Say You Do

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Say You Do Page 4

by Serenity Jackson

  While boarding Nate’s jet, Shantel’s heart began to race, she knew that when she lay’s her eyes on them, she would kill them, there were no question about it. Nate grabbed her hand….

  “breathe, relax they’re not worth your freedom remember that.”

  Listening to his calming voice she relaxed her shoulders and took a deep breath and enjoyed the flight.

  Brandon exited the bathroom after taking a steamy hot shower and called out to Porsha but there was no response, he picked up the phone to call her, but his phone was turned off. Thinking maybe Shantel forgot to pay the bill as she often did when she became side tracked with work, he thought nothing of it. He popped open a beer and proceeded to watch basketball, Los Angeles Lakers vs. Milwaukee Bucks was the hottest game on that night, and he was tuned in. While yelling “foul” at the TV he was startled by a knock at the door.

  “Who is it???”

  he yelled, but there was no answer.


  he jumped up and Swung the door open …

  “Hey baby you missed me?”

  He couldn’t believe that Ericka was in L.A. standing in his doorway. It couldn’t be, how did she know where he was? He had so many emotions and questions running through his mind, but his mouth wouldn’t move.

  “Well, aren’t you going to invite me in?”

  “Ericka, you shouldn’t be here, and how the hell did you know I was here?”

  “Oh, don’t worry about that sweetheart, why haven’t you called? I thought we were in this together. And you haven’t even called to talk to your kids, what kind of father or should I say husband are you?”

  Pushing her way through the door; Ericka looked around the condo to see if Porsha was anywhere in sight.

  “You shouldn’t be here, and I was going to call you. What the fuck are you doing Ericka this is not what we agreed to.”

  “Well I’m the least of your worries right now! Where’s your whore?”

  “I don’t know, she left about 2 hours ago and I haven’t heard from her.”

  She laughs, “You sure she didn’t take the money and run?”

  “NO, Porsha would never do that to me but you on the other hand….”

  Before he could finish his sentence, he heard the door unlock, nervous as hell with a knot in his throat. Brandon knew Porsha would flip if she found out he was still married, with kids, and that his wife was in on the scam as well. The plan was for him to leave Porsha and go back to his wife after he stole Shantel’s money.

  “Honey I’m home”.

  Brandon heart dropped; he knew that voice from anywhere.

  “Please God NO,” he prayed to himself.

  Entering the kitchen was Shantel and Nate. Shantel eyes read rage and at that moment Brandon was more so happy that Porsha was missing in action.

  “Well, well if it isn’t my fiancé and his lying ass wife.”

  “Baby I can explain, …. wait how do you know Ericka?”

  “I know everything and for you to think you could steal from me just proves that you are a stupid ass bastard. I wish I never met you.”

  With every word, she ambled closer and closer to him and in the blink of an eye her fist struck Brandon’s face before Nate could grab her. Shantel then broke free from Nate’s grasp and grabbed Ericka and began to punch her repeatedly while yelling at her.

  “I heard everything you said bitch, so you were in on it too. You thought, I wasn’t going to find out?”

  Brandon regain his composure and tried to grab Shantel, but Nate pushed Brandon away.

  “Oh, so you sleeping with my fiancé Nate?”

  Nate laughed…. “No, I’m not sleeping with your fiancé because if I was, she wouldn’t be your fiancé she’d be mine! Your so damn ignorant you can’t even see what you have right in front of you. You’re a sorry ass excuse of a man and I plan on showing her what it’s like to be with a real man.”

  Face to face literally chest to chest Nate and Brandon were so close to one another Shantel could see the steam coming from both of their bodies. She pulls Nate away from Brandon and asks him where is Porsha. Brandon looks at Shantel trying to figure out how she knew about everything but before he could ask her anything Shantel began to explain her findings.

  “You have this stupid look on your face so let me break it down for you. I followed the bread crumbs which lead me to stupid over here aka your wife who though it would be cute to let me know that it was another woman in the picture. When I realized that you nor Porsha have been around lately it hit me that you two were sleeping around. But Ericka almost had me fooled trying to play the victim, too bad she was too dumb to hang up her phone when she called me and told me she was here. After I pulled your phone records and found her number I gave her a call and found out that she was your wife, but it was after we hung up and I spoke with Nate that I realized she may be of some use so the plan was to confront you together, but I guess she couldn’t wait.” Shantel continues to pace back and forth demanding to know where Porsha is, then she hears the door open and everyone comes to a halt.

  “I’m right here, you shouldn’t have come here.” Holding a G17 9x19 pistol, Porsha enters the room and everyone slowly begins to back up towards the dining room.

  “Porsha what are you doing? Your supposed to be my best friend, why would you do this? If you ever needed anything all you had to do was ask me.”

  “Oh, shut up, miss perfect. Since college you’ve been the popular one, most successful one, the pretty one. I’ve always been in your shadow, but you always take everything away from me and now you’re trying to take Brandon and I can’t let that happen.”

  Shantel tries to reason with Porsha.

  “Porsha I can’t take Brandon from you he doesn’t belong to me hell he doesn’t belong to you, this is his wife Ericka. I just found out that they were setting you up while you and him were setting me up. See nobody is winning here so just put down the gun so we can handle this like adults.”

  “His wife?? What the fuck… Hell no this isn’t happening.” Porsha begins to cry hysterically, now pointing the gun to Ericka the look on her face screams fury.

  Ericka tries to plead her case…. “Porsha, look Brandon has been playing all of us; I know you don’t know me, but I have children that needs me so I’m going to need for you to put the gun down please. I can tell you anything you want to know.”

  “Kids? How many kids do you two have together?” Frustrated from the silence Porsha shoot a warning shot in the air. The next one will be in your head, how many kids?”

  Brandon answers “three, we have three. Baby I was going to tell you, I gave her the divorce papers, but she won’t sign them. I only want you; I love you Porsha. So, let’s just get rid of them and leave with the money, we can go wherever you want to go baby.”

  “Brandon, there is no money. As of the last 48 hours, Shantel froze everything. All the accounts, cards, hell this morning she had the cars repossessed. You’ve been balling from my bank accounts, I wanted her to find us so then she would know the truth about us. But when I woke up this morning, I didn’t feel like myself, so I went to the store and bought a pregnancy test (tossing the test on the table). I’m pregnant and I’m not aborting this baby. You men always think you can do whatever you want and there’s no repercussion. Not this time I loved you and you played me, I thought we were going to be a family, but you already have one so your useless to me.”

  POW! Porsha shoots Brandon in the chest, everyone screams; Shantel grabs Nate. As she then turns the gun to Ericka, “You ruined my happily ever after!” POW! Porsha then shoots Ericka.

  Nate knew that Shantel would be next, while Porsha was still pointing the gun at Ericka, Nate rushed her. They both fell to the floor tussling for the gun, Shantel runs to the kitchen and grabs a butcher knife. As she enters the room, she sees that Nate has her pinned to the ground, but her hand is still wrapped around the gun. Shantel stabs Porsha in the arm, freeing the gun from her grip. She then pi
cks it up and aims it at Porsha’s head.

  “Just shoot me already!!” Porsha yells while tears stream down her face.

  “I’m not going to kill you, I rather you suffer. You will spend the rest of your life in prison. You risked your freedom for a man that never loved you and a woman that never knew you. Your unborn child will never know you as a mother, but only as a lying, deceitful murder. You ripped Ericka from her children. You let another woman’s man ruin your life and the one thing you wanted most is now gone forever.”

  The police began banging on the door and Nate rushes to open it, they barge in and asks to see everyone’s hands. Porsha still on the floor holding her bleeding arm begins to yell ... “Thank goodness you’re here officers, their holding me against my will, I’m pregnant and they shot my boyfriend.”

  In disgust and outraged Shantel shakes her head and begins to explain the truth.

  “Officer she killed my ex-fiancé and his wife but you can see for yourself, I installed hidden cameras a month ago to make sure the condo was safe while I reside in Atlanta.”

  Shantel retrieves the footage from 4 hidden cameras and at that moment Porsha knew that her life was over. All she ever wanted was to be loved but she never expected that she’d pay with her life and the life of her unborn child. The police took Porsha into custody. Nate and Shantel drove down to the police station to give their statements, three hours later they were released and free to return home. On the car ride to the jet, sitting in the back of a limo, Shantel looks over at Nate who then grabs her and wraps his arms around her. He kissed her softly on her temple reassuring her that she and her heart is now safe.


  Leylani Stewart walked into the Central California Women's Facility in Chowchilla, California with a face that’s as beautiful and sweet as a Dahlia flower but with a temper as merciless as a scorpion. Leylani is a 28-year old lawyer who is the youngest in her firm. She is the oldest of three siblings, but life hasn’t always been peaches n cream. Growing up, Leylani watched her mother struggle greatly, not so much financially because her father was the manager of a well-known and wealthy construction company in Atlanta, but she struggled to keep her husband’s attention and loyalty. She was 18 years old when her parents were murdered and it formed a monster in the depth of her soul. Leylani flew 5 hours to Los Angeles from Atlanta to meet with her new potential client. “Good afternoon, Leylani Stewart here to see Porsha Sinclair.” “Sure Ms. Stewart just sign here and that officer will take you on back.” “Thank you.” Leylani followed the officer through the prison to an empty cold room where she patiently waited to meet her new possible client. She awaited the day she would come face to face with Ms. Porsha Sinclair, who was serving two life sentences for the murder of two people. As the door crept open and the officer walked in Ms. Sinclair with her hands bound in chains and her ankles handcuffed, Leylani almost felt bad for her as she looked into her soft yet deceitful eyes. “Thank you, officer, you may leave the room.” “Ms. Sinclair it’s finally nice to meet you. I would like to inform you that I am not your official lawyer, I am just here to speak with you today to determine if your case is acceptable for our law firm and if it is worth it to represent you. Is that understood?” “Yes.” “Good then let’s begin. On June 18th, 2010 you were taken into custody for the murder of two individuals is that correct?” “Yes, now a question for you. I originally reached out to Shimrocks Law office but I was told that you called Shimrock and advised them that Livingston Law office wanted the case. Why?” “Because this case is more so personal not business. Now back to you murdering my parents.” Porsha eyes grew bigger as the words “murder and parents” flew off Leylani’s lips. She knew that everything Leylani told her about possibly representing her was a lie, and that she deliberately requested this case to seek revenge for her parents. “Listen I don’t know what it is you want from me but I’m leaving, I’ll call a real lawyer.” Before Porsha could call the guard, Leylani pulled a small switch blade from the back of her pin and slit Porsha’s throat. She then watched as Porsha slowly fell to the floor and took her last breath. Leylani then pulled a make shift shank from a hidden pocket in her briefcase and placed it in Porsha’s hand. “Guard!!! Guard!!!” As the guards come running in Leylani stands in the corner crying hysterical. “Ma’am what happened?” “I told her I would not be able to represent her at this time and she became angry and took her own life. She said she didn’t want to be in prison anymore.” As the police begin to escort Leylani out of the prison facility she looks back one last time and whispers “One down and two to go bitch


  There were times when I thought this day would never come, but here I am publishing my very first book. If it was not for God’s grace and mercy, I would not be here today to share my craft with the world. I would like to thank my friends and family that believed in me and supported me through this entire journey. A special thank you to my wonderful fiancé, Naye Songz for always believing in me when I did not believe in myself and supporting me no matter how extreme my dreams may seem. When I had writers block and could not think of a single word to say, you helped me find the words and for that I am beyond thankful. To those that I have inspired, I hope that sharing my artistry with you will encourage you to share yours with the world.

  About The Author

  Serenity Jackson

  I’ve waited my whole life for the opportunity to be a bestselling author or just an author in general. Growing up I’ve always been intrigued with writing and spelling bees but never in a million years did I imagine I would write a book. I would like to thank God for allowing me to see in myself, what everyone else saw in me. There were times when I just wanted to give up and throw in the towel but the lord kept whispering to me “you can do it, this is your destiny” And finally I stopped being that hardheaded girl and followed God’s plan for me and I’m happy I did. There came a time in my life where I became so unhappy punching the clock, I dreaded going to work and dealing with the everyday routine and one day I decided I was done working for someone other than myself so I put all my time and energy into my passion and I am excited that I did and now I’m able to bless my audience with “Say You Do” and I hope you all enjoy.




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