Immaculate Spirit c1-242

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Immaculate Spirit c1-242 Page 77

by Newbiel

  Confronted by the patient and yet calm gaze of Nathaniel, Amanda starts releasing the control that she had on her facial expression and quickly the lost demeanor that she was adopting turns into a sharp and cold one. An expression that Nathaniel was very familiar with and triggered another round of memories. Getting to her feet, Amanda took a gun from her back and after strapping a suppressor on it, aimed it right at Nathaniel's face, her finger on the trigger.

  Chapter 185: :

  "Michael!" Robert shouted when the doors of the elevator opened.

  Seeing the CEO of the company exiting the elevator, followed by his daughter, the two security guards made way for them.

  "Sir, Michael is outside of Miss Lyndon office and is waiting for you." the one on the right said.

  "Alright, thank you."

  Outside of Mary office, Michael was busy giving orders to three other men wearing the Lyndon security uniform and positioning them in an arc around Mary's door, a gun in their hands. A young brown haired girl was sitting behind the desk of Mary secretary typing furiously on her keyboard. Near Michael was a forty years old man with civilian clothes and a shotgun between his hands, listening to what Michael was saying while keeping attention on the door.

  "Sir, every personnel has been evacuated and all entrances and exits on this floor are being guarded." Another security guard said, running.

  "Good, get back to your post." Michael said, nodding in his direction.

  "Michael, can somebody tell me exactly what is going on here?" Robert demanded.

  "To be honest sir, I don't have much information myself. Nathaniel texted me saying that he was with a dangerous person in Miss Lyndon's office and that I needed to initiate lockdown."

  "Dangerous? That woman is a consultant! It has been almost two weeks since she started coming here and I never notice anything unusual." Mary exclaimed.

  "Ma'am, if I may, we both know that your son is rarely wrong in cases like this. If he initiates lockdown, it means he has a very good reason to do so." Scott butt in the conversation, his attention still on the door, his hands firmly gripping his shotgun.

  "I know that but that woman…"

  "Is not Amanda Abernheim!" A beautiful blonde haired girl said, walking to them, a gun strap to her hips.

  Looking critically at her for a few seconds, Robert finally asked.

  "And who the hell are you exactly?"

  "She's with us." Scott answered quickly before focussing on her. "What did you learn, Lucie?"

  "I made a few calls and I found out that the real Amanda is having her honeymoon in Australia right now and it has been the case for a week now."

  "How the hell did you find out already? It's barely been ten minutes!" Michael shouted.

  "I know people and my name can open a lot of usually closed doors, especially in Europe. Where are you with the facial recognition software Lina? Do you have an ID?"

  "I have nothing! I can't find any usable picture of her!" Lina answered unhappily.

  "How is that possible? We have eight cameras with different angles in the lobby!" Michael exclaimed.

  "Let me see." Lucie said, walking behind the desk and standing beside Lina.

  "Here." Lina said, launching the video surveillance of this morning when the woman entered the lobby, Lucie looked with attention.

  "That's not by accident that her face is not on the surveillance, she made it so on purpose. She knows exactly where each camera is located and their line of sight and that's how each time she appears on it, her face is obstructed. Look even here in the elevator she's turned on a side where we can't even use her reflection on the mirror. That's not easy to do, it demands some serious skills and experience."

  "In the meantime we still have nothing to find out who she is exactly. Michael, did Nathaniel say anything else in the text you received?" Scott asked.

  "He did in fact. He just said that if he's not the one who passed that door, we must shoot on sight."

  "Why would he say something like that?" Mary asked anxiously.

  "I can think of only one reason, because he's not confident that he can take care of her on his own. It also means that if he's not the one who comes out of that room first, he's unconscious or dead." Lucie explained soberly.


  "You know, you would be prettier if you smile more." Nathaniel remarked offhandedly.

  A bullet whizzing near his right ear warned him that it was probably not the smartest thing to say to a woman who was calmly aiming a gun at you.

  "The next one is going through your head if you don't do exactly what I tell you to do, understood?" She warns coldly.

  "Nope, I don't think I will Amanda. You really don't look like an Amanda, can I have your real name at least? It will be easier to talk with you if I have."

  "You really are not afraid of me and you are way calmer than you should be in this situation." She remarked, looking him straight in the eyes. "Is this arrogance or just stupidity?"

  "Do I look stupid?"

  "Well, even after figuring out that I was fake, you still lock yourself in there with a cold stone killer, that's pretty stupid if you ask me. But on the other hand, you managed to get your mother out of harm's way so you deserve some props for that. The CEO asking to see her was fake, right?"


  "I thought I saw a hint of recognition in your eyes when you enter the room but you hide it pretty well. The question I have now is how in the hell do you know me. Few people can recognize me and most of them are not even breathing anymore."

  "I'm going to ask you to lower your gun before I answer that. Come on Ivania, you know what the situation is. If you kill me, you die. If you try to make a run for it, you die." Nathaniel answers seriously.

  "Only four people knew that name and all four of them are dead now! Tell me how the fu**ing hell you know that or I'm going to shoot you until you do." She threatened with agitation.

  Nathaniel did not say anything and just gave her a leveled stare before looking at her gun. The message was simple enough to understand. Lowering her gun and having her questions answered or killing him. For a moment she seemed to really consider the second option but ultimately lowered her gun to the floor.

  "Start talking." She said, seething in anger.

  "Marc Sanchez." Nathaniel answers simply.

  Hearing that name, Ivania forgot her anger immediately and various emotions flicker on her face and in her eyes. They were too many to count but Nathaniel had seen sadness, a tinge of anguish, concern and something he had never seen before on her face, fear.

  "Marc is dead and he would never have said anything about me to a stranger." Ivania said, sitting back down.

  "Yes, he would never have but I wasn't a stranger. He trained me, taught me everything he knew before he passed away. He talks about you, you know? Marc's true love was always his country and the only time he did go against it was when he refused to take your life In Brazil, five years ago."

  "And how much good did it do to him? He was betrayed by the country he loved and died as a result!" She shouted angrily. "I couldn't even take my anger on the man who left him over there to die as he also died in a car crash before I could get to him. That bastard got off easy!"

  "Yeah, who would have thought that someone who took the same road everyday could lose control of his car near that cliff edge like that." Nathaniel remarks, making a point to keep his voice neutral.

  Staring at him long and hard, Ivania finally nodded almost imperceptibly.

  "You know, I could have killed you or left a dozen times already and I didn't. I didn't because the truth is that I don't want you to die. I owe my life to Marc and you were the closest thing to him that resembled family so I refused to kill you but I can't let you go either. I can easily guess for who you are working for and what your mission is here and I can't let you achieve it. I refused to let you harm my family."

  "Wow, pretentious much kid?" Ivania smirk. "Even Marc had trouble facing me in hand to hand c
ombat. Not even mentioning when I have a gun and you have no weapon at all."

  "No weapon?" It was Nathaniel's turn to smirk this time.

  Flicking his wrist, Nathaniel made his two throwing knives appear in his hands, which prompted Ivania to aim her gun right back at him. He then starts doing his trademark trick of making them appear and disappear in turn, going so far at throwing them into the air, hitting each other and then falling back into his hands harmlessly. Once done, he makes them disappear again like they were never here in the first place.

  "Marc didn't teach you that." Ivania said, putting her gun back down.

  "Well, I pick some things on my own." He shrugged.

  "That was cute but it does not solve our problem. You won't kill me but you won't let me out of this room either and if I kill you, I'm dead."

  "You could surrender yourself."

  "And ending up in Guantanamo Prison, being tortured to give every contact I ever had? No thanks, I prefer death." She said, resolutely.

  "I was not talking to the police or the feds. I was talking to myself, personally. I'll treat you fairly that I can promise you and this is the only option that does not end up with either of us dying in this office. I have nothing else to say that you don't already know, just pick one of these options and let's be done with it."

  Chapter 186: :

  Seeing the door starting to open slowly, every conversation died down and almost everyone aimed at it with practice reflex. The only exception was Michael who had to drag away two very unwilling people who wanted to stay here and know what was going on on the other side of that door but Michael knew better. Nathaniel always put his family first and this time was no different, he had gone out of his way to get his mother out of her office, going so far as locking himself up with a very dangerous person to make sure they stayed safe. While he was acting as director of security waiting for Jean to recover from his injuries, Michael knew that Nathaniel had an insane amount of authority in the Lyndon tower, second only to his grandfather who was the CEO. Thinking about it, that was an irresponsible amount of power to give to a teenager and every privileged kid would have abused it by now.

  But Nathaniel never did. In fact he always made a point of talking to anyone that he interacted with with the same degree of respect, even their security personnel. Even if he was respectful, he was also unmoving and rigorous beyond belief, that is why he forced them to increase their training and their strictness in their job. Like he was always repeating, before thinking about protecting the company, they needed to be able to protect themselves.

  "Bryan! James!" Michael called the two guard that he posted on the elevator.

  Hearing their name, the pair made their way quickly from the elevator and looked at Michael expectantly.

  "Secure them, do not let them leave." Michael ordered quickly.

  "Michael, what are you doing? I'm ordering you to let us leave!" Robert shouted, enraged.

  "Michael? I'm not so sure about this…" Bryan starts to say anxiously.

  "I'm going to give you the choice. Secure them here or take it up with Nathaniel later and explain to him why you let his family members get into harm's way. I'm going to strongly advise you to pick the second option."

  Looking at each other with fear and apprehension in their eyes, Bryan and James quickly took position to secure them.

  "What the hell are you doing!? Let us leave or I'm going to fire both of you!"

  "Forgive us sir but this is the best for you and for us."

  "Since when is my own security more afraid of your son than myself?" Robert asked Mary.

  "Sir if I may. Some words start spreading about some things that happen in Italy and Saudi Arabia among us and we all watch the news. I don't know if some of it can be traced back to Nathaniel but I would very much like to not have to figure it out by myself." James answered respectfully.

  "I see. I'm sure that I don't need to stress enough how important it is for these rumors to stay between you right? I would hate to have to call that NDA you all have in your contract into question, do we understand each other?" Robert said in a neutral tone but his eyes promising a whole world of hurt.

  "Yes sir." They both said at the same time.


  Opening the door slowly, Nathaniel got out of the office and faced the people who were aiming their guns at him with an appeasing hand raised. He was surprised to find that Lina, Scott, Lucie and Camilla were also there.

  "It's okay guys, the situation has been resolved for now." Nathaniel said, watching everyone lowering their guns to the floor. "What the hell are you four doing it here? You are supposed to be on leave."

  "I came here to see my dad when you triggered the alarm. I relay the information to everyone, luckily Lucie and Scott were dropping their gear in the tower so they came quickly. Camilla just got here. No news from Jon, Hans and Na-Yung so far, I don't think they saw the text I send them." Lina resumed quickly.

  "Alright. Since you are here, I'm going to use you. Scott, Camilla get in the office and keep an eye on the woman in there. Do not engage in conversation with her because you will be outsmarted. Don't let her come near you at any cost, even if you have to shoot her to prevent her from doing that."

  Nodding, the two of them made their way to the office before closing the door behind them.

  "Good, where is Michael?" Nathaniel asked.

  "I'm here. Glad you alright, I needed to get your mother and grandfather out of here in case of danger. Pretty sure I lost my job by doing that." Michael said with a shake of his head.

  "Not if I have to say something about it, good job Michael. Keep the lockdown on but you can free all security personnel from the floor except the one guarding the entrance and exit." Nathaniel said, while he was busy writing something on a piece of paper he took from the secretary desk.

  "Yes sir." Michael nodded before starting to give orders.

  "Lina, Lucie, start running a complete background check on all of those names. Use every database that we have access to and even some we don't. Tell the others that they don't need to come here, we have the situation under control."

  "Nathaniel, can I ask who all those womens?" Lucie asked, looking at the list.

  "Not who but what. These are all cover identities from the woman that is inside this office."

  "But there are at least fifteen names on that list!" Lina said incredulously.

  "Yes and these are only the ones I know, I suspect they are many more." He nodded.

  "You seem to be well acquainted with that person, what are you looking for exactly?" Lucie asked, looking at him with rapt attention.

  "I expected to die in that room or at least get out of it bloody and against all odds, she chose to surrender. Something changed in her and I want to know what. Find it. Now, excuse me but I need to have a talk with my family before I go in there again. Get me the second you find something."

  Chapter 187: :

  After asking where his family was to Michael, Nathaniel made his way to the elevator spotting them easily in the hallway. Upon seeing him walk in their direction, an expression of relief paints itself on their faces even if his grandfather tried to hide it.

  "Sweetie!" Mary shouted joyfully, running in his direction before embracing him lovingly.

  "I'm sorry I had to lie to you Mom." Nathaniel whispers in her ear.

  "Don't worry I understand." She answers patting his cheek.

  "You have some explaining to do young man." His grandfather butt in.

  "Yes, I know. Bryan, James, thanks for keeping my family safe, knowing my grandfather he didn't even try to stop you from doing your job." Nathaniel said with a smirk in the direction of the two guards who were trying very hard to keep a straight face, his grandfather frowning at him. "You can go back to your post, we are done here."

  "Yes sir." They nodded in unisson before walking away.

  "Let's go into that office just so I can give you a brief recap but I'm warning you to mind what you are
going to say and ask in case we are being listened to."

  Looking at her father for confirmation, Mary voiced her assent.

  "We understand sweetie. Who was that woman?"

  "I can't give you her real name because it would be too dangerous to say it out loud but I can tell you what her real job is. She is the equivalent of Marc except that she's doing it freelance and yes, I'm talking about that Marc." Nathaniel said, putting emphasis on the word 'that'.

  Realizing where the information was coming from, their expressions instantly became guarded and apprehensive. The both of them seem to struggle for a good minute, finding it difficult to find a question without saying too much.

  "Did they know each other?" Mary finally asked.

  "They did, in fact more than that, they had a relationship of sort that was revolving principaly around trying to kill each other and sex. Generally, the second option was the best pick of these two." Nathaniel answered with a grimace.

  "Why would such a woman be here?" His grandfather asked.

  "Grandpa, you should know why better than everyone else in this room." Nathaniel answered, looking pointedly at him until he saw a hint of realisation in his eyes. "I'm sorry but I need to go back to her now. I will tell you everything later at home. I will have a plan ready to tackle this situation by now I hope."

  "Of course sweetie. We also have work to do, that's why I want that woman out of here in the next thirty minutes. We have some important meetings later today and we can't risk having rumors circulating around about the tower not being safe to conduct business."

  "She's right, we will discuss it tonight fully." His grandfather added.

  "I can work with that timeline. I'm going now, I'll see you later. Love you guys." Nathaniel said, kissing his mother cheek before patting his grandfather on the shoulder.


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