Bear: A Dark Shifter Romance

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Bear: A Dark Shifter Romance Page 12

by Delta James

  Cade leaned down and kissed the nape of her neck. “You stay right here. You aren’t to move.”

  She nodded, only partially aware of what he was saying. She heard the sink faucet in the bath again and heard him return. She’d always assumed that mountain men hadn’t valued cleanliness; perhaps others didn’t, but Cade seemed to and she was glad of it. She felt him gently clean her before returning to the bath and the water running again.

  “All right, you can get up,” he said, joining her. “You get into bed and crawl over to the other side.”

  “I sleep on this side.”

  “How quickly you seem to have forgotten that you will do as you’re told.”

  “No, Cade, I didn’t. It’s just that this is the side I’ve always slept on and when we were up in the cavern, I slept on this same side.”

  “And here in this room, it is the side closest to the door someone would most likely come through were we to be attacked. I will sleep between it and you.”

  Halley wasn’t sure why, but there was something about the fact that he wanted to be between her and danger that touched her deeply. She crawled up on the bed and got beneath the covers on the other side. Cade removed his clothing and joined her in their bed, lying on his back. He reached over for the leather thong.

  “Do I need this?” he asked.

  It was a simple question but they both knew the answer, while still simple, would also be a profound shift in the dynamic of their relationship. Halley snuggled herself against his side, laying her head on his shoulder and throwing her arm across his torso.

  “No, Cade, I’ll be here when you reach for me in the morning.”

  He replaced the binding on the nightstand and drew her even closer. He kissed her forehead and was fast asleep within moments. Halley smiled. She wanted to feel resentful or angry or anything other than blissfully happy, but couldn’t find it in her heart to do so. She gave up trying and shut her eyes, knowing that she was safe with a man who cared deeply for her.

  Chapter Fourteen

  They had only been asleep for a couple of hours when Halley was awakened by Cade, but not in the way he usually did and that she had come to like so well. Instead of being pulled under him or up on her knees in front of him for him to fuck, he clasped his hand over her mouth indicating she should be silent.

  “I think there’s someone in the house. Do you know how to use the handgun?” he whispered.

  She nodded. “Cade, we can call the authorities.”

  “Your phone is downstairs.”

  “There’s one hard-wired in the bath. There’s also a shotgun up here under the bed. I forgot about it the other night, but was reminded when I saw the ammunition in the dresser earlier today.”

  “Fine. You get the handgun and go into the bath and lock that door. You make your phone call. Do not come out until I tell you to.”


  “Halley, don’t argue with me. Just be a good girl and do it. I’ll take the shotgun and go out to see if I can get behind them. I need to know you’re safe. You shoot first and ask questions later if anyone but me comes through that door. Can you do that?”

  “Yes. I’ll do it. I don’t like it, but I’ll do it.”

  He kissed her hard. “Good girl. Go,” he said as he handed her the gun.

  “I love you,” she whispered as she kissed him back before doing as he had asked her.

  Halley took one last look at him as he pulled on his buckskins, got the shotgun and the ammo. Closing the door, she said a prayer that whatever power had kept him safe up until now would continue to do so. Quietly she accessed the phone close to the shower and called 9-1-1, letting them know her location and that there were intruders in the house.

  * * *

  Cade watched her close the door and heard it lock as he loaded the shotgun and grabbed all of the shells, putting them in his pockets. He fastened his knife in its scabbard to his pants. He had put Halley in the bath partially because it gave her another sold oak door between her and those who meant to take her from him and also because the window did not allow for as easy an access as did the French doors and the windows in the bedroom.

  He moved silently and peeked behind the curtains. Two vehicles. That meant a larger group than they had dealt with the night they met. He meant to stay human if at all possible as he knew Halley was calling for help. Of all the modern inventions since his birth, he thought the telephone might be the best.

  Cade took one of the chairs from the seating area of the bedroom and wedged it under the handles of the locked French doors. He checked to see if anyone was on the roof anywhere close to the bedroom, and seeing no one, opened it and climbed out. Cade made his way along the roofline, making no noise whatsoever. He flattened himself on his belly and looked all along the edge. They’d left lookouts this time, but not strategically placed them.

  He dropped onto the man stationed outside the kitchen door, knocking him to the ground and out cold. He considered slitting his throat to ensure his silence, but felt with authorities coming it was better to leave them alive if he could. He opened the root cellar and slid the downed man inside. Cade glanced around the corner and saw another of the men headed his way. He waited until he was in position, grabbed the man and brought the hilt of his knife down hard on his temple. He pulled him around to the root cellar so he could join his comrade. Cade locked the root cellar. If they woke, they might raise an alarm but they wouldn’t be able to aid any further in the attack.

  Cade had counted nine men. Two were down, that left seven to deal with. He entered the house through the kitchen. The door to the basement, which was separate from the root cellar, was open and he could hear someone down there. Again, he waited and as the man emerged, Cade recognized him as the only survivor from the first night. Cade knocked him unconscious as well without the man ever seeing his face. He let the body slip down the stairs as he closed and locked the door. Six left.

  He crept into the great room; he could see one by the front door and hear two more headed up the steps. He knew he had to silence the one by the door before taking on the two that were a more immediate threat to Halley. He was fairly sure the two locked oak doors between them and her would keep her safe enough to allow him the time he needed. Cade smiled grimly to himself. He also felt certain that should they make it through the door, Halley was quite willing and able to use the gun to defend herself.

  Cade was about to enter the great room to use the shadows to his advantage when he heard sirens in the distance.

  “Shit! They must have heard us! I hear sirens!” the man at the door called.

  The two goons who had been headed up the stairs came rushing back down.

  “We gotta go,” said the taller one as the three rushed out the door calling to their colleagues.

  “Where’s Bobby, George, and Cal?”

  “No idea. Those sirens are getting close. We need to get out of here.”

  Cade stood just inside the door, shotgun at the ready. He could see several vehicles with flashing lights heading down the road. Bobby and George must be the two in the root cellar. He’d seen their faces and neither was the man Halley referred to as Just Cal. Cade would surrender the other two to the authorities, but planned to have a conversation with Just Cal. If he and Halley were going to fight these people, there were things he was sure that Just Cal could tell them.

  The other men piled into the two vehicles and took off with their headlights off, heading across the open land to avoid being captured. Three patrol vehicles, led by Charlie, pulled up to the house and parked in a fan-like formation. Cade leaned the shotgun against the wall just inside the door and stepped out with his hands over his head.

  “Wait a minute, guys,” said Charlie. “That’s Cade—Halley’s fiancé. Cade, everything all right?”

  “No, we had some uninvited visitors. Two of them are locked in the root cellar around back. The others left across the land here for the road on the side of the property. Charlie, can you h
andle this and let me go upstairs to get Halley. I left her locked in the bathroom.”

  “Sure, Cade.” Charlie turned to the other officers. “Why don’t we grab those guys from the cellar and send them back to town with Barney. Then the rest of you go after the others. Let’s see if we can’t get them all. I’ll call Kaye. She’s going to want to know Halley’s all right and she can give me a lift home.”

  “Sure thing, Charlie. You go on home with Kaye. We’ll get the paperwork that needs doing on these two done tonight. You get Halley and Cade’s statements, and we can finish up in the morning,” said the man Cade assumed was the sheriff.

  “That sound good to you, Cade?” asked Charlie.

  “Sure,” he said turning as he went up the stairs to Halley. He used the key to unlock the bedroom door and then knocked on the one into the bath. “Halley, it’s safe. You can come out.”

  She opened the door and threw herself into Cade’s arms.

  “You’re all right? You’re not hurt? What happened?”

  “I’m fine; I’m not injured. I knocked out three of them. I told the authorities about the two in the root cellar. Just Cal is out cold in the basement. If we can, I’d prefer he remain our guest until I have a chance to talk with him.”

  “Sounds good. How do we get rid of the cops?”

  “That may be the fly in the ointment. Charlie is downstairs and Kaye is on her way. If Just Cal comes to and makes noise, we may have to give him up.”

  “Won’t that cause trouble for you?”

  Cade grinned. “No. I’m pretty damned sure Charlie would understand. In fact, I’m not sure he wouldn’t help me question him.” He ran his hand down her back and fondled her behind. “As much as I like you naked, you need to put on something and come downstairs.”

  * * *

  Halley shooed him down the stairs. She pulled on a pair of jeans, wincing as she zipped them up. She’d have to remember to be more mindful on what she was going to wear after she’d been spanked. She shook her head and wondered when that had begun to feel normal to her. She didn’t question that it would happen again as she knew she’d never be able, or even willing, to obey Cade at all times. She also knew that each and every time she chose not to, that he would put her over his knee and blister her butt. The man was nothing if not consistent.

  She crept down the stairs and managed to avoid being seen by either Charlie or Cade as they stood out on the porch waiting for Kaye. Halley had put the handgun in the waistband of her jeans and pulled her sweater down over it. She had also brought the leather thong and one of her grandfather’s handkerchiefs with her. She quietly opened the kitchen drawer and got the turkey baster, removing the heavy rubber bulb that was used to draw up juices and pour them back over the bird as it cooked. Halley quickly filled the bulb with rice to form a sort of hard bulb, and then went down into the basement.

  Just Cal was still out cold. Halley bound his hands behind his back and secured him to the post at the foot of the stairs. She then inserted the filled basting bulb into his mouth and secured that with the handkerchief. She looked down at him and smiled at her resulting homemade ball gag. Halley returned to the kitchen, put the gun in the drawer, grabbed a couple of beers, and joined the men.

  “Hey, boys! Anybody thirsty?” she said.

  “Thanks, Hal, but I’m on duty. Cade, you feel free,” said Charlie.

  “Don’t mind if I do,” he said, taking the bottle and shooting Halley a questioning look. “Are you sure you’re alright, sweetheart?”

  “I’m fine. Everything is just fine. I made sure everything was secure in the kitchen area and then thought we could all use a beer. I can save this one for Kaye. It’s such a lovely night, why don’t we just sit out here on the porch?”

  The men agreed and Halley ushered them outside, pulling the door closed behind them. Cade sat down in one of the large rocking chairs, pulling Halley into his lap, causing Halley to wince as her backside made contact with his muscular thighs. Cade and Halley gave their statements to Charlie.

  Halley’s earlier grimace hadn’t gone unnoticed by Charlie, who had only grinned at Cade, but wisely said nothing. Halley started to struggle to get up, but Cade’s warning growl reminded her he wasn’t likely to be in any kind of mood to put up with anything that even resembled disobedience. Unfortunately, she was figuring out that having Charlie as a witness really wouldn’t be a deterrent to Cade.

  “It’s a good thing Kaye is turning down the driveway or I’d give both of you a good tongue lashing,” said Halley with a bit of snark in her voice.

  “I would think, sweetheart, given the state of your poor bottom, you’d want to avoid getting punished again tonight,” admonished Cade gently.

  Charlie laughed. “Sometimes, it’s like they just can’t help themselves. You know, Cade, I’m glad you’re here with Halley and that I know you can keep her safe and relatively out of trouble.”

  Cade nodded. “I’m afraid there are instances where that is a full-time job.”

  Kaye pulled up and jumped out of her Jeep, running up to the porch. Charlie caught her around the waist and kissed her, wrapping her in his arms. “I hear that. This one can be a handful when she forgets who’s boss.”

  “Charlie!” Kaye said, clearly outraged.

  “Don’t worry about it, Kaye,” said Halley. “I’m stuck with the same sort of Neanderthal as you.”

  “Really? Oh, God, you have no idea how happy I am. No, wait, that’s not what I mean... I mean happy that I don’t have to feel like I have to keep anything from you,” Kaye said, blushing.

  “What it really means,” offered Halley, “is that we can conspire against them.”

  “Yes,” drawled Cade, “and then we can compare notes on the best ways to keep you two mindful about doing as you’re told.”

  Charlie nodded. “I find a hairbrush can bring home a lesson so that she doesn’t forget it for quite a while.”

  “I have a razor strap that seems to have made an impression on my Halley,” agreed Cade.

  “Kaye? We are officially over as friends. The last thing either of us needs is these two giving each other ideas.”

  “But we’ll see each other on the sly, right?” said Kaye, grinning at her old friend.

  Both men shook their heads.

  “Cade, we may want to make a rule that they are not allowed out together for any length of time without supervision.”

  Cade chuckled. “At this point, Halley is under strict supervision until further notice.”

  The mood turned suddenly serious as all four remembered why they were gathered on the front porch.

  “You two going to be all right?” asked Charlie soberly. “I can arrange for you to stay someplace else. Hell, you can stay with Kaye and me if you want.”

  “I think we’ll be fine,” answered Cade. “They know we’re expecting them and that we won’t be easily caught unaware.” He hugged Halley close. “When did your friend say the security system would be up and running?”

  “Before nightfall tomorrow. I’m afraid Cade made it clear it needed to be sooner rather than later.”

  “Good for him,” said Kaye.

  “Well, I’ve got everything I need for the report. You’ll have to come by the office sometime tomorrow to sign your statements. I’ll let you know if we caught up with the others. If we didn’t, I’ll keep you appraised.”

  Finally, Cade allowed Halley to stand and did so as well. He extended his hand to Charlie as Kaye and Halley hugged.

  “Thanks for coming when we called,” said Halley.

  “Any time,” answered Charlie. “You know, if it weren’t for Cade being here with you and my knowing he has you well in hand, you wouldn’t be staying out here.”

  “And Halley appreciates that, don’t you, Halley?” prodded Cade, once again running his hand lightly down her flank.

  She sighed. “Yes. I’m very grateful you came and with a real show of force. I personally think we’ve seen the last of them.”

/>   “I hope you’re right,” offered Kaye.

  Halley and Cade both waved as Kaye and Charlie got into her Jeep and headed for home.

  “So how did you keep Just Cal quiet?” asked Cade.

  Halley smiled. “I used that nifty leather binding of yours and tied him to the staircase railing. Then I gagged the sucker so he couldn’t make a sound.”

  “Language, Halley,” he warned.

  “Well, he can’t,” she responded as they walked into the kitchen and down into the basement.

  Just Cal was awake and clearly terrified of being alone with the two of them.

  Cade grinned as he pulled his knife from its scabbard. “Nicely done, sweetheart.”

  “Thank you. Perhaps we ought to go outside and call for the Spirit of the Bear. He can mark the other side of Just Cal’s face to match. Would you like to have a matching scar? They say symmetry is beautiful.”

  She untied his gag.

  “Please, no. What do you want? I’ll do anything. I don’t want to die,” he pleaded as he peed himself.

  “Who is it that’s behind this project and the attacks on Halley?” asked Cade.

  “And why is it so important to them that it be here?” She looked to Cade. “There has to be an underlying reason. The land they have borders on a lot of state and federally protected land and there are several known species that are on the endangered list. Even if they get this development approved, they have no room to grow.”

  “Your grandmother said that she had seen surveyors out here for several years. Would they be doing that just for something like they’re proposing?”

  Halley shook her head. “No. That doesn’t make sense at all. They must have found something they want to hide—their casino is a smokescreen. So, Just Cal, what are they really after?”


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