Deadly Witch: Cinderella Reimagined with Witches and Angels (Seven Magics Academy Book 4)

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Deadly Witch: Cinderella Reimagined with Witches and Angels (Seven Magics Academy Book 4) Page 2

by RaShelle Workman

  She slumped onto the edge of the bed, her arms crossed, and she was breathing heavily. “What?” she sneered.

  I pulled my chair over so I could sit in front of her. “My name is Cindy Croswell, but you may call me Miss Croswell.” I paused, waiting to see if she would respond. She nodded. Good enough. “I’m a teacher at the Seven Magics Academy, which is where we are.” I looked around the room. “Well, right now we are below it, but close enough.”

  “Why am I here?” she asked quietly.

  “You possess magic.” I debated whether to tell her about her heritage but thought better of it. That could wait until opening ceremony. “Didn’t you wonder how you were able to harm that boy when he tried to hurt you, or fling my friend across the alley?”

  She glanced down at her hands. “I have magic?” she asked in wonder.

  “Yes. By the looks of it, very powerful magic.”

  “But that would make me one of those supernaturals I’ve seen on the news. They’re against the law. I’m against the law.” She began to breathe heavily, and her face crumpled like she would cry.

  “You are a supernatural, and while you might be against the law in the human realm, you are no longer there.” I smiled. “You are in Sharra and you are safe. In fact, here at the Seven Magics Academy, we will teach you how to use your magic.”

  “I’m not on Earth? Are you an alien? Are you going to probe me?” She stood and came closer, studying me as though looking for something otherworldly.

  I closed my eyes so I wouldn’t roll them. Just about every magical hybrid who came here asked the same type of question. “You are still on Earth,” I said, opening my eyes. “Just in a different realm. And no, I am not going to probe you. That’s gross.” I gave her a wry smile, hoping to dispel some of the tension.

  Sera smiled too. “Good.” She went back and sat on the bed. Her face fell. “I didn’t mean to hurt Bucky so bad. I just wanted him to get off me.” Her voice was soft, and she was once again looking at her hands.

  “Hey,” I said tenderly. “I get it. No judgement here. That guy was an asshole for doing what he did. You protected yourself. A little too strongly, but still, it’s what I would’ve done.” I clasped my hands together and rested my elbows on my thighs. “You did good, and now you’re here, I can show you how to control your magic so you can do better.”

  “Okay.” There was still fight in her, but she was ready to talk and listen. I could work with that.

  I went over and picked up my paper and pen. I needed to get as much information about her as possible.

  Chapter 3

  The heavy door creaked open. I glanced over my shoulder, wondering who it could be at this hour. Snow and Coco, whose real name was Pocahontas, entered. Both women were vampires and both of them were exquisitely beautiful. Snow wore a black dress covered in blood red lace. It was tight in the bodice, causing the long skirt to flare out. Since becoming the vampire queen, she went from a total tom boy to always dressed to the nines. A small crown covered in diamonds and rubies adorned her head.

  Coco wore a dress similar to Snow’s in style, but it was midnight blue, the color of her eyes. Her black hair was short against her head, accentuating her strong jawline and red lips.

  “Snow. Coco.” I closed my notebook and sent it back over to my desk with magic while I made my way over.

  “Has our new friend spoken yet?” Coco asked, looking over my shoulder at Sera.

  “She has and I believe after a few more questions and tests, she’ll be ready to join the rest of the students for Monday’s classes.” As I spoke, I hugged Snow. Queen or not, she was still my best friend. Coco and I weren’t necessarily friends, but only because we hardly knew each other.

  “Good.” Coco crossed her arms, lifting her chin.

  “Want to introduce us?” Snow asked.

  I walked over to the cell, Snow and Coco following. Sera looked frightened and I could understand why. Vampires were intimidating by nature. Something about them oozed terror. “It’s okay,” I said, holding out my hands. “This is Snow White, Queen of the Vampires and ruler of all supernaturals.” I stepped aside, pointing at Snow.

  Snow smiled and went toward the cell. “It’s lovely to meet you, Sera.”

  Sera swallowed and tried to smile, but I sensed her fear.

  “And this is Coco Redding. She’s headmistress of SMA.” I pointed to Coco.

  She flashed a bright smile, showing off all of her sharp, white teeth. “Welcome to the Seven Magics Academy, Sera. Please call me Ms. Redding.”

  “Hello,” Sera said quietly. “It’s nice to meet you both.” She kept looking at me and then back at them. If I didn’t know them, I would find them intimidating as well.

  “We’re glad you’re here. Tomorrow, Ms. Redding will introduce you to your roommates and get you set up with uniforms and books for your classes.” Snow’s smile got bigger. “The school is a wonderful place to hone your craft and make life-long friends.” She glanced at Coco and me. “We’re more like a family than a typical student body and we hope you’ll feel comfortable enough to seek one of us out if you have a question or need anything.” Snow looked to Coco.

  Coco looked down her nose at the girl. “I’ll be by tomorrow afternoon to collect you.” It was apparent she wasn’t as ready for Sera to be released as Snow and I were.

  “Okay,” Sera said, wringing her hands. “Thank you,” she added belatedly when Snow and Coco moved back over to the exit.

  Before Snow left, she glanced at me and whispered, “Are we still on for dinner tomorrow evening? There’s something I need to discuss with you.”

  “Wouldn’t miss it,” I said, hugging her again. Our Sunday dinners were the best. It was the only time we got the chance to talk extensively.

  When they were gone, I went back over to Sera. “Let me go over the details for tomorrow and Monday and then we can get you cleaned up and presentable before I do a few more tests.”

  Chapter 4

  By the time Coco came by to get Sera on Sunday, the girl was more than ready to get out of the basement, and I couldn’t blame her. More than once I had to leave her down there alone. Each time I returned, she looked frazzled, though she was no longer dirty. She donned some of my clothes, including a faded pair of jeans and a blue sweatshirt as well as some shoes and socks. Then I used magic to clean her up. Beneath the multiple layers of grime she had long, red naturally curly hair, azure blue eyes and light, freckled skin.

  “Let me know if you need anything,” I said as she followed after Coco.

  Sera nodded, still slightly nervous. “I will. Thanks.”

  When she was gone, I stayed and tidied up the cell, then finished my lessons for the week. By the time I was done, I had to rush to meet Snow for dinner.

  Snow wrinkled her nose when she opened the door. “I didn’t think you were going to make it.” She hugged me and I hugged her back.

  “Wouldn’t miss dinner with the queen.” A quick glance around the finely decorated dining hall revealed Dorian, as well as a little girl. She had black wings on her back and was so cherubic, it hurt a little to look at her. “Hello, Dorian,” I said, going over.

  “Welcome,” he said, taking my hand.

  “Who’s this?” I asked, curious about the girl. She must be another supernatural but what kind? Over the years, I met gargoyles, fairies, and a dragon hybrid, but none of them had wings in human form the way this girl did.

  “I’m Jasmine,” she said, standing on the chair so we were the same height. “What’s your name?” Her eyes were the loveliest shade of lavender and as she looked at me, I thought she might be able to see all the way into my soul.

  “Cindy,” I replied, taking her small outstretched hand. At her touch, a jolt of magic zinged through me like nothing before. The girl seemed to possess more power than any other person, including Snow, and she had been the Seal.

  “It’s lovely to meet you,” Jasmine said.

  “And you,” I replied, awed.
She appeared to be no more than three or four, but she spoke and acted much older.

  “Have a seat.” Snow indicated the chair across from Jasmine, and to the right of her chair at the head of the table.

  I sat as did Snow. For the next several minutes, a flurry of worker vampires brought in our food. Once everything was placed on the table and the glasses filled, the workers left, and we were able to eat and talk in peace.

  I was hungrier than I thought and dove in. The roasted chicken with fingerling potatoes, onions, and carrots covered in gravy was delicious.

  Jasmine gave me a quizzical look. She hadn’t touched her food. “Mommy, is this your best friend?”

  That sent my chewing to a halt and I swallowed. “Mommy?” I looked from the girl to Snow. “Did you adopt her?”

  “Well, not exactly. It’s an interesting stor—” The door to the dining hall flung open.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt,” Coco said. “But I could use Cindy’s assistance.” Her brows furrowed. “You seem to have a connection with Sera and there’s a problem.”


  “It’s after curfew and she and some other students are out in the forest behind the stables.” Her lips pinched together. “Perhaps I wasn’t clear on the rules but I think it would be best if you spoke with them instead of me.”

  “Sure.” I set down my fork.

  “Do you want me to come with you?” Snow asked.

  I shook my head. “Stay with your family. I’ll handle it.” I rose, glancing at Jasmine and Dorian, who smiled kindly. The man put up with me because of my friendship with Snow, but we weren’t ever really close.

  “You positive?” Snow asked, even though it was apparent she wanted to stay.

  “If I can’t handle it, I’ll let you know.”

  “Thanks, Cin.” Snow smiled gratefully.

  I placed my napkin on the table beside my plate and went over to Coco. “Lead the way.”

  Chapter 5

  I followed Coco down the hall, passing a plethora of rooms, and then down a winding set of stairs inside one of the towers. At the bottom, we went through the kitchens and out the back door.

  Darkness overtook me and I paused. Unlike Coco, I couldn’t see in the dark without help. “Lumia,” I whispered, and a ball of light appeared, lighting the way. Coco was already farther down the path than I expected, and I quickened my pace until I was beside her. “Where are they?” I asked, doing my best to contain my unease.

  “Back this way. I saw magic lighting the night on my way back from my ride.” She sped up and I jogged beside her to keep up with her long legs.

  I touched Coco’s arm. “Don’t worry. I know where I’m going now. Go ahead and get the things done you need to. Tomorrow is your busiest day of the year.”

  She stopped. “Excellent. Thank you, Miss Croswell. Cindy.” A wisp of a smile formed on her lips.


  “Will you let me know what was going on when you finish up?”

  “Yes, I’ll meet you in your office.”

  “I would appreciate that.” She turned and went back the way we came.

  I made my way to the barn before skirting around it and coming to the back. I searched a moment to find them. They were beyond the barn and inside the forest. Candles were lit in a seven-pointed star and seven students sat inside, around a fire. “Merde.” I extinguished my light and headed toward them. They were chanting something. Even without hearing what they said, I knew this magic was stronger and more complex than any taught at the school. The very air crackled with power.

  As I came closer, I saw Sera was in charge of the group. That surprised me. It had only been a few hours since she was introduced to her roommates. Apparently, she knew more about her magic than she first let on.

  My worry turned to panic. What was she doing? As soon as I entered the forest, Sera looked up. Flames from the fire danced in her eyes and her cruel expression changed to surprise. “She’s here,” Sera said. “Just like I promised.”

  The others, all of them looking terrified, turned. When they saw me, they looked like they wanted to run, but couldn’t. “It’s going to be okay,” I said delicately. Then to Sera, “What are you doing?”

  A look of panic crossed Sera’s face as well before her eyes rolled back inside her head and were replaced with twin pools of red, like blood. “Sera isn’t here right now. I am Mizrabel, a sorceress from the land of Polonias. This child, with her longing for friends and for power, was easy to coerce into wakening me. Now everyone in the land will pay, especially you. Come for me, if you dare, and we will see who is meant to rule the land.” The voice, which sounded nothing like Sera’s, cackled and was gone.

  The fire went out and we were immediately bathed in darkness. “Lumia,” I said quickly.

  Around me the students were crying or whispering nervously. Sera moaned, her knees buckling as she began to fall forward.

  “Deleria soproth,” I said fiercely to stop Sera from tumbling into the hot embers of the snuffed out fire.

  “We’re so sorry,” Kaylan said from my right.

  “We didn’t know this would happen, Miss Croswell. We thought this was just going to be a fun séance,” Kimberly added.

  I gave them a stern look. “It’s after curfew. Get back to your rooms. We will talk about this later.” I worked to keep my voice steady, though concern built a well in my stomach, making me sick. The kids scattered, hurrying back in the direction of the dormitories.

  Sera tried to move, but I continued to hold her with my magic.

  “I didn’t know this would happen,” she said. “I swear.”

  I gritted my teeth. “Let’s go. We’ll discuss it in Ms. Redding’s office.” I released her before taking her by the arm.

  We walked back to the castle, which Snow turned into the Seven Magics Academy, and straight to Coco’s office. When we entered, a look of relief crossed Ms. Redding’s face, but it lasted only moments.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “Sit,” I ordered Sera.

  When the girl was situated, I sat as well, but stayed on the edge of my chair, in case she or this Mizrabel tried anything again. “It seems Sera here was coerced by a sorceress called Mizrabel to perform a séance and waken her.” I turned to Sera. “Start from the beginning and tell us what happened.”

  The girl nodded, her teeth chattering. “Ms. Redding introduced me to my roommates, Kaylan and Kimberly as well as the others. Kaylan and Kimberly are really nice. We got to talking about spells and being a witch. They were bragging about what they could do, and I felt stupid.” Her hands clenched together in fists. “The last week or so I’ve been hearing Mizrabel’s voice in my head, telling me to do things, and so I told Kaylan and Kimberly about it. They said we should do a séance and that I would have to lead since she was in my head. They got some of their friends together and we went into the forest.” She swallowed. “You saw the rest.”

  I shook my head. “Why didn’t you tell me about the voice when you first arrived yesterday?”

  Tears filled her eyes. It was obvious she was really sorry. “I was embarrassed and thought it was nothing.”

  “It’s obviously something,” Coco said stiffly.

  Sera nodded. “I know that now and I’m really sorry.”

  I took a tissue from Coco’s desk and handed it to the sniffling girl. “Is there anything else you’ve neglected to share with us?”

  “No.” She blew her nose. “I promise, you know everything I know, now.”

  “Very well, but there must be a consequence for your actions tonight,” Coco said.

  Sera hung her head. “I understand.”

  “You will write a two-page paper on the reasons why what you did was a bad idea.”

  “Okay.” Relief filled Sera’s eyes.

  “Have it finished and bring it to me by tomorrow night. Understood?” Coco looked down her nose at the girl. She was really good at looking the part of headmistress.

“Yes, ma’am.”

  “Good, now get back to your room. Do not stop for any reason whatsoever or I’ll add to your consequences.” Coco gave the girl a tight smile. “Goodnight, Sera Coggs.”

  Sera left and I looked at Coco. “Do you think she’s telling the truth?” I asked.

  Coco raised her eyebrows. “Let us hope,” she replied.

  Chapter 6

  Curfew was eight o’clock during the school year. Students didn’t have to be in bed, but they did have to be on their floor. With vampires and other predatory supernaturals roaming the land of Sharra and the castle, it was a precaution most students adhered to.

  As I made my way back up to Snow’s floor, I thought about what Mizrabel said. She dared me to go after her. Why? Who was I to her. The words shook me though, no doubt about it, and I needed to discuss what happened with Snow.

  The worker vampire known as Dina opened the door leading to Snow’s floor. “Thank you,” I said, my thoughts still on Sera and Mizrabel, and I shook my head. Something about Sera wasn’t quite right, but I didn’t know why I felt that way. I would keep an eye on her.

  Snow closed one of the doors, standing in the hall. “Hey,” I called, waving.

  She put a finger to her lips. “Hey,” she said in a whisper.

  That’s when I remembered Jasmine. Snow and I had a lot to talk about.

  “I was just on my way to find you. What happened? Anything I need to be concerned about?” She took my hand.

  “Yes. Can we go somewhere to talk?” I studied Snow’s strange eyes. They were changed from blue to grayish lavender since becoming the Seal. We talked at length about whether she was still the Seal or not. The amulet did what it was meant to do, so it stood to reason the power from the Seal was gone. There was no way to know for certain without talking to the Unknowns, but we had no way to find them.

  Snow led me into their living room. “Have a seat. Are you hungry?”


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