she will keep scanning from the dance floor.

  “Sure. I’d love to.” Bria slides from her chair and follows the guy.

  My skin tingles and my shoulders stiffen, renewing the feeling that I’m being watched. Ignoring Captain Obvious, I turn my head and scan the crowd. There’s no sign of anyone looking at me. That doesn’t lessen the sensation of having eyes on me. Force of habit kicks in and I automatically run my eyes across the faces once again.

  Blowing out a breath, I pick up my drink and take a sip. I wish I was drinking a mojito instead of a club soda. I need to quell my nerves. I’ve never been this jumpy before.

  My gaze passes over several guys, and I snap my attention back. My pulse hikes like I’m running a marathon. Holy Greek Gods. The one that caught my attention is tall. Easily six feet. His short brown hair reminds me of Doctor McDreamy from Grey’s Anatomy, one of the few TV shows I binge watch every chance I get.

  His stance is confident and unconcerned, evidenced by the way he’s leaning against a table with his legs crossed at the ankles. And those muscles bulging against his button up shirt have to be fake. No one is that well-defined outside the pages of a magazine.

  His hooded gaze drinks me in lazily before sliding away. The brief encounter leaves me breathless, with my heart racing like a speedboat in my chest and my body eager to be touched.

  Bria dances back to our table. “Phew. I’m thirsty.” We share a look that assures me she hasn’t spotted a suspect or anything else suspicious.

  I curse myself for going so ga-ga over a guy. So what if my panties are already soaked just looking at him? I’ve got a job to do… and I’m obviously desperate for male company. I can’t allow myself to get this distracted.

  Bria’s partner followed her to the table and she smiles, waving her hand in a sweeping gesture. “Thanks for that, but I need to stay with my bestie. I wouldn’t be a very good friend if I left her five minutes into our outing.”

  “Aww, come on. I’m sure she won’t mind. Will you?” He shoots puppy dog eyes my way.

  Our eyes meet, and the table tilts under my hands. What the hell? I have the urge to nod in agreement—against my better judgement. With great effort, I pull my eyes away from him, one agonizing inch at a time. It makes no sense, and my heart skips several beats. Sweat beads on my brow.

  When I’m finally able to glance at Bria, I force a smile across my lips and lift my mostly full glass. “I knew I loved you for a reason. Let’s drink!”

  Bria clinks her glass to mine, and I keep my eyes trained on her face. The urge to return my gaze to the guy presses on my mind. Okay, Ava. Get a grip! I glance at my drink. Oh, shit. On the off-chance someone might have spiked my drink, I push it away. That can be the only explanation for what just happened. I give Bria a tell-tale glance and nod at her drink, then shake my head ever so slightly.

  Shoring myself, I turn and face him again. Thank God. He’s moved on from our table. I release a breath I didn’t realize I was holding, and lean in close. “There’s nothing here except desperate men wanting to get laid. Let’s take off,” I say in a low voice so no one nearby can hear.

  Bria shakes her head. “I don’t know. It’s early. I say we stick around longer. The suspect might not have shown up yet.”

  Doubt creeps in like Kudzu on a building in the south, taking over all of my thoughts. Like the deadly plant, it smothers everything and overtakes my entire ecosystem. I’m left with nothing but the fact that coming here was a mistake, and I’m wasting my time sitting in this bar.

  I grab my phone and swipe through the photos of the victims. It’s enough to remind me that nothing is a waste of time. Even if we yield nothing here, we are looking into every angle possible. That’s going to lead us to the killer eventually. We fail only if we ignore potential clues. There is no lead too small, and this isn’t a waste of time if I can cross the location off the list of potential leads.

  “You’re right…” My voice trails off as my attention is snagged by a guy heading towards us. He’s good looking but thankfully not so attractive that I forget myself.

  “Hi beautiful.” The new guy smiles and gestures to me with his beer bottle. “I haven’t seen you around here before.” Another cheesy pickup line—one that is total bullshit because I’ve been here many times before.

  “You might want to see an ophthalmologist because I come here often.” My smile is terse and dismissive.

  That doesn’t deter him, as he throws his head back and laughs. “That might be, but I can show you areas in the club you shouldn’t miss.” He really doesn’t get it.

  “That’s not necessary. My girl and I are here together.” I purposefully don’t clarify that we are friends because I want him to assume Bria and I have something more intimate. That should keep him quiet.

  “She’s welcome to join us,” he persists.

  I’m just about to rebuff him when the Sex God heads in our direction. All the spit dries up in my mouth and I grab hold of the table so I don’t make a fool of myself and fall to my knees. I refused to kneel before my last dom, and I won’t do it now.

  In favor of watching the Sex God swagger deliciously across the room, I ignore the wannabe tour guide. The muscles in SG’s thighs bunch as he moves, and my mouth waters.

  SG takes a seat right next to where I’m standing and positions himself so close, he’s invading my space. Not moving a muscle, I decide then and there to go with my gut where he is concerned. I have studied and worked with the best profilers out there. I�
�m a good judge of character.

  “I couldn’t help but notice you watching me a moment ago.” His voice brings on a dizzying case of déjà vu. I can’t lift the corners of my mouth, but I find myself nodding.

  “You’re impossible to miss. Sex God would come to mind if I didn’t know better, but I do.” Jesus. Did I just say that?

  Bria chuckles nervously and swats my shoulder. “Ignore her. She just broke up with her boyfriend and is on an anti-man kick. That’s actually why we came out tonight.”

  That’s the story she wants to throw out as our cover? Really? “I told you, I came out to get laid, B. I just haven’t seen anything that meets my… standards.” Not sure how I found the words to contradict every cell in my body screaming for this man. But he didn’t need to know I wanted him between my legs, showing me what he was made of.


  I smirk at the sexy FBI agent standing with her arms crossed over her chest. I doubt she realizes her sass is showing. Her head turns from Desmond and when her gaze lands on me, it hits me like a caress. The fists drop from her hips and her eyes widen as she watches me openly.

  Ava has haunted me for a couple weeks, despite the fact that I have sent her packing.

  I lean my elbow on the table and lift my hand to briefly touch her arm. “I believe I can help you with that.”

  For the first time in decades, I want a woman. The desire to fuck Ava is as strong as my need to taste her blood. I’m helpless to stop it, though. I want to understand her. Why has she ignored my commands? How?

  Her sweet scent surrounds me in a lust-infused cloud, though that’s not the only thing that drew me to her initially. As a 623-year-old vampire, I’ve learned to keep my eyes and ears peeled for anything suspicious.

  Over the past century, that focus has drifted from my kind to humans. They pose the biggest risk to our exposure. They’re always connected, recording everything they do—as if anyone else gives a fuck.


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