Bear: A Dark Shifter Romance

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Bear: A Dark Shifter Romance Page 4

by Delta James

  She said nothing and again his hand smacked her ass in a painful manner.

  “I asked you a question, little girl, am I clear? When I ask you a question, I want an answer.”

  “Yes, you’re clear. But what do you want me to call you?”

  “The people who were indigenous to this area all called me Bear or Great Bear. Many of the trappers called me that as well due to my size.”

  She shook her head. “What did your mother call you?” she asked curiously.

  “Cade. Cade Devereaux.”

  Her eyes widened. “The mountain man they talk about in the legends? The one whose chimney is a monument to the Spirit of the Bear? Of course, that makes perfect sense.”

  “Halley,” he interrupted her. “We can talk more once we are safe. Get your things together. We must leave.”

  “Where will we go?”

  “To my home in the mountains. You will be safe there.”

  “I can’t just disappear.”

  “You can and you will. Put some clothes on and I’ll put some of your things in that bag I’ve seen you carry.”

  He began to rummage through her things, taking some and putting them with the clothes he meant to pack and discarding others. She noticed that the things he was taking were practical and well-suited to be in the wilderness. The one exception was when he found her reenactment clothing that included two pairs of period bloomers as well as two chemises, petticoats, and a corset. She wasn’t overly surprised when he added them to her things. After all, he wouldn’t necessarily know about modern women’s underthings.


  “Halley, if I have to tell you again, I will do it while I spank that pretty red bottom of yours. I would think, little girl, that I had given you a sufficient amount of discipline that you’d be inclined to mind me. If not, I can remedy that. Is that what you need me to do?”

  She shook her head. “No, Cade. Do I need to take food supplies and something to purify water?”

  “No. I will provide that for you. We have things to cook with and a comfortable bed. I will provide for you and keep you safe.”


  “Halley, that’s enough.”

  He closed her satchel as she finished tying her favorite hiking boots. He stuck out his hand, clearly expecting her to take it.

  “Halley,” he said warningly.

  She sighed. “All right,” she said as she put her hand in his.

  Halley got a warm feeling as his hand closed around hers and couldn’t decide if she liked it or not.

  Chapter Four

  Halley persuaded him to let her park her truck out of sight. They then proceeded to hike into the forest. Cade set a good pace, but Halley was in shape and had little trouble keeping up with him. She offered to carry her things; he declined her offer. They walked for what seemed like hours. She estimated their speed to be somewhere around four miles per hour.

  Cade stopped as they started to ascend a difficult trail and allowed her to catch her breath.

  “How far do you figure we’ve hiked?” she asked conversationally.

  “I’d guess about twenty-five miles.”

  “How much further do we have to go?”

  “We should be at the cave by nightfall.”

  “You live in a cave?”

  He smiled. “I am comfortable there. It is hidden and provides me with all I need. Since I have been awakened so long, I have added to my once meager way of life. I have a cook stove and a large fireplace that will keep us warm. There is plenty of running water,” he laughed, “and I’ve been able to fashion a bathroom with a sink, a hand-controlled shower, and even a functional toilet. I also traded for a large copper bathtub that I put in front of the fire when I want to soak. I tried each time I awoke to learn how the world had changed around me. There are things that have improved and others that haven’t. I have no electricity, but I believe you will be comfortable. But more importantly, I will keep you safe. Come along.”

  Halley watched him start up the narrow trail... if you could call it that. It looked like even the most sure-footed mountain goat would have trouble ascending. Cade looked back at her and offered her his hand. She very much doubted she could outrun him. Best if she went with him and waited for her chance to get away and return to her life. If those boys from Chicago thought they were going to build their casino, they had another thought coming.

  Just as the sun was beginning to set and the light was fading from the sky, they finally made it about halfway up the cliff when Cade started toward the rushing waters of the waterfall. She tried to hang back, but he tugged on her hand, urging her forward. He ducked behind the curtain of water and into a tunnel that was not large enough for him to stand upright. He held onto her hand and led her into the darkness. She grasped his large hand in both of hers and stayed close. She was concerned that one wrong step would cause her to topple off the narrow ledge and be crushed and/or drowned by the tumbling torrent of water that was so close. The sound was almost deafening.

  She saw Cade stand up as the tunnel got larger as it led away from the water. Halley was glad to get away from the surging power and noise. He struck a match, lit a lantern, and then lit various other nonelectrical devices. The light revealed a large cavern that he had comfortably appointed as his home. There was an enormous bed that looked comfortable, what might have once been an iron crib converted into a loveseat, several chairs, a harvest table that looked hand-built, a dresser and wardrobe, a good size wood-burning stove, and a magnificent fireplace complete with hand-hewn hearth and a swinging pot hook.

  “The bathroom is at the back. There isn’t a door, but you can’t really see in there from in here. If you want, I can hang a blanket for privacy,” he offered.

  “No, that’s fine. I think privacy went out the window last night. You built all of this yourself?” she asked as she ran her hands over the surfaces.

  “I had tools and collected things as I needed them. It isn’t fancy, but it serves its purpose.”

  She turned to look at him. “You know I can’t stay here.”

  “You will stay as long as there is danger. When it is safe, we will talk about how to proceed.”

  “Unless those developers are stopped, it will never be safe for me down there. I have a job, Cade. If I disappear, people will come looking for me.”

  “Let them look, Halley. I have stayed hidden for more than two centuries. Those men in their high-dollar suits from back east will never come this far into the wilderness.”

  “But if they get their plan approved, there’s no telling how much habitat they will destroy and how far they will encroach. At some point, someone is going to find you.”

  “We will deal with that when we have to. Until I tell you differently, you will stay here with me where I can keep you safe.”

  Halley shook her head. “There’s no reasoning with you. As I said, I truly appreciate all you did for me last night, but come tomorrow morning, I’m going home.”

  “And if you try to leave this place without my permission, the spanking I gave you earlier today will seem like a pleasant memory.”

  “You sonofabitch,” she snarled.

  He moved much faster than she thought a man of his size should be able to. He had crossed the distance between them and had hold of her hair as he took her back to the bath. He pressed her against the stone slab that held a basin as he pumped water into it. He lathered up his hand and used the other to pry open her mouth and keep it open as he soaped the inside of her cheeks, tongue, and teeth.

  When he was done and she was sputtering bubbles, he pulled her by her hair until he was sitting on the bed. He quickly unfastened her jeans and pulled both them and the lace panties she had on underneath them down past her knees. Before Halley could form any kind of defense, she found herself summarily upended over his hard thigh as the other one trapped her legs between them. One strong hand held her upper body down on the bed as the other collided with her still sore bottom, causing her to
cry out.

  Cade began to spank her again. Halley could not believe he was doing this for the second time to her. He rhythmically and steadily covered her backside with blow after stinging blow. She wasn’t able to keep from crying for nearly as long as she had earlier in the day. And the worst part was that her arousal was even quicker to kick into high gear.

  His hand landed targeted swats to her behind before it worked its way down to the juncture of her bottom and her legs. He delivered several well aimed smacks to that sensitive spot, which produced a howl in response before he continued down and punished the backs of her thighs as well.

  “Cade, please. I won’t do it again.”

  All she wanted was for him to stop before her pussy started leaking out onto his leg. She could feel his erection building beneath her. Who was she trying to fool? What she really wanted was for him to stop beating her ass and start fucking her again. Nothing had ever felt more right than the feeling that had come over her when Cade had mounted her and taken her to places she’d only read about in romance novels. But this wasn’t fiction and he certainly wasn’t what most considered a hero. Finally, he stopped spanking her.

  “Have you learned your lesson?” he asked.

  “Yes. I said I won’t do it again.”

  “See that you don’t.”

  Cade’s hand slipped between her thighs. She held her breath as she thought he might be going to offer her a bit of relief from the delicious ache she could feel between her legs. He let her stand up but didn’t relinquish his hold on her. He searched the back of the cavern.

  “What are you looking for?” she asked.

  “A corner. I found it was helpful with Emilia if after I was done spanking her, she had to stand in the corner with her bloomers pulled down and her petticoat tucked into her waistband.”

  He smiled as if remembering something pleasant. He walked her over to a place between the desk and the bed.

  “This will have to do. You stand here until I tell you that you can leave this space.”

  “I will do no such thing,” she said defiantly.

  He swatted her behind, which resulted in her yelping as she stumbled forward.

  “You will, or you’ll go back over my knee until you think you can. What’ll it be, Halley?”

  “You...” She didn’t want to swear again as the soap had been nasty. And she sure as hell couldn’t stand to be spanked any more. “I’ll do it.”

  He patted her behind affectionately but it still caused her to inhale sharply. Halley reached for her jeans and panties, but Cade stayed her hand.

  “No, once I’ve pulled them down, they stay down until I pull them back up... or off completely.”

  Halley started to make a scathing retort but the look on his face made her reconsider. Silently she shuffled over to the place he had directed her and turned to face him. She would be damned if she was going to present her ass for him to ogle.

  It was difficult to read the look on his face. He smiled broadly, but there was a predatory gleam in his eye.

  “First, little girl, when I send you over to what will be your corner, you face it and put your bottom on display for me to admire.” He held up his hand and clucked his tongue at her to forestall her argument. “Second, you should know that showing me that pretty patch of hair that covers your nether region is probably not the best idea. The idea of fucking you again has a great deal of appeal. Turn around and face the wall, Halley.”

  Halley couldn’t help the blush that quickly covered her face as she turned toward the wall. She was overcome with emotions. She was tired, she was in pain, she was horny, and it was finally hitting her that those men had meant, at best, to rape her and more than likely rape and kill her. She leaned against the wall and started to cry. Not the great, gulping sobs she had made earlier in the day when he was spanking her, but from everything as it crashed in all around her.

  She didn’t hear Cade approach her as pulled her away from the wall and swung her up in his arms. He sat back down on the bed and Halley began to struggle.

  “There, there, little girl, it’ll be all right. I’m just going to hold you in my lap and let you cry it out of your system.”

  He wrapped his arms around her and began to rock her, offering her his comfort and strength. Halley wailed in response before succumbing to his reassurance. He made soft, soothing noises and simply allowed her to release all the tension she had been holding in all day. When she finally quieted, he stopped.


  She nodded. “Yes, thank you. I’m not sure why I fell apart like that.”

  “You’ve had a long day after an even longer night. I think it’s time we got ready for bed. You’ll need to find something soft for your blistered bottom.”

  “Aren’t you going to apologize to me?” she asked.

  “I’ve done nothing to apologize for. In fact, little girl, I ought to make you apologize to me. When was the last time you had a man in your life who made you mind him?”

  “That would be... uhm, never...”

  He chuckled. “I guess that explains some of your unruly behavior. No matter. I will expect you to behave yourself and obey me. When you don’t, you can expect to get your bottom spanked and be put in the corner.”

  “Why, you...” she started.

  “Halley. Do you need to spend some more time facing the wall?”

  “No,” she said sullenly.

  “Watch your tone, little girl. I’m about done with you and your disrespect. Why don’t you stand up and I’ll get you something to wear to bed?”

  Thinking she would shock him, she replied, “I sleep in the nude.”

  “I know. I saw you the other night out on the deck. You’ve a beautiful body any man would be glad to have underneath him. But you will wear something to bed. Up you go,” he said as he helped her up.

  He walked over to her satchel and withdrew one of the chemises and a pair of bloomers and handed them to her.

  “I only wear those under my period clothing when I participate in reenactments.”

  “Here, you will wear them to sleep in. They will be soft on your punished backside. You can go in the bathroom to change if you like. But you bring me your clothing and shoes.” He laughed at the face she made. “What? I wasn’t supposed to figure out you were planning to head back to your grandmother’s house?”

  “I really don’t like you,” she spat at him as she walked away trying to maintain as much of her dignity as she could with her jeans and panties still down around her knees and her bright red fanny on display.

  When she returned, he calmly held out his hand and she gave him her clothing and shoes.

  “Good girl. Now go get into bed.”

  “Where are you planning to sleep?” she asked, all too aware of what the answer would be.

  “We’ve only the one bed, Halley. I’ll be damned if I’m going to sleep on the floor. But not to worry, your virtue is safe with me. At least for tonight. By the way, you look very nice in your underthings,” he added with a grin.

  “Don’t get any funny ideas. I have no interest in a man who thinks he can just beat me whenever he wants.”

  “I didn’t beat you. I spanked your bottom when you misbehaved. And I’ll do it again the next time you misbehave and the time after that and the time after that.”

  “Do you think you’re going to be able to keep me here that long?”

  He grinned. “I think, little girl, I will keep you here as long as I have to in order to keep you safe. I also think there’s very little chance that you will behave. So, until you get it through your pretty little head that you will mind me, when you don’t, there will be consequences.”

  “You jerk.”

  He laughed. “And as for you not having any interest, your reaction when I fucked you last night and the wet spot on my pants from when I had you in my lap tells me different. Now go get into bed.”

  “You...” she sputtered.

  “Halley, I am not going to repe
at myself. You get your tail into bed before I decide to pull those bloomers down and rewarm your fanny before you go to sleep.”

  She knew at this point there was nothing to be gained by arguing with him. She’d have to bide her time until she had a chance to get away.

  * * *

  Cade watched her crawl into bed and smiled. It had been a very long time since he’d had the soft comfort of a woman sleeping beside him. He knew full well that Halley Jordan had a lot of soft comfort to offer. He grabbed a clean union suit and changed into it. There had been a time when the thought of a woman seeing him in his union suit with a hard-on would have caused him some concern. But those days were long past.

  He walked around the cavern, blowing out the lanterns and candles. Sitting down on the other side of the bed, he got in beside her.

  “Good night, Halley.”

  “Not so far,” she sniped.

  He reached under the covers and smacked her ass again. She yelped and shot up out of the bed.

  “Get back into bed, Halley. It’s been a long night and we both need to get some sleep.”

  “I don’t want to sleep in the same bed with you. If you’ll give me some extra blankets, I’ll just make a pallet on the floor by the fire.”

  “No. You’ll get back into this bed and go to sleep.”

  “I don’t want to and I’m not going to.”

  “For such an intelligent woman, it sure does take a lot to get some simple facts through your head. You are not the one who gives the orders around here. You’re the one who follows them. When you don’t, I’ll punish you until you decide you can. Get back in this bed. If I have to come get you, your ass will pay the price for your defiant attitude.”

  He watched as Halley used the light remaining from the lantern by the bed to read his face and the level of determination he knew she would see there.

  “I hate you,” she said as she got back into bed.

  He chuckled. “Those stiff nipples and the gathering dew between your legs say different.”

  Halley said nothing, but settled onto her side of the bed.

  Even as a man, Cade had found that most of his senses were a lot sharper than they had been before. He sniffed and could smell her arousal. Knowing that she was as aroused as he was did nothing to ease the ache of his completely erect cock. He was tempted to pull her to him and get back between her legs.


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