Grand Design

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Grand Design Page 3

by Matthew Bullis

  “We need to get to the museum. The old ultrasonic weapons there can help us. Have you had any problems with EMP?”

  “No, not since our sniper took him out, the staff holding the device was destroyed. But our heavy equipment has all been destroyed and the Adlit forces are overwhelming.” The whining and sonic booms of projectiles pass their heads.

  “Lieutenant, stay here, I’m going to try to outflank them. If I succeed, I need you to push your way up taking cover where you can.” The Colonel turns to the Queen, “You need to be here, you're our symbol of hope. The men need to know you’re with them. Just be careful, inexperienced courage is useless in the face of educated shoot.”

  “I’ll do what I can.” She said gripping her side arm to her chest.

  The Colonel smiled, “It’s an honor your highness.” then moved his way around the building with his group.

  For a moment she felt alone, then she looked up to see many looking at her. They were looking to her for leadership and moral. She could not show her true feeling lest it spread to her men. She began to crawl to each of them men touching and greeting each one. Where she could she looked each one in the eyes and acknowledged each individual. This gave them men renewed drive.

  Minutes later shooting began on the side of the Adlit position. The Colonel succeeded. The Lieutenant gave the signal and the men went over the barrier and took position behind whatever they could find, pushing their way forward. Olivia found herself pushing forward with advance and firing her weapon between moments of sheer panic. She was near hyperventilation, but she gathered the strength to jump out to the next spot. Each spot closer the shooting was more fierce and the flying debris was thicker, a rocket hit the wall behind her head and she let out a scream. She quickly gained her composure and caught back up with her men.

  Finally they reached their target as the fighting turned hand to hand. The last of the Adlit was slain and the men let out a sigh of relief. But they looked back their Queen is on the ground.

  “The Queen’s been shot, get a medic over here!” The Lieutenant and Colonel look over her while the medic worked on her. They had a look of concern. Her shoulder was hurt and the medic had to bandage and sling it up so she could not move it.

  She opened her eyes and looked at the soldiers. Each had a look of fear and hopelessness. “What are you all looking at?” She looked at them all in their eyes, “Get me up!” The medic and Colonel helped her to her feet. “The look on your faces, have you lost hope? Am I the symbol for which you fight? Then what do I fight for? My family died in the civil war when the Adlit invaded. At first I wanted revenge. As time passed I became hopeful that there would be peace. But then rockets came, every night over and over.” She stumbled around. “Hope for peace turned to that of revenge again. Our children fear for their lives that these animals will take them in the night. What do I fight for? I fight for our children, and our freedom from fear! Fight not for me, fight for your community and your kingdom. Cowards die many times before their deaths, The valiant never taste of death but once. (Shakespeare)

  “I was told I was rotten with hate and that revenge would make me dig my own grave. I say dig one for all of us. Let us be buried on these sacred grounds. But let not one Adlit body desecrate it! Enough of this!” She turned “I press forward to meet the enemy, let them feel my wrath as I slay them. Who follows me?” No one hesitates, all are committed on those words.

  They gain ground faster than before, each group of Adlit Militia were no longer a problem but a challenge. After they find a pair of military lifters they fly them and land on the museum roof. But the Adlit surrounding the museum created more than a challenge. There were hundreds of them surrounding the building and they all just watched them land.

  “Assuming all the equipment we need is still in working order, how do we get it out.” Asked the Lieutenant.

  They all look at the lifter, and the Queen answers, “Ride of the Valkyrie. We’ll hang the ultrasonic weapon on the supports of the lifter.”

  “Now all we have to do is secure the building and get it up here.” said the Lieutenant, “I got this one Colonel. My men are trained for this.” He runs back and pulls his men together. “Your highness, do you have an idea of where it is?”

  “I think it was in the back right section.” she answered.

  The soldiers get in a circle and place a large ring down on the roof. Each one grabs a rope and they detonate a hole in the roof. The first Group goes down and creates a parameter, followed by a second group to back them up. Several of the first close any doors and secure them before lighting up the room.

  “We’re not going to have long guys, lets get this thing and get out of here!” they fan out with their lights. “Colonel, move the lifter over the hole and secure the rope to the undercarriage.” the Lieutenant said over the communicator.

  “GOT IT” said a soldier pushing the ultrasonic generator to the middle of the floor. They all gather around and tie the rope the generator and then to themselves. The Adlit finally lose all their patients and start firing through the walls and the doors.

  “It’s secure and we’re secure, get us out of here!” The lifter moves off the roof and picks them all off with it. The lieutenant turns on the generator and a wave of ultrasonic sound can be heard for miles.

  The Adlit fall to the ground in agony. The Queen looks out onto the ground, “They’re no longer able to fight, with luck the Lomen Army is able to fight back and take back the city. But I doubt this is enough to push them completely back.”

  “Your Highness, I’ve got word that the Meeran fleet has arrived with help!”

  Meeran fighter ships swarm around providing her cover. “Just in time to pull our asses out of the fire.” She says in disgust. “Maybe my husband will crawl out of whatever hole he’s hiding in.”

  The Meeran ships land and massive amount of troops supplies and heavy machinery arrive. The Lomen troops are pushed aside as the highly trained and well supplied Meeran take over.

  Later that morning the King returned to his castle, to greet his brother. The chambers are damaged by the surrounding battles. His personal advisors and security are all ready in the building as he walks in to his throne. They bow as he walks by as is customary. “Allow my brother, Jacob in.”

  Jacob enters the chambers and walks to the king to the sound of clapping in gratitude. Terrence’s general leans in to whisper, “Careful he may become more popular than you on Lomen.”

  Jacob stops, takes a breath, “I knew you’d try something like this. That’s why I had to send my ships to help you.” he sighed and looked around “What a mess, if you weren’t my brother, I'd leave you to this madness you created.”

  “I must acknowledge your contribution to our cause, but I did this for our own honor.”

  “Your wife was instrumental in turning the tide of battle. If the capital had fallen before we got here...”

  “Her Royal Highness!” Said the guard as Queen Olivia entered.

  As she walked by the bows were a little deeper and longer. Their eyes looks on with admiration. After she passed they began to clap and holler.

  Jacob turned to his brother, “She has won what you have lost, if you don’t take advantage of this, she will.”

  “Indeed.” said the shadowed voice.

  Chapter 3

  Cleo - Home of the Trade Union

  A field trip from the local Trade school bring children to the Trade Union Government Administration building for a tour of fun and learning. Several men in sharp business suits escort them in the door to the auditorium. A large holographic picture displays an image of the CEO Douglas Randell.

  “Welcome children to the Trade Union Government Administration building.” He said in a exciting voice “Here you will learn all things on how the government runs. From education policies to trade security. You’ll learn how you can contribute to the corporation and become a valuable shareholder. But first lets talk a little about the Trade Union Gove
rnment’s history and how it came to be.

  “Around 350 years ago under the democratically elected government of Cleo, the Trade Union was formed to protect worker rights and enforce fair trade policies.” Although the Union’s policies were never fair, they’d never admit it. “The Union soon covered government employees and insured fair pay and treatment for centuries. The elected government soon toppled under enormous debt and gross mismanagement. When that happened the Union stepped in.

  “Under Union control, the debt was paid off, and the planet prospered. Twenty-five year ago the Union petitioned for membership in the empire. As a requirement, the judicial system was restored and the legislative government was split into two houses. The Representatives of the People and the Board of Directors. All laws must pass both houses before going to the CEO to be signed into law.


  Bianca’s shuttle slides into the atmosphere over the planet Cleo hardly being noticed. The home world of the trade Union is very busy. She quickly gains clearance and lands your shuttle slightly less elegantly than the chancellors. She was not a born pilot even though she took advantage of every opportunity to fly.

  As she exited the shuttle CEO Randell and his very muscular bodyguard came out to greet her. “Greetings Bianca, we would have sent an escort but we are quite busy. Your brothers are scaring many of our clients and they want their goods sooner than later.”

  “Of course Doug. Hello Dorky.” She said taunting the bodyguard.

  “Gorky...” he grunted back

  “Whatever...” she waved her hand back, “Have you given my proposal any thought.” They began walking to the terminal door.

  “I have read it, but I think you already know your answer. Otherwise why would you have come all this way but to lobby my political rivals?”

  “Well I guess that’s why you’re the CEO. You are correct, I’ve already made arrangements for a party tonight, and I’ve invited them all. You’re welcome to come if you wish.”

  “I will make my arguments in the boardroom.” He opens the terminal door for her.

  They go inside and the door shuts. But she was not alone on the ship. Another woman exits, but she’s not in professional attire but in dark military. And she does not leave through the terminal door but through the maintenance door. No ID needed, she slid into a restroom and came out a different person. Dressed in full business attire.

  She takes a hover taxi to the capitol building, gives the driver a tip and walks to the entrance. The security is tight, but she had all the ID she needed to get in. Sliding into the halls she found a corner where she could stand and watch. She spots a group of children go by and behind them is her target.

  She bumps into him and falls to the floor.

  “I’m sorry ma’am,” He reaches down to help her up, “I must not have seen you coming.” He said meeting her eyes.

  “Oh, it’s my fault, this place is so confusing. I’m hopelessly lost.” See said giving the helpless female stereotype, immediately disarming him of all suspicion.

  “Let me help, who do you work for?”

  She strokes her hair. “I’m part of the lobby committee, with MBQ corporation. This is my first time on Cleo.” Always mix lies with the truth. It will make things easier to explain later.

  “Well you need to go up one floor and you can follow the signs from the lobby. The Lobbyist hall should be marked.”

  “Thanks.” She said but not moving.

  “Hey Ah, maybe we can get together later. Ms Bianca Lanner is having a party tonight would you like to come? It’ll impress the others to have you on my arm.”

  “Yeah, that would be great, Mr...?”

  “Christopher Atlas” He did a slight bow without leaving her eyes.

  “I’m Lilith Gardner.” She smiled and shied away slightly. “Here’s my card, if you don’t call me by 4 then I’ll make other plans.” She start to walk to the elevator.

  “I’ll be sure to do that.” He watches her walk away. She turns back for a quick smile and enters the elevator.

  When Christopher reached his office he took his jacket off and noticed something strange in his pocket. He pulled his security badge out of his pocket. “I’ve never put my badge in this pocket.” He looked puzzled. “Well, at least I didn’t lose it.”

  Lilith didn’t go to the Lobbyist Hall, she hid out once again and changed to a whole new look. This time she took to the streets. Down to those dangerous areas where you should not go alone. It was still day but the underworld was buried so deep that the sun light could not reach it. Soon she was followed.

  “It’s about time I got your attention.” She said but no one came out, “Little old me by myself, what are you afraid of?”

  The figures come out of the darkness, “What’s your game girl, did you turn the wrong way? Or are you after something more serious?”

  “Oh I’m after something much more serious then you honey. Be a nice boy and take me to the kingpin. I have a business deal to offer.”

  “Do your business with us, if we like it we’ll tell him. If not, we’ll do something a little more fun.” He eyed her.

  “Sad, pathetic thing, I’m going to have to hurt you. No hard feelings.” She taunted them.

  “Taker her!” the three men attack and quickly find they’re up against a highly trained secret agent. They punched and kicked wherever they could, but found that every one they throw, she threw four. Her fighting style was like a fine dance, well practiced and one step ahead of every move they made. She had the ringleader in an arm lock, “Stop stop, we are no match for your cunning or skill. But the kingpin sees no one. He’s a very private man.”

  “Tell him it’s Tempest from Meeran.”

  “Tempest?” the man bowed out of fear. “You’ve been gone a very long time.”

  “I have been working off world. Now where’s Kingpin holding up these days?”

  “Don’t worry, I take you to him,” he turns to walk “This way, this way.” They walk through door after confusing door and hallway after hallway. But she did not get confused or concerned. This was the Kingpin’s MO. He always found the most confusing place to get to but had the most direct escape route. She expects that it would be open to the sky but hard to access and she was right. The evening sun shone down upon here and standing in front was the Kingpin.

  “Tempest, I never expected to see you again.” Kingpin raises hand. “Privacy please.” Everyone else leaves the room and hits on his poor man’s throne.

  “Nor have I, how is mother?” She knew better than to bring business up first.

  “She misses you, as do I. But we knew you had to make your own way.”

  “I wish I handled that differently.”

  “As do I. You’re working for the Meeran government, right?”

  “Not officially. I’m not even here officially. I got in trouble, I ended up with a life debt.”

  “Your current employers are making everyone nervous. Shaking up the empire. Their vendetta against the Adlit is going to make a mess of things... But at least they like humans, heh?” The mood is calm and quiet. “I got word from Meeran that there is celebration everywhere. Too bad we’re left to starve.”

  She takes a deep breath. “I’m here to change that, but I need your help. We’re trying to get a vote of no confidence with the CEO. But first we need to shake things up a bit. I have access to weapons, all that you need.”

  “Cleo is the world of greed. I’m sure all this comes at a price.”

  She nods, “I need you to do it tomorrow.”

  “What? With an opportunity like this, we should plan and take full advantage of all possibilities. They have no idea we will have these weapons. After we make a move they know what we have.”

  “I after something else. They call it the AMCU.”

  “Wow an acronym. No doubt from the military, they love acronyms.”

  “They didn’t explain very much, I know what it looks like and where it’s at and it’s my mission
to get it. I need to get in the vault in warehouse one.”

  “Oh, the Vault and I thought it was going to be hard.” He said sarcastically, ”That place is so tight, the local news has a ghost stories page about it. Hell, they say an old Guardian is in there. How do you think your getting in there?”

  “I have the key.”



  Later that night was Bianca’s grand party. All the Representatives and Chairmen were invited. Some were subtle on their arrival and others were flamboyant.

  Christopher walks in with Lilith on his arms, dressed up and fashionable. They check in their coats and he again finds his security card in the wrong pocket. “This is becoming a habit. I need to keep track of this.”

  “Chris, welcome.” yells out Bianca walking towards him. “Well, well who’s this beauty?”

  “Well Bianca this is Lilith. Lilith is a lobbyist.”

  Bianca leaned in and gives her a peck on the cheek. “Well Lilith, it’s nice to meet you. If you break his heart I’ll have to kill you.” She said with a smile. She noticed the next couple coming in. “Oh, Sherman how are you, thank you for coming.” She looks to the woman next to him and seems surprised, “Abby...? I’m sorry, you look like someone I know. But you’re much younger.”


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