Her Vampire Suspect (Midnight Doms Book 11)

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Her Vampire Suspect (Midnight Doms Book 11) Page 5

by Brenda Trim

  “You can’t stop me,” she retorts. “You can’t be real.”

  “I’m as real as you. And you will soon discover that I can impede you. Quite easily. You won’t be able to stop me. But it’s not me you need to worry about. I’m protecting you.” I turn onto the road leading to my house. The night is quiet around us, and the desert sand passes by the windows.

  “You’re back to threatening me. You are a cliché of epic proportions. It’s sad, really. For a second there, I thought you were so much better than how movies portray your kind.”

  It’s more of a taunt, and I’ve just opened my mouth to react when I see the corner of her lips twitch. She is baiting me. And, I fucking love it. My cock is distracting me from the obvious.

  “Cliché or not. It’s the truth. Violence keeps my kind from doing something that will expose our existence. I’m making certain you don’t draw the attention of the vampire at the top of the food chain. If you encountered him or one of his men, you’d already be dead.”

  She turns away to look out at the night, and clasps her hands in her lap. “Perhaps I’m looking for that asshole then. Can you introduce us?”

  “You want to meet the vampire king? Then you don’t know what you’re asking for. I can assure you that he’s not responsible for killing any humans. It’s his laws that rule this territory.” I pull into my driveway, down the long stretch of concrete before I hit the button to open the garage door.

  She is out of the vehicle the second I park next to my Hummer. I follow and stand by the side of the car while she gazes around. The wheels in her head are working overtime as she weighs her options. I push her to go inside but she steps away from my touch and walks through the door leading into my kitchen.

  “Vampire king. Tell me about your leader and what makes him so powerful.” She takes in her surroundings. When she approaches the hidden door in the hall that leads to my sleeping quarters, my heart stops for several seconds.

  “Lucius is an asshole, but he’s a powerful one. And rich. He’s not someone you want to cross,” I warn her. “Why is this so important to you?”

  “You’re kidding, right? Do your kind find so little value in human life that it’s unimportant when they’re killed?” she asks in a whisper of a voice that’s more frightening than if she’d yelled at me. She doesn’t know me, or how hard I’ve worked to eliminate human suffering.

  “I’m different than most of us. Vampires in general can’t live without humans, but many see them as dinner. That’s not to say they kill without thought. Vamps are careful not to cause permanent damage to those who offer their blood.” I have the urge to tell her that for most vampires, it’s no different from how humans see cows, chickens, pigs and so many other animals, but I keep my mouth shut. Sharing that won’t earn me points with her.

  “So, you don’t kill people? Is that what you’re saying?”

  “That is precisely what I’m saying, little star. I haven’t killed for over five hundred years.” I cross through the kitchen and into the living room. I need to put some space between us before I make a move too soon.

  This woman knows about us now, and I haven’t called Lucius to tell him. Not the wisest decision. If I tell him, someone will probably come, wipe her mind, and send her on her way, far the worse for wear. That’s the last thing I want. My body aches to have Ava’s blood and body. I sit down on the leather loveseat facing the kitchen and lean back with my foot on my knee.

  “Holy crap. You’ve lived for over five centuries? I can’t wrap my mind around the idea. And yet I’m supposed to just believe you?” She walks to the living room while she’s talking. Rather than taking a seat, she paces. Her eyes roam around, and she nods minutely every so often.

  “I have no reason to lie. I could tell you anything then simply erase the memory from your mind later, yet I haven’t.” I want her to understand and accept me.

  “You mentioned the mind thing before.” Ava’s shoulders lower and she crosses to the couch and sits several feet from me. “Tell me more about your kind. I know you didn’t kill my victims, but that doesn’t mean these women weren’t killed by a vampire.”

  “I’m not saying you’re wrong about who killed those women, but just because we drink blood doesn’t mean one of us did it, either. Tell me more about why you think it could be a vampire.”

  “Each one of the women had intercourse before her death, but no semen was left behind. Aside from the slit throat and missing blood, there are no other wounds. They’re all killed in another location from where they’re dumped.”

  I nod my head. “Are they the same age? How about their race?” Serial killers often have a specific type they follow. I’m not dismissing the idea of a vampire entirely, but I need to consider other options.

  “They’re all between the ages of twenty-five and forty, and they’re of mixed races. They work in vastly different fields. One was an accountant. Another was a teacher, and another was a nurse. I think the last lived off a trust fund and didn’t work,” she explains.

  “So, their age is really the only similar trait. They’re all young. That’s not much to go on. I want to make you a deal. I will help you find the man that did this, but I can’t let you continue to investigate Club Toxic. Lucius will take action and remove the danger you pose.” My hand settles on one bare shoulder, and I trace a pattern on her skin.

  “I can’t ignore the case. I have a fellow agent working this with me. We won’t ignore evidence when it’s right in front of us. Is Lucius the only reason you don’t want us looking at Club Toxic?”

  “I’m not asking you to ignore the case. Lucius is ruthless, and will not hesitate to wipe your mind. He won’t care about possible brain damage you could suffer. Do not conduct further investigation at Club Toxic. You and your fellow agents should follow other leads, and leave me to help with the club. It’s far safer for all of you that way.”

  She huffs out a breath and turns so fast that my hand falls away from her shoulder. “I don’t know who you think you are, but you can’t tell me what to do. This is my case and I will follow whatever lead I need to.” She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes for a second. “I would like your help, though. I don’t know your world and could use a guide.”

  I grab her hands, clasp them in mine, and look into her gorgeous pale green eyes. “How about this? You don’t go to Club Toxic without me, and I promise to assist you in any way I can—with the caveat that you listen to what I say in regard to interacting with my kind. You can’t go in expecting your position to earn you respect or any special treatment. They will eat you alive. Literally. And, I refuse to allow anyone to eat you... aside from me.” My eyes fall to half-mast as desire for her floods my system.

  I lean forward and run a hand up her thigh, stopping just short of her core. My fingers tease the skin inches from the new center of my universe—at least until I have Ava. Then I will go back to focusing solely on my research.

  Ava watches my fingers play with her skin. She barely suppresses a shiver. Her arousal is thick and sweet as it surrounds me. My mouth waters and my shaft hardens. I trail my fingers to her knee before I lose control and fall on her like a raving beast.

  She licks her lips and plays with the hem of her skirt. Her arousal matches the nervousness coming off her in waves. “What did you have in mind? Is it my blood you want?”

  A smile creases my cheeks, and I run my tongue over one fang. “I want everything. Starting with you on your knees in front of me with your hands bound above your head. I want you at my mercy, little star.” My fingers continue to play across her skin, teasing her. Her scent deepens and intensifies, stealing every ounce of my attention.



  My heart races in my chest, and wetness seeps from my core, soaking my panties. This man is a vampire, complete with sharp fangs. Those will slice through my flesh while he drinks my blood, but all I can think about or feel is how much I want to experience all he has to offer. It makes me wonder i
f I have a death wish after all. This guy is a fucking vampire.

  As in: a blood-sucking being of the night. What exactly does that mean? I don’t have to ask to know some of the myths are true. His skin might be olive toned, but it lacks the bronze coloring inherent in someone who’s spent any amount of time in the sun. I should be freaking out right now, but something is keeping me calm and able to feel far more distracting emotions. Corbyn is the one stopping me from losing it completely.

  My mind keeps replaying his husky voice as he says he wants to eat me. He means that literally. He survives off human blood, and drinking mine will be his dinner. I don’t miss the double meaning behind his comment, either.

  He wants me on my knees. I swore long ago I would never bow for anyone again. I demand to be respected and treated as an equal before I will submit. It’s mutual trust that allows me to be that vulnerable.

  I take a shuddering breath. “I don’t go to my knees,” I inform him. “I noticed several women at the club who would make perfect submissives. Take me to my car, and you can find one to suit your needs.”

  My body reacts the second he stands up and draws me with him. He’s going to take me back and, irrationally, disappointment churns through me. Apparently, I had hoped this vampire would be different, and willing to at least give me a try. Still, I can’t stop the questions about what being a vampire means from all rushing my mind at once. Now is not the time. It’s best to leave. I know where he lives, and can come back another time. Preferably when I’m armed.

  “You don’t have to go to your knees. I’ll secure your wrists and take you standing.”

  His words tempt me to say yes. But what he wants isn’t that easy. There will be no day collars for me.

  I enjoy submitting but cannot live in that space for long. It’s a relief to let someone else take control for a little bit. But I’m not good at following orders outside the bedroom, and balk at the first hint. I want to be accepted for who I am. I don’t fit the square hole. I’m a round peg, with countless spokes branching out from my core.

  He’s not asking for forever, here. I take a relationship out of the equation and my position changes. But he’s still going to have to work for it. “You must be a track star. You’ve gone from zero to sixty, and I haven’t even fired the gun.” Take me standing up? Yes, please!

  Grabbing my hand, he leads me to the stairs rather than back to his garage. “You can fire my gun any time you want… after I indulge your body.”

  I follow behind, certain he is taking me to his playroom. He surprises and disappoints me when we walk into a normal bedroom. I scan the area, searching for implements he will use to restrain me, but don’t see anything.

  “Does that involve your sharp fangs?”

  My mind has been working through the fact that he is a vampire for the past hour or so, and any fear I felt upon learning that is now gone. I’m not stupid enough to think he poses no threat, but I don’t think he is about to kill me. He wants other things from me. Sexy, impossible things.

  “You’ll find out soon enough.” He smiles, and my panties are immediately soaking wet. I’ve never seen a sexier smile on a guy. He goes to a door across the room and ducks inside, then comes back out with a flogger in his hand. My gaze remains rooted to the object while my backside tingles.

  “So sure of yourself.”

  He waltzes back, stops a few feet in front of me, and brushes my hair over my shoulder with his free hand. “I promise you nothing but pleasure.”

  I clench my hands into fists to keep from grabbing for him. His hot breath puffs against the column of my neck. I brace myself for him to sink his fangs into my flesh. Instead, he pushes up the hem of my shirt. A shiver rolls through me when the backs of his fingers graze my stomach. Arousal takes over, and I don’t object when he removes my silky top.

  “Time for some fun.” He brushes his lips over my pounding pulse. “I trust you will stop me if you don’t like something. Or do you prefer a safeword?”

  “My fists are all the safeword I need.” My words come out as more of a moan.

  He walks me to the side of the room. “Brace your hands against the wall.”

  “This isn’t a good idea. You’re a bloodsucking vampire.” Thank God I don’t see you as a murder suspect. That would trump everything else. “I’ll just call an Uber and be on my way.” I close my eyes and try my hardest to eliminate the desire taking over.

  Corbyn is sin personified, but that shouldn’t make me want him with this intensity. Part of me wonders if he is using mind control to make me want him. I dismiss the idea immediately. My attraction started before he ever spoke two words to me. My desire for this man is all mine.

  “I’m not ready for you to go yet, little star. We’re going to fuck before the night is through.” He lays the soft whip over my shoulders and pulls it, so the threads slide down my back. He is so gentle and dominant at the same time. That, coupled with the caress, melts any last resistance I have about having sex with Corbyn.

  “And before you object and tell me all the reasons we can’t, I can smell how turned on you are right now. You want this. It’s okay to indulge. If you truly believe I killed these women or helped whoever is responsible, you wouldn’t still be standing here. You aren’t a helpless woman.”

  Hell no, I’m not! My back arches and I release a soft moan. I push my hips back into his body and smile before I place my hands on the wall. “Are we doing this?” I arch a brow at him.

  Corbyn sucks in a breath and takes a step away from me. All the liquid in my mouth travels south when I see his eyes bright with his arousal. It’s like looking at liquid silver. Everything about this gorgeous vampire makes my body heat with desire.

  “Cheeky minx. Don’t move.”

  He’s back, and for one blistering second, he plasters his body along mine.

  The only response I have is to push against his erection. He’s taller than me so it’s poking me in the back. And it’s large. Liquid seeps from me when his breath puffs against my neck. My head falls to the side when his nose runs along the sensitive skin there.

  Is this like ringing the dinner bell for him? Danger. The warning is sharp, but gone in a split second. I can’t find the energy to move. All I want is for him to strip me bare and have his way with me.

  I wiggle my hips as my clit pulses and pleasure swamps me. His growl vibrates through my bloodstream. A plea is on the tip of my tongue. The desire to see what he does next keeps my mouth shut for the moment.

  Corbyn is different. My breath catches and my chest is on fire. It’s far too early for me to hope he could be the one who will accept me and all my quirkiness. Shaking my head, I shove all thoughts about more than sex this one time aside. There’s no reason to think about anything else.

  His teeth close around the flesh below my right ear. How does he feed? Is it painful? It’s clear he intends to take my blood. Those questions scatter like smoke in a windstorm when his tongue traces my rapid pulse.

  The slightest touch of his lips excites me more than oral sex with any of my previous partners. My nipples pebble, and my pussy tightens. There’s languid heat traveling through my veins. I’m trembling and mewling, unable to find the words to beg for more.

  My body is like a live wire, sparking everywhere our bodies connect. Cold air shocks me when he takes a step away and puts distance between us. A second later, I hear the whistle of leather before I feel the strands strike my shoulders.

  “Your skin pinkens beautifully.”

  My head falls against the wall with a thud. My eyes close as pain turns into pleasure. He doesn’t use much force, and the slight sting is gone all too soon. I crave the increase in pain that drives me toward the precipice. To that place where endorphins and who knows how many other hormones are released in my body, resulting in an orgasm being ripped from my body.

  I’ve only experienced those sensations a few times in my life. Chasing those is why I tried to be a good submissive for as long as I did. I gave u
p pretty quickly when I realized the payoff wasn’t worth the price to my soul. There was no one I trusted enough to give them even the slightest submission.

  “That feels amazing. Do you have any nipple clamps?” A smile spreads across my face when I hear him suck in a sharp breath.

  “I wouldn’t have pegged you as in the lifestyle,” he murmurs against my neck. His fangs scrape across my pounding pulse. I tilt my head to give him better access.

  He clutches my upper arms, and the handle of the flogger caresses my flesh. The promise of more from its presence erases my ability to concentrate on what he’s saying. “I haven’t indulged in years. But I won’t deny I love having my nipples pinched while I’m spanked,” I admit in a breathy voice.

  His chuckle puffs against my skin, and his nostrils flare. No doubt he can smell my desire as my clit continues to throb and wetness gushes to soak my panties. Apparently, I have a fetish for being kidnapped. After his behavior, I shouldn’t be quite so turned on by him.

  “Are you willing to call me Sir? The only way that kind of play works is if you give over control to me.”

  I hesitate. That’s going a bit far.

  His lips are back on my neck. “You won’t regret it.”

  I want to deny him immediately, but I can’t ignore the image that pops into my head of him bending me over his knee while he swats my ass.

  My mouth falls open but the denial stalls before leaving my lips. The problem is, I don’t trust him enough to give him my temporary submission, so I redirect the encounter. Being at his mercy terrifies me. “Looks like we will be having vanilla sex then.”

  He lifts his head, and watches me closely. The soft leather of the tails fall through his fingers. “I don’t do vanilla, little star. I will take you to task without crossing any lines. You really do make pleasure difficult.”

  His comment stings. I bend to grab my top and walk out of his house. He’s asking too much. I just met him. No way am I willing to give more until I get to know him better. “Promises, promises.”


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